Going through a shared ordeal is a great way to bond.

This is common to both the magical and non-magical worlds.

Especially for those new students who have just stepped into Hogwarts.

When they first arrived, they didn’t have that strong sense of belonging to their own college. After all, you can’t expect a student who was just assigned to Gryffindor last night to shout arrogantly on the first day of military training. :

“I was born a Gryffindor, and I die a Gryffindor! I swear to be incompatible with the inherently evil Slytherin!”

Thanks to the hardships they have endured in military training over the past month, the first-year freshmen do not have much sense of belonging to each other’s colleges for the time being. Even Slytherin and Gryffindor, who are old enemies, have become Therefore

, in the first Potions class that morning, Snape saw such a scene that surprised him a little – what should have been along the center line of the Potions classroom was clearly divided into Gryffindor and Slytherin students from the two camps, in this year’s potions class, are like a chessboard with the battle half over, with black and white stones intertwined with each other.

No, it is not accurate to say the battle situation.

After all, these The little brats all seem to get along very well with each other, and there is no sense of tit-for-tat between the two houses like in previous years.

Weird things happen every year, and there have been a lot of weird things in Hogwarts since Noah entered the school..Now

Snape is used to this.

No matter what changes occur in Hogwarts, the eerie old bat still has the same terrifying paralyzed face that can stop a baby from crying in an instant.

The low pressure emanating from his body hovered over the Potions classroom, weighing heavily on the hearts of every student sitting in the classroom, as if an invisible big hand had squeezed their hearts tightly..

No student in the classroom dared to take a big breath.

They all heard about the deeds of this terrifying potions professor from the seniors.

This devil professor was able to stand firm when the seniors were unstable. They were ruthless people who imprisoned their bodies with a petrification spell when they were in the pose, and did not break the spell for them until they completed the set training goals. It’s just…

It’s not that Professor Snape is teaching magic offense to senior students now. Defense class?

Why did he appear here!

This is the first-year Potions class!

No warrior dared to question Snape face to face, and every new student could only wail loudly in his heart.

Especially this. It was those freshmen who had the misfortune to be assigned to Gryffindor. During the military training some time ago, they had a lot of opportunities to ask their seniors for advice. They had already inquired about the various courses at Hogwarts and should pay attention to them. matters.

Among them, the freshmen of Gryffindor were especially warned not to think about any chance of scoring in Snape’s classes.

Whether it is magic offense and defense, or potions class.

Anyone with a good character It was impossible for Lanffindor to get even one or two points from Snape. As long as he prayed that he would not be deducted, or only be deducted one or two points that were not painful or unpleasant, it would already be his. It was Merlin who blessed me.

Take potions class as an example.

Each of Snape’s potions classes instructs them to brew different potions.

Poor Gryffindor little lions, if there are no steps for preparing potions If there were any mistakes, the entire operation process was done perfectly, and the quality of the potion brewed in the end was also quite good.

But the highest praise he could get from Snape was that Snape just took one look and then nodded. Turn around and leave without looking back, without saying a word of criticism.

This is on the premise that a pot of perfect potion has been brewed.

And if the little lions of Gryffindor show up in the configuration operation of the potion If you make a mistake, it will be tragic.

The spooky old bat Snape will definitely arrive in the next second, point at the messy potion in the cauldron, and keep spraying venom at the poor little lion.

“Is your head filled with swill? Even the dumbest troll is smarter than you!”

“Are your eyes just a device and can’t understand the cooking steps I wrote on the blackboard? If your eyes are no longer needed, you can donate them to people in need!”

“Five points from Gryffindor!”

What will happen at that time is probably such a situation.

Even if there are no errors in the configuration of the potion, there are some small details that are not done properly. For example, in terms of controlling the heat, even if the fire is turned off late Then the quality of the potion would be slightly inferior in ten seconds, which would also attract Snape’s criticism.

“Do you think that making a potion is just a matter of throwing these ingredients into a crucible in order and simmering them?”

“This pot of stuff you cooked is not called a potion, it should be called a pot of shit!”

“Three points from Gryffindor!”

And potions classes are usually conducted in pairs. If you brew the potion yourself, but your classmates make mistakes, you will also face deductions.

“Why don’t you remind the classmates around you to prevent them from making such mistakes?”

“Can other people’s failures make your operations more successful and dazzling?”

“One point deducted from Gryffindor!”

But if you remind me aloud, then another situation will arise.

“No whispering or whispering in my class, two points from Gryffindor!”

In addition to various points deductions that may be faced in potion configuration, there is also a typical point deduction link, which is the old bat’s favorite classroom question.

The most classic one is that the savior classmate faced in the potions class last year three questions about death

“Damn, what do I get if I add narcissus root powder to mugwort infusion?”

“I don’t know, sir.”

As expected, Gryffindor will be deducted points.

Even if Potter answers the correct answer, narcissus root powder and wormwood can be mixed together to make a very powerful sleeping potion, Snape will find out the various answers. Various reasons to deduct points from Gryffindor

“If you stand up before answering next time, you will lose a point from Gryffindor.”

In addition to professors asking students questions, students also have to actively ask their own questions in class. Of course, there is a premise here that Snape cannot ask questions about the knowledge points that Snape has already mentioned.

Otherwise , If so, Snape would catch the person who asked the question and spray him with venom again,”I have already mentioned the answer to this question in the lecture just now. If you have problems with your ears, I suggest you go to the school doctor’s office to see Snape.” Mrs. Frey look.”

Although Snape will not be stingy about telling this question again in the end, of course, points will be deducted. But if the students are as quiet as puppets throughout the class, Snape will They will also find the right angle to deduct their Gryffindor points.

“Not a single question? Have you learned everything I said?”

Following this, all the students sitting in the classroom will be looked at by Snape one by one. If the color and smell of the final product are not as good as what is recorded in the textbook, then Snape will Pu will activate his poisonous tongue skills again and deduct points from Gryffindor.

In short, no matter what Gryffindor students do, they cannot avoid deducting points.

Unless the students of the entire Gryffindor House, one by one, Not only did everyone have the same level of potions as Snape, but they also had to be at least a high-level potion master.

When faced with the potion formulas given by Snape, every student finally brewed them. Potions must reach the highest level that can no longer be improved.

Moreover, some innovative and novel questions must be asked to Snape in class that are not part of the teaching content of this class.

Only in this way can 100% avoid Points were deducted by Snape.

Some Gryffindor students immediately slapped the table and stood up after hearing what their senior said,”If we have such a strong level, why do we need a Potions teacher!””

Fortunately, this year’s Potions… fucking Potions!

Why the hell did Severus Snape come to teach them!

(We will stop updating novels on this site, move to our new site: https://novelsknight.com////)

These cute first-year newcomers don’t know that Snape The reason why Pu appears here is inseparable from a certain evil born evil Shaflin kid.

Last year, when Noah was taking over for Snape, he pioneered the various ways of Muggles. Kitchen utensils were introduced into the Potions class, and students throughout Hogwarts began to follow suit.

Now the tools they use to cut potion materials are no longer the less useful silver tools of the past. Instead of a quality knife, you can use a variety of thick kitchen knives, whether it is magic plants that are easier to cut, or some materials with higher hardness such as dried snake teeth.

If you simply need to mash the snake teeth, you only need to use The extremely thick blade of the kitchen knife was smashed upwards like garlic, and the dried snake teeth became tiny pieces that met the requirements. This year, before the class officially started, these first-grade kids But they were forced to be self-reliant when they were trying to survive in the wilderness of the Forbidden Forest.

These first-year students, who had never had anything to do with their lives at home, had no way to enter the dangerous Forbidden Forest to hunt like the senior students. The only thing they can do when they stay in the camp is to help the seniors who are one year above them prepare meals in the camp.

Other than that, there are only some simple farm work around the camp. Some vegetables were grown on the reclaimed wasteland to add a touch of green to their three meals a day.

The latter was the basis of the Herbology class. What Snape wanted to know more was that since boiling potions was related to a certain extent, Making delicious soup has the same purpose.

So how will the performance of this group of first-year students who already have some cooking experience after going through military training compare with those of previous freshmen in their first potions class? What kind of difference?

That’s why Snape appeared in the first potions class of the first-year students.

Before starting the classic opening remarks, Snape picked up the roll call book on the podium.

It was obviously just A simple roll call, a small roll call, made Snape look like the Death Note, as if every name recorded on it would send them to the pure land of the underworld.

Every time Snape read When you hear a name, if this name represents a Gryffindor student, then there will be a little wizard’s body trembling violently under the podium.

“You are here to learn the precise science and exacting craft of potion making.……”

Snape’s opening remarks were still the same old-fashioned words. It seemed that he had said this to every new student in the past ten years of teaching Potions.

The difference was that since a certain savior classmate was not here, Snape did not immediately launch an offensive against the Gryffindor students after reading his clichéd opening remarks.

Instead, with a wave of the magic wand, the entire configuration process of the scabies treatment potion was clearly displayed on the giant blackboard at the front of the classroom.

Every step and link, even down to the specific processing methods of the potion materials, how many times the potion needs to be stirred during the cooking process, and what changes will occur after each step is completed… on the blackboard The writing on the blackboard is much more detailed than last year when Noah and his class first came into contact with Potions.

Step by step, almost as long as a literate person honestly follows the steps on the blackboard, he can cook a perfect pot of scabies potion.

“In this class, you have only one task, which is to boil a pot of medicine to treat scabies before the end of get out of class.”

Snape’s cold and ruthless voice echoed in the dark and damp underground classroom,”At the end of class, I will use magic on each of you to make scabies grow on your body.”

“At that time, you will need to use the scabies treatment potion you brewed to treat yourself. If any student fails to prepare the potion successfully,……”

At this point, Snape snorted coldly and did not say the next words.

The students naturally understood what he meant.

This made the first graders tremble even more fiercely, almost hugging each other and screaming.

Of course, fear alone is completely useless.

Under the threat of a curse, no matter how reluctant these little wizards were, they could only silently close their mouths and start preparing the potion to treat scabies.

Fortunately, Snape’s writing on the blackboard is detailed enough. If you follow the configuration process on the blackboard completely, it is not too difficult.

When all the students in the classroom entered the operating mode, Snape began dragging his big black robe that fell to the floor as usual and walked between each seat, looking at these stupid trolls. How clumsily he would use the kitchen knife to cut the potion materials, and how he would hurriedly adjust the flame under the crucible.

But what surprised Snape was that although this group of students was only exposed to the preparation of potions for the first time, their methods of handling potion materials still seemed a little raw and immature.

But at least they won’t make the stupid mistake that students always made in the past, stupidly putting their fingers under the kitchen knife.

When lighting a fire, the flame will not be large or small due to uneven input of magic power.

In the process of brewing potions, especially those that take dozens of days or even months, it is simply impossible for a potion master to stay next to the crucible and maintain the flame spell..

Therefore, a fire-making spell solidified on the potion test bench has become an auxiliary prop that potion masters must equip. The size of the flame is completely adjusted accurately by the magic power input by the wizard.

In previous years, this group of first-year wizards who had just entered the school always failed to control the heat accurately, causing the potion materials cooked in the crucible to lose their original effectiveness, or causing some worse chemical reactions.

Like… art is explosion, drink!

But this year’s group of freshmen at Hogwarts did not have this problem. Even if their control of the heat was not precise enough for the time being, they would not deviate too much and cause some destructive effects on the potions.

This made Snape feel very satisfied.

After watching these students finish cooking the slugs, no fool directly reached into the porcelain plate containing the slugs in the steamer and which was constantly emitting high-temperature steam. Instead, they put on the dragon’s Then remove the leather gloves.

Although Snape’s face didn’t show any expression fluctuations, a full twenty minutes had passed since the beginning of class, and he hadn’t even deducted a single point, which proved that he was in a good mood now..

After briefly looking around the classroom, even Snape’s iceberg face couldn’t help but melt a little, even though the corners of his mouth didn’t have any upward curves.

But as long as any bold student dares to look up at their Potions Professor, he will be surprised to find that there seems to be a trace of… a smile on their Potions Professor’s face?

This is an illusion! Absolutely a hallucination!

He must have been struck by another god!

It seems that during the one-month military training, these first-year freshmen spent more than half a month wielding spoons in the camp. Such a cooking exercise was quite good for them to master the potion configuration. Effective.

At least judging from the results, that’s the case.

In previous years, the number of newly admitted students who could complete the entire process of boiling scabies potion in their first Potions class was less than 20% of the total number of students in the class even at the best of times.

And this is when two people work together to brew the potion.

But this year, even when Snape did not ask them to work in pairs to complete the potion brewing, they actually achieved a 100% completion rate when working independently.

In addition to this astonishing 100% completion rate, these configured potions… were patrolling the classroom, and Snape’s eyes swept across the cauldron in front of each student.

Judging from the intoxicating smell of rotten cabbage-like medicine emanating from these crucibles and the final color of the decoctions, these potions are all finished products that have the effect of curing scabies.

Not some shit that was randomly stewed in a crucible.

Such a degree of completion is extremely astonishing.

The Potions class at Hogwarts wastes potion materials to an astonishing degree. Those clumsy little devils use a lot of potion materials in every class, especially those in the middle and upper grades. Their teaching process usually involves many precious potion materials.

But in each class, the yield rate of the potions they finally brewed was usually less than 20%. That is to say, when there were fifty students in a class, only ten students succeeded in brewing them. Less than.

Among these ten people, there must be at least seven people. The magic potion they brew can only be regarded as a magic potion. It can only have a little effect and can completely fall into the category of defective products.

This stuff is more like poison than magic potion.

There are only a pitiful three potions that can really work.

But this time, Snape was really shocked by the 100% potion passing rate.

Although the success this time is at least 90% related to his much more detailed writing on the blackboard than in previous years, as well as the special training that the first-year students received in the Forbidden Forest some time ago.

But this is amazing enough.

After taking a deep look at the bunch of brats in front of him, Snape’s eyes flashed with approval.

“Your potions have all been completed quite well, so I’ll let you go for the time being.”

“Now, get out of class is over!”

Without casting a spell on the students, Snape just left the classroom, leaving only a room full of students looking at each other in disbelief.

Did they… escape a hero?

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