This year’s freshmen seem to be exceptionally good.

Not only is the 100% completion rate that has never been seen in Potions class, but perhaps because the training of magical postures improves students’ control over their own magic, so in the two practical subjects of Transfiguration and Charms, In class, the performance of freshmen far exceeded the average level of previous years.

In the Transfiguration class in previous years, at the end of the first period, if only a few students could successfully change the matches in their hands, it was considered to have exceeded the predetermined teaching goal.

But this year was unusual. More than half of the students in the class were still a pile of wood at the end of the course, although many of them failed to change the nature of the match.

But they had succeeded in transforming the match into the prototype of an embroidery needle.

The outstanding ones among them have completed a complete transformation process.

When Professor McGonagall heard the report, she had an expression of disbelief.

In addition to Transfiguration, the new students’ behavior in Charms class was equally outrageous.

In the past, Professor Flitwick would spend more than a month not teaching the new students how to cast any spells when they first came into contact with the study of spells, but only teaching them how to recite the spells correctly. How to move your arms.

After the freshmen have completed the two most basic studies, almost before Halloween, he will let the students try to learn their first spell-the levitation spell.

Instead of like now, in the first spell class for freshmen, after simply introducing the levitating spell, the students are directly told to start trying to levitate the feathers in front of them.

This outrageous teaching method looks like teaching the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to primary school students who have just graduated from kindergarten to primary school and whose understanding of mathematics is still limited to adding and subtracting with their fingers.

Then write a linear equation of one variable on the blackboard and tell them that the question they want to solve in this lesson is this question.

But the most outrageous thing is!

These students actually fucking figured it out!

Although their calculation process may be strange.

For example, the original floating spell should be performed by waving the wand according to specific gestures when casting the spell, and supplemented by the correct pronunciation of the spell. This is like answering a question according to a specific idea, and finally getting the answer to the question.

This is also how traditional wizards cast spells.

For this group of freshmen who have better control over their own magic power after undergoing magic posture training, their solution method is more like knowing the answer in advance, and then based on the conditions given in the question, Reverse the calculation process.

The magic power existing in their bodies produced a floating effect on the feathers under the command of their will.

During the process of magic taking effect, their magic will automatically operate in a certain way according to the final floating effect.

Magic that is extremely idealistic completely ignores the role of spells and gestures in it.

So much so that when Professor Flitwick returned to his office in the west tower of the castle, he met a few first-year wizards in the corridor, floating their heavy schoolbags to the next class while silently casting spells. of class location.

His eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

What’s happening here?

Could it be that he just went home for a summer vacation and couldn’t keep up with the speed of the Wizarding World version update?

Has silent spellcasting now become the standard requirement for first-year wizards when they enter school?

In the first grade, he dared to cast spells silently. In the second grade, he dared to cast spells without a wand. In the third grade, he was able to master and use Avada chain lightning proficiently!

The only professor who was not shocked by these first-year brats was Professor Binns, whose teaching methods had never changed in the past thousand years. wrong.

When the History of Magic has become an elective course for students in third grade and above, this stubborn old ghost professor who has no idea how to adapt is still, as usual, accurately stuck on the point when the bell rings. Floating over the wall into the History of Magic classroom.

Looking at the empty classroom, Professor Binns was stunned.

But because the body had been lost for too long, Professor Binns, who had no brain and could not talk about brain bending, still dutifully opened the textbook in his hand that was as illusory as his body and began to face the sky. The lecture started in an empty classroom.

The class with a better situation is the herbal medicine class.

Although during the wilderness survival challenge in the Forbidden Forest, in order to be self-sufficient in green vegetables, the students at Hogwarts opened up a relatively small field around the camp.

But no matter how much they open up wasteland, when it comes to the herbal medicine class, the most feedback they can get from military training is that they become more proficient in wielding a hoe.

At least it won’t happen like this, where a student who is eager to express himself goes down with a hoe and injures his own foot.


When the teaching at Hogwarts officially got on track, Noah, who had been busy for a month, was finally able to get away from the extremely complicated school affairs and start studying another thing that he had put aside for a long time. matter – the reconstruction of the Kama Taj Shrine.

Over the past year and more, with the strong support of its sister unit S.H.I.E.L.D., Karma Taj has built a magic temple in London, and relied on this magic temple as the core of the magic circle to build a A super giant magic circle with a radiation range that could cover the entire London was created, but this was not enough for Noah.

Since the London Temple was not built on a super-large magic node, the current location was simply chosen because it was once a safe house for Lord Shafrin.

Simply to save trouble, Noah built the current London Temple on Oxford Street, where people come and go.

Since it does not rely on any magic node and does not have any special features in the location of the London Temple, no matter how hard Noah tries, the magic circle built by the London Temple can only cover It’s looming over London.

But it was impossible to expand the entire magic circle to the extent that it could cover the British Isles or even most of Europe, as Noah originally expected.

Since they couldn’t find a suitable location to build a temple for a while, and there were no stowaways continuing to wander into the world at this stage, the matter was shelved by Noah.

Until one day, after he got back the purified Ravenclaw diadem from Snape, a thousand-year-old elf named Otsutsuki Rowena Ravenclaw, who acted like an old man of Six Paths, suddenly gave Noah to him. Pulled into a place called trance.

Then tell him, the organization, no, the Big Four have decided that you will inherit Hogwarts.

When the magic contract rune representing the ownership of Hogwarts appeared in front of Master Shafrin, Noah was a little confused.

At that time, he was just a freshman who had just stepped into Hogwarts. How could he suddenly become the owner of Hogwarts Castle?

He wanted to say that he should hire someone else, but he was not being modest.

But the conditions offered by Ravenclaw were too much for him to refuse. The place where Hogwarts Castle is located is one of only three super giant magic nodes in the world, and this is what Noah has always dreamed of. A perfect place to build a temple.

Relying on the super-powerful magic power hidden in the earth’s veins, Noah can expand the magic circle to the extent that it can cover the entire Europe and most of the Atlantic Ocean.

But there is a saying that goes well. All the”gifts” of fate have actually been priced secretly.

Ravenclaw, an old goblin who had guarded the trance dreamland for thousands of years as a soul, suddenly appeared in front of him one day and said that he had a free KFC luxury lunch to give him.

For Shafrin, who is suspicious by nature, this is obviously a very nonsense thing.

“So, Rowena, at what cost?”

Of course it is impossible for Ravenclaw to tell Noah that the price he has to pay is all of this, as a certain Yonzu Wu Gul’dan clearly told Grom Hellscream. Knowing the risks and rewards, as a naturally cautious villain, Noah could not accept Ravenclaw’s gift so naively.

So he chose to let Lu Wei bear all this for him.

After all, the life of a three-headed dog is not precious.

Lu Wei roared:”The life of a three-headed dog is also a life!””

After spending a leisurely day in a completely relaxed fishing life, which was regarded as a rare vacation for himself, Noah finally decided to recall Lu Wei, who he had sent to SHIELD to learn foreign languages.


After lunch time on this day, at the main entrance of Hogwarts Castle, two figures, one tall and one short, stood on the top of the tallest astronomy tower of Hogwarts Castle.

Both of them looked like they were looking into the distance, staring intently at the Forbidden Forest in the distance, as if something would appear in the sky connecting the distance and the horizon.

Hagrid, who had been staring into the distance for a long time and was called out by Noah out of nowhere, finally couldn’t help but speak and broke the silence on the astronomy tower.

“Noah, why did you ask me to come out with you?”

Noah turned his head slightly and looked at the big man next to him,”Haven’t you not seen Lu Wei for a long time?”

“Lu Wei?”

When he heard this name, Hagrid was stunned for a few seconds. It took a few seconds for this scumbag to finally remember that Lu Wei was a three-headed dog he had raised.

“Ah hahahaha.” Scratching his head to cover up his embarrassment, Hagrid grinned, but the laughter sounded somewhat guilty.

“Lu Wei, I really haven’t seen it for a long time. I almost miss it.”

The hybrid giant waved his arms in an exaggerated manner,”You mean, Lu Wei is coming back soon, right?”

Looking at the mixed-race scum in front of him with exaggerated acting skills, no, a mixed-race giant, Noah tugged at the corner of his mouth with a stiff expression,”Actually, you have forgotten Lu Wei, right?

Before Hagrid could speak, Noah raised his arms,”Don’t deny it!” Denial is sophistry! You heartless guy!”

For this big, round pot, a Chimaera egg was recently confiscated from a certain Slytherin student. The hybrid giant who was all immersed in hatching the egg did seem to be very guilty..Obviously he is a sturdy man over three meters tall, but when faced with this accusation that was true, Hagrid acted like a little girl who has not yet grown up.

“Well, Noah, please listen to my explanation.……”

The hybrid giant wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and stammered to defend himself.

“explain? A cold smile appeared on the corner of Noah’s mouth,”Are you trying to say that you secretly hid the Chimaera egg in your hut?””

Hearing Noah’s words, Hagrid was like a man who was caught cheating. Even though he had thought of thousands of excuses, in the face of this mountain of irrefutable evidence…

Isn’t it right?

He has a guilty conscience! He has a comparative brain. Only then did the slow Hagrid realize that Lu Wei was just a dog he raised, and the name of Lu Wei’s registered owner in the Ministry of Magic was Noah Shafrin! It was obviously this naturally evil Si. The Little Letling kid sent Lu Wei to an unknown place, but now he started complaining that he had a new love, the Chimera Beast, and had forgotten his old love, Lu Wei?

Hagrid snorted,” I’m not a scumbag, I just had my heart broken into many pieces, and Lu Wei only got one of them.”

Though all calculations, I never expected that such a saucy statement would suddenly pop out of the honest Hagrid’s mouth. In an instant, Noah was choked and didn’t know how to reply. He learned the venomous tongue from Snape and succeeded one after another. They declared defeat before even exerting their strength.

As the two were arguing, an inconspicuous black spot finally appeared above the horizon in the distance, and as time passed, it gradually enlarged in their field of vision.

Until that After the black spot reached a certain distance, Noah and Hagrid were able to see clearly. It was a carriage pulled by four thestrals. The carriage behind it was as big as a house. It seemed that they smelled something. The scent of the master he had not seen for a long time, when the Thestral pulled the carriage past the top of the astronomical tower from a very low height that seemed dangerous but was actually not safe at all.

A panicked voice suddenly came from the carriage.

“Lu Wei! No! etc! Lu Wei!”


Accompanied by three deafening dog barks almost at the same time, the clear sound of cracking wood suddenly came from the carriage.

The next second, the huge carriage suddenly broke into various strange-shaped wood fragments scattered in the sky. , a super giant vicious dog with three heads jumped out of the carriage, like a huge meteorite falling from the sky, and hit the two figures standing on the astronomical tower below with great force. The

Taishan meteorite fell!

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