After playing ostrich for a long time, the only sound in his ears was the sound of the hungry Fawkes constantly sweeping the food on the table. Noah waited for a long time but did not hear Snape’s footsteps leaving the Slytherin table.

In order to avoid being suffocated by this”peaks and waves”, Noah finally couldn’t help but poked his head out of Fox’s collar again.

Noah stared at Snape in front of him speechlessly. There was a bunch of immature yellow hair on Noah’s head that had not yet completely transformed into red phoenix feathers.”Old man, what are you crazy about?” It seemed that it was because he didn’t have any. The threat of Voldemort, or the spirit body of Lily recalled by the Resurrection Stone, gave Snape the hope of accompanying Shirley well and continuing to live like this.

Snape, who no longer needed to use Occlumency to hide his inner pain all the time, had much richer expressions on his face than the gloomy facially paralyzed man in the past.

He stared at Noah in front of him fiercely,”You have to give me an explanation today.”

Such puzzling words made Huang-haired Noah a little confused, and he looked at Lao Den in front of him in confusion. Ah no, Old Si,”Explain what?””

“explain……”The words Snape was about to blurt out suddenly got stuck.

He stopped in Yuyuan and was stunned for a while before he realized what was happening. Yes, what kind of explanation did he want others to give him?

It’s my precious daughter who has taken a liking to the yellow-haired boy outside, and it’s not this hateful yellow-haired boy who took the initiative…


How could Shirley be wrong!

All this is the deep sin of Noah Shafrin!

If he had not been born into this world, his baby daughter Shirley would not have taken a liking to him. right! That’s it!

The inherently evil Shaflin brat, it was a mistake for him to even breathe a breath of air in this world. He should just throw an Avada Kedavra to him to help Noah wash away this burden he was carrying. Deep sin!

As for what to do if Shirley will be sad after Noah dies?

What! ?

You are not even willing to block Avada Kedavra for Shirley, yet you still dare to keep saying that you love Shirley deeply?

Noah: I’m not, I don’t have one, I don’t like little lolita tablets.

However, Snape couldn’t hear Noah’s voice at all.

He only knows that a dog like Noah is definitely not worthy of his Shirley. Such a human being has no value in living in this world.

The most likely thing he would do is to turn around and say to his precious daughter,”Shirley, don’t be with this kind of person. Look at the way he ran away. He doesn’t love you at all.” , he is not worthy of you!”

Even if Shirley’s suitor has the supreme courage to face death and dares to withstand the”Avatar of Love” from her father-in-law.

Then… he can only end up like this in the end.

Snape:”Avada chews a big melon!”

Looking at the young man sleeping peacefully in front of him, Snape turned back to face Shirley,”He can’t even stop a mere Avada, such a weakling How can I protect you?”

“I can’t safely leave you in the hands of such an incompetent weakling. My dear, he is not worthy of you at all!”

Staring at the turkey in front of him fiercely, Snape couldn’t help but start a series of fantasies in his mind.

When he thought that his daughter had someone he liked, he might have to hold her hand one day in the future. Hands, handing her over to an unreliable little yellow guy in the marriage hall…

The blood surging in the veins hit Snape’s brain in waves, which suddenly raised the level of consciousness by several levels. High blood pressure suddenly made him feel his eyes darkening for a while.

The spinning feeling, as if the soul pillar supporting his life had been taken away, and his whole world began to collapse.

Anger filled his heart. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Finally unable to bear it anymore, Snape pulled out his wand, raised his hand and pointed it at Noah.——


Feeling the negligible magic power that pulled him to fly towards Snape’s clutches, Noah just shook his wings casually and broke Snape’s flying spell. He scratched with his wings and was still completely confused. Noah kindly reminded Snape,”That old man, you are in such a public place now, you should be a good example and pay attention to the impact.”

Looking around the auditorium with his peripheral vision, it was not until this moment that Snape noticed that something was not right about the atmosphere in the auditorium. He was careless, and he was so angry that Shirley fell in love with an unknown little yellow guy. Their heads completely ignored the situation they were in now.

A more appropriate approach would be to find another opportunity for Noah to be alone, quietly put a sack on this nasty kid, and kidnap him until there were no witnesses. In the Forbidden Forest, it was best to destroy the corpses without leaving any traces.

But the current situation no longer allowed Snape to do this, and if he just turned around and walked away, it seemed that he was a little nervous.

Like a moody lunatic, although this is indeed the case.

The atmosphere in the auditorium suddenly became more embarrassing.

After continuing to stand in a stalemate with this abominable turkey hiding in Fox’s clothes, I found that I really didn’t Any good method could be used to deal with this shameless Shafrin. Snape finally lowered the wand in his hand.

He didn’t say any harsh words, because that would make him look cheap, like a street fight guy. The local ruffian had to talk nonsense before escaping.

The ruthless man who didn’t say much led the dean of the villain academy. He just glared at Noah, who was still in a dazed state, and then turned around and left the auditorium.

Behind him The big black cloak he was dragging swelled in the wind, and the old bat strode out as if he was escaping the scene of the crime in a hurry, and quickly disappeared outside the door of the auditorium. Until

Snape’s back completely disappeared, Noah Only then were all the things he had done from the time he met Snape to the present, whether good or bad, all replayed in his mind like a marquee of a dying person.

But Even though he was thinking too hard, in the end Noah still couldn’t figure out how he offended Snape. He couldn’t have kidnapped his daughter, could he?

That kind of girl with no breasts and no butt… etc. Wait, Snape’s daughter?

Noah suddenly seemed to realize what the problem was.

A pair of chicken wings rubbed his cheeks helplessly. Noah looked like he had a toothache. He really couldn’t understand, like What is the appeal of a dark villain like me who only knows how to do things behind the scenes, so that he can make the eldest daughter of the old Bat family fall in love with him? Well, the behind-the-scenes here refers to being extremely creative. Proposed the concept of building a military chemical park, so that every new student who joins Hogwarts must undergo a month-long military training transformation;

Hogwarts, which originally respected happy education, started a crazy involution mode, forcing Students”voluntarily” gave up their after-school breaks to participate in self-study, and held basic exams once a month.

In addition to persecuting students, the evil Shafrin also did not let go of Hogwarts professors.

By introducing external competitors , In order to force professors to start the involution mode, in addition to the direct link between job salary and teaching performance, if you want to be awarded a senior professional title, you also need to have demonstrable academic achievements…

Although Noah’s original intention is good, but what he promoted If these things were revealed, they would be hung on the goal ring on the Quidditch field by all the teachers and students of Hogwarts.

In addition to plotting against Hogwarts, Noah also did not let go of people outside.

Just a simple”for the greater good” directly caused the entire magical world to enter a strange state of undercurrents. The Wiccan Party, which had disappeared in the magical world for more than fifty years, has resurrected……

Of course, these”great achievements” of Noah don’t seem to have much to do with Shirley’s inexplicable fall in love with him.

After Snape left, Noah, who was finally able to sit down at the dining table in human form again, immediately cast doubtful glances at the dining table in the Ravenclaw college next door.

However, Shirley and Hermione ignored his meaning at all.

The two little lolita, who were extremely embarrassed inside, were just like Noah a minute ago. The two people who chose to pretend to be dead looked like they were obediently immersed in eating, and they didn’t dare to raise their heads to look in the direction of Noah.

Even so, Hermione and Shirley could still feel that the students in the auditorium would still cast curious eyes on them from time to time, whispering as if they were gossiping about what had just happened.

Gwen, who had watched the entire process from beginning to end, burst out laughing.

Even though they were separated by an aisle, her voice still reached Shirley’s ears clearly,”It’s good to be young, and young love is one of the most wonderful things in the world.”

This made the red-haired The little Loli wanted to dig out a three-bedroom and two-living set on the hard stone floor of the auditorium with her toes and hide in it.

Why is this floor so hard!

Shirley really wanted to take out her wand right now and cast a few blasting spells on the floor to blow up a big hole big enough to accommodate her, and then ask Hermione to help cover her with soil.

This is all dad’s fault!

She cut the steak on the dinner plate with a knife with a fierce expression, as if the poor steak was a sworn enemy. Shirley gritted her teeth and cursed her nosy old stubborn father in her heart.

If he hadn’t reacted so violently and ran over to confront Noah in such a rage, he wouldn’t be so embarrassed now!

And this hateful guy who should have been cut to pieces by Shen Feng Wuying actually left himself and Hermione and ran away after causing such a big thing! etc! Hermione?

Hermione, a guy who doesn’t know what to say, should also be cut to pieces!

Fortunately, Miss Beaver has two front teeth that are about the same size as two door panels in her mouth!

Shirley became angrier and angrier as she thought about it. She even hated her plastic bestie beside her, and wisps of scarlet mist steamed up from the top of Shirley’s head.

Unknowingly, the knife in Shirley’s hand declared a heroic sacrifice together with its fork colleague.

Looking at the table knife with a ninety-degree bend in the distance, Noah wisely chose to retract his questioning gaze.

Unable to get a definite answer from the two instigators of this inexplicable thing, Noah shook his head helplessly.

I don’t understand, I don’t understand at all.

The thoughts of girls at this age are really difficult to understand.

Noah didn’t want to and didn’t have the courage to understand. Let’s not talk about the actual age difference between him and Shirley. Noah, who had lived three lifetimes, could be Snape’s age… well, he was in the first two lifetimes. Just live to be in your twenties, and if you are in your teens in this life, although you may still be immature mentally, after all, a man will be a teenager until he dies.

But from the perspective of biological age alone, even if Noah wants to be Snape’s adoptive father, it is already more than enough.

Even if the age difference is ignored, at Shirley’s current age, according to Muggle law, it is a serious crime that could lead to jail time.

Three years… no, it’s already been five years since we started!

Even though the laws of the Muggle world do not apply to the magical world, and the Ministry of Magic never considered this issue when formulating the law, so Noah has not been caught in Azkaban to face the dementors for the time being. risk.

Moreover, Europe and the United States are also very open-minded.

But Noah still firmly believes… it’s absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible!

Noah’s three views were shaped during his first life in that ancient country in the far east, although his experiences in the next two lives slightly distorted his three views.

But for some specific things, Noah’s moral bottom line is still strong.

No, just can’t


The entire auditorium was filled with an awkward feeling…

No, the only ones who felt embarrassed were the few parties involved in this sudden emotional accident.

Noah also lost the appetite to continue eating for a while. After cleaning up the last bit of food left on the plate in front of him, Noah casually stacked the thirtieth plate in front of him on the mountain of plates next to him. He quickly left the auditorium.

Never looked back.

This made Gilderoy Lockhart, who originally wanted to call Noah out at the faculty table, suddenly stopped in the air with his outstretched hands, and his words suddenly got stuck in his throat when he reached his mouth.

Looking at Noah’s disappearing back, he asked in his mind with some uncertainty.

Waiting for it is the first Defense Against the Dark Arts class that the second-year students of Hogwarts will face this semester. Noah will be back during class, right?

The recipient of the Merlin First Class Order should be a good student, right?

At the very least, something as serious as skipping class should be impossible.

As a recipient of the Order of Merlin, he had long been eager to exchange his experience with Noah, who was also a recipient of the Order of Merlin.

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