If Noah knew what Lockhart was thinking, he would definitely pick up an ashtray and slap him on the head, then turn around and leave.

Noah, who turned to leave, might turn around and tell the Winter Soldier, Hydra’s top thug,”When you leave, smash his broken third-level medal for me.”

What kind of level are you Lockhart? I become a member of Sir Merlin together?

After leaving the auditorium, Noah chose a direction away from Snape and walked up the marble stairs in the castle foyer until he came to the door of an abandoned bathroom at the end of the corridor on the second floor of the castle.

Completely ignoring the door plate with the words”Women’s Bathroom” hanging at the door, Noah pushed the door open and entered.

Although he deliberately controlled the speed of opening the door when he pushed it, Noah was ultimately unable to defeat this shaky old broken door panel. The squeaking sound of the hinges rotating immediately alerted the person hiding in the deepest part of the bathroom. An evil spirit.

A transparent and illusory spirit rushed out from the innermost compartment. When she saw that it was Noah, Moaning Myrtle, who usually loves men, suddenly lit up.

But before she could rush to Noah, Noah just snapped his fingers lightly, and Myrtle’s spirit body condensed in the air as if it was under a petrification spell.

Until Noah spit out a low-pitched snake language, the sink in the center of the bathroom rotated open, revealing the secret passage under the sink that led deep into the underground of the castle.

Different from the extreme caution when he and Snape explored the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets last time, Noah quickly passed through the thick stone door after having eliminated the restless factors hiding inside the castle.

This is the second time Noah has visited this hidden room filled with green mystery.

The stone pillars with snake-shaped reliefs on them stood tall in the room, and there were still traces of the curse left over from the last time Noah and Tom fought.

Water gurgled in the pools on either side of the walk, and a chilling silence enveloped the entire room.

Noah’s eyes were coated with a layer of golden magic at some point. The magic flowing in the eyeballs gave Noah a wider field of vision, allowing him to see something that he couldn’t usually see – the air. The magic threads gathered from all over the castle, forming an extremely strong energy storm in the secret room left by Salazar Slytherin.

The rich magic power did not have any impact on the outside world.

Noah raised his neck and cast his gaze on the ugly face in the center of the stone room.

At first, Noah really couldn’t figure out why Salazar, a man who admired pure blood, elegance, nobility and other qualities, turned out to be so ugly in his old age.

He had a sparse beard, not to mention trimming it a little, and his two gray big feet were just stepping on the dirty floor.

This is completely incompatible with the spirit of Slytherin House that has been passed down for thousands of years.

Not to mention, Slytherin was quite cunning enough to build a secret room behind the statue, and then kept his precious basilisk in such a matryoshka room.

One of the ways for the basilisk to get in and out of the nesting doll room is to open the statue’s mouth, and then crawl out from the throat exposed behind the widened mouth.

When the basilisk is about to emerge, it looks like there is an indescribable… well, something that will explode when you say it.

It wasn’t until Noah read the records about the various grievances and grievances between the two founders of Slytherin and Gryffindor in”Hogwarts: An Unknown History” that he suddenly realized – this… The statue is probably not from Gryffindor!

Godric Gryffindor, as the old enemy of Salazar Slytherin, used the old snake’s pettyness to deliberately vilify his old enemy and make it into a statue, and then put a basilisk several meters in diameter. Going in and out of Gryffindor’s throat… this kind of thing seemed like something a Slytherin could do.

However, such a statement seems unable to explain the opening password Slytherin set for the statue.

With an inquiring look, Noah followed the magic storm in the sky that was about to condense into a hurricane. His gaze penetrated the statue and extended into the room behind the statue, and even deeper into the underground.

Is this the real Chamber of Secrets…

A low snake language emerged from Noah’s mouth, hissing like a poisonous snake spitting a message,”Talk to me, Slytherin, Hogwarts Four Among the giants……”

Noah’s voice suddenly paused.

This was not because he had forgotten the password to open the secret room. Although he was not a Parselmouth, it would not be difficult for him if he only remembered the password to open the door.

However, even though he was speaking in snake language, Noah still felt that Slytherin’s password was too narcissistic.

He raised his hand and fired a blasting curse. After the dust fell to the ground, Noah stepped on the remains of Slytherin’s statue and walked into the room where a thousand-year-old snake spirit was originally entrenched.

Only a pitiful little light shone in from the wide-open mouth of the ugly statue outside, and the entire room was shrouded in darkness. The fluorescent light blooming from Noah’s hand reflected the appearance of the room.

This room, which is nearly half the size of an auditorium, looks ordinary.

In addition to the bare stone floor, walls and ceiling, there were only the bones of some small animals, which seemed to be the excrement after being digested by the basilisk.

Further inside, there is a study room that seems to belong to Slytherin himself. A desk, a sofa, a bed, and a bookshelf against the wall make up the entire room.

It’s a pity that there are no books left on the bookshelves in the study. Even if some of the books are lucky enough to have withstood the erosion of thousands of years, they have already been looted by the last successor who opened the secret room.

What was left to Noah was a pile of debris that could no longer be pieced together to its original appearance.

Noah has no interest in using the Eye of Agamotto to repair this pile of debris. The Eye of Agamotto in his hand only has one hundred thousandth of the power of the Time Stone, and does not have much power. Power.

Going back too long requires paying a heavy price, which is not a cost-effective option for Noah.

Staring intently at the dense magic network on the wall of the room that was like a spider web, and more like blood vessels that provided nutrients for some unknown existence, Noah quickly found a key node in this mess. location

“Got you.”

Just like opening the door to Diagon Alley in the backyard of the Leaky Cauldron, Noah took out his wand and kept tapping on the wall in this Slytherin study.

Through the magical vision , See, every time Noah strikes, a magic power will be driven into the magic passage buried in the wall, lighting up the magic nodes. The passages illuminated by the nodes form ancient mysterious magic. The runes connected with each other until they became a magic circle that enveloped the entire room.

The brilliance of magic bloomed, shining like a bright star in this dim stone room.

When the last rune was taken by Noah , When it was lit, the entire magic array was announced to be formed at this moment, without any warning at all. After the formation of the magic array, it went out in an instant, as if someone suddenly turned off the light switch.

Noah only It felt like his eyes suddenly went dark, and a powerful magic force imprisoned his body at the same moment, and then led him to start some kind of directional space teleportation. The surging magic power erupted from the depths of his body in just a short period of time. Within a few seconds, he broke away from the external force that imprisoned him, but it was also because of the delay of these few seconds that Noah lost the best opportunity to escape from this teleportation array with an unknown destination.

Since he was already in space Because of the passage, the first thing Noah did after breaking free from the confinement was to restrain the magic power that erupted from his body and protect himself firmly within it. Breaking this space transmission passage rashly would not be enough. What a bad ending there will be.

Those who are lucky may just be taken by the irregular space turbulence to a brand new place offset from the end of the teleportation. It may be a few meters away from the initial teleportation point, and of course it may also be beyond it. Tens of thousands of light-years away to reach a certain galaxy.

It’s like a hammer god who was kicked out of the Rainbow Bridge by his sister. When he woke up, he didn’t know how he ended up on Sakaar. Such an inexplicable He has become the guest of Gao Tianzun in this ghost place.

If you are unlucky, the moment the space transmission channel is broken, the violent space turbulence will directly tear it into a pile of strange fragments.

Master’s butt and body The difference is the height of a tree, but the butt and body of a person who is torn apart by the turbulence of space may be thousands of miles apart.

When Noah opened his eyes again, he found that he did not know when he had reached the height of the tree. We came to a mysterious huge space.

On the dome hundreds of meters high, huge stalactites with a diameter of nearly ten meters were like weird hanging trees, pointing straight to the ground with the same strange rocks and rugged ground below.

It was obviously An underground space, but the surrounding cave walls are evenly emitting a layer of weak fluorescence, which seems to be emitted by some kind of microorganisms or plants living in this underground environment.

Feel the surrounding In the air that had not flowed for thousands of years and was extremely dull, a huge bubble in the shape of a fish tank covered Noah’s head, making him look like a Celestial Dragon from the world next door. He didn’t know where he was. Deep underground, there was no way back to Hogwarts for a while, and Noah’s magic spread out quietly.

He tried to include all objects within the reach of his magic power into his perception. However, when his magic power had only spread a few hundred meters away, a huge object blocked his perception.

After bypassing a strange stalagmite that looked like a bamboo forest, Noah saw a mysterious building with a strange shape in this huge maze-like underground space.

It is similar to the shape of a pyramid, but it is stepped, with a total of thirteen levels, gradually shrinking upward.

A square temple is built on top of a flat-topped pyramid.

This shape is slightly similar to Chichen Itza, an architectural wonder of ancient American civilization.

From the base at the bottom to the temple at the top, the surface of each structure is engraved with super-ancient magic text that Noah cannot understand at all. It is a magic text that is even older than Niven.

However, Noah has no intention of studying this mysterious building now.

Although he looked calm and calm with his hands behind his back, Noah’s inner alertness was raised to the highest level. His eyes were focused on the shadow under a huge rock in front of him.

“Come out.”

With a rustling sound, a figure shrouded in a broken cloak moved slowly from the shadows like a broken machine that had been in disrepair for a long time.

“how many years……”

The other party’s voice was extremely hoarse and harsh. If I had to find one thing to describe the other party’s voice, it would be the rustling sound made by an old-fashioned radio that has not been tuned properly.

“I always thought no one would come here……”

Noah’s brows gradually furrowed as he listened to the other person speak. This was not only because the other person’s pronunciation was very strange, but also because his sentences also had a unique grammatical structure that was different from modern English.

Old Anglo-Saxon?

It’s a legacy from the era of the Big Four… no, it’s even much earlier than the era of the Big Four. Could it be Merlin?

When a fireball flew forward at a high speed and passed by the opponent’s cheek, the fleeting firelight illuminated the opponent’s face, allowing Noah to finally see the true face of this guy hiding in the darkness.

If Voldemort lost his nose, the crazy energy flowing in his body could barely make up for his shortcomings in appearance.

And this person in front of me…

No, can he really be considered a human being?

There is only a layer of almost transparent skin left on the body wrapped around the frame, without any trace of muscle. Noah can even see through the translucent skin the dead heart in the other person’s chest that has stopped beating. heart.

Although the two eyeballs are still embedded in the deeply sunken eye sockets, they are already covered with a thick layer of gray.

Even the Inferi must be more handsome than the other party.

Noah couldn’t help but fell into deep thought, how did this guy survive?

Rowena Ravenclaw went to great lengths to design herself and used various means to guide herself to such a useless place just to arrange for herself to meet this guy?

No, there must be something wrong with this.

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