The magic attack and defense class jointly taught by Snape and Flitwick instantly became popular throughout Hogwarts.

Not only because of the exciting demonstration duel between the two in the first class, the teaching method that is different from the traditional anti-dark magic is also one of the big reasons that attracts students.

Under the suggestion of an unnamed Dumbledore who designated the future three generations, the new curriculum adopted a new teaching concept of”practical combat as the mainstay, theory as the supplement” for the first time.

According to Noah, students at Hogwarts now have Charms and Transfiguration, two courses that allow students to learn a lot of magic and spells.

If the newly opened magic attack and defense course also aims at allowing students to learn more magic, then there is no need to bother with it.

Because the aforementioned two courses have covered the teaching content of the latter to a large extent.

Therefore, the most important teaching task of the newly opened Magic Attack and Defense is from teaching students how to change magic to – how to let students make good use of the magic they have mastered to protect themselves.

The so-called wizard duel is nothing more than attacking and defending each other.

If you want to learn to fight, learning to attack is an inevitable link.

Because of this, when the students came into contact with this course for the first time, the two professors who taught it asked them to take out their magic wands.

Whether it is a senior student who has mastered a variety of offensive and defensive magic, or a first-year student who has only mastered the Lighting Spell and the Lockpicking Spell.

The content of their first class was the same, which was to spend two classes standing in front of the alchemy golem target.

Don’t think this is a simple task.

In a space as wide as the auditorium, it is not that simple to hit a golem that can move coquettishly on its own to avoid attacks.

Moreover, the alchemy demons faced by the senior students were also engraved with additional defensive magic patterns.

After all, their offensive capabilities are much more powerful than those of first-year students who can only release a simple magic blast.

This is the first time that this kind of course that can release magic in the classroom has appeared in Hogwarts.

Precisely because of the emergence of the course”Demon Attack and Defense”, Dumbledore’s image in the minds of students was restored by more than half in an instant.

The original addition of a self-study course, which was an extremely evil course, was already considered as a violation of the world’s disapproval in the eyes of the conservative students whose ancestral laws were immutable.

Dumbledore’s image in the minds of students can be said to have plummeted after the self-study class appeared.

He only had one more month to announce the examination mechanism before he could successfully kill Phineas Black and successfully ascend to the throne of the most unpopular headmaster in the history of Hogwarts.

With Dumbledore’s reputation as the greatest white wizard in the wizarding world today, he is very respected by the wizarding community, but this does not affect the students’ dislike of him.

All in all, with the great success of the new course Magic Attack and Defense, the students’ studies finally returned to normal for the first time after Quirrell hung up.

As time goes by, the first important festival of the new semester that students are looking forward to is quietly approaching.

On the morning before Halloween, the students who woke up early in the morning could smell the sweet and tempting pumpkin smell wafting in the castle in their common room before they even stepped out of the corridor.

The entire Hogwarts Castle was decorated in a Halloween style overnight, with jack-o-lanterns hanging in every corner of every corridor.

Some of the jack-o’-lanterns were also enchanted by the costumers in a very naughty way. As long as a student comes within a certain range, a bat or a ghost will come out to scare people.

Groups of ghosts walked around the corridors with happy smiles on their faces.

Festivals like Halloween are undoubtedly the second most important festival of the year for ghosts who have been dead for many years.

As for number one… it must be their death anniversary.

In addition to the happy event that Halloween is coming, there is another thing that also makes the first grade wizards very happy.

Professor Flitwick announces to his class that they can try using the Levitation Charm to make objects fly.

Flying has always been one of the most basic abilities of wizards

“Okay, don’t forget that subtle wrist movement we’ve been training for the past few months, a wave and a flick!”

Professor Flitwick said sharply, standing on his pile of books as usual.

“Remember, wave and shake!”

“It is also very important to recite the mantra accurately!”

Every time he mentioned the importance of reciting the spell correctly, Professor Flitwick always took out the wizard Baruffio who accidentally invented the buffalo summoning spell and whipped his corpse.

This allusion comes from the wizard Baruffio. When reciting the spell, he said ‘f’ instead of ‘s’. His magic was successful, but after he recited the magic, he found a little pain in his chest. When he looked up, he found that he was hit by a bison summoned out of thin air. The foot was stepped on the chest and kicked to the ground.

Professor Flitwick handed out feathers one by one, and then let the students start trying.

Hermione didn’t even take out her wand.

Since she found some wandless spells After learning the skill, she also followed Noah’s example and abandoned the wand.

She simply stretched out her finger, and did not follow the gesture taught by Professor Flitwick.

She gently pointed her finger on the face in front of her. On the feathers, she raised her finger slightly, and the feathers in front of her rose into the sky in the direction of her finger.

“well done!”

Professor Flitwick clapped his hands in surprise,”Miss Granger’s wandless spell-casting skills are so clever, plus ten points for Ravenclaw!”

Perhaps because Hermione is a student of his own college, his ten points were almost broken.

Shirley pouted her lips and stared at the feathers floating up and down in the sky as Hermione moved her fingers..

So angry!

Why can’t she learn it?

The angry Shirley took out her wand and drew an arc in front of her at will. The feathers in front of her instantly rose in the direction her wand pointed. into the air

“Wonderful silent casting!”

It’s just that this time Professor Flitwick’s tone was not as enthusiastic as when he gave Hermione extra points before.

But his tone also seemed very happy,”Five points to Ravenclaw!”

Perhaps because of the extensive practice in magic attack and defense, Professor Flitwick was pleasantly surprised to find that half of the students among this group of young wizards tremblingly handed out the feathers he handed out in less than five attempts. It was suspended.

Within a few minutes, there were only a few students left in the classroom, and the feathers in front of them were still lying softly on the table without moving.

Looking at the motionless feathers in front of him, Neville was so anxious He scratched his head.

He waved his wand over and over again, and chanted the spell he finally memorized over and over again, but his feathers just refused to move.

This thing is much harder than using magic to shape a sword and shield.

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