But he still couldn't help but scream.

Because due to the sudden deflection of his body, Mu En's dagger did not hit his eye, but the sharp blade still passed along his cheek and directly cut off one of his ears!

Blood spurted out, staining the white walls red.

Ren covered his wound and looked at Mu En who stood up slowly in horror:

"You...what the hell are you?"

"What? This is really rude."

Mu En stood up and put his dislocated arm back into place with a smile:

"Compared to guys like Ren, who are contaminated by evil gods, I should be more like a human being."


Ren roared angrily, but the roar in such a situation only showed his fierceness at the moment.

"Human? Is the action just now possible for a human to do? He dislocated one of his arms without any hesitation, and then reattached it without any hesitation. Are you telling me that this is something that a pampered son of a duke can do?"

"There's nothing we can do."

Mu En moved his newly dislocated left arm. After feeling that it would not affect his movements at all, he nodded with satisfaction:

"If you are like me and have to fight to the death with an enemy who is ten times stronger than you and very good at close combat every day, and are killed by him hundreds of times, the first thing you will learn is to kill him. Take apart and reassemble every joint of yourself.

Because even if you don't learn, he will do it for you. "

"what are you saying?"

Renn felt like he was looking at a madman:

"This is an academy. Where can you find someone to accompany you in your daily life-and-death fight?"

"Well, this involves a little secret of mine, and I can't tell it to classmate Ren."

Mu En winked mischievously and continued:

"However, there is one thing I can complain to Ren-san about."


Mu En lowered her body like a taut bowstring.

"The last time I fought with Ren-san..."

Mu En raised the corners of her mouth and looked at Ren En and smiled, but in that smile, there was something... ferocious that even Mu En himself was not aware of!

"I couldn't enjoy myself to the fullest either!"

In an instant, a violent aura that seemed to have experienced countless lives and deaths spurted out from this handsome-looking blond boy.

In a daze, Ren seemed to see countless corpses piled up at the feet of the blond boy.

Countless...his own corpses.

"Let's start the second round, Ren-san!"

Mu En rushed over again.

Before the distance between the two was completely closed, Renn used his foot to pick up the sword on the ground, held it tightly, and swept it violently.

The wind is strong like a surge.

The strong fighting spirit wrapped around it, causing the war saber's sword light to surge instantly, and its spreading slashing range nearly enveloped the entire room.

Do you think I would still go head-to-head with you, a lunatic?

Go to hell you!

But at the moment when the sword light was about to touch Mu En, he saw Mu En raise a hand again, with the fingers bent like the claws of a wild beast.



Isn't this move specifically used to interrupt martial arts?

But I didn't use any martial arts skills.

Why did he use this trick?

The moment the question came to mind.

Ren heard a loud noise, like thunder.

Immediately afterwards, there was violent shaking.

Shock waves surged.

At that moment, as if being trampled by countless charging rhinos, Renn felt the screams coming from his internal organs, body, and even brain.

His consciousness blurred for a moment.


The moment his eyes focused in front of him again.

Renn only saw a bright sword light bursting out from the darkness.

PS: It’s my birthday, I went out and had a lot of fun, that’s all for today.

18. Ways to win your heart

"Sure enough, the essence of this move is vibration?"

In a messy corridor, Mu En sat on a piece of gravel where the wall had shattered and fallen, observing the movements of her palms.

The five fingers sometimes bend and sometimes stretch, simulating various forms of animal claws, but the movements remain the same. However, while the palm is waving, the surrounding air also trembles slightly.

Thunder LV2!

Looking at the records in the black book, Mu En couldn't help but smile.

After being tortured hundreds of times by Eluka's husband, the powerful adventurer, this trick was finally considered an introduction.

Compared with the shadow step, which can only be used for displacement, and the dagger fighting technique, which is more of a skill than a martial art, this move has obviously wider applicability.

It can also be said to be the first offensive martial skill that Mu En learned.

Moreover, LV2 alone has such impressive power, Mu En can't even imagine how terrifying it will be when its proficiency reaches a higher level.

However, it is precisely because of this that the difficulty of learning this move has been improved by more than one level compared to the previous Shadow Step.

“But once you get started, subsequent progress will be much easier.”

Learning martial arts through fighting, due to the lack of teacher's explanation, the hardest part is always getting started.

But once you get started, high-intensity exercise will make subsequent improvements much easier.

For example, Mu En has now reached LV8 of dagger fighting skills.

In terms of skill in manipulating daggers, Mu En boasted that she was no weaker than the original maid assassin.

Of course, there is still no hope of winning in the duel with her in the black book, because the realm and overall quality are still a gap that Mu En cannot currently cross.

"We have to keep working hard."

Mu En narrowed her eyes and looked to her side.

Renn, who fell to the ground covered in blood, trembled slightly and let out a low whine from his throat.

Ren opened his eyes, his eyes full of confusion.

"Are you awake, Ren-san?"

"I am..."

Ren felt the sharp pain coming from his body and tearing at his mind. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at his body.

His right hand was nailed to the ground by an ordinary fruit knife. The blade sank into the palm of his hand, all the way to the handle. The other limbs were bent strangely to varying degrees. Ren tried to move, but found that in addition to the severe pain, it became more and more torn. There was no reaction except for the central nerve.

"Sorry, you were too scary just now, so I temporarily deprived you of your ability to move." Mu En said softly.

"Do you remember what happened just now?"


Ren's expression was sluggish, and his chapped lips were moaning due to excessive blood loss.

Of course he remembered what just happened.

He lured the wolf into the house and brought a group of evil believers into the dormitory to find Mu En.

He fought with Moon Campbell and was beaten like this by him.


Before that, he had been stealing boys' underwear from other dormitories and collecting them as if they were precious items. He even went so far as to put more than a dozen locks on an ordinary wardrobe.

But the problem is...

Why did he do that?

Why would he hurt his classmates?

Why would he become one of those evil believers?

as well as……

Why would he do such a perverted thing?

He has obviously always longed for a beautiful little girl to be his girlfriend.

He is not gay!

"It seems you are finally awake."

Mu En stared closely into Ren's eyes and found that his eyes no longer had the previous anger and ferocity, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief:

"But I'm sorry, I can still let you go free for the time being, because I can't be sure whether the evil god still has influence on you."

"I'm sorry...Classmate Mu En."

After understanding what had happened, Ren trembled and cried.

Endless regret filled his heart. Although he didn't know why he did what he did, he knew that those things were wrong.

"It's okay, I didn't care."

Mu En smiled, and his handsome face, like the golden section, seemed to be shining brightly under the light outside.

"Do you still remember when you became like this?"


Ren was lost in memories.

"Probably... before school starts...

As I was wandering the streets, I came across someone handing out leaflets on the street…

The flyer says it can make you popular and help you find your true love...

So... I went... I don't remember where exactly.

After I went there, it was the high priest. What did he say to me...

Then...then I felt...I couldn't find a girlfriend anyway...I seemed to like men...not bad?

Then when I came to my senses, I was already back in the academy.

Usually I don't feel anything unusual about myself, I think it's just a boring dream, but every night, I can't control myself and do that kind of thing...

And before... when those people appeared in front of me, I was always confused... as if... they were no longer me.

The same thing happened when I was fighting against Mu En... the anger in my chest was about to burst out, as if the words Mu En said to me... had tarnished my love. "


Mu En sighed softly when he heard this, but couldn't help but smile happily:

"Fortunately among the misfortunes, you were just controlled in some way and were not really contaminated by the evil god. In other words, the degree of contamination was not deep."

For example, Eluka and the previous high priests, as one of the distinctive features of being polluted by the God of Love, is that when they lose control of their emotions or are at the end of their rope, they will transform into disgusting and ferocious monsters.

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