That was the external manifestation of their completely twisted hearts, a sign that the power of the evil god had completely penetrated into their bones.

But Renn didn't. The change in his previous body shape was more like some kind of martial arts or talent of his own.

And the fact that he was able to regain consciousness showed that he was not hopeless.

"I'm really sorry, I just...just want a cute girlfriend."

Ren was still apologizing, with snot and tears streaming down his face, mixed with blood, and he looked very embarrassed.

After the influence of the evil god subsided, his true nature was revealed in front of Mu En.

He is not an irritable pervert, nor is he a psychologically twisted gay man.

He is just an ordinary boy who is struggling to be popular with a cute girl.

"Well, in that case, as a famous playboy in the college, I will teach you how to win the hearts of cute girls." Mu En said suddenly.


Before Ren understood the meaning of Mu En's words, he saw him suddenly stand up and look out the corridor window.

Under the dazzling beams of many searchlights, below the dormitory building, a huge and twisted monster was roaring.

That's the high priest.

After being driven to the end by Ariel and other student union elites who rushed to support, the high priest, like Aluka before, devoured other muscular men and turned into this huge and disgusting monster.

But it was different from the previous situation in Eluka.

This time it was at Santa Maria College, which is famous for its magic.

Such a huge body is simply a living target.

Therefore, under the ferocious covering magic blow, no matter how fast the high priest recovered, his flesh and blood were quickly torn apart, exposing flaws.

The source of pollution, that heavy scripture, is floating in the flesh.

As if conscious, he avoided the magic attack.

But now that the source is revealed, there is no reason to let it go.

Mu En bent down, picked up the huge sword on the ground, and walked towards the shattered window.

"Ah, right."

Before he was about to jump off, Mu En seemed to remember something, looked back at Ren, and made a gesture on his ear:

"Your ear, the incision is very smooth. I hope that if I use magic in time, it can be saved, so I don't have to worry about how my appearance will affect my popularity in the future."

"Classmate Mu En..."

"So, let's watch carefully next."

Mu En smiled, then turned around and without hesitation, suddenly fell towards the monster from the floor.

"The first rule of how to win the heart of a cute girl.

——Never miss any opportunity to be cool! "

19. But——

"That book! Attack that book!"

As the monster's flesh and blood was torn apart, the strange scripture appeared in front of everyone. Wei'er immediately seemed to have discovered something and gave orders to everyone excitedly.

For this monster created by the power of the evil god, no matter how strong its resilience is, as long as its source of pollution is destroyed, it will inevitably perish.

Now is the best opportunity.

The student who calmed down did not disappoint her expectations. Countless splendid magics were activated at the same time, and they were showered on the huge monster like no money.

But after the brief excitement, as the airflow and glow disrupted by magic dissipated, Weier felt that her body gradually became colder.


Even if there are hundreds of magicians present, hundreds of magics can be activated at the same time.

But compared to the huge body of the monster, the target of that scripture is still too small.

And it's not just small. If it's just small, under the bombardment of covering magic, sooner or later there will be an attack.

But the scripture seemed to have its own consciousness, constantly moving in the monster's huge flesh and blood, avoiding magic attacks.

"Something's wrong, something's wrong."

It was obviously a good situation where the monster was cornered, but Weier felt an uneasiness that made her delicate body tremble involuntarily.

This is her intuition.

And her intuition has always been very accurate.

Something bad must be happening, or rather... it has already happened.

"We can't let it go on like this!"

Weier patted the railing of the high platform in front of her, gritted her teeth and asked the warriors who had retreated beside her.

"Which of you still has enough energy to rush forward and destroy that scripture, I will arrange magic cover."

As soon as she finished speaking, Wei'er felt dozens of looks that looked like fools.

dash forward?

Look how scary that monster is?

You want us to rush forward?

To die?

And even if there is magic cover, who knows whether rushing into that mass of flesh and blood will cause any adverse effects?

What if we are also contaminated by evil gods and become macho brothers who only like men?


Weier clenched her fist so hard that her finger joints turned white.

Of course she knew the worries of these people, but some things had to be done by someone. If she wasn't just a specialized mage, I'm afraid she would have rushed out by now.

Unfortunately, she is neither a warrior nor has the right to force others to die.

So it seems extremely powerless at this time.

If only this time would last forever.

If the president were here, I'm afraid this monster would have been dealt with long ago!

"Help me up, I can still deliver!"

Just when Wei'er's thoughts were about to drift away, she suddenly heard someone shouting, and hope blossomed in her eyes, just like seeing a bright light in the deep darkness.

——Then she looked up and saw Ariel wrapped like a dumpling on a stretcher.

She kept struggling, her face was fierce, even though her hands were wrapped in bandages and she couldn't even hold the sword, but she looked like she was going to stand up again and fight the monster for three hundred rounds.

"No, Ariel."

Liya lay beside her, pressing her tightly on the stretcher, tears in her eyes:

"You are already so badly injured, you can't go anymore."


Ariel looked angry: "The beauty is gone, she may still be there, I want to save her."

"She may just retreat with other teams, Ariel, don't worry."

"Even so, I will kill that bald guy, I will chop him into thousands of pieces, I will burn him to ashes, and then scatter his ashes for him, damn, he dared to call me flat-chested just now!"

Ariel's eyes were spurting with anger: "Am I flat? Liya, do you think I am flat? Isn't it okay if I squeeze it? It's not too much to round it up to a B, how can he be so shameless to lie with his eyes open?"


"Hey, Liya, talk!"


Wei'er silently withdrew her gaze.

Of course, she couldn't let Ariel Bugard take over at this time.

Not only because of her current injuries, but also because anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is the number one hero in this hostage rescue operation.

She was the first to rush to the roof, the first to fight the enemy leader, and forced the enemy leader into a desperate situation.

When the elites of the student union rushed upstairs, more than half of the muscular men upstairs had been cleared, and the so-called high priest was also in a state of serious injury.

She was so fierce that she didn't look like a second-year student at all.

If the high priest hadn't suddenly transformed into a second stage, the incident would probably have ended at this time.

Although I don't know where the hostage ran to.

But now is not the time to think about that.

"Sure enough, my ability is still not enough?"

That bad feeling became more and more real.

The malice from nowhere licked her body, making Wei'er so sick that she almost vomited.

"If only, a hero would come."

At the moment when she had no other choice, Wei'er habitually started to think wildly.

Just like the novels and storybooks she had read, at the moment of despair, a handsome hero descended from the sky, and then...

"All eyes on me--"

Yes, it looked like the handsome guy who jumped down from the dormitory building.


Handsome guy?

Where did the handsome guy come from?

Wei'er looked up in surprise.


At this time, because they couldn't help, the first-year students who acted as lighting technicians at the back also moved searchlights very professionally, like spotlights, focusing on the figure that jumped down.

"I'm going to show off!"

Accompanied by a very clear shout in the quiet night, the very conspicuous figure in the spotlight slammed down from the high building.

Falling into the hideous monster.

Just at this moment, a magic pierced the monster's flesh and blood, making the book that had just been moved appear again.

Nowhere to escape!

Mu En laughed and stabbed the saber in his hand fiercely into the book.

The monster screamed crazily, then wailed, and countless bodies twisted hideously, but could not stop the arrival of death.

At that moment.

The cold wind whistled, blowing the man's golden hair that spread like the morning sun. His handsome face was smiling, and the light cast a dazzling halo on it. The smooth but explosive muscle lines made people think of the sculptures from famous artists treasured in the Imperial Exhibition Hall, which were perfect.

"So handsome."

There were already many girls who were just beginning to fall in love, attracted by the extraordinary handsomeness of the blond man, and couldn't help but let out a small exclamation.

Even Wei'er couldn't help but lose her mind, thinking to herself, is this the hero who came from heaven?


It was just in the brief silence caused by the fact that everyone's eyes were attracted by this man, a little girl from the first grade suddenly asked a question as innocent as a child.

In the dark night, it was so clear.


"Why is he not wearing clothes?"

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