Mu En frowned slightly.

"then you go."

"Okay, Master." An nodded slightly: "I'll excuse you now."


Looking at An Li's back, Mu En couldn't help pinching her chin and whispered in confusion:

“I always feel like something is weird, as if it’s filled with a sense of immediacy.”

But I couldn't tell what was wrong.

"I must be too tired."

Mu En smiled self-deprecatingly: "How could An do something detrimental to me?"

After a while, An brought black tea.

By coincidence, Mu En's meal had ended and she was wiping the corners of her mouth with a napkin.


Mu En took the black tea and prepared to take a sip first.

But as soon as she picked up the teacup, Mu En paused.

He looked down at the black tea, then looked up at the expressionless An, and couldn't help but say.


"Here, master, is there anything else you can do?"

"This black tea is so red."

“But isn’t black tea just red?”

"But the black tea I used to drink was light red, but yours is bright red."

"Maybe it's because of the difference in tea leaves."

An explained:

"Just like oranges from the North Dunle area are smaller but sweeter than oranges from the Nancy Territory area, the colors of black tea from different areas may also be slightly different."


Mu En handed the tea cup back, looked into An's eyes and said:

"You drink first?"


An looked at the tea cup and said nothing.

Her face was still expressionless. If Mu En, who was so close, could really feel the faint floral fragrance on her body, she almost thought that the person standing in front of her was not a living person, but a statue.

After a moment of silence, An took the tea cup.

"Master, do you doubt me?"

"No, I just think An, you have been busy all day and you should have a cup of tea and take a rest."

"Master, you are so gentle."

An slowly put the tea cup to her lips.

Mu En still stared at her, not letting go of any of her weird moves.

Until she drank the cup of tea completely.


But in the end, An didn't drink it.

Instead, he suddenly sighed and said softly:

"Master, when did you become so vigilant?"

"There is indeed a problem!"

Mu En jumped away from the chair, put her hands on her hips and sneered:

"You put some medicine in the black tea, huh? You're so naive to try to deceive me with such an old-fashioned trick!"


An tilted his head:

"That is, has the young master used the same move on anyone?"

"Cough, cough, cough, that's not important."

Mu En coughed twice, and then his expression immediately became serious, staring at An in front of him.

"The important thing is, why did you drug me and why did you betray me, Ann."

An is Mu En's personal maid.

They are the people who have been following Mu En since he was eight years old.

Whether in the original book or now, An should be the most loyal person to Mu En.

So Mu En couldn't figure out why such An had any reason to betray her.

"I have never betrayed the young master."

An lowered her head and stared at the tea cup. Through the reflection of the tea, she looked at her eyes that did not cause too much trouble even if the matter was exposed.

But only she knew that under those calm eyes, the darkness and desire that she had long been unable to suppress were surging crazily.

Surge, surge, and finally overflow.

"I'm just putting everything back on track."

"On track?"

Mu En frowned, unable to understand what An said.

"I don't care what your intentions are, but since it has failed, then..."


An suddenly raised his head and smiled:

"Why does the young master think so?"


Mu En was stunned.

Not only because of An's words, but also because An's dignified face showed a slightly ferocious expression that Mu En had never seen before.

She was indeed smiling, but behind her deep black eyes, it seemed as if some monster was escaping out of its trap, casting a greedy look at Mu En like a dragon seeing a gem.


The crisp voice brought Mu En's consciousness back to reality.

Mu En couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock, because he saw An use her slender, white, and boneless little hands to tidy up Mu En's room, pack clothes, and serve tea and water, but she had never held a weapon before. On the ground, he crushed the teacup in his hand into pieces.

Oh no, crumbs.

Because Mu En saw the crystal powder, mixed with tea, flowing out from An's fingers.

"You forced me to do this, Master~"

An stepped closer to Mu En.

"Not good."

Looking at this scene, a chill rushed from the soles of Mu En's feet to her forehead.

Is this the kind of grip a maid should have?

But Mu En only had time to roar in her heart when she felt the sound of something cutting through the air suddenly.

Came from the back of the head.

Then Mu En's vision went dark and she suddenly lost consciousness.

34. Predict the truth of dreams

[I feel so sad at this moment. 】

[I love you so much, but why did you do those things? 】

【you've changed. 】

[So, I can only use my love to purify you. 】

[Don’t worry, I still have a lot of love. 】

【Accept my love. 】

[Master Mu En. 】


Mu En woke up from her nightmare, breathing hard like a fish accidentally left on the shore by the waves.

"Am I... dreaming again?"

"No, this is the prophetic dream."

"The person in the dream seems to be clearer. She seems to be..."

"Who is it?"

Mu En shook his head and thought hard, I always felt that I was only a little bit close to knowing the identity of the person who cut him to pieces in the precognitive dream, but it was always so close that it was just out of reach.

"Damn, my head hurts."

While Mu En was thinking hard, some memories, accompanied by the severe pain in the back of his head, kept coming to his mind.

"By the way, what happened before..."

"I remember it was An who wanted to drug me."

"But I found out."

"So...she got tough and started...knocking me out?"

The severe pain and the tearing feeling from the memory made Mu En break into a cold sweat, and she subconsciously curled up her hands and feet, trying to struggle.


Accompanied by the sharp sound of metal friction, Mu En's move failed. Instead, it brought him cold pain in his wrists and ankles.

"This is……"

Mu En looked to her side.

On his wrists and ankles, the cold shackles were tightly locking the few spaces for movement he had, leaving him like Jesus who was crucified on the cross. He could only keep his hands open and display the big letters. action.

Fortunately, the person who trapped him showed the last trace of mercy, allowing Mu En to sit completely on the ground, so that this imprisonment would not become a punishment every moment.

"But imprisonment itself is punishment, okay!"

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