Mu En pulled the shackles and shouted angrily:

"Who did this? Let me go. Do you know who I am?"

"Ah, Master, you're awake."

A familiar voice came to mind in front of Mu En.

"It's such a relief to see you still so energetic."


Mu En raised her head and looked at An, who was still wearing a maid uniform with a dignified expression. In an instant, the pain of being betrayed and the anger of being imprisoned all flooded into her mind, making Mu En struggle more intensely.

"Why are you doing this? Ann!"

"Why did you betray me? Why did you lock me up?"

"Are you being bewitched by someone? Or are you originally an undercover agent hiding in the Duke's house!"

"Betrayal? Bewitch? Undercover?"

An looked at Mu En with a trace of doubt in her eyes:

"What are you talking about? Master Mu En, how could I betray you? I am your loyal maid."

"Nonsense! Is there any loyal maid who would knock her own young master unconscious and then imprison him?"

"Didn't I say it before? There's no way around it. Master, as long as you weren't so smart at that time and drank the black tea obediently, you wouldn't be in such pain."

"And then you drugged him and imprisoned him?" Mu En sneered.

"Well, the ending is probably similar, but the betrayal, seduction, and undercover that the young master guessed do not exist at all.

I have always been the young master's personal maid. Since I came to the young master ten years ago when the young master was eight years old, that's it. I exist for the young master. "

"Then why are you?!"

"Ah, you forgot what I said not long ago."

"What words?"

"That's what I said before I knocked you unconscious..."

An suddenly knelt down in front of Mu En, her soft and delicate body, and hugged Mu En intimately. The faint fragrance of flowers lingered, and the beautiful touch made Mu En lose consciousness for a moment.

An leaned close to Mu En's ear and said with a soft breath:

"I said, everything I did was to get the young master back on track."

"What...the right track."

"of course……"


An suddenly stretched out his sweet tongue and licked Mu En's cheek.

The sudden feeling of salty wetness made Mu En subconsciously want to step back, but since he was imprisoned by shackles and forced into a corner, where could he escape?

"Of course, young master, let you, forever and ever, completely, from the inside to the outside, from head to toe, from body to soul, every hair, every drop of blood, every smell, belong to me... this We're on track." An's dignified cheeks were flushed, and she said softly like a shy girl confessing to her loved one.

But the meaning in her words was completely unsweet.


Mu En's mind went blank.

In these short few minutes, his brain was stimulated so much that he was unable to react for a short period of time.

At this moment, the faint floral fragrance entered Mu En's nasal cavity again, stimulating his nerves and waking him up.

But Mu En only wished that she was not awake.

Because he remembered this fragrance.

"Why didn't I notice it earlier?"

In that precognitive dream, the voice and appearance of the murderer who wanted to cut him to pieces became blurry for some reason.

Nothing has changed except one thing.

That was the mysterious floral fragrance that always lingered around her and had no idea where it came from.

And that floral fragrance was exactly the same as the fragrance exuding from An's body at this moment.

Thinking of this, Mu En couldn't help but slowly turned her head to look at An, who was very close to him.

An, who always showed a dignified image, was holding Mu En tightly at the moment, sniffing Mu En's scent greedily, and then licking Mu En's cheek or neck from time to time, and then showed a sense of satisfaction as if she had eaten delicious food.

The sickly blush on her face has never dissipated since just now!

At this moment, Mu Encai finally realized what the emotions that were hidden deep in Anna's eyes but could not be hidden and leaked out unknowingly were.

——That is something that can completely swallow people up, as bottomless as an abyss... possessiveness!

" that so?"

"The Black Book predicts the truth of dreams."

"Ann, who lives with me day and night, as my personal maid... is actually a sickly girl?"

After figuring out all the joints, Mu En felt that her teeth were chattering.

There are indeed many people who like to read yandere plots in novels or anime, but there are two different concepts between liking it and actually being obsessed with yandere.

Especially this kind of ultimate yandere who will knock you unconscious and imprison you at every turn, that will really be life-threatening, right? Brother Cheng's head is still looking up in the sky!

"It's wrong, it's very wrong!"

"Generally speaking, shouldn't this kind of yandere plot happen to the protagonist?"

"I am just a yellow-haired villain, how can I be so virtuous?"

"Where is the protagonist? Where is the protagonist? Come and save him!"

35. It’s scary to think about it carefully

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

In the dim space, liquid is dripping from nowhere, giving people a cold feeling of being in a ghost realm.

Since both hands were shackled, Mu En could only maintain the posture of Jesus suffering, unable to move. Even the most important and weakest parts of the body were unprotected and completely exposed, causing great uneasiness to people. , and a different kind of excitement.

This reminded Mu En of a little white rabbit about to be slaughtered, or a specific way of playing between men and women under certain circumstances...

And the current situation... can be said to be similar to both.

Because An Yibie was as dignified and elegant as usual, he seemed to be transformed into a enchanting beauty snake, his soft and delicate body wrapped around Mu En, greedily devouring everything about Mu En.

"Um...Ann, can you get up first? I think we can have a good chat."

Mu En swallowed. The wonderful touch coming from certain parts made his heart uncontrollably hot. He kept reciting the Calming Mantra silently in his heart, trying hard to stop his voice from trembling.

An stood up and licked her red and shiny lips with her fragrant tongue.

"What do you want to talk about, Master?"

An's cheeks were still abnormally crimson, her eyes were a little blurry, and there was a hint of unfinished meaning and annoyance in the depths of her eyes, as if she had been disturbed.


Mu En pondered for a long time, organizing words in his mind:

"You like me, right?"

"That's right."

An responded with a smile: "I have always liked the young master to the point of going crazy."

"No, there's no need to say so much."

Mu En wanted to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead, but unfortunately he couldn't move his hands.

However, at this moment, An suddenly leaned down, stretched out her soft tongue, licked Mu En's forehead, and sucked the sweat into her lips.

"Hmm... the taste of the young master..." An showed an expression of enjoyment as if tasting delicious food.


Mu En was stunned.

Before I had time to feel this beauty, my teeth couldn't help but tremble.

Not good.

Very bad.

An's illness seems to be more terrifying than I imagined!

But now, Mu En had no room to retreat and could only bite the bullet and continue:

"Actually, An, you don't have to do this at all."

"Huh?" An looked confused.

"If you like me, we can have a normal relationship first, just like an ordinary couple."

Mu En said eagerly:

"Ann, don't you know that my father told me when he left that he doesn't care about family status at all, so even if I am the son of a duke and you are a maid, there will be no resistance to our relationship.


Mu En glanced at the shackles next to him: "There is no need to do it to this extent. This is already a crime."

"I see, is this what the young master thinks?"

An held her cheeks with her hands, as if imagining something wonderful, showing an extremely happy expression:

"Being able to truly be united with the young master makes me happy just thinking about it."

"Yes, that's right, let me go first."

Seeing that there was something going on, Mu En continued to take advantage of the heat:

"We start as a couple, gradually understand each other, and then..."

"Ah, that's not possible."

But An suddenly interrupted Mu En.


Mu En raised her eyes in shock, only to find that An's eyes had become shudderingly cold.

"It is indeed wonderful to associate with the young master, but it is far from meeting my needs."


"Didn't I just say that?"

An said softly, "What I want is everything from the young master. If the young master goes out with me, can he give me everything he has?"

"No, that's too much." Mu En growled angrily: "I am a living person, not someone else's thing!"

"But I spent a whole ten years, wasn't it just to achieve this goal?"

Not caring about Mu En's anger, An still gently caressed Mu En's cheek with her hand, expressing her true infatuation.

"It's a pity that I didn't expect it to fail. I had no choice but to use this last resort."

"Ten years...what does this mean?"

Mu En suddenly didn't understand what An was talking about.

He just felt the chill in his heart getting deeper and deeper, as if some terrible truth was about to surface, leading him to sink into the abyss of fear.

"What do you mean? Of course it's the things I did for the young master."

An replied softly:

"Guide the young master, protect the young master, pamper the young master, make the young master arrogant, arrogant and ignorant, make the young master a real dandy and waste, make the young master be hated by others, especially those aristocratic sows who can only show off their coquettishness, let the young master No one dares to really get close except me. If the young master leaves me, nothing can be done."

"In order to make the young master belong to me completely, I have been doing this all the time for the past ten years."

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