An's expression returned to calm in an instant, and Mu En couldn't help but sigh that this woman's face changing speed was really faster than Sichuan opera.

"Come, Master, get the fish you want."

An opened the food box in her hand, and the fragrant aroma instantly filled the small prison.

Perhaps because he had been hungry for too long, even Mu En, who was used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, couldn't help secreting saliva at this moment.

"The cooking method is steaming or charcoal grilling. Which one do you want to eat first, young master?"

"Steam it."

"Then, ah——"


The fish meat was put into the mouth, and the fresh and tender texture immediately touched the nerves in the mouth.

Although he had an ulterior motive, Mu En still had to sigh, this fish must be so delicious.

"Master, be careful of fish bones."

"I know, I'm not a child, how could it be possible...ah."

"What's wrong?"

"...I think I really got stuck in the fish bone."

"Really? There's nothing we can do about it."

An suddenly crawled toward Mu En like a kitten.

"Eh? What do you want to do?"

"I want to kiss the young master."

"Now?" Mu En's eyes widened.

"Didn't the young master say that he was stuck by a fish bone? I want to hold your nose and inhale fiercely while we kiss. With my lung capacity, I might be able to suck out the fish bone."

"Huh? Wait, this won't work, right?"


"Well...actually I was joking."


"Are you serious? An, don't, this will kill people, wuwuwuwu..."

48. The smile gradually becomes abnormal

"Master, what do you think the fish tastes like?" An suddenly asked afterward.

"Yeah, very delicious."

"That's great. It's not in vain that I spent so much effort catching fish for the young master."

A touching smile appeared on An's dignified and pretty face, which made Mu En feel a little distracted.

Although being a yandere is scary, I have to admit that when she was a normal person, An was indeed a beautiful woman with exquisite appearance, and her figure hidden under the maid uniform was also curvy, no less than Celcia.

It would be nice to have a date with her.

Of course, the premise is that she has to become a normal person.

"Speaking of which, An, you seem to be soaked all over. What happened?"

Due to the dim light, Mu En did not notice anything strange about An. It was not until An mentioned it that Mu En realized that her whole body was soaked as if she had just swum four hundred meters from the river. It was close to my forehead, and there were a lot of mud spots on my dress.

This appearance is simply unimaginable to An, who has always been strict in his behavior.

"It's okay, Master, it's just a little rainy." An replied.

"Caught in the rain?"

Mu En frowned:

"Since it's raining, why don't you take a shower and change clothes?"

"Because I want the young master to have lunch as soon as possible. Isn't the young master hungry?" An Li said as he should.

"It's okay to have a late lunch, but what if you get caught in the rain and get sick!"

Mu En's expression became serious:

"Hurry back and take a bath, take a hot bath, soak for a while, put on warm clothes, and bake in front of the stove for a while. To be on the safe side, it's best to ask the doctor to prescribe some cold medicine!"


An's expression was a little stunned, but her cheeks were visibly blushing:

"I'm so touched that you care about me so much. I really want to..."

"Okay, stop being so arrogant and go!"


Feeling Mu En's rare warmth, An nodded obediently and quickly put away the remains of the food.

But even if Mu En urged her repeatedly, An still meticulously collected all the fish bones and took them away.

"Then Master, I will excuse you now."

"Get out of here!"


Although Mu En scolded her so badly, An showed an increasingly happy expression.

She left with brisk steps.

In the narrow and dark cage, silence returned.

Mu En looked at An disappearing into the darkness with a serious expression, and immediately collapsed.


The smile gradually changes...



"Hey Hey."

"Sure enough, the IQ of a woman in love will decrease."

"Isn't the opportunity coming?"

After confirming that An Zhen had left, Mu En stretched his muscles.

Although he couldn't move at all due to the shackles, it also allowed him to find out the limits of his current activities.

"Sure enough, the first step is to free your hands?"

Mu En looked to the side.

In order to completely block his movements, his hands were shackled to the wall, keeping him in the posture of Jesus on the cross.

You can't do anything in this position, so you have to break free from the shackles on your hands.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Mu En took a deep breath, and the determination that had been building up for a long time appeared in her eyes.

"I've tried it many times in the black book space. I can do it."


Mu En pressed the thumb of her right hand into the palm of her hand, and then pressed hard!


Along with the crisp sound of bone displacement, a sharp pain suddenly poured into his mind, causing cold sweat to break out on Mu En's forehead.

"Hiss--sure enough, even if I have tried it in the black book space, the pain is still unbearable in reality."

"After all, it's a dislocated thumb."

But fortunately, this pain was not in vain.

After the thumb was dislocated, the palm of his hand was able to pass through the shackles easily.

TV series sincerely don’t deceive me!

After successfully freeing his right hand from the shackles, Mu En pressed his palm on the ground, aligned it, and then - pressed it hard.


The sound of bone displacement sounded again.

The severe pain also struck again.

“Hiss—damn, it’s true that bone setting is more painful than dislocation.”

Mu En held her head high and gritted her teeth to resist.

But he didn't even have time to rest and calm down the pain.

After his thumb returned to its original position, there were still bruises around the base of the bone, and his palm could not help but tremble, but he had no time to care about it.

An didn't know when he would come back, so he had to hurry up.

Mu En raised her hand and slowly took something out of her mouth with trembling fingers.

That was what he had just hidden under his tongue and was almost discovered by An...

Fish bone.

It is also his key to freedom.

Unlock LV8.

Mu En looked at the records in the black book and felt the results of his hard work, and couldn't help but reveal a lucky smile.

Father, grandfather, and all the ancestors of the Campbell family, I wronged you.

Those strange books you stuff in your library are not useless!

At least that book "Fish Bones Can Also Pick Locks - One Hundred Ways to Burglary" is very useful now!

"Okay, let's get started now."

Mu En took a few deep breaths to calm down her mood and at the same time stop her hands from shaking.

He twisted the fish bone with his right hand and carefully reached for the keyhole of the shackles on his left hand, his heart rising to his throat.

Success or failure depends on this!

The result was smoother than Mu En imagined.

With his LV8 lock-picking skills, not only the shackles that bound him, but also the reassuring-looking big lock on the iron fence could be easily pried open by fishbones.

An didn't seem to have imagined this possibility at all. Although he was so cautious that he didn't even give Mu En clothes to wear, he didn't expect that Mu En could learn such a heaven-defying skill as fishbone unlocking.

Father, grandfather, and ancestors of the Campbell family, thank you again!

It's great that you are a bunch of idiots who don't like reading and only think about muscles.

"We need to get away as soon as possible."

After the door lock was unlocked, Mu En carefully walked out of the iron fence.

The light outside the fence was even dimmer than inside the cage, and was only illuminated by a luminous stone inlaid with a stone a few meters above the head.

Fortunately, it doesn't affect the line of sight very much.

"This... seems to be an underground utility room?"

Looking at the debris piled up around him, Mu En vaguely seemed to remember where this place was.

In the most edge corner of the Duke's Manor, there is an underground storage room used by maids to store various sundries.

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