Later, due to the renovation of the manor, it was abandoned.

I remember that when I was a child, Mu En also came here to explore, but because it was too dark, I fell hard.

Mu En subconsciously touched her forehead, where she could vaguely feel a small mark.

"Remember that time, it was An, who had just become a personal maid, who comforted the crying little Mu En and rescued him from this place."

"It was also from that time on that Mu En began to rely more and more on An."

"Ann was so gentle at that time, like a big sister."

So why have you become such a dangerous yandere now?

49. Life is full of surprises...

Although I don't know what kind of changes have taken place in An's mentality over the years, which led to him raising Shota into imprisoned PLAY, but Mu En knows that she must escape.

Because he really didn't know what kind of fun work An could do for him.

After being locked up like this for a few days, he couldn't stand it anymore.

The heart is tired and the kidneys are even more tired.

He wants to live, and even more, he wants to live freely.

If you can live, it is best to live happily.

The yellow-haired villain didn't want to give in.

"Come on, Tata drive!"

The best thing about recognizing a place you have been to before is that you can feel more at ease.

What Mu En fears most is that An will lock him up in a complicated and unfamiliar place, so that he may not even be able to find an escape route.

Fortunately, Ann is his personal maid, and her actions have certain limitations.

Therefore, transforming an abandoned basement near the Duke's Palace into a cage may be the limit for her.

Otherwise, Mu En had no doubt that An would directly build a castle in the center of the lake to imprison him forever.

Turning him into a "princess" who will never see the light of day in the castle may be what An wants to do most.

"It's a pity, I would rather be a prince."

Mu En casually took out a rusty hatchet from the debris in the corner. Holding the hatchet tightly, he cautiously moved forward according to the location of the exit in his memory.

At the same time, be on guard against possible traps and the like.

Fortunately, there is no trap.

This made Mu En breathe a sigh of relief. He now has no ability to distinguish traps, especially magic traps.

If they were more ruthless and installed various trigger traps or alarm systems in the exit passage, then Mu En would definitely have sent it.

But if you think about it carefully, this place is still within the scope of the Duke's Palace after all.

If someone from the mansion really entered by mistake and triggered the trap, it might cause quite a situation.

An, who had imprisoned the Duke's son, was definitely not willing to cause such trouble.

"Speaking of which, do the other maids in the mansion know about this?"

"Were they kept in the dark, or were they...accomplices?"

Mu En was not walking very fast, but the passage was obviously almost at the end.

After walking around a corner, a sudden light almost blinded Mu En's eyes.

But he was unwilling to close his eyes at all. Even if he was stimulated to tears, he still wanted to look directly at the dazzling light source not far away.

Like a dying person seeing hope.


That's the exit!

He is about to escape successfully!

At this moment, Mu En thought of the sky, the sea, and herself galloping on the endless grassland!

Ah, freedom, this is the taste of freedom.

Freedom is right there...


Crisp footsteps suddenly sounded.

Along with the shining light, a shadow suddenly swayed, blocking most of the light.

Mu En, who was still sighing for freedom just now, suddenly seemed to have teleported to the iceberg and snowfield, and was poured a basin of cold water on him.

He quickly hid around the corner.

The footsteps that can suddenly appear at this time will of course only belong to one person.


But how could she come back so soon?

Mu En roughly estimated the time. From the time he unlocked the door and then arrived at this place, only half an hour had passed at most.

Half an hour!

For a girl who thinks she is in love, half an hour may not even be enough to draw her eyebrows.

How did An manage to take a bath and change clothes in one go and end it so quickly?

Is this the profession of a maid? In half an hour, you can wash yourself to be fragrant and white for the arrival of your impatient master?

There is no need for such cuteness!


At this point, Mu En had to admit that she seemed a little anxious.

Maybe it would be better to wait a little longer and wait until night.

But there was no turning back. Even if he took the initiative to return to the cage and lock himself up and pretend to be fine, An would probably find out the clues.

We can only find another way.

Mu En glanced around and found an abandoned cabinet in a dark corner.


Mu En's eyes lit up.




In the silence, crisp footsteps were getting closer and closer, each step seemed to step on Mu En's heart.

Mu En tried hard to control her mood and prevent her heartbeat from beating so fast. At the same time, she covered her mouth and nose tightly and temporarily held her breath.

He is now hiding in a cupboard.

The abandoned cabinet was about the height of a person, just enough to hide him inside.

Although I don’t know who put it here, it’s really a big help.

After all, there is only one way here. If there is no place to hide, An will definitely run into him!

That would be the end of him.

Thank you, the God of the Closet, who doesn't know if it exists or not.

May every scene that is about to be caught have a closet to hide in.

Mu En prayed silently in his heart.

"Here I come."

Feeling An's approach, Mu En observed An's movements through the gap in the closet.

An slowly walked into Mu En's sight.

Her posture was still so upright and elegant, and every step was just the right distance.

She had just taken a shower and changed into a new maid outfit, but her hair was not tied up as usual, but draped wetly behind her, with a different sense of temptation.

But looking at An, Mu En's heart was in his throat.

At this moment, in Mu En's eyes, An was not a beautiful and lovely maid at all, but seemed to have turned into a ferocious man-eating monster.

He was a poor person who was forced to hide in the closet to avoid the monster.

If you are found, you will die!

Thinking of this, Mu En's heartbeat accelerated a few beats.

He stared at An, watching An walk from the right side of his sight to the left step by step.

"Hum, hum..."

An seemed to be in a good mood, humming an unknown song in a low voice.

Mu En remembered that song. When he couldn't sleep when he was a child, An would hum it softly.

I really miss it. An seems to have not hummed for a long time... No, is it time to think about this now?

Miss An, don't hum your song. Don't you want to see me? Walk faster, I'm in the deepest part!

Mu En kept begging An to walk faster in his heart, because every second of such time is torture.


An suddenly let out a surprised cry, and then stopped.

Looking at this scene, Mu En's heart almost jumped out of his throat.

Eh? What? Did An find out?

But I hid so well, how did she find out?

It's over, it's over. If I'm caught escaping, An will definitely chop off my limbs and turn me into a human pig!

My freedom, my galloping horse, my life is over!

"Strange, why are my shoelaces loose? I clearly remember tying them."

An suddenly bent down and tied his shoelaces.


"So... it's just the shoelaces?"

Seeing this, Mu En couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

I was almost scared to death.

Fortunately, all the tragic endings that I expected did not happen.

After An tied his shoelaces, he walked with an elegant step and disappeared from Mu En's sight.

Soon, even the footsteps disappeared.

"Did you leave?"

It seemed that he left.

"That is to say... I survived?"

Mu En couldn't help showing his ecstasy of surviving a disaster.

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