"For the kingdom!"

The people in the mission cheered excitedly. Under the encouragement of Hertz, they turned around and fiercely attacked the ordinary building as if they had been given blood from an old chicken.

In the centuries-long intermittent confrontation between the kingdom and the empire, the empire's intelligence agency has always placed a heavy burden and blow on the kingdom. This efficient and mysterious agency has accurately found the kingdom's flaws in all aspects. It laid the foundation for the tragic defeat of Wang Guofang in several battles.

But they don't even know the commander of this organization. It has always been hidden in the darkness of the empire. If it weren't for the turmoil in the empire not long ago, Herz would not even be able to grasp its location.

In fact, this is true for both sides. In the era when border conflicts were not intense, but secret confrontations continued, the intelligence agencies of both sides became the vanguard of the battle, and the darkness was the main battlefield.

Assassinations, espionage, spies... Under the seemingly calm surface, there is always some blood, spilled in places where the sun cannot shine.

"But things like this hiding in the shadows are not scary once they are exposed to the sun, are they?"

Hertz smiled sarcastically and followed the path opened by the members of the mission, all the way deeper.

This building is extremely ordinary. It is even located on a relatively busy street. Every day, countless cars, horses and pedestrians pass by it.

And perhaps also to avoid attracting the attention of outsiders, there was no one guarding the building at all. It was just a private house that could be seen everywhere... It was only after going a few floors underground that I felt the aura of magic.

"It seems right."

Hertz scanned it slightly and immediately recognized that this was an extremely sophisticated alarm array.

Everyone in the mission was in trouble, because this kind of thing was obviously not something they could crack.

"It doesn't matter."

But Hertz is confident.

After all, he can be regarded as a veteran strongman who is only a hair away from the realm of the crowned one. Things of this level cannot stop him.

Herz stretched out his palm.

An extremely small spider-shaped demon puppet quickly crawled into the darkness along his finger.


There were subtle gnawing sounds in the darkness.

Herz controlled the golem and quickly removed all the magic circles blocking the way.

A hidden passage appeared in front of everyone in the envoy.

"You can only hold on for three minutes. You will notice something abnormal after three minutes. Hurry!"


Everyone looked at each other, a slightly unreasonable excitement swimming in their pupils. They didn't even think about whether there were other dangers behind this passage, and just dived into it.

"For the kingdom!"

The excited shouts gradually faded away. Hertz listened carefully for a while, and then leisurely entered the passage alone.

Under the passage, there is an extremely complex underground space. The corridors are intertwined like spider caves, making it difficult to distinguish the direction. The people in the mission are also shouting and rushing to nowhere. But deep in the passage, there are already There was a clear sound of fighting.

But since it is a spider's cave... the spider can naturally explore it clearly.

A small spider puppet that came back from nowhere crawled along Hertz's feet and into his palms. He nodded slightly, as if he had received some important information, and smiled:

"Looks like I found it."

Without hesitation, Hertz headed straight in one direction.

No more obstacles along the way.

Finally, a dilapidated door appeared in front of Herz.

"Is this here?"

Hertz finally couldn't hide his excitement. Without too much hesitation, he stepped forward and opened the door.

There are many sophisticated magic circles set up in the outer area, but there is not even a bit of defensive force here.

So Hertz opened the door very easily...

The faint light from the dome slightly illuminated this grand space.

Herz looked up and saw that the layers of metal shelves were neatly arranged in this space like dominoes. It was like a huge library, but it was more solemn than the library. many.

In the center, a spiral column extends to the top of the space. In the dense passages like tree branches, metal scrolls with words engraved on them slide down and are neatly classified on these dense stands.

"Ha... I found it. Sure enough, this is the core of the entire empire's intelligence system."

Even Hertz couldn't help but be shocked by this huge and sophisticated system. The information collected by the empire's intelligence department will be sorted and classified here. The controller only needs to sit here and his arms can extend to the entire empire. .

However, this centralized organization method can indeed improve efficiency, but it also has a fatal flaw.

That is, once this place is breached, the entire empire will be visible like a beautiful girl who has been stripped naked.

As the first person in history who is about to complete this feat, Hertz cannot even imagine what a glorious future will await him in the future.

His hands even trembled a little, as if caressing a lover, gently caressing those cold iron coils...


But at this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly came, and Herz suddenly woke up and turned around, shouting:



Familiar voices echoed in this vast space, like murmurs from hell.

A figure walked out slowly...


Herz's pupils shrank because Sewell had also appeared here at some point, but now her movements were stiff and her eyes were dull, like a puppet on strings.

She stared at Hertz, tilted her head, and suddenly showed a very strange smile.

As if taunting.


Herz was so focused that he almost couldn't help but take action and kill his only student.

Fortunately, Sewell just took two steps before he fell to the ground and fainted.

But this picture was enough to give Hertz a threat... and a shock.

"Your Excellency...is that the legendary head of the Imperial Intelligence Agency?"

Herz looked away from Sewell, raised his head, and looked into the deeper darkness.

There, not even the light of the magic stone could shine through, but one could clearly see the cold arc outlined by pure darkness.

It seemed to be a man, with lines as sharp as a knife. Just through those outlines, one could recognize his beauty and majesty that even the darkness could not hide.

"Head? Haha, I can't even call you that. I'm just a worker."

His voice is also so deep and deep, resonating with countless metal stands, like vibrating cowhide drums, making people's hearts tremble.

Yes, this is the head of the intelligence agency who has frightened the kingdom, but has been unable to catch him for so many years!

He is supposed to be so terrifying, and even before he shows up completely, it is enough to make people feel intimidated.

"I didn't expect that it was Your Excellency who showed up in person." Hertz breathed out softly and forcibly stabilized his heart.

"I didn't expect it either."

The leader sneered: "Hertz, the leader of the dignified kingdom mission, is also a famous figure in the kingdom, but he actually committed an act of thief here, and even... he did not hesitate to use his own subordinates and students as bait. "

"I am not committing an act of thief. I am repaying my student, His Highness Milne. I am the righteous party."

Hertz looked solemn: "As for them... I almost succeeded, didn't I?"

"Oh, indeed, it was just a little bit worse, if I didn't show up in time." The leader clapped softly, not sure whether it was sarcasm or admiration.

"But now that you have failed, how should you deal with it?"


Hertz suddenly laughed:

"Your Excellency, the leader, it is too early to say this!"


Fine cracks appeared on the surface of Hertz's body once, but this time, it was not squeezed by external forces, but unspeakable terrifying light and heat, about to burst out of his body!

Herz stared directly at the head of the intelligence agency, with a sinister smile on his lips.

Yes, he can't get his hands on this information, but... as long as he destroys it, it can also bring huge trouble to the empire, right?

Who says there is only one way to succeed, as long as he can...


But the next moment, Herz's smile froze.

Because the darkness is dispelled.

But he still couldn't see the mysterious face of the leader.

Because the dazzling light, holding a dazzling crown, descends here.

The one who wears the crown!

This is another crown-wearer!

Herz looked horrified, and the information he had so far kept replaying in his mind, trying to figure out who this crowned person was.

The person wearing the crown cannot be an unknown person, at least the true identity of the leader must be known...

However, it didn't give him any space to think.


The moment the crown appeared, he seemed to hear the sound of blood flowing.

The sound seemed to come from within him.

Immediately afterwards, his vision went dark, and the body shattered into pieces.

Just like the broken vase in the storybook.


Everything is calm.

All that remains is a sigh in the darkness.

"Sure enough, is it still a demon? Cautious enough... But where does this guy get the confidence to think that we would be stupid enough to put the most confidential information in a place like this?"

The leader bent down, picked up a fragment from the ground, and held it in his hand for inspection.

Under the dim light that finally penetrated the darkness, a teasing look like a hungry wolf chasing its prey appeared on that cold and solemn face.

"Can you track it?" he said coldly.

"Yes, yes."

At some point, another figure appeared in this space.

The glimmer of light faintly penetrated the gauze edge of the skirt. She seemed to have appeared here earlier than Herz, but Herz was not aware of it at all.

"With the remaining aura of the devil around, it's not difficult to track it, but..."

She glanced at the leader coldly:

"How long are you going to stay naked?"


The atmosphere was stagnant for a few seconds.

The leader silently retracted his pretentious attitude, grabbed it casually, and a heavy leather sheath appeared in his hand, and then he put it on smoothly.

After a while, a funny pink bear walked towards the light with chirping steps.

"Hey, I finally managed to put on a domineering attitude, can't you give me some face? This is my first show since I became a real crown wearer!" Pink Bear said angrily.

"Pretending doesn't mean taking off your clothes and posing in the dark. I think you have misunderstood the meaning of these two words."

The former saint sneered and stretched out her hand towards the pink bear:

"Bring it here."

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