

"oh oh."

The pink bear picked through it, picked up the most complete piece of the demon doll, and handed it to the former saint.

"Watch it."

The former saint threw the fragments into the air.

Then, he made a fist with his slender hand, aimed at the fragment, and smashed it hard.

"I'm here to tell you what it means... to show off!"

A deafening roar instantly resounded throughout the entire underground space, and countless small lines suddenly extended on top of the completely incomplete fragments.

The terrifying excitement extends to infinity along the ethereal and invisible thread!


Hertz, who was running desperately, suddenly spurted blood from his mouth.

"not good."

He looked at the blood on the ground and his face turned pale:

"Position exposed!"

He didn't expect that the head of the imperial intelligence agency was so terrifying!

Not only was the realm terrifying, but he also had such an unpredictable method. It was really unfathomable, making Hertz even more curious about the other party's true identity.

"The sudden appearance of the crowned person is a bit troublesome, but..."

Herz glanced at his pocket watch and suddenly smiled strangely: "The purpose has been achieved."

As he said that, he turned cruel and tore off one of his arms.

This time it's not a golem, but his own real flesh and blood!

Hertz frowned in pain, but still showed a trace of madness that did not suit his temperament.

"I originally thought that I would never have a chance to go further in this life. Haha, fifty percent... This probability is already much greater than when I placed my treasure on His Highness Milne before. It is enough. ”

The ground cracked, and a huge beast-shaped demon suddenly rushed out, swallowed the arm into its belly, flicked its tail, and quickly escaped into the ground.

Herz stretched out his hand to eliminate the blood and aura on his body, chose a completely different direction from the golem, and quickly swept away.

"Was the CIA attacked?"

In the academy, Celicia also received the message from Pink Bear.

"Being able to find the location of the Central Intelligence Agency means that Hertz has initially mastered some of the empire's confidential information, but why would he be so stupid as to personally lead the mission to attack there? Even if the location is exposed, it still belongs to Belland. The hinterland cannot be breached by just one of his missions."

"It's not in person. According to reports, it's also a demon doll." Hathaway said.

"That's even more wrong. It seems that he had no intention of succeeding in such a stupid act from the beginning, but he still sacrificed the entire mission without hesitation."

Celecia tapped her fingers on the armrest of the seat, a look of thought flashed between her brows:

"The poisoning of the seventeenth prince must be related to him. What is the purpose of this, to get an excuse to declare war on the empire? If he kills the seventeenth prince and puts the blame on us, if he does not take any action, he will definitely be detained by the empire... But He cannot be detained by the empire, or cannot be detained immediately for investigation, because what he has done is not what he is doing, but what he has done.”

"No, his behavior seems more like a deliberate attempt to cover up something... He is diverting my attention!"

Celecia stood up suddenly and issued an order:

"Check! All officials who have changed since the Kingdom's mission entered Belland, especially those officials involved in sensitive positions, must find out the person who gave Herz the information!"

49. Bait

"According to the detailed investigation at the entire Belland level, it took seven days from the time the Kingdom's mission entered the city to the sudden death of Prince Milne."

"During these seven days, thirteen officials behaved strangely. Five of them have been identified by the Central Intelligence Agency as spies of the Kingdom and were arrested and dealt with. The other eight are still under observation."

"In addition, a total of thirty-five officials died in the entire Belland in the past seven days. Five of them died of natural causes, six of which could not be determined, and the remaining twenty-four were due to various unexpected factors. died, only three of them were determined to have been assassinated by outsiders, and the others are still under investigation.”

royal palace.

After returning from Santa Maria College, Celicia temporarily put aside all government affairs and focused on the sudden change in the kingdom's mission. At this moment, she was also listening intently to Weier's report.

"Thirteen officials have changed... Thirty-five officials have died. This number..."

Celecia suddenly clenched the carved armrest with her palms, so hard that her joints turned white:

"So many officials died and no one reported it to me?"

"...Your Majesty, this amount is actually normal for the entire Belland."

Weier carefully replied:

"after all……"

"After all, Belland's base is there, right?"

Celcia rubbed her brows with a slight headache.

As the most populous city in the entire continent, with millions of people, Belland's officials of all levels, large and small, add up to an extremely huge number.

In the face of this number, the abnormal behavior and deaths of only thirty or forty officials... are simply not enough to be stabbed here, especially in Belland, which just experienced the change. Many people died in a short period of time... , all become less unfamiliar with death.

In fact, even in peacetime, officials in Belland would die every day due to gang fights in the lower city, assassinations and revenge by enemies, and frame-ups by political opponents.

This amount is really not much, and in the eyes of those ministers, it is not enough for Her Majesty the Queen, who is busy with everything, to handle it personally, so no one will take the initiative to send this string of numbers to Celecia before she asks.

But apart from these, it is outside the so-called common sense.

For this complex imperial administrative system, Celcia had to admit that no matter how she tried to make up for it, adjust it, optimize it... those bloated and greedy nobles were turned into nutrients, or after being purged, in a short time , indeed brought a heavy blow to the management of the entire empire.

During this period, there were too many official promotions, replacements, and division of responsibilities. Although the empire's worms were cleared...but their positions still needed to be replaced, so during this period of pain, chaos would naturally inevitably arise.

It is this confusion that gives the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

"But now that the scope has been defined, it won't be difficult to find it."

Celcia didn't dwell on those things for too long, she quickly adjusted herself, closed her eyes and meditated:

"Narrow the scope to only the 24 hours before Prince Milne's sudden death."


"Having been ruled out as a foreign spy, Herz would not cover something so stupid."


"Those who were assassinated have been ruled out for the time being. Forging a false death is too time-consuming for them."


"Fake death is difficult to forge, so the only thing left...is the real death."

Celecia's tapping fingers suddenly paused: "I want information on all officials who died accidentally last night."

"Understood!" Weier replied in a deep voice, moving quickly.

Celcia opened her beautiful eyes.

At this moment, in front of her, only five of the more than thirty pieces of official information were left. It seemed that due to time constraints or the sudden incident, the other party did not have time to use too many deceptions.

"So, although the opponent's actions have been planned for a long time, the decision to take action at this point in time was made temporarily. Why... is it because he knew that the ridiculous Seventeenth Prince was going to lose?"

A sarcastic sneer appeared at the corner of Celcia's lips, her eyes falling on the five pieces of official information.

What is extremely coincidental is that these five officials, although they hold different positions, all have access to the core information of the empire...

"Falled into the river... Food poisoning, the whole family died... He was stabbed to death by his wife's lover, but he also killed his wife and her lover... He worked continuously and died suddenly from overwork... And, there was a fire."

Celecia looked over one by one and murmured as if she was enjoying a good drama: "It's really interesting that three families all died cleanly, but among them, the cleanest way to die is..."


A branch of the Central Intelligence Agency, Division Five.

As the largest intelligence organization operating secretly in the empire, the Central Intelligence Agency has thirteen sub-departments, each of which is responsible for different directions.

But even among the subordinate departments, the fifth department ranks at the forefront in terms of importance and secrecy.

It governs military affairs.

Celcia walked into this underground building that resembled a fortress.

Strictly speaking, the headquarters of the fifth department is not in Belland, but in a relatively remote mountain forest, about thirty miles away from the city, and inaccessible.

Therefore, this place is not "hidden in the city" like the Central Intelligence Agency. Instead, it is extremely tightly guarded. Various sentries are deployed layer by layer. Large magic devices are set up directly in the hidden magic. Any intruder will be attacked. A salvo of at least ten magic cannons.

In addition to Celecia, even Weier had female soldiers who specifically searched her body.

"His Majesty."

What greeted Celicia was a skinny old man. He seemed to have been underground for too long, and his pale skin was like a piece of crumpled paper.

He is the current person in charge of the fifth department, codenamed Mole. As for his real name, he has been buried in the past few decades.

"Remember Telfer Rockant?"

Celecia asked straight to the point.


The Mole nodded:

"Everyone who enters the fifth department is personally reviewed by me. Telfer has not been in the fifth department for a long time, so my impression of him is still fresh in my memory."

"What kind of person is he?"

"Silent, efficient, and hardworking."

Mole made no secret of his admiration for the man named Telfer: "The perfect intelligence agent."


Celecia chewed on those words: "Perfect...beautiful? Ha."

The two came to a dark and cramped room, which seemed to be the place where Mole usually worked. Not even a trace of sunlight from the outside came in. There was only an old exhaust fan, whirring.

The pungent smell of cigars hung in the air.

"Please allow me to smoke one, Your Majesty. I'm used to it. I must have this kind of thing when thinking." The Mole took out a cigar.


"Thank you."

The Mole lit his cigar and took a deep breath.

The pale smoke swirled into the exhaust fan and was crushed to pieces.

"Your Majesty, do you think he was the one who leaked the information?"

"It cannot be confirmed yet. The charred bodies of him and his family are still being examined... However, you are in charge of this huge intelligence agency, so you should answer this question."


The Mole was silent for a moment, and spread out a map with various shoulders marked with red paint on the large table in front of him.

"After the previous Belrand Incident, the Fifth Department also lost many people with important functions. In order to fill those positions, we began to promote capable people from all sides."

"Not just you."

Cecilia nodded slightly: "The entire Belrand is basically in this state. Although the termites have been eliminated, someone still needs to do their work."

"Telfer Rokant is one of the people who were promoted later. He was originally just an ordinary official in the lower city. He was favored by our people and entered the system of the Fifth Department not long ago."

The Mole paused: "Of course, after all, we are the Fifth Department. Before calling him in, we conducted a very detailed investigation of his background and qualifications."

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