Pupil earthquake!

Moon Campbell!

The son of a duke who rides on thirteen ships is the ultimate scumbag!

Why is he here?

Sally was stunned for a moment, then stood up immediately.

No... no, you have to run away quickly, otherwise... otherwise...

"No, no, no, don't leave yet, don't leave yet..."

Mu En showed a helpless smile and stopped Sally.

"Don't worry, classmate, I'm not trying to ruin you, nor am I trying to flirt with you. I just have something to ask you for help."

"What...what's the matter?" Sally hugged the book and shivered.

"Well, it's just..."

Mu En thought for a moment, then asked thoughtfully:

"Classmate, are you short of money?"

"Lack...lack of money?"

Sally was slightly stunned, and then her hands unconsciously grasped the corners of her clothes.

Yes, she was short of money.

After all, her family was just ordinary civilians. If it hadn't been for an accidental chance that her talent was discovered by a teacher in Santa Maria, she might not have had the opportunity to study here.

But after all, Santa Maria is not an ordinary college. Even with the teacher's support, her daily life is extremely difficult.

But even if I am short of money, what does it have to do with you, the son of a duke who was born with a silver spoon in your mouth?

Civilians also have the dignity of civilians.

Sally's expression was slightly cold.

She pushed up her pair of overly large black-rimmed glasses and said:

"I... whether I am short of money or not has nothing to do with Master Campbell. If you have nothing else to do, I will leave first. There will be classes later."

"No, no, no, I didn't mean to offend you. What I meant was, do you want to earn extra money in the academy?" Mu En quickly explained.

"Extra money?"

Sally stopped her steps immediately, and looked back at Mu En, with a trace of suspicion clearly in her eyes.

As a child from a poor family, who doesn’t want to earn extra money to support the family while studying?

But Santa Maria is just a college after all, and there are very few opportunities to make money, and even if there are, most of them are in the hands of senior seniors, and are not something that lower-grade students like her can get involved with.

However, the rumors about Moon Campbell still made her stay vigilant.

"Then...Master Mu En, would you like to hear it?"

"It's actually not that difficult."

Seeing that the girl was slightly moved, Mu En couldn't help but smile and said:

"I just don't know if you have time to give me some private tutoring after school or after class."

"Private tutoring?"

Sally's eyes suddenly widened,

"One on one? Alone?"

"That's right, one on one."

Although Mu En didn't know what the girl wanted to point out, Mu En still nodded honestly.

"Then... what is the content of the lesson...?" Sally asked tremblingly.

"Well, of course it's about learning. Although I personally want to learn more comprehensively, I still have to take care of you, an top student. I don't know if you... Huh? Classmate, are you okay?"

Mu En suddenly discovered that the girl in front of her suddenly had very red cheeks.

What's going on? Is it too hot in the library?

"Study...study...top student..."

At this moment, it was as if the original universe exploded in the girl's mind, and countless thoughts spewed out.


That study that Moon Campbell was talking about... would it be serious study?

And it’s also private tutoring, after-school tutoring, one-on-one?

At this moment, many unspeakable stories and picture books, such as "accidentally", "friends forced their way over", "not on purpose", "just glanced secretly", formed several words in the mind of the pure girl.

After class for top students.


The temptation of glasses girl.

Student Uniform***

really! That Moon Campbell didn’t have any good intentions!

"Well...if you are worried about remuneration, money is not an issue."

Perhaps feeling that he was not sincere enough, Mu En said seriously:

"It doesn't matter how much you charge, as long as you agree to help me teach."


He even wants to corrupt my soul with money!

"I'm not such a casual girl!" Lisa shouted excitedly.


Mu En was stunned.


What's casual?

Is it casual to teach him a lesson?

But before he could ask any questions, Lisa suddenly raised her foot and kicked Mu En's calf.

"Money isn't everything, you pervert!"


Before Mu En could react, severe pain invaded his mind.

"Hiss--it hurts!"

"Pervert! Scum! Go to hell!"

After scolding Mu En a few words, Lisa hugged the book in her arms and ran away quickly.

Mu En was left holding her calf, curled up on the ground like a prawn, with a look of pain on her face and a head full of questions.

who I am? Where am I? what happens?

Why am I called a scumbag again?

What did I do to that girl? Does she hate me so much?

Mu En's face was dull, and her eyes were full of doubts about why I had to be called a scumbag every day even though I didn't even have a girlfriend.

Just then, the fragrant breeze came.

A figure blocked the light.

Mu En looked up subconsciously, and then froze.

A mature girl stood in front of him.

Her hair was tied up with a hair tie and spread diagonally on the magnificent waves. Her eyes were as clear as crystals immersed in water, with the corners of her eyes slightly raised. There was a teardrop mole just right under her right eye, so when her eyes were slightly bent, she revealed an indescribable charm.

Her figure was also very good, with a waist as slender as a snake, especially the curve of her hips hidden under the tight-fitting uniform, which seemed to arouse countless fantasies.

On the chest of her uniform, there was a silver nameplate with a name.

Anna Kaberlin.

"Senior Anna..."

Looking at the figure in front of her, Mu En couldn't help swallowing.

Although she just glanced at it casually just now, she couldn't forget such an eye-catching beauty.

It was the library administrator!

"My classmate, loud noises are prohibited in the library."

The girl looked at Mu En, and the corners of her mouth were clearly outlined with a gentle and warm smile like a big sister next door.

But at this moment, Mu En felt a little cold.

"Oh, so that's how it is."

After listening to Mu En's story, the gentle librarian held her cheek with her hand and chuckled:

"It seems that I misunderstood you, my junior. I thought you were sexually harassing the girl just now, and I was still hesitating whether to call the teacher over quickly, or give my junior a righteous sneak attack first."


Mu En rubbed his calf and grinned, wanting to cry but not tears:

"Obviously I am the victim, okay."

This happened several times. He obviously did not make any mistakes, but he always suffered the iron fist of fate for no reason.

This is very wrong. Aren't the yellow-haired villains in general stories specializing in punishing innocent and pure girls? Why is he always punished by innocent and pure girls?

Fortunately, he has been beaten by iron fists many times, and he is more resistant to beatings.

Isn't it just a kick from a little girl? Grit your teeth and it will pass.

"Huh? Senior Anna?"

While thinking this, Mu En saw Senior Anna in front of him suddenly squat down, and her slender and soft ten fingers gently touched his calf, gently kneading the muscles on his calf.

The wonderful touch brought by this made Mu En feel a little itchy, and his cheeks suddenly turned slightly red, and he subconsciously struggled slightly.

"Don't move."

Senior Anna said softly.

The gentle words seemed to have a powerful magic.

Mu En immediately controlled his still slightly trembling calf and let Senior Anna touch it.

"So good."

Senior Anna smiled slightly.

At the same time, a soft light lit up in her palm, and a warm feeling flowed into the deep muscles and even bones along the place where the soft palm touched.

In a few breaths, Mu En felt that the pain in his calf completely disappeared, and even with unprecedented lightness.

"This is..."

"It's just a simple healing magic."

"Thank you, senior sister, but it's not necessary..."

"You should take care of your own body."

Anna interrupted Mu En, looking serious and slightly annoyed.

But immediately, she curled her lips and smiled mischievously:

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