"Otherwise, you'll hurt your body, but you won't be able to be a scumbag."


The corners of Mu En's mouth that had just been outlined by Senior Anna's smile immediately froze, touched her nose, and said with a smile:

"It turns out that senior sister also recognized who I am."

"Junior Mu En is a famous person."

"I thought I was only famous in second grade."

Mu En scratched his head, and then, as if he remembered something, he looked at Senior Anna and said doubtfully:

"But since senior sister knows who I am, why do you still dare to get close to me? Won't girls who have heard my name run away like the one just now?"

"Of course they have to run away, because in their eyes, Junior Mu En, you are an out-and-out scumbag. They are afraid that you, a scumbag, will deceive their bodies and even their hearts, so naturally they stay as far away as possible ”


Senior Anna sat on the chair next to Mu En, her body suddenly leaned closer, and the girl's warm breath hit her face.

She leaned close to Mu En's ear, exhaled like a blue breath, and asked softly with a hint of charm:

"Junior, do you think you... can defeat me?"


Mu En couldn't help but leaned back and took a breath of cold air.

This senior Anna has such a high rank!


Seeing Mu En hiding in embarrassment, the senior sister covered her mouth and smiled, looking at Mu En her eyes were slightly bent, and the tear mole made her even more charming:

"It's really strange. You are obviously a legendary scumbag, but why do I always think that you, junior, are quite innocent? You don't act like a scumbag at all."

"Because I'm not a scumbag at all!"

Mu En said angrily in a shocked voice:

"Those are all rumors spread by others! I haven't even had a girlfriend!"

"Well, that's a pity."


"Actually, senior sister, I really want to taste what it's like to be a top-notch scumbag who can make half the girls in the academy talk about it."

The senior sister licked her lips, eyes flashing.

"...Don't hide it from senior sister."

Mu En suddenly puffed up her chest, unbuttoned one button of her uniform, stretched out her hand to lift the bangs of her short hair, and said with an evil smile:

"Actually, I have a beastly heart hidden under my handsome face. It's natural to become a top scumbag, so senior sister, you..."

"What a beautiful thought."

Senior Anna rolled her eyes at Mu En,

"I'm lying to you, senior sister, I haven't had a boyfriend either~"

"You! Bad woman!"

Mu En had a heartbroken expression of being deceived:

"Senior, can you tolerate your conscience just by playing with my pure heart like this?"

"I'm a bad woman."

The senior sister held her cheek and smiled softly:

"A bad woman has no heart."


It's over.

This woman's rank is indeed too high to play.

Mu En was about to call in his troops and withdraw his troops, waiting for the next opportunity to fight another 300 rounds. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the small icons on the bookshelf that he had seen before to help him find the target book quickly.

Suddenly asked:

"Those little icons..."


"Were those little icons glued on by the senior sister?"


Anna glanced over and said nonchalantly:

"A gadget I made when I was bored."

"Senior sister is so gentle." Mu En sighed.


Anna looked at Mu En with a surprised look on her face, "You said I'm gentle?"


Mu En blinked: "He's helping me, a guy with a bad reputation, to heal his injuries, and pasting these little icons on the bookshelf to help classmates find books, and even...senior sister has been releasing magic that can isolate sounds, right? Just so as not to disturb other people in the library.

Can't these be called gentleness? "

"Gentle... gentle?"

Anna chuckled: "Very few people say that."

"Oh? Then how do other people describe senior sister?" Mu En became interested.

"they said……"

Anna was ready to speak every word, but at the most critical moment, she changed her words, stretched out her finger and flicked Mu En's forehead, and said with an angry smile:

"You just want to trick me, you bad junior."


Mu En clicked her tongue sadly.

"Just a little bit."

"But..." Anna suddenly tilted her head and said, "For the sake of my junior praising me for being gentle, I can tell my junior."

"Tch, senior sister, do you think I will be fooled? Let me tell you, Saint Seiya..."

Mu En was stunned.

Because Anna suddenly came up to him.

Very close.

Close enough to feel the other person's breathing.

So close that you can peek into the very deep corner of darkness through Senior Anna’s clear eyes.


"They say I'm a snake." Senior Anna said with her red lips moving.

"oh oh."

Mu En nodded blankly, but when he came back to his senses, senior Anna had already restored the normal distance from him.

It's like it's never been close.


Mu En nodded:

"not bad."


For the first time, Anna showed a somewhat surprised look: "Snake is not a good name for a woman."


Mu En crossed her arms and nodded solemnly:

"But I think it's good. After all...snakes eat rats, and I'm most afraid of rats."


Anna stared at Mu En carefully, until Mu En's serious expression froze, and then she suddenly burst into laughter.

"Junior Mu En, you are really an interesting person."

"Really, it's great to be able to make you smile."

Mu En rubbed her little hands excitedly, "There is something I want to tell my senior sister, actually..."

"You want me to teach you, right?" Anna said as if she had expected it.


Mu En was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Senior, do you know?"

"I'm not deaf. Of course I heard what you and that school girl said, and..."

Anna stared at Mu En and smiled jokingly:

"If a man takes the initiative to chat with a strange woman for so long, if it doesn't come to his mind, he must have other purposes, right?"


Mu En put on a straight face, slapped the table and said in a loud voice.

"Perhaps I am attracted by the charm of my senior sister?"

"...Moon Campbell."


"Maybe you really have the potential to be a scumbag." Senior Sister Anna narrowed her beautiful eyes and said.

"Then what's the senior sister's answer?"

Mu En asked expectantly, as nervous as a primary school student about to answer a question.


Anna pointed her finger at her lips and thought:

"It's okay, but... I can't help my junior class in vain."

"I have money!"

Mu En said in a shocked voice:

"one million!"

Anna was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Mu En with a strange expression:

"Junior Mu En, do you know? The best personal trainer in Belland can only cost one million."

"Knowledge is priceless." Mu En said.

"Giggle... It's a shame, junior, that you can say such innocent things."

Anna chuckled, holding her cheek and looking at Mu En carefully.

It wasn't until the gaze made Mu En numb that she stood up and said:

"Forget it about the money. Since you call me senior, I still feel weird about charging you money."

"Then the reward I have to pay..."

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