The Young Lion

Chapter 1041: Team Lion 1 vs Team 2

On August 10, Millwall officially announced that the new CEO Smith Carter will take office.

After taking office, Carter appeared very low-key, almost no one was found by the media. He took the newly formed team back and forth across Europe, France, Turkey, the Netherlands, Portugal and so on. He was rapidly building a Millwall cooperative club all over Europe. At the same time, it began to focus on rebuilding Millwall's football school worldwide, strengthening publicity, and establishing commercial outlets. At the same time, Millwall's publicity plan with the title of "Ten Years Legend" as the project title is also in full swing.

The club's business development projects outside of sports are in full swing, and these do not require Aldridge to worry about.

August 13.

The Premier League is about to start in the new season, and Audridge attends a pre-match press conference.

Reporters from all walks of Fleet Street gathered here, and the press hall was overcrowded.

In the opener, Millwall will go away to challenge Tottenham, a derby in London.

For the game, the outside world does not care, they even look forward to the beginning of the entire season, a battle between Millwall and Chelsea kicked off.

Aldridge, who was sitting on the stage, had a gentle face. A reporter first asked about the transfer of Ashley Cole to Chelsea.

At the time of the transfer, Millwall only announced on the official website. The last time Audridge attended the press conference was to introduce the return of Glennshire. The reporters did not go to the interest of Audridge. So this question Dragged to today.

Aldridge smiled and replied: "Ashley Cole left Millwall and went to Chelsea in West London. He left Millwall for 100 reasons."

Full of surprise!

All reporters were stunned.

Could it be that Ashley Cole still has many intricate factors in Millwall that have not been tapped? There are 100 reasons why he left so complicated?

Aldridge stretched out his hand with a smile, raised his index finger and said: "The first reason, money."

He stretched out his **** and gestured with both fingers, saying, "The second reason is money."

Sticking his ring finger and three fingers, he said, "The third reason is money."

At this time, the reporters at the scene all smiled.

Aldrich spread his hands and smiled: "The hundredth reason, money."

Most reporters know that Aldridge is sarcastic on Ashley Cole, and using this method to attack each other's image can be described as completely disregarding the former mentorship.

As the two parted ways, Ashley Cole betrayed and fate was over.

The reporter who asked the question was dignified and asked rhetorically: "Sir Hall, after Ashley Cole has won the World Cup, European Cup, League Championship, UEFA Cup Championship, Champions League championship, he hopes to Is Millwall getting the top salary, is this wrong?"

Aldridge replied gently without changing his face: "Your question asks Chelsea, there is nothing wrong, because Chelsea has nothing but money. But what about Millwall? We have always been a united club, a club that pays attention to contributions The important thing is how much you contribute to this team, not how much ability you have. Belon’s salary in Chelsea is not low, and his ability is not low. Why should he be called parallel? Because he did not contribute, why is Crespo Also known as not worthy of his salary? Because his contribution is not enough! Ashley Cole only played the main role for Millwall for two seasons, but hoped to earn as much as Nedved and Henry, It’s ridiculous. Henry was also a World Cup champion when he came to the team, but Henry did not have rude claims on wages. When you will ask me why Millwall and Ashley Cole talked about the collapse of the contract. At the time, I was also wondering. Really, in the past ten years, I have never heard of Nedved, Southgate, Larson, Pirlo, Ronaldinho, Schneider and other players. The news of their dissatisfaction with the salary, their renewal has never been turbulent, has Millwall treated them badly? No, they have contributed, and the club will reward them. This is what they deserve. Don’t forget , You’re just talking about what Ashley Cole got, but you didn’t say who made him? Which team allowed him to stand on the podium."

This reporter from The Guardian was stalking, grasping the issue and continuing to say sharply: "Sir Hall, you have repeatedly emphasized that players should know how to repay, and don’t overestimate the benefits of money, but you do it yourself The player was sent to Chelsea, isn't it because of Chelsea's high transfer fee offer?"

Aldridge shrugged: "Of course, they only want to go to Chelsea, because Chelsea pays a high salary, as for the transfer fee, huh, Ashley Cole, Robben, Ribery, the transfer fee returned by the three, The club took half of it and added it to the loyalty clause rewards for all players in the first team, and 20% was used as the championship bonus for this season. The club stayed and invested only 30% of the operating costs."

All the reporters at the scene looked at each other.

According to the information they had received earlier, Millwall sold to Chelsea three players and received about £70 million.

If 35 million pounds are given out to give first-team players a loyalty reward, this investment is not small.

Loyalty rewards are definitely not one-off, the focus is on loyalty!

In other words, the longer a player stays, the higher the reward.

In any case, in disguise, Millwall’s player salary has increased, but it will not be a permanent increase, because the age of players will increase, and the career may be a few years later.

The 20% championship bonus is almost £15 million!

Certainly not a championship bonus, it is the sum of all events, the league and the Champions League must be the heaviest!

This is another measure to stimulate players' fighting spirit.

Such a reward mechanism has a certain connection with Aldrich's stated contribution.

The better the score, the greater the contribution and the more money you earn!

"Guardian" reporters are no longer entangled, it is enough.

The reporters at the scene knew that Millwall’s boss was not a lust. Although Millwall made a lot of money, the salary system was actually very large. In the club’s self-sufficient operation, they made a lot of money through selling people in ten years. Money, but know that earning a new stadium and developing a commercial chain will require astronomical money, and the player’s salary system. Before Abu entered Chelsea, Millwall has become the most Premier League salary system since 2000. A huge club that is also among the best in Europe. There are too many excellent players. The top weekly salary is the highest, but there are loyalty rewards. The main players are middle-level players. The wages are obviously much higher than those of other clubs.

Renewed clubs can’t escape a situation: that is the change in the salary system. If you want to help the newcomers to the top, you have to make room for the salary. Those former main players who were unwilling to cut their wages and did not accept transfers, this The money club still has to fulfill the contract and continue to pay, so Millwall's wage system is under great pressure at this stage is also justifiable.

Howard of The Sun raised his hand to ask questions.

"Sir Hall, do you think Millwall, as the defending champion, who will be the biggest competitor?"

Aldrich looked around at the countless eyes of the audience. Everyone actually had an answer in their hearts. It was a bit tricky for Aldridge, but Aldridge laughed: "Of course it is Chelsea. They spent more than 200 million pounds this summer. Citations, if I don’t put them first in the competition, I feel embarrassed, huh, huh, "The Sun" asks for some reason, today I read the cover of the football section of your newspaper, um, do It’s not bad, but the wording is inaccurate."

"Sun" in today's newspaper cover is a full-page PS picture.

On the left is the new Chelsea lineup led by Mourinho, on the right is the defending champion Millwall led by Audridge.

Aldridge and Mourinho stared at each other across the air, posing a tit-for-tat posture.

This "Fight of the Young Masters", which was in the pre- UEFA Champions League final last season, will finally begin.

The text description interspersed in the picture by the "Sun" was: Mad Lion 1 team vs Mad Lion 2 team.

There are too many former Millwall players in Chelsea.

In a detailed season preview, the Sun deliberately speculated that Mourinho would not only lead Chelsea to overthrow Millwall's rule, but also to use the players abandoned by Millwall to further combat Audridge. , Trying to prove that he knows more about hiring than Aldridge.

Yeah, beat Aldridge with a group of Aldridge abandoned players. If it can be done, Aldridge and Mourinho are weaker and weaker, so there is no need for discussion and there is no dispute.

The atmosphere at today's press conference was relatively relaxed. The reporters did not see Aldridge's anger or ugly face. Aldridge's mentality was always better.

Howard asked: "Where is it wrong?"

Aldrich chuckled: "Although I say that you may feel that I am looking for a step, I still have to make it clear that when Ferreira left Millwall, there was no dispute about his ability to compare with Schneider, Schneider is definitely stronger than him, and now I also think that Schneider is better. If Drogba and Essien did not leave Millwall two years ago, they would not be there today. After two years of training in Ligue 1, they The strength has become stronger and there is potential in the future, but the media should never wrongly express the specific abilities of players in a period, covering their entire career at their peak. Drogba two years ago was in Milwaukee. There is no place for the Seoul front. I don’t think it’s a mistake to let them go. Chelsea have money. They can buy a lot of players in the world. Just as Millwall can do the same. Although we are poor, we take it out. It is not difficult to recruit 100 million pounds. The question that troubles us is: Who should we buy? We already have the best players in the world, even if some players are still young, but we are patient and can wait for them to become the top Players, this is our tradition."

In fact, the reporters knew that the news in the newspaper was not credible. The Sun was also used by the crowd. Howard showed an apologetic expression to Aldridge, and Aldridge smiled.

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