The Young Lion

Chapter 1042: Utilitarian football

Stamford Bridge is like a arsenal in the state of preparation. Since the end of last season, Mourinho entered the main, as if Stamford Bridge has always heard the sound of building weapons and equipment. During this summer, they continue to recruit to strengthen their strength. Constantly raising expectations for them.

When the day of August 14th arrives, the preparations for Stamford Bridge are over!

The curtain of war, open!

Chelsea's first round of the Premier League, the game is quite noticeable.

They will play against the Red Devils at home.

Mourinho fought against Ferguson. Mourinho disclosed Ferguson's gaffe performance in the Champions League last season after losing to Manchester United. Ferguson criticized Mourinho for being too arrogant.

Chelsea appeared at Stamford Bridge, competing with Manchester United for the first victory of the season.

Mourinho's new tactical system has finally surfaced.

How to play in the warm-up game, the outside world will not be used as a decisive basis. Only when you really reach the Premier League can you determine what kind of team Mourinho wants to build.

The now popular 433 was sacrificed in Mourinho's hands.

Chelsea began to rise to Europe as a steel division!

Mourinho established his main starting lineup.

Goalkeeper: Cech.

Defenders: Ferreira, Terry, Carvalho, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: Makelele, Essien, Lampard.

Forwards: Robben, Drogba, Duff.

This is stronger than Chelsea in the history of the same period, because Essien and Ashley Cole arrived earlier, and in the offense, there are Ribery and Joe Cole on the side, even Robben, the glass man There are a lot of players missing from the sidelines when there are problems.

In terms of thickness of the lineup, Mourinho can sit back and relax thanks to Bai Abu's crazy recruitment.

However, there are still risks in this main lineup. Robben is one of them. African players are the second to play in the African Cup in January.

Ferguson sat on the coach's bench on the sidelines, not moving like a mountain, focusing on what happened on the court, but his heart was already in a rage.

Silently ask the sky!

His mother, Chelsea is fighting back! Anti-reverse! Anti-reverse!

Malle Gobi, the team that took more than 300 million pounds to build in two years is still at his own home.

A little bit of pursuit? ? ?

Utilitarian Mourinho doesn't care much about the scene, only the results.

Chelsea fans are not really afraid of Manchester United, because before Abu entered the game, Chelsea had the reputation of "giant killer". This giant refers to Manchester United.

At the end of the game, the score on the scoreboard shows 1:0.

Chelsea scored a small victory over Manchester United and made a good start.

The season has only just begun. The team naturally did not run to the best. This is normal. Chelsea also needs to run in. Mourinho is very satisfied with the result. As for the scene after the lead is extremely dull, he does not care.

I thought that the victory of this game will bring Chelsea spiritual stimulation and inspiration.

But another game kicked off at the same time has just ended, also in London.

White Hart Lane Stadium, North London.

When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the match, Aldridge went to shake hands with the Tottenham coach.

Tottenham's new coach is not a strange face, Aldridge just played against each other in the European Cup.

Former French national team coach Santini.

Santini was at a loss at this time, slightly overwhelmed.

Tottenham home fans are booing him, his players quickly leave the court, unwilling to stay one minute and one second at home.

Millwall players are enjoying victory.

Aldridge and Santini failed to shake hands, because he stood in front of Santini for 3 seconds, the other side was desperate, Aldridge had no choice but to pat the elbow of the other side, and then stood on the sidelines waiting for the players Exit.

"Tottenham's new coach Santini's Premier League debut was simply terrible! Sir Hall, who gave him a painful blow at the European Cup, sent a gift for Santini's arrival at White Hart Lane! Tottenham suffered a bloodbath at home at Millwall! In the game, Tottenham actually discharged a 9-0-1 formation, completely shrunk in the penalty area, but still couldn't stop Millwall from scoring a goal. Nardinho first produced a red card for the opposing defender and then scored a goal with two goals and a dazzling result of assisting a hat trick. Villa, C Ronaldo and Kaka each scored a goal, and they all scored goals. Assists from Ronaldinho, while Villa and C Ronaldo also gave Ronaldinho an assist, Millwall is full of energy in the midfield and frontcourt, and almost every area in the frontcourt can create a breakthrough threat! After the first round of the new season, the defending champion took the top spot."

Aldridge greeted the players on the sidelines. They thanked the fans who came to support the Lions on the road and then they all went off together. Their faces are full of meaning and the fighting spirit is full.

"Good job."

Aldridge celebrated with Kaka high-five, then Ronaldo, Villa, Alonso, De Rossi...

Ronaldinho was the last to retire. He dropped the jersey on the other side of the court and took a photo with the nearest fans on the sidelines.

Ronaldinho was happy with the game, Ronaldinho was happy, he hugged Aldridge's neck when he retired, and the mentor and apprentice walked into the player channel together, talking and laughing along the way.

In an interview in the mixed zone, the reporter informed Aldridge at Stamford Bridge that Chelsea defeated Manchester United 1-0.

Aldrich shook his head disdainfully: "I don't want to hear any news about Chelsea. Their performance is not what we are concerned about. We only care about ourselves. In my opinion, the outside world does not understand what Milwall is now. We are Defending champions, we are advancing bravely, we are not afraid of everything, we are determined to conquer, what about Chelsea? Do they have a Premier League champion? No, do they have a Champions League champion? One thing, to beat your opponents in the game! Instead of focusing on how others are performing and marveling at what has changed, we are trying to make ourselves better without expecting others to be bad to make us profit."

On this day, the curtain of the Premier League opened, and the new generation of players led by Ronaldo and Kaka began to provoke the beam, and Millwall's frontcourt offensive firepower began to be released in a new round.

In the adjustment of the team's offensive center of gravity, Rodriguez used Ronaldinho as the core of the offensive offense, making Ronaldinho the first target of the opponent's marking, bringing the release of other points, Kaka's forward insertion after capturing space in the front court, and The dribbling breakthrough ability started to surprise the entire European football world. Cristiano Ronaldo has not yet developed towards the shooting machine, but his skilled technical ability has made him start to climb the throne of the first killer. Villa's career has opened high and low. After leaving, he played quietly and played stably. The tacit understanding of the team's ability to cooperate and gradually stabilized the status of Europe's first-class player. After the baptism of last season, Alonso has the ability to attack forward in addition to the sublimation of organizational ability in the new season. More efficient, in the middle of the road, his pressure to further liberate Kaka, so that the Son of God began the power of 30 meters in the front field.

In the midfield and backcourt transformation, because Tiago Silva needs more protection, De Rossi also mainly stabilizes the defense, hoping that under the support of Nesta, Silva can grow up as soon as possible, Schneider With Ram, the German full-backs promoted their delicate technical abilities, Aldridge began to have a bolder idea in the use of full-backs, allowing Ram and Schneider to take the situation at the wing trial, and sent a straight threat. The offensive feature of torn opponent's defense in the frontcourt, and the full-back assist directly sent by the full-back, will become one of the focuses of Millwall's overall offense.

In August, the Premier League goes to war!

The horn of battle sounded over the Stamford Bridge.

Lion King Stadium, defending champion defends the throne aspirations.

Premier League first round.

Millwall away 5:0 blood wash Tottenham.

Chelsea 1-0 Lectra Manchester United.

second round.

Millwall home Manchester City at 4:0.

Chelsea beat Birmingham 1-0 away.

The third round.

Millwall is at home 3:0 easily even Portsmouth.

Chelsea away 2: 0 soldiers won the Crystal Palace.

The fourth round.

Millwall had only two days left between the fourth round and the third round. They were the first to play because they were going to the European Super Cup.

On the basis of the rotation of the whole team, Nedved and Larson two veterans are in a state of bravery, helping Millwall beat Bolton 5:1 away.

Then Chelsea, who started at the same time with the big troops at regular time, beat Southampton 2-1 at home in a shocking and unimpeded manner.

In August, the Premier League played four rounds of league matches.

People's enthusiasm and expectations for Chelsea began to decrease.

Although they are the same as Millwall points, their victory is quite economical and lacks passion.

Millwall showed the ambition and power of the king through four rounds of the opponent's 17 goals!

Especially after four rounds, after people have a general impression of Mourinho's Chelsea, many fans who are looking forward to the miracles of Chelsea have begun to turn around.

Chelsea, too utilitarian!

As long as the score is ahead, they will not speed up the pace of the game and pay more attention to defense to kill the opponent.

There are also criticisms and mockery of Abu.

Is this the beautiful football you want?

It’s better to call 3 points football!

As long as you get 3 points, it doesn't matter.

Mourinho dismissed it, he made public opinion storms by provoking all those who can provoke, let himself stand on the cusp of the storm, shelter the boss from the wind and rain, and exchange tranquility for the team. All the pressure, he was alone. On the shoulder.

In the Premier League battlefield where smoke began to diffuse, Mourinho was waiting for opportunities, waiting for Millwall to make mistakes, waiting for Millwall to bear the pressure to give up offensive football, and instead used a utilitarian posture to plunder 3 points. You can transfer more pressure to Millwall and Aldridge.

But he may not know that what he has done now, once, Aldridge did it, and for the internal control of the team during the game period, Aldridge does not need to be in the limelight in front of the media. An internal sentence is enough to keep players from being disturbed by the outside world.

In this league marathon, perhaps in the past the competition was endurance. Now, it is the competition who falls first and can knock down the opponent when they meet.

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