The Young Lion

Chapter 889: Millwall Women's Football was established

In English football, there are two contemporary overlords, the first is even the European overlord, named Millwall, nicknamed mad lion!

Another overlord, Mo, said that more than 2 billion fans all over the world have never heard of it. Perhaps many English fans have also heard of it. This overlord is named Doncaster Rovers Bellis.

This nickname Bellis, which can be interpreted as a "beauty" team, is a women's football club.

It has a history of 33 years. Although many professional football clubs have used their financial resources to build women’s football clubs in recent years, they have continuously won championship trophies, but their overall performance and stability. Although Bellis claims to be a far-fetched leader, it has also convinced the English women’s football industry. The men's football has a 150-year history of development. They have been developing slowly in amateur, semi-professional, and professional occupations over the years. As for the salary of the women's football, the annual salary of the largest player is not as good as that of Beckham's one-day salary.

August 5, 2002.

One kilometer east of the Lion’s Cave Stadium at Millwall’s old stadium, it was bought from Millwall a year ago. After a year of renovation, it is now a small stadium that can accommodate 8,000 people. , And owns an office building, this small and exquisite but still inscrutable little world, the club listing ceremony will be held today.

Fathers and fellows from East London have arrived, and the cost of entering the ceremony to watch the ceremony is only 1 pound. Even Fleet Street has heard about it, making it crowded.

When a mature woman in Millwall sportswear took a football and led a 22-person women lineup out of the player channel, eight thousand people on the scene stood up and applauded.

At the forefront is the head coach of the women’s football team, named Edwina. She smiled with tears in her eyes and listened to the thunderous applause at the scene. She couldn’t help but think of the past many years, she and a group of girls Together we can only play football in public places, simple play, no training system at all, go to the sun and wind, occasionally go to amateur competitions, laugh together, lost together, if only for entertainment, it’s okay, but women how?

Can't women have dreams?

Women really don't understand football as much as the British sullen gentleman despise?

Yes, maybe I don’t understand, but even God can’t stop us from dreaming!

Edwina remembered the encounter with a man many years ago.

At that time, she had just retired from the stage of the semi-professional league, but she was only in her early 30s, but because of the lack of systematic training, the older she was, the more she could not bear the physical load. She could only enjoy football in amateur games occasionally. Fun, since then, she has come together with some young girls who love football, they have participated in the local community-based community development plan launched by Millwall, such a plan, many professional clubs in England have it, which is rooted in the community, Give back to the community, or one of the projects that interacts with the community, just like Millwall stars will do charity.

At that time, a group of girls, under the guidance of coach Millwall, hoped to kick out their own world. At that time, Edwina saw the young coach who just won the first Champions League. Derridge, she remembered everything Aldridge said to her at that time, but as time passed, she felt that the other party might have forgotten.

Unexpectedly, this day has finally arrived, and the young commander has fulfilled his promise of the year, although that may be trivial to him.

Millwall Women’s Football Club, established today!

These girls who love football in East London, with their homes, their bases, and their support for their professional development, let them see the bright future and radiate vigorous momentum.

Wearing brand-new jerseys, brand-new sneakers, and walking in the brand-new small stadium, the most simple smiles on the faces of these unsurprising girls emerged from love and pride!

Even if they knew that today if there wasn’t that handsome young man coming, the old folks who came to the scene might be at least half less, but they couldn’t reduce their happiness by half a star.

When Aldridge brought his family to the sidelines, the atmosphere reached a climax, and a name echoed throughout the small stadium.



This is the first time the young coach has taken the initiative to appear in the eyes of the fans after the World Cup. The rows of heroic women's football standing in a row on the field applauded, and many young female players stared at Aldridge without concealing their affection.

The youngest player on the team is Daisy. She is only 17 years old. She has extraordinary athleticism and is a technical player. She is thin and has freckles on her face. She wears a bunch of ponytails. Excited.

The older Mandy leaned her head slightly and whispered, "Daisy, you definitely dare not kiss him."

Daisy turned her head and glared at Mandy, unwilling to show her weakness: "Who said I dare not? Dare to bet?"

"What bet?"

"The loser brushes his opponent's shoes for a month and wash his shirt for a month!"

Poor women's football, this kind of job of cleaning shoes and jerseys is placed on the men's football side, and there is a person in charge. When they come to them, they have to do it themselves.

Mandy hesitated. Daisy's tone was so great that he would never lose.

"Huh, are you afraid?"

When Daisy saw that she didn't speak, she rose a bit.

Mandy rides a tiger and has to agree.

"Look, you lost."

At this time, Aldridge walked into the stadium holding the hands of Burt and Earl from left to right, and Yiwen, in a white dress, stood on the sidelines and looked at him with a smile.

Aldridge walked in front of Edwina, released Bert and Earl in both hands, and then embraced Edwina in a courteous manner. When he turned around, Earl handed the microphone to him To him, at this time, the stadium is still deafening cheers, cheering his name.

"thanks, thanks……"

Aldridge said thank you five times in a row, before making the scene quiet from the hustle and bustle.

He turned his back to the women's football players, and the little girls stared at him without blinking.

"When I decided to build a women’s football team for 30 million pounds, the first sentence that the staff around me said to me was: Aldridge, you are crazy! The second sentence is: 30 million pounds, we can I bought a world-class star to make Millwall stronger. When I think about it, I think of what British men often say in private: women, do you know football? Of course, no celebrities dare to say this publicly That way, he will take legal action and will be condemned by this society for sexism, but this is the true idea of ​​many British gentlemen."

There was a lot of silence on the scene. Many men in the stands actually came here to pay £1 for the purpose of seeing Aldridge because of their love for the mad lion, not really how interested in the establishment of the women’s football club. Is the fact.

And what Aldridge said is also true.

Behind him, the women's football players squashed their mouths, and their expressions were aggrieved.

Aldridge paced in front of them, and said lightly: "Sometimes, you have to admit that they, women, don't seem to really understand what football is! They were shoveled, and they stood up and continued the game. Pretend to be injured. They don’t fall, and don’t let their opponents get sent off. They don’t fight with opponents on corner kicks, and they don’t go to referee theory. How can they play well like this? , Who can stop them from playing football? No! In order to play football, they gave up full-time work and spent a few odd jobs outside of playing football in order to play decently and enjoy the short-lived happiness brought by football The wind and rain cannot shake them. They cannot see that the Premier League has become a splendid scene of billions of dollars in the huge industry. Even if they become household names, they cannot earn the property of a sports car or a mansion. However, they are still playing football, they are still laughing and sad because of football, fell down and climbed up, fell down and climbed up, England, every week, there are tens of thousands of girls playing football, they moved me, let I am respectful, and the light that blooms on them is not what Millwall needs, insists on, and hopes to carry forward the spirit of mad lion forever?"

After three seconds of silence at the scene, thunderous applause broke out again, this time, not for Audridge, but for this women's team.

And the female players behind Aldridge, many of them were in tears, the expression of grievance was swept away, and they were filled with emotion when they looked at the young commander. This legendary young commander really has extraordinary magic, a few words The toss made people's hearts surging, which was really annoying, and they had to secretly wipe away tears.

Aldridge turned around and smiled at the female players: "I had an agreement with Edwina a few years ago, as long as I am in Millwall for a day, I will give you a stage to realize your dreams, now The land beneath your feet is the jersey you are wearing. Here, I, Audridge Hall, proudly announce that the Millwall Women’s Football Club has been established! A member of the Women's Football Professional League!"

In the cheers of all the female players in the team, Aldridge dropped the microphone, and then began to shake hands with them one by one. As a result, he was surrounded by the female players before shaking hands with the second one. Under the gaze of 8,000 spectators in the field, they were actually thrown into the sky by the female players!

Yi Wen stood on the side of the field and covered his mouth with a beautiful hand, stunned.

Burt and Earl were also picked up by slightly older female players.

Aldridge's heart broke.

Where is this a group of female players, a group of female hooligans!

His sturdy buttocks no longer know how many hands are being kneaded...

And when he stood back again, Daisy pulled a handful of Mandy, and under the watch of Mandy, Daisy bravely sneaked in and attacked Aldridge, kissed him in the face, and then talked to Aldridge. Tao: "Boss, if you feel bad, just come back for you."

After that, she will also turn her head to make her small face face Aldridge.

Aldridge looked at the little girl and shook his head.

Then Aldridge took a group photo surrounded by a group of female players, and then the female football players showed some skills, especially the technical movements of Daisy and Earl made the audience laugh.

Although Earl is young, he can do quite a lot. It doesn’t matter if his movements are not smooth. For children, there is such a high demand. Daisy is very good at it, but the fancy is not as good as Erdo, she sees Earl did a bicycle, she also did a bicycle, El Marseille slalom, she also made one, Earl came to a slow decomposition action to dump the cow's tail, Daisy was crying...

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