The Young Lion

Chapter 890: New Mad Lion

If the professionalism of the English men’s football team is already at the top level in the world, then the English women’s football team is actually only a grassroots movement with negligible economic benefits.

And after Aldridge retired from the position of the manager of Millwall, he became a club owner full-time, and he did have a strong stroke in the brand value of the club.

The establishment of a women’s football club does not expect direct economic benefits. It is more focused on the promotion of Millwall’s brand culture. First, it can expand the influence of local clubs and gain popularity. Secondly, Millwall is diversified. More than just a men’s football club.

Fleet Street analyzes Aldridge’s intentions in depth and believes that Aldridge’s ambition is to build the Millwall brand to a higher level. In the future, it will not even be limited to the football field.

However, the English people are most concerned about the Millwall Men’s Football Club. Others, some are there, and none are. How much more fans will Millwall’s investment plan gain, or will the team’s support be Climbing, the outside world does not care much, and only the Millwall Club’s own family members will analyze the gains and losses from the financial statements.

When Klinsmann called Aldridge again to complain, Aldridge had brought his family to the beach, and before the summer had passed, he could swim comfortably and swim on his own luxury cruise ship. Have a romantic time with Yiwen.

Klinsmann complained nothing more than a line of defense.

Metzelder was sold, Lescott was loaned to Everton by Aldridge, and the central defender position became weaker.

In response, Aldridge responded to Klinsmann: You are too nervous! Relax, think about it, will Lescott have a chance in the new season?


The guard is different from the forward.

The defender can't make mistakes, the forward can make mistakes, so there are more forwards, and they can take turns. For example, Benitez is very skilled in this set. He is in Valencia, the back line is basically unchanged, and the offensive system is a big rotation.

The particularity of the defender's own duties has led to the possibility of frequent rotation. One more Lescott is just to make the lineup thickness seem reassuring. Unless there is a large-scale injury and injury, Lescott There won't actually be many opportunities.

Southgate, Barzali, Neil, Thiago Silva, there are four central defenders in the team, the weakness is weak, but Aldridge’s signing is not over yet, he will fight for more Linsman was pleasantly surprised. He could not succeed, nor was he good at packing the ticket to fill the talk.

At the moment of the start of the Premier League, Aldridge has become a figure in the headlines of the entertainment circle, and every time he is with his family, making the outside world very envious, go to watch horse racing, fashion catwalks, or participate in some local festivals, every The second time he made headlines, he was always hand in hand with Yiwen, his two sons were playing around, and it was only on the school day of each week that he would seriously put on his suit and go to the Millwall Youth Training Base.

During this period, Melanie set up a company, and first gave her son Earl a favor. A creative advertising company invited Earl to shoot ads on the theme of displaying football skills. Aldrich himself has no opinions, Earl With gleeful consent, Melanie gave her son control, and then asked for the consent of Audridge, set up a brand company of the same name, hired some designers, and entered the fashion industry.

Aldrich still didn't care about this. As for the contract Melanie had, he just read it and signed the name. As for the portrait rights, dividends and the like, he didn't care at all. Anyway, his money was all his life. It can't be spent, and the day of death in the future can be left to future generations, as long as it is not profligate, it should also be spent.

On August 12th, on the eve of Millwall going to the Millennium Stadium for the community shield match, Millwall first team shot the new season family portrait at Lion King Stadium. (At the beginning of this season, the charity shield was changed to a community shield.)

The old man and the new man have been the rhythm of the past few seasons. The Millwall players wearing the new season's new jersey on the court, although the expression is similar, contains the seriousness of the fighting spirit, but whether the inner thoughts have changed from the past It is unknown.

Attachment: Millwall's new season team lineup

Goalkeepers: Bute, Paljuka, Kirkland.

Guards: Schneider, Glen Johnson, Southgate, Barzali, Neil, Thiago Silva, Ashley Cole, Baines.

Midfielders: De Rossi, Pedretti, Essien, Alonso, Lampard, Nedved, Kaka, Joe Cole, Ramall.

Forwards: Henry, Ronaldinho, Klose, Larson, Villa, Ronaldo, Drogba, Robben.

A total of 28 people.

Fleet Street said this when commenting on Millwall's lineup in the Premier League 20 of the new season: Millwall led by Klinsmann in the new season, the lineup thickness looks more impressive than Millwall, who won 7 championships last season. Rest assured, however, if you remove players under the age of 20, such as Robben, C Ronaldo, Essien, De Rossi, Baines, Johnson, etc., you may feel that this team once suffered major injuries. If it does, it will become a Millwall youth team. Nedved is still recovering from the injury. The new aid coming to the team needs an adaptation period. Some players are unknown, such as Essien, Silva, and Luo. Ben, what is their ability? Therefore, the overall strength of this 28-man roster should have dropped significantly compared to Millwall last season. Klinsmann faced a very serious challenge.

The opening of the community shield means that the Premier League will soon have an opener. In this community shield, Aldridge did not show up at the Millennium Stadium. He did not go to watch the game, but he did not want to put pressure on Klinsmann.

Millwall has a new coach in the new season, and the whole team takes the old courtiers as an example. Naturally, he has to take the attitude of throwing his head and sprinkling his blood. The community shield against the Premier League runner-up Arsenal last season.

Wenger did not do his best to fight hard with Millwall.

As provoked by Fleet Street, in the new season, the Premier League's most promising team to break Millwall's rule is Arsenal and Manchester United, but on the community shield, there is no need to die, not worth it.

Klinsmann's previous warm-up game performance was wonderful. In the local warm-up game 4 games, 3 wins and 1 draw, came to the community shield, which is regarded as the official debut.

He set out the main lineup established in the new season.

It is still 433.

Goalkeeper: Bute.

Guards: Schneider, Barzali, Southgate, Ashley Cole.

Midfielders: Pedretti, Lampard, Ronaldinho.

Forwards: Larson, Klose, Henry.

Nedved is absent, Ronaldinho takes the front midfielder, striker Trident Klose is centered, and Henry and Larsen pull the edge.

Just looking at the formation, his Millwall and the previous generation of Aldridge’s Millwall are only changes in the position of individual personnel, and they all make sense. Ronaldinho can play, and Henry and Klose can also, What is the specific team's operating system, can't make a conclusion.

The community shield game was played with a lot of thunder and little rain, and both teams made a lot of mistakes. Eventually, they ended with 0:0 within the regular time, the penalty shootout Millwall won, and Bout saved a penalty, making Mill Wall won the first tasteless championship of the new season.

At least, Klinsmann ushered in a starter and won a championship, better than nothing.

The half-warm-up community shield, the new issue of Millwall, is still not clear.

Four days later, the Premier League started a new season, Millwall visited St James Park Stadium to challenge the Magpies.

Klinsmann continued the starting lineup of the last game and played a thrilling game with Newcastle United on the road. The final score was 2:3. Millwall completed the reversal with Ronaldinho and Klose's goal in the second half. Klinsmann's passionate roar on the sidelines became the focus.

After the game was questioned by the media, Millwall lost the dominance of the game, to rely on the stars to play to save the game, Klinsmann's response is: the team is still running in, Millwall will become stronger and stronger.

His speech could not be said to be unreasonable. Lampard, who was in the middle of the game, appeared to be out of tune with the team. He likes to have a certain conflict with Ronaldinho and Ronaldinho in the midfield. It seemed empty when fighting back. Considering Lampard, Ashley Cole has been on loan for the past one and a half seasons. The running-in of Klinsmann's mouth is reasonable.

Aldridge still did not go to the scene to watch the battle, disappointing Fleet Street.

A week later, Klinsmann ushered in the league debut at the Lion King Stadium. In this game, Audridge appeared with two sons in the stadium box. He came to the stadium as the chairman to watch the ball.

Millwall's season ticket sales in the new season are higher than last season. Although he sold off the star-like players like Pirlo, Ronaldinho's popularity has now reached a very high level, making fans enter the stadium. Ball, the desire to appreciate his performance is more intense, so Millwall's ticket sales are no problem.

After Aldridge appeared in the box, the live broadcast camera was aimed at the box for a long time.

"It seems that Sir Hall is really relaxed now, with a natural smile on his face, and he hugs Puskas. The old Hungarian man also hugged Sir Hall’s son one after another. I feel very warm."

Aldrich happily talked with Puskas in the box. The old man now stays in the nursing home except for the Lion King Stadium to watch the ball. Although his physical condition is not bad, his mind is more confused than sober , Alzheimer's disease has no medicine, it can only be delayed by various medical means, so sometimes Puskas suddenly lost his mind when watching the ball, and even became confused when he talked to people. Everyone around was surprised, and he was followed by a special care doctor to deal with this sudden situation.

Aldridge also looked away, as Puskas said to him when he was awake: "Now I am very happy, and I can still enjoy the wonderful football every week. What's not satisfying?"

Today, sitting in the box, Puskas asked Aldridge: "Does it feel strange to sit here?"

Aldridge replied: "What's strange?"

Puskas pointed to the stadium where Klinsmann was standing and said, "Because your position was there before."

Aldridge laughed, reached out and gently touched Burt's shoulder, and said, "Now my position is here, which is not surprising at all."

Puskas smiled and shook his head: "Aldrich, football will make you happy, with your family, especially with these two little guys will also make you happy, maybe now you think the position here is more important, but , You cannot completely abandon football."

Aldrich seemed to understand, saying, "I haven't completely abandoned it."

"However, in football, your position is not here. If Burt and Earl are not here, don't you think it's very sad to sit here with me a bad old man?"

Aldridge passed by with a smile, not paying attention to Puskas' words.

In view of Puskas' state, Aldridge was sitting in the box and would not have a professional discussion with him, so he relaxed his mind and enjoyed the game wholeheartedly.

While Klinsmann looked serious on the court, Wenger was somewhat distracted.

The professor was more or less similar to Ferguson's heart anger.


It's very simple, isn't the scenery of Aldridge just stepping on them again and again?

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