The Young Lion

Chapter 912: one day

On the morning when he returned to the club on that day, Aldridge sent Ewen and his youngest daughter Bonnie to Ewen’s parents’ home. Ewen took her daughter back to her mother’s home. Her parents lived in North London. East London, and later graduated from Ewen University, provided a new house for parents in North London.

Aldridge was ashamed to say that she wanted to give Yiwen some money a few years ago to let her family improve the material life, but Yiwen refused. In her words, her parents were accustomed to a plain life, and the material life was not higher. The pursuit is now bland, just fine.

In the past two years, Aldridge has reiterated old things, and Yiwen just smiled, and he was too lazy to bother with Aldridge.

So at noon that day, Aldridge had a working meal in the club and did not return home.

His two sons ran to his office dirty, talking cheerfully about the morning training.

"Dad, there are so many people here. You should have brought me here!"

"Hey, coach Clyde said that I am very talented and can become a big star in the future!"

For Burt and Earl, I used to play with the neighbors’ friends in the community. The small circle is really small. Come and go to those children or Aldrich’s circle of friends. Friends can visit and know more. Some children, such as Beckham's son.

When I came to the Millwall training base, just a small number of young children in groups seemed to let them enter a new world.

The training is not strict, it looks a bit systematic, but there is no detailed frame to ask the children, more like playing scientifically.

Listening to the two of you, I was talking with excitement, Aldridge would knock on their heads from time to time to let them eat well, but there was always a smile on his face.

Before eating, let them take a bath, and after eating, let them sleep on the sofa in the morning.

Aldrich stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows in the office, with a gap in the curtains. From here, he overlooked everything at the training base as before, and couldn't help but murmur: "From now on, it is the real guardian."


The members of the coaching staff did not go home at noon and ate in the restaurant of the training base because they had to work overtime and do a lot of work, which was the task that Aldridge came back to arrange today.

The seats for employees and players are separated. The first-team coaching staff sits in the south corner of the restaurant. Today, everyone discusses work while eating, and there is a mutual assistance request for each other's work.

The only one was out of tune, and that was Stella Maggioni. He thought he would have a job today, but he didn’t.

Jenson told him that when he came to the club, he turned around, figured out various places and departments, and waited for a clear understanding of the place, and then looked more to see what other staff members were doing.

It sounds like he just let him know his face first.

So at lunch, Stella Maggioni asked Janson to ask for specific work.

The first-team coaching staff also saw it. Oudric’s return this time, Millwall’s management system did not return to what it used to be. Jenson took the power, and from the ranks, he is now an assistant coach, responsible for more comprehensive work. , It should be.

And these people have worked with Jenson for many years and roughly understand the reason: Aldridge is to give Jenson more room to sharpen, and he will be more proficient when he comes from the establishment of the portal.

This makes Aldridge easy, but it also makes Jenson more passionate about work. Whatever power, it is a vague thing. It may exist in other clubs, but in Millwall, no matter how much power, Nor can he withstand Aldridge's words, so as long as Aldridge is there, let go to Jenson, and he is not afraid of trouble.

Faced with the struggling Stramagioni, Jenson smiled and said, "I want you to understand Millwall first, don't worry about what to do, because only if you have a comprehensive understanding of this can you start working, otherwise , If you try harder, it may be in vain."

Stella Maggioni was a little depressed, and asked, "What should I know?"

All the departments here, all the people with authority, he recognized, the first team, all the players and coaches of the reserve team, he also wrote down, as for the characteristics of the players, in addition to the reserve team, the first team, he also did Take notes and get a general idea.

Jenson saw his hard-mouthed and asked: "Then why do you think Millwall's record has declined so much this season? Although it can't be compared with last season, the points were 20 points less in the same period, but at a discount, worse, it should be There is no more than a 15-point gap."

Millwall was the seven-time champion last season and was a retrograde performance.

In terms of the league alone, this season is 20 points less than last season.

First, the league lost 5 games, which is 15 points more than the undefeated last season!

And Millwall's strength, although it is inevitable that there will be a decline this season, no matter how much it declines, it should not be more than 20 points less than the same period last season. If it is 15 points less, it is acceptable, if that is the case. , Millwall will still be at the top of the Premier League standings.

Stramaggioni stared at himself at the table with a smile, suddenly embarrassed, and immediately said: "This is a fatal flaw in Klinsmann's technical and tactical system. The defensive midfielder, the defender line lacks a strong barrier, cannot be attacked strongly, and is counterattacked by the opponent, naturally it is easy to lose the ball, which leads to the failure to win the game."

After he finished speaking, he saw Jansen raising a disdainful smile and shook his head.

"Really? But did you understand the changes in Millwall's ups and downs this season? It's a stage where Klinsmann doesn't have a defensive midfielder. Millwall scores first in the league in efficiency! It was this technical and tactical system that made Millwall kill the Champions League. Is this not contradictory to what you said?"

Stramagioni was speechless.

Jenson couldn’t bear to hit him again, saying: “You are the same, you said, Fleet Street said for a long time, criticizing Klinsmann’s technical and tactical problems, there are problems? How can there be so many problems? Who said that the technical and tactical system must be four Does the Quartet have a fixed template? Just as you Italians have warned Serie A giants in the past few years, they said: When you encounter Millwall, don’t put up a 3-guard system, this is to die! But if I ask you, If Aldridge uses a three-guard system, will it succeed?"

Stramagioni frowned thoughtfully and never dared to answer.

Jenson laughed: "If you use 433 to succeed, you must fail with 442, so why should Millwall bother to train stars? Why spend money to buy Nesta? When we have so many excellent players, the technical and tactical system Is there really a big gap? There must be a gap, but it is definitely not fatal. At best, using 442 may have 80 points, using 433 may have 90 points, and using 352 may have 75 points. It’s not enough to make a huge contrast for a team. Otherwise, let’s not manage the team and just study the technical and tactical formation every day. Andre, what do you think Millwall played last season? 433? That’s Fleet Street. That’s what European football critics said. In Aldridge’s mouth, we actually played 442, using Ronaldinho as the front waist of the pull-side, and Larson as the pull-side. You will understand.

Stella Maggioni is still a bit confused, but his mind is already eye-opening, and he has to digest it slowly, and he asks again: "What is the reason?"

If Klinsmann was not the failure of the technical and tactical system, what caused the failure?

Jansen said softly: "Dominance."

After talking about this, Jenson said silently in his heart: Because of this, he dared not take the Audridge's handsome position. Looking at the European football, who has come to control Millwall in five years and four Champions League?

Presumably this truth or reality, Aldrich now wants to understand.

Either push Millwall upside down and leave a handsome position while leaving a near-zero Millwall, or take it by yourself and want to withdraw, it is almost impossible, because it will be an infinite loop Unless, the young commander ended up with a new generation of crazy lion defeat, and sadly called the curtain, in order to completely cut off his invisible influence and **** of the club.


This afternoon, Aldridge did not go to the training ground, but met with the players in the office alone.

Larson was the first to come to his office.

Seeing Larson, Aldridge asked in a rare tone: "How do you feel about your state? Can you still fight for the lion for five years?"

Larson laughed. He will be 32 this fall.

He replied in a normal tone: "Five years, there should be no problem."

"Well, then I can rest assured of the striker."


When Ronaldinho walked into the office, he showed a smiling face, but Aldridge did not smile at him, and directly threw a report to the table, saying, "Take the report back to read it for yourself, and then throw it away after reading it. Otherwise, I don’t want to talk nonsense, and you don’t want to listen."

Ronaldinho was going to go out with his report, and he pretended to be a salute at the door. Aldrich's mouth slightly raised after he left.

The content of that report is not complicated. It is Ronaldinho’s performance on the court this season, plus the comparison with the average data of the past few seasons, including back fights, running distance, and averaging in front of the penalty area. A series of data such as the number of times can reflect the player's performance on the court.

Obviously, there has been a decline this season.


De Rossi, who has been to Millwall for more than 5 years, has the idea of ​​leaving this season, because under Klinsmann, he feels desperate!

At the beginning of the season, Klinsmann trusted Pedretti. At half-season, Pedretti had no chance. The defensive midfielder was abandoned. Why? Give seats to those offensive players.

De Rossi is not afraid of competition, but he does not even give him the opportunity to compete. How can he stay?

He was frustrated by this disappointment, but he thought that the Roma team also suffered a financial crisis in Serie A. If he goes back, he may really be a hero in danger.

However, after he walked into Aldridge's office this afternoon, one sentence, one sentence, changed all the ideas he had brewed for half a season.

"Danielle, starting next season, you are the team's main midfielder."

Aldridge didn't greet him and went straight to the door.

De Rossi walked out of the office dizzyly.

For both De Rossi and Pedroti, Klinsmann chose Pedroti for strength. There was nothing wrong at the beginning of the season because Pedroti was more experienced than De Rossi and was slightly stronger. .

However, Pedretti's potential is limited after all. I don't know if it was suppressed by Gattuso before Millwall. In the national team, there are two mountains of Makelele and Vieira. He did not make rapid progress. The posture gives people a sense of being useable but unable to be entrusted with a heavy responsibility.

While De Rossi is different, although it still needs to be honed, in the end, the potential is much higher than Pedretti. In terms of long-term benefits, supporting De Rossi as early as possible is better than asking Pedretti to protect the immediate interests. To be more worthwhile.

This is also the limitation of Klinsmann, or the advantage of Aldridge. He is the boss, he does not matter, he can give up short-term benefits, he can use De Rossi boldly and more adventurously, and Klins For the record, Man only dare to choose Pedretti, who looks slightly more stable at this stage.


Aldridge held talks with every player in the first team. Some of them saved people's hearts, such as Larson, some criticized and beaten, such as Ronaldinho, and some gave the opponents a peace of mind, so that the opponent could have a bottom of heart and be clear. The positioning of the club, as well as the future development space, such as De Rossi, Kaka, Ronaldo, etc., some are narrating the old, such as goalkeeper Bout.

At the end of this day's work, Aldridge did not appear on the training ground, disappointing the outside world.

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