The Young Lion

Chapter 913: Open fight

On the second day of returning to the club, Aldridge appeared on the training ground. As in the past, he started training after saying hello to the players of the team. The specific work of the training was handed over to Jenson to arrange responsibility. Take Stella Maggioni to watch and chat with him about Millwall.

Outside the training ground, a lot of fans still gather. They saw Audridge today, and the Fleet Street reporters also mixed in, hoping to be able to take some photos to make a difference.

On this day, Aldridge didn't talk in private except when he greeted the players in a rare way. He didn't even talk openly.

In the afternoon, Jenson hosted the pre-match preparation meeting. All the players did not see Aldridge in the conference room, and the content of the preparation meeting surprised many people.

Nothing has changed with the Klinsmann era.

In the news public opinion released on Fleet Street today, in addition to the return of the less handsome, there is also heavy news that Joe Cole was abandoned by Millwall.

In addition, after speculating on the return of Aldridge, Fleet Street will play Newcastle United on Saturday. Among Millwall players, whose fate will change!

As soon as the emperor and the courtier, Klinsmann has left, and his set is synonymous with failure in the eyes of the outside world. The young commander returns, according to common sense, it is natural to chaos anyway, then, corresponding to the players on the field, there must be players who will Ushering in a turning point in fate.

The first thing that was concluded by the outside world was the front line.

Klose must give up the center position to Henry.

Larson will definitely return to the starting lineup.

How to change the midfield is the most fiercely debated in the outside world. Lampard, Nedved, Alonso, and the position of the midfielder. Whether to send full-time role players, there are more pits, who will continue to play the main role, who Sitting on the cold bench, these series of changes will affect the Millwall locker room.

After a long-lost Premier League press conference, Aldridge came calmly. The scene was already overcrowded. Many reporters were standing in the aisle. When Aldridge appeared, the lights flickered and the camera shutter sounded one after another.

After Aldridge sat down, some reporters could not wait to raise their hands to ask questions.

"Sir Hall, Manchester United coach and Arsenal coach questioned earlier today whether your return violated the work contract with the FA. What is your response?"

The reporter at the scene was very excited. As soon as Aldridge came back, it seemed that the entire Premier League order had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Just after the league ended last week, Fleet Street also agreed that the defending of the Millwall League failed.

There are 5 rounds left, which is 4 points away from the top two.

While Klinsmann was out of class, Aldridge returned to Millwall and Fleet Street immediately changed his tone.

It seems that Millwall is not surprised even if he finally defends his title.

Before a game has been played, the fight between the Premier League and Champions League has become fierce again!

Ferguson and Wenger both made trouble for Audridge and the FA.

Question whether he is qualified to coach Mad Lion!

In itself, the club is Aldridge, and of course he is qualified.

However, Aldridge is still the coach of the national team.

This is different from the situation three years ago.

At the end of 2000, he took over the national team. It was obviously a part-time job. The FA is willing to play one, one is willing to suffer, and outsiders cannot say anything.

But after the 2002 World Cup ended, Aldridge's new contract with the FA was to give him a full-time contract, at least from the perspective of the annual salary level, that is the case.

Under such circumstances, Aldridge returned to Milwall to coach and returned to a dual-duty working state. In this way, is there any conflict? Does the FA's contract with him restrict him?

The outside world does not know that, after all, the FA can’t show the whole work contract to the outside world after renewing the contract with the young commander.

But once it is clearly stated in the work contract that Audridge can only work for the FA, if Audridge insists on coaching Millwall again, this must be a breach of contract.

If this matter is disputed, it will embarrass Aldrich at both ends.

Faced with the reporter's question, Audrey said in a terrifying way: "This kind of thing should ask the FA."

No matter how the reporter asked, Aldridge just shook his head and asked the reporters to find the FA and listen to the FA's answer.

If the FA says that Aldridge has defaulted, then Aldridge will quit the coach of the national team, and he will not care about the penalty.

Cunning Fleet Street, without Audridge said, in fact, preparing for a surprise attack on both sides today, while questioning Audridge at Millwall, at the same time to force the FA.

They hope that there will be a situation on each side, so that the good show will be staged!

The return of the young commander will not only compete with Manchester United Arsenal in the final stage of the league title, but may also have a fight with the FA.

It's a pity that Aldridge didn't make them wish, he didn't explain it, it was a smart practice to push it to the FA. According to the attitude of the FA, Aldridge responded again.

Having dealt with the media for nearly a decade, Aldrich is experienced, how can he handle the other party?

Although the FA has a bit of anxiety, they also turned over the Young Master’s contract from beginning to end, so that they are more assured that at least the contract does not stipulate that the Young Master can only work for the FA.

First, before the World Cup, the Football Association planned to renew the contract with the young coach, the conditions are the same as before, but the annual salary rises, and hope to extend the contract period more.

In addition, within the period between the end of 2000 and mid-2002, the FA has no longer disagreed for Aldridge's dual roles, so the new contract will not particularly emphasize this point.

After the FA had sorted out the contract, the foreign spokesperson responded to reporters: "Sir Hall’s contract with the FA does not restrict him from returning to Millwall to coach, and the FA has no worries even if he returns Millwall takes into account both the club and the national team. It turns out that Sir Hall’s extraordinary work ability can be successful in both the club and the national team. We respect Sir Hall’s personal decision."

Aldridge brought back the World Cup for England, and now the European Cup qualifiers are also four consecutive victories, no suspense in qualifying. At this time, the FA will not be in conflict with Aldridge unless the brain gets flooded. To avoid hidden dangers, if there is such a provision in the contract, they don’t mind amending the contract and signing another one with Aldridge. Even if they are criticized by the outside world and the Premier League will protest, the FA will ignore them.

Among the most intuitive economic benefits, the Premier League does not obey management, but symbolically gives the FA a sum similar to the "hard work of the organizer", and the national team’s economic income has increased significantly in the past two years, more or less. Aldridge's personal credit.

On Millwall’s side, reporters are not interested in tomorrow’s game.

Even if Newcastle United, Liverpool and Chelsea are competing for the last Champions League ticket, Newcastle United's fighting intention is unquestionable, but since Aldridge has returned to coaching, Millwall plays Newcastle United at home, just like the past few. Year like that: no suspense.

The reporters questioned Aldridge about Joe Cole starting to train in the reserve team today, and Millwall listed it.

"Joe Cole is a very talented player, but in the process of growing up, the quality he showed did not fully satisfy Millwall. Given that the team has better talents than him, I think he left Mill. Wall, looking for opportunities in other clubs will be more suitable for his professional development."

Most of the reporters at the scene did not believe it. Most people still thought Joe Cole was expelled from the house because he violated Tianjo.

But everyone still understands the less handsome approach.

Killing a Joe Cole can make the rest of the team sound the alarm, especially Millwall itself has more young players. You don’t give some thunder means, tell them: Genius? Genius will die too! How can they be used as a warning?

If you really give up, it is too early in the eyes of the public. Joe Cole is 22 years old. With his current technical ability, as long as he goes to the next level and polishes the roundness through the game, although it is unlikely to reach Ronaldini At that height, McManman, who surpassed England, was not just a fantasy.

Unfortunately, he is leaving Millwall.

There was still a reporter who was unfair for Joe Cole and pointed his finger at the outside world for the "cancer" Ronaldinho in the Millwall locker room.

They believe that Ronaldinho's "unprofessional" private life style has always affected and damaged many players in the Millwall team.

In this regard, Aldridge not only turned cold, but also furious.

"You know a fart! Don't **** irresponsibly defame my players! Everyone has their own life, it's not their turn to point fingers! Ronaldinho's performance has indeed declined this season, but, you Who thought he had played in the World Cup last summer for a month? Who thought he would fly back from Europe to South America and back again on FIFA match day? No! You will just spout feces! He has so many teammates in the past and now , Gattuso, Pirlo, Schneider, Nedvide, Bout, etc., there are so many teammates with him for more than five years, why are others not affected by him? Why? Your pig head is definitely not I have thought that you are only making news artificially and creating chaos artificially. You want to see Millwall as chaotic as possible. This is what you reporters, **** raise! Let me see this kind of irresponsible news, I will remember your unit, and then reject all your interviews from now on! You can unite to resist Millwall, boycott me, that is better, I don’t want to see you yet!"

There was silence in the scene, and the young commander walked away after speaking.

No reporter dared to protest, fearing that he would be banned by Aldridge. This may be a loss of jobs, because Aldridge is not a certain reporter, but a media agency represented by the reporter.

This kind of lack of morality, Aldridge has not done it before!

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