The Young Lion

Chapter 936: The enemy is called Millwall

When Ram and Boas came to the youth team to find Mullenstin, they would expect that Mullenstin was seriously teaching a young player. In Ram’s eyes, that player may be 13-14 years old. Right or so.

But in fact, this young man, just turned 16 this summer.

"Yes, today's game is for me to specifically target opponents to restrict you. Let them tell you how realistic it is to be restricted by one foot kick! If your left foot is 100 points, then you Your right foot is 0 points today! You use your left foot to pass accurately, shoot accurately, dribble, omnipotent, but what about your right foot? Even a 30-meter pass will make mistakes, when being marked, There were 3 turnovers in the right foot stop! Lionel, God gave you an unparalleled talent, not only talent, but also a natural inertial left foot! How rare is this, can you understand? Because all the players in the world When defending opponents, 99% of their opponents are right-footed players! And the impact of your left foot will create difficulties for the opponent itself, but when the opponent knows this, and strive to limit your use With your left foot, if you can’t use your right foot to disrupt your opponent’s plan, your abilities will be limited a lot, a lot!"

It was the 16-year-old Messi who was reprimanded by Mullensteen. His good friend, Aguero, played the ball absently not far away, and actually secretly listened to Mullenstin's lesson on Messi.

Messi's talent and talent are not only recognized by every coach in Millwall, but even as long as he has seen the critics who played football, he will be raved.

Because he is the omnipotent king in the competition of his peers, he is the master of the game!

However, professional football is not a competition of the same age. On the real professional stage, you will directly encounter the old fritters with rich experience in the field.

Mullensteen couldn’t let Messi change his idiot, nor could he really let him reach the level of foot balance, but at the very least, the gap between the feet should not be too obvious, and Messi could not become a future. "One-legged monster", in that case, will really limit his strength.

Even now in the game of football managers, there will be options for restricting the opponent's customary feet. Is this a play? Is it nonsense? Not at all!

With a certain level of excellent defensive players, the restrictions on the opponent will definitely involve the opponent's idiomatic feet in the conditions, rather than standing in front of the opponent and being stupid, etc., really changing constantly, but these, It is difficult for fans to see the game.

Taking Schneider as an example, when he defended Giggs against Manchester United, he focused on the moment when the opponent's ball control belt had a poor rhythm. When he chose to intercept the timing, it must be based on the free time of Giggs' left foot, or Ji Gus wants to pass him, and most of them use the left foot to control the ball to change the frequency or direction. This can be predicted, and Giggs has made several wonderful breakthroughs for him and can often see Gigg. Si used a right-footed ball to confuse Schneider. After playing a poor rhythm, he used his left foot to make a breakthrough.

This is the importance of the smaller the gap between the two feet, the greater the threat. The idiomatic foot remains unchanged, but the other foot must be able to provide a one-to-one effect on the opponent's defensive consciousness. This requires a certain ability.

Messi originally had intensive training on his right foot. Like Ronaldinho Ronaldo, Ronaldo, and Henry, they all traversed this road in Millwall. Players, you can’t fly with one foot. The simplest effect is that you use the right foot to stop the ball and then use the right foot to dribble the ball, and you use the left foot to stop the ball perfectly. In terms of efficiency, the latter is clearly superior, which is reflected very frequently in Ronaldinho, Henry, Larson and others, even after the stop.

Messi has only been slacking in training in this area for the last two months. In addition, Mullenstin deliberately beat him today. Not only did he arrange for the U18 youth team’s opponents, but he also specifically made the players two years older than Messi special. Limiting his left foot, Messi played a worse game.

Messi didn't refute anything. He knew that the coach was educating him. Moreover, he didn't rely on his mouth to say that the game made him aware of the importance. He honestly expressed his attitude to Mullenstin and will strengthen his right foot next. Training, Mullensteen was not really angry, but the tone was more severe.

After leaving Messi away, Messi saw Aguero frowning at him, and did not mean to gloat over, but most of them were a kind of "great tribulation".

In fact, Aguero is more envious, because the tradition here is: the more the coach says to you, the more important the representative is to you.

The year of coming here is not short. Some players don’t get scolded by the coach. They have passed quietly for three or four years, and then they leave here when they reach a certain age. They have never come back. Even, they haven’t heard anything from him since. .

Boas and Ram waited behind. It wasn't until Messi left that Boas brought Ram to Mullenstin and told Mullenstin where Ram was playing.

Looking at Ram's thin body, Mullensteen looked weird and asked Boas: "Audric is this a first-team team to create a crazy offensive team?"

Ram didn't understand very well, but Boas laughed and said: "There should always be more pursuits than before. Moreover, this year's situation is not the same as the past few years."

Mullenstin nodded after a moment of thought.

"Indeed, I didn't think so much last year. I just thought that I can continue to be glorious according to the old way. But I saw Daniele and Harvey's physical fitness a lot stronger a month ago. I suddenly felt that the team's midfielder was better than in the past. Stronger, it can indeed weaken some of the muscles of side defense."

Boaz laughed: "It is true. On the point of adaptability, Aldridge is always eye-opening. Maybe two years later, it may allow you to train several guards who can play the organization."

Mullensteen smiled dumbly and shook his head: "I'm only responsible for developing the player's technical ability. Organizational ability is more important here, and here, I can't cultivate it. Only Aldridge or your first team coach can train."

He pointed to his temple, and the meaning was obvious: mind.

Boas left, and Ram was first taken to the youth team's office building by Mullenstin. In his office, Mullenstin took out a video tape and showed it to Ram.

Ram saw that there were some players' performance highlights on the field.

To his surprise, in these extraordinary highlights, almost all players are wingers!

Mullenstin explained to him: "I thought you were a striker introduced by the team, but Vilas said you are a full-back, I realized what kind of role Aldridge hopes you will play in the future. Let's put it this way, a full-back cannot rely on pure defensive ability to become a world-class full-back. To become a top player in the world, a full-back must have a top-level winger of at least 70% of the ability. If you add the full-back, it is more than a full-back. Concealed, there is a sprint space in the position, then in the actual game, the role played is equivalent to or even exceeds the winger. Therefore, in your technical training, at least this part of the attack, you should use the winger as a template, and not a traditional winger , Because in Millwall, there is no traditional winger. The cultivation of consciousness is the work of the first team. I am only responsible for your technical ability training. Let me show you these videos first, so that you have a bottom in your heart and know yourself In what direction are you working, the specific training content will be tailored according to your characteristics, and you should not be under pressure, feel like you will learn a lot of tricks, no, practical first, maybe a year and a half later, You don’t think you’ve learned anything.”

Lam seemed to understand, the first half understood, but the second half didn't quite understand: What wouldn't you think you learned something?

After he began to understand the characteristics of Mullenstin and guide the study, he realized the meaning of this sentence.

Because Millwall never teaches players to be fancy.

The success of the passing is not one-to-one in most cases, but space and continuity. Choosing a good passing line will play a role in the explosive force of the precise timing. You can pass one person at a time, and you can break through the whole article at once. The defensive line, and the wrong route choice, situation judgment, and inappropriate release time of the explosive force may make you pass a person, but fall into the trapped circle, and let the ball under your feet enter a dead end, causing the team’s An attack was terminated by the opponent.

As for teaching, it is to strengthen basic skills, or to focus on practicality.

The simpler things are the foundation of everything. This is the foundation of Millwall’s team philosophy, just like they never design complicated tactical routines, only set up a clear system, and then rely on players and execution. In this process, it may be subconsciously creating a beautiful landscape that others cannot reach.

When receiving special training, Ram unknowingly absorbed the essence of Millwall's philosophy. From personal abilities to football thinking, things are quietly changing.


Before going to Chelsea, Aldridge attended a pre-match press conference for the new season Premier League opener.

Relative to Chelsea's limelight since July 1, Millwall seems a bit dim, but when it comes to the competitive theme, Millwall still returns to the protagonist's position, Fleet Street does not want to admit it, but is also in action Silently told the world: compared to Chelsea's swagger, Millwall is the most concerned football king in the entire European football.

"Sir Ferguson claimed that Manchester United's biggest enemy defending this season is Millwall."

"Chelsea sees Millwall as a competitor."

"Arsenal believe that Manchester United can not defend their success, they and Millwall are champion competitors."

"AC Milan won the Champions League last season, ending the Premier League's five-year rule of the Champions League. AC Milan coach Ancelotti believes that the biggest opponent of the Champions League in the new season is Millwall."

When Aldridge appeared on the stage of the press hall, the reporters in the audience questioned.

No way, Aldridge is a **** big player.

When I came, I threw a sentence: you ask first, then I answer all at once, saving time.

Fleet Street is crying without tears.

At the end of last season, it was unpleasant with Aldridge.

So everyone scrambled to throw questions and waited for the young master's answer.

Aldridge's expression was not upset. When the scene was quiet, he took a sip of mineral water on the table and said lightly: "Millwall will not always be strong, will not always be the Premier League champion, the European Champions Cup champion. The first competitor. However, that day has not yet arrived at least. Manchester United, Arsenal, Chelsea, AC Milan, how they think of Millwall, I don’t care. Millwall has only one enemy in the new season, the name of the enemy Called Millwall."

After all, the young commander stood up and left.

All reporters on Fleet Street looked at each other with a wry smile.

Okay, the handsome young remarks have reappeared.

The manager of Millwall said that Millwall had only one enemy named Millwall.

This is ignoring everyone!

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