The Young Lion

Chapter 937: Goal domination

Chelsea's "arms race" reached a level that scared many people.

Manchester United declared a new season with a strong posture of defending champions.

When people talked about the changes in the Premier League team in the new season, Millwall, who had nothing on the domestic front last season, throws "there is only one Millwall" in Aldridge, which can also be interpreted as "full In Europe, Millwall is regarded as an enemy, and they are no exception." Millwall’s detached position is still unshakable. It is not that Chelsea bought who can change this situation. It is not that Manchester United won the Premier League last season. Can be changed.

The outside world does not seem to think that Aldridge is arrogant and arrogant. Millwall, who has a half-team of world-class players, is still the number one public enemy in Europe. It is the first favorite of all championships, but he can only compete with it. Perhaps only AC Milan, because AC Milan also has half-team world-class players, plus they won the European Championship last season, in addition, Real Madrid also looks very competitive, the Galaxy Battleship is famous all over the world.

There was a light rain at noon on the opening day of the Premier League in the new season. When the bus went to West London, the light rain was still washing the window of the bus. The Millwall players were very calm in the bus.

The new players may not understand. Millwall prepared for the summer and officially started the new season. Mo said that there was no iconic declaration to the outside world. The coaches seemed to have forgotten that there is something called "champion" in football.

"Our goal is the champion"

At the very least, should I call this slogan?

However, Millwall did not, the interior was calm and strange, even the players seemed to forget.

They won't hang the championship on their mouths, is it enough?

Still, they have reborn, the champion gene is in their bodies, and there is a kind of temperament in the blood.

Aldridge sits in the front row, which is his fixed position, and the seat next to him is now reserved for Stella Maggioni, Jenson has his own position, or it is displayed in the team Special position.

It sounds exaggerated, it seems that children are grabbing seats, but in fact, in the club, this "order" is everywhere, from the jersey number, to the fixed seat on the plane, even the club parking space...

Aldridge looked back at the street scene outside the window, thinking about his thoughts.

The transformation of the third-generation mad lion is his most important job this season. Without one or several games as indicators, it will be a long-term job. It is necessary to lay a solid foundation so that the third-generation mad lion will not only return to Europe. At the top, it is even more brilliant than the second-generation mad lion!

Of course, there are.

King of Europe? The new dynasty?

More precisely, he wants to make Millwall the king of the Champions League!

The first generation of crazy lions, the second generation of crazy lions, won a total of four Champions League championships.

Now they are tied with Bayern Munich, Liverpool and Ajax for the third place in the Champions League.

In front of them, there are only two clubs.

Real Madrid and AC Milan, 6 times each.

With three more Champions Leagues, you can become the king of the Champions League!

Exclusively enjoy the status of king above the peak!

As for the domestic throne of the English Premier League 18 times.

To be honest, Aldridge really feels unrealistic. He may not last that long, because this time, he set himself a retirement age of 40 in his heart.

Millwall has won five Premier League titles, and another 14, at least 14 years, and he is 27 years old this year.

However, he believes that as long as he really brings Millwall to an approximately "immortal" height before retirement, it is only a matter of time before the Liverpool record is overturned.

The plan for such a large cycle cannot be realized overnight. Fortunately, Aldridge is no longer a fledgling kid. He is very patient. Especially when he returned to Millwall to coach, he changed a state and made He can find a balance between his career and his family. He works during working hours and leaves all his work behind when he leaves the club. There are many helpers to help him out.

And the king of the Champions League is still what Burt and Earle demanded of his father in the dispute.

Burt did not like to learn, and Earl knew better than Burt. When Burt said Millwall was the greatest team in the Champions League, Earl gave his brother a lesson, telling him that in the past, he had a ball The team won the Champions League six times before 36 years, telling him that AC Milan has already won five Champions League trophy even if they did not win the Champions League last season.

Therefore, in order to maintain the correctness of his statement, Burt asked Aldridge to lead Millwall to win the 7 Champions League and surpass all teams!

Thinking of this, Aldridge smiled upturned.

"what are you laughing at?"

Stramaggioni saw Aldridge's mouth curling and asked curiously, he was actually a little nervous because he was going to be in the London Derby for the first time, facing the majestic roubles Chelsea!

Aldrich casually said: "I'm thinking about the upcoming seminar in Zurich, Switzerland."

"FIFA? Does that have anything to do with us?"

Stramagioni was even more curious.

Aldrich turned his head and looked at this young Italian guy of his own age, and immediately digressed, saying, "I am not very satisfied with your work in the new season. Although you put Chelsea players on different teams last season The performance, player position, characteristics, and coaching style of new coach Eriksson were also analyzed, but it is still blank when predicting this game. Also, for Millwall’s assessment this season, you It’s too one-sided. Last season’s five-game winning streak in the league was not representative. I’m not boasting, but my return has stimulated the team’s cohesiveness and combat effectiveness. At the end of the season, 5 opponents, 3 There is no desire for success in the relegation of the teams. The two teams aiming at the Champions League can’t only have a draw. This is a variable. It is the factor that Millwall won 5 consecutive victories. Team, will the situation be the same? Inside Millwall, do you think it will be the same?"

Stella Maconi suddenly appeared pensive, although Aldridge's tone was similar to accountability, but he was able to understand that this was a kind of point for Stella Maggioni to learn from.

The second half was a awakening dream. Stella Maggioni had an overestimation of Millwall’s status and combat effectiveness in the new season, which stemmed from the 5 consecutive victories in the final stage of last season. , And can not be used as a standard, because at that time, for a team that has no desire and no relegation to succeed, there is no loss of face to Millwall. What is the difference between 1 point and 0 points? Resistance will not be tenacious, but in the new season, before the end, the same team, facing Millwall, 1 point and 0 points, the meaning is different, especially the impact on morale.

"But the Chelsea game, the warm-up match is not representative, they did not show all their strength, the rotation is relatively large, Eriksson is examining the players, I really can not make a reasonable assessment and prediction."

Stramagioni said cautiously.

Anyone who can predict this kind of thing can do the job, but when the team is preparing for the battle, the prediction must be absolutely cautious.

Aldrich raised his hand into a fist and slowly raised in front of him, said softly: "Abu spent more than 100 million pounds to recruit, what does Chelsea want? Championship? Only the team that spent the money is eligible to win the championship? Bolton doesn’t want it? Southampton doesn’t want it? And what is the champion? The award ceremony less than an hour? The trophy that I hold in my hands for a few days? Haha, you never thought about it. If you are Abu, what do you want? What do you want?"

Stramagioni thought thoughtfully: "Beautiful football?"

Aldrich turned his head to look at him and asked: "Eriksson made his first show at Stamford Bridge and the boss watched from the stands. You think that Eriksson’s achievements and style when he was in Lazio will be taken at home. What kind of gesture?"

Stramaggioni understood a bit, but said bitterly: "It is possible to predict in this way, but I think this job should still be cautious."

Aldrich shook his head and said: "Football is crazy, not scientific. If you don't have a crazy consciousness, then you can't get out of the framework of the Italian academic head."


Stamford Bridge is full of seats, and Chelsea's first show comes in the Abu era.

Chelsea fans were like serfs turning over to sing, not only singing the team became great, praising Abu's pride, but also satirizing the dead enemy Millwall, and many fans slogans in the stands.

"Millwall star, want to come to Chelsea to play? Give you double salary!"

This is the sequelae of Bates's remarks at the airport. After the speculation on Fleet Street, it became the slogan of Chelsea fans to welcome Millwall.

Millwall fans have been extremely sneering at Chelsea fans in recent years and are quite disdainful.

But now the situation is different.

Chelsea fans themselves are richer than Millwall fans, and now the club also looks richer than Millwall clubs.

It's like having Chelsea fans shouting: We are **** rich!

Thousands of dollars have been thrown into the transfer market and hundreds of millions of pounds have been smashed, which may be higher than Millwall's total investment in the transfer market in the past decade!

Millwall fans seemed to mock and sourly slogan that bad street: money can't buy a champion!

Abu, the host, appeared in the stands and was cheered by the fans. He looked down on everything in the stadium and was quite complacent.

When Aldridge walked into Stamford Bridge stadium, he was greeted with a more harsh boos than before.

He clearly can feel the confidence and confidence of Chelsea fans swelled with the day!

Eriksson had played against Aldridge. In the Champions League, Aldridge led a mad lion to abuse Lazio. That is also a thing of the past.

Now meeting again, Eriksson took the initiative to shake hands with him. After Audridge shook his elbow, he turned and walked away. Eriksson's open mouth closed again.

Something is not in his heart.

It seems that in the eyes of the young master, he is a passer-by, and a polite handshake is the intersection.

He clearly did not pay any attention to him.

Fortunately, at the pre-match press conference, Eriksson also complimented Aldridge, and "pretended to be a grandson" that Millwall was very strong, and Chelsea was still running in.

Aldrich does not care whether the other party is acting as a grandson or a true grandson. He is in his position. With the Chelsea coach, he can only have courtesy in the eyes of the public, not "friendship."

Although he will be more enthusiastic, no fans will accuse him, but in the end, fans will feel awkward and uncomfortable.

This is a confrontation between positions and is difficult to change.

Walking to the visiting coach's seat, Aldridge raised his chin with his arms around his chest, his eyes became fierce.

In the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, the mad lion will dominate the world!

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