The Young Lion

Chapter 939: Sidewalk storm

Aldrich didn't know that Chelsea's posture after the opening of Chelsea was intentionally done by Eriksson, but it was only caused by the mental stimulation of Chelsea's new season and new weather.

The ruling team will also be caught by surprise, and often want to break the oppression of the strong team, is to come up with some unexpected tricks, in the past Aldridge led the team to play the strong team, this is the way, in turn, Now they insist more on themselves and will be hit by their opponents unexpectedly, but this does not mean that this will narrow the gap in hard power.

Now he can't control that much, even though there used to be wait-and-see times when the situation was uncertain, but Aldridge has never been silent when the score is behind.

Light rain fell silently, Eriksson sat on the coach's bench, and Audridge was raining.

The singing of Stamford Bridge was loud, the atmosphere of this stadium was unprecedentedly hot, and Aldrich and Eriksson were in a situation at the moment as if they were comfortably one by one and were affected by cold rain.

When the game restarted, the live footage caught Aldridge's head inadvertently with a grin, which made him feel confused.

The score is behind, you laugh!

Behind him, Chelsea fans mocked him with singing, while also countering the sour slogan of Millwall fans: money can't buy a champion!

Can't you buy it?

Today, as long as the mad lion is cleaned up, will the championship really be far behind?

Aldridge's grinning is just a personal preference.

He didn't like to stretch his face in adversity as if he had just attended his father's funeral.

Too big to say that this is also the temperament that Milwall should have now. It can be defeated, but it can never be defeated!

Moreover, Chelsea are just leading the score, and Millwall is not a team that will never lose the ball. It is too early to be defeated.

Aldridge made a gesture, and Millwall's offense began to surge!

In the 4th minute, Ashley Cole stepped forward, Ronaldinho brought the ball inside to meet Gremi before passing the anti-cut route, Ashley Cole crossed the bottom on the same side, the ball went straight to the goal point In the direction, Kudicini made great achievements. He hit the ball with one hand. If he didn't touch it, Larson who was outspoken would be fatal!

The ball that was hit fell behind Larson, making Eriksson's dignified look come into view.

Schneider actually got the ball outside the penalty area and took a long shot after stopping the ball!

Fortunately, the ball shot.

However, there was a huge question in Eriksson's mind: Ashley Cole made a cross from the bottom left, but Schneider appeared at the same time outside the penalty area on the right side, Millwall on both sides The defenders are over half! Are you fighting?

It’s not that Eriksson despised himself, he also played against Aldridge, and he had prepared carefully for this game, but he didn’t think that the game had only been played for 5 minutes.

In the 7th minute, Millwall attacked in the middle, Nedvide crossed the right in the frontcourt, Schneider made a diagonal shot in the front of the penalty area, Larson deliberately leaked the ball in the rib of the penalty area and shook Deseli, Terry failed to keep up with Henry in the middle. Henry shot directly without stopping the ball. With a bang, the ball hit the post and popped up!

The ball that flew out was obtained by Gremmi. He passed the ball forward to find Belon, but Alonso stepped forward to break the ball. At this time, Alonso showed a cold and murderous expression without expression. The ball boldly jammed the wing.

Ronaldinho had long eyes behind his head and directly touched the ball with his heel. He actually passed the ball to Ashley Cole who came up from behind, which made the scene scream.

Ashley Cole directly forwarded the pass. Johnson didn't expect Ronaldinho to be so magical. He originally tried to grab the ball. Ronaldinho rushed forward after the pass. Ashley Cole's over-heading made Ronaldinho in The wing counter-offside succeeded, stopping the ball in front of the bottom line, and then when Johnson came back to intercept, Ronaldinho reversed Johnson once more!

Immediately after Ronaldinho took the ball and walked inwards, Chelsea doubled back to the penalty area. Ronaldinho suddenly cut the bottom line and rushed through between Terry and Johnson. It also made Makelele and Gremi fill the middle. Punched empty.

However, Ronaldinho's shooting angle is too small, he is not reluctant, staged a cross foot cross, right foot around the left foot to pass the ball!

Appreciation is wonderful.

And the practicality is amazing!

If he uses his left foot, everyone knows that he is going to cross or shoot, but he uses his right foot. Suddenly, Chelsea will be struck by lightning and marvel at the same time, the reaction time is not much, maybe it is only 0.01 seconds, But in football games, such time is fatal.

The ball flew over the small penalty area, Kudicini did not attack for the first time, and missed the best time.

Larson ran past, he wanted to grab the back as before, but Ronaldinho's pass was slower. When he ran into place, the ball fell faintly above his head, which made him completely The ball may be pushed towards the goal, so at the later point, Larson jumped, his head shrank and stretched forward, the ball hit the back of his head and bounced back, the amplitude was not obvious, it was more like a backward stop.

Behind him, a Millwall player followed him, volleyed a heavy artillery volley in a seemingly chaotic environment among the crowd, and drove the ball into Chelsea's goal. Kudicini did not respond!

"In the 8th minute, Millwall equalized the score! It was a perfect goal! It was a wonderful goal! No, no, it was this scoring process, too imaginative! Kick from the heel of Ronaldinho The ball was given to Ashley Cole, and then he turned back on the left to pass Johnson, and then undercut suddenly turned to the bottom, his right foot went around the back of the left foot, and a sudden pass was made. After the header, Schneider volleyed the ball in the penalty area. This goal made all the impossible possible! The magical Ronaldinho, the magical Larson, and the magical Schneider He, a right-back, how could he shoot in the penalty area? Because they are the magical Millwall!"

Schneider's goal reduced the noise of Stamford Bridge by a lot of decibels, and the fans of the Lions cheered happily for the team, and Ronaldinho's fans waved Ronaldinho's jersey to express their admiration.

Even Chelsea boss Abu in the stands couldn't help but shook his head and applauded.

Shaking his head because his team lost the ball, applauding for this wonderful goal.

Isn’t what he wants such a wonderful and passionate football?

Unfortunately, money is just money, Ronaldinho, there is only one in the world.

Whether money can buy a champion, he doesn't know.

At least at this stage, it is a reality not to buy the unique Ronaldinho.

Eriksson stood up, his brow furrowed, and within 5-6 minutes of Chelsea's goal, Chelsea had not played an effective offensive, which resulted from Belon being restricted.

Belon's performance at Manchester United can be called unsatisfactory. There must be a great distance from the disaster. There are more than 80 games recorded. There have been more than a dozen goals. On the whole, it can only be said that the value has not been played.

But one thing is for sure. When Belon played for Manchester United, he played against Millwall or most of the top teams. His overall performance was bad. Eriksson thought that his relationship with Belon’s past mentorship can make them in Stamford Bridge once again joined hands to create brilliance, but today, it is not ideal.

Millwall has changed!

This change may not be visible to many viewers.

I think Millwall played the offensive football and scored goals as before.

But in the eyes of Eriksson coaches, he can see the key points in just a few minutes.

Millwall further strengthened the midfield defense!

From weakening Nedved's offensive investment!

As a midfielder, Nedved looks more cautious today and does not rush into the penalty zone to become a forward. Instead, when compressing the midfield defense space, Nedved plays a key role and bears well. The task of overcoordination of the offensive team's offense.

Another convenient place for change is the sidewalk!

The offensive aggression of bilateral guards has almost reached the highest value!

Ashley Cole and Schneider, assists are not new.

In the formation of the vast majority of the rich team, there is no complete 4 guards, in general it is actually 3 guards.

Two central defenders. When attacking, two full-backs, one attack and one defender, take turns.

Conservative, it will be three and a half.

More radical, it will be two and a half.

However, there are still some of the craziest teams with only 2 defenders.

In modern football, who has insisted on the formation of 2 defenders?

royal house Madrid!

And not too long ago, in the season when Heinks coached Real Madrid and met with Millwall at the top of Europe, Real Madrid was almost in the offense, retaining only two defenders.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

Aldrich's return to coaching is certainly not a bit of a gamble. If he does not have a higher pursuit, he feels that his "two into the palace" will end in failure.

Starting today, starting this season, Aldridge's third-generation mad lion, in his ideal goal, will set off a modern football winger frenzy! And will work hard to interpret the side stream to the extreme!

That’s right, Nedved weakened the offensive investment. It also comes from the fact that all opponents know what Nedved can do and understand his threats. The role of the front waist, which can be transformed from the shadow forward, is the focus of the opponent. Marked characters.

Hidden points of attack have always been an important foothold for tactics to evolve forward anyway and advance the revolution.

Too young to say that Aldridge wants to merge the rising modern winger and the defender's line-side player to "change the frontier"!

In an ideal offensive state, Millwall will have at least 4-5 forwards!

There is no doubt that the Trident, with 1 or 2 forwards, will be the traditional full-back!

Are you crazy?

Football is crazy, not crazy, how to understand the charm of football?

Undoubtedly, the full-back has turned into a forward, which is an unexpected impact from his opponent.

But how to balance offense and defense?

How to make the team as a whole not lose its balance?

According to Millwall's situation, there are three factors. First, the world-class defender, Southgate, if his status does not decline, his partner Nesta can give Aldridge crazy belief. Second, the defensive ability of the double backs, De Rossi and Alonso's potential value, so that they grow up, on the defensive side, it also definitely makes them beyond the combination of Gattuso and Pirlo. Thirdly, Nedved, the immortal perpetual motion machine, his physical fitness and range of activities, as well as his own defensive ability, are the key balance points of this technical and tactical system.

When the team needs to defend, even if it is counterattacked, Millwall can also set up a defensive system that does not have absolute flaws. Five players, plus the first time when the half-time defense is over, the defense position will be in the middle. The full-back on the field, at least, is five and a half defensive players, which is balance.

Aldridge also has self-knowledge, he can not pursue the highest level of football tactics.

What is the highest state? The all-round attack and defensiveness that old people often talk about is.


Michels, the father of full attack and defense, can tell the world with a dialogue with reporters.

Michels: In my tactics, only one fixed position is the goalkeeper! Others, they don’t need a very clear division of labor. There are 10 guards, 10 midfielders, and 10 strikers. We are a total of 31 people. You said that 31 people will win against 11 people?

Reporter: Your full-attack and full-defense tactics can be loaded into the history of football!

Michels: What did you say? What is full attack and full defense?

Reporter: That is your tactics!

Michels: Oh, but I don’t understand the one you said. I only know that when the football is attacking, all must go up and the defense must all come back. This is attitude and discipline!

In this idealized state, Aldridge can’t pursue it, so that a player can achieve all-round proficiency in martial arts, and also have a world-class tactical awareness. This is the best you think from ancient times to today. Good players can't do it together.

Because Maradona has no top guards to intercept, because Baresi has no top striker shooting...

However, Aldrich aims for perfection and reaches the local limit as much as possible according to the actual situation!

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