The Young Lion

Chapter 940: came back

Regardless of whether Chelsea fans admit it, Millwall's temperament and posture on the court are more atmospheric and majestic!

Although Millwall is not perfect now, there will not be a truly flawless team.

The only difference is that the potential of Millwall's players has not yet reached the limit. When they really reach their peak, they can achieve the "perfection" they can achieve.

Chelsea with a fantastic start, the trident in the frontcourt, especially the wing players did not realize the global changes on the field, they still actively do the forced **** work in the frontcourt, but when Millwall's attack hit their backcourt At that time, their defensive awareness dropped.

This directly caused Millwall to blast their side defenses completely, and only then had an equalizing goal.

The score was equalized, Chelsea's side defense started to strengthen, and Eriksson wouldn't sit still since he saw the problem.

At the same time let the team strengthen the long pass in the counterattack, especially the long pass to the side.

After all, Millwall's bilateral defenders are extremely aggressive, and the space behind them can definitely be used!

And in this aspect, Aldridge certainly foresees that when deducing tactical effectiveness, is such a defensive loophole not obvious?

Therefore, instilling the defensive philosophy of the midfielder and defender is the key.

Long pass is definitely not as successful as short pass.

The technical ability of the long-distance initiator needs to be guaranteed. Secondly, the person who needs to respond is smart and able to capture the empty.

Even if these two qualities meet the requirements.

There is another condition that is difficult to change.

Flying time of the ball in the air!

Children understand that the longer the distance is, the longer the time is when the speed of the ball is constant. If you want to accelerate the ball, you need to have more control and strength, and the technical ability of the runner is also higher. Players who stop the air ball are also rare.

Therefore, the opponent's long pass, even when playing on the side, the ball's flight time in the air, is the time when Millwall sets up the defense line. If the opponent plays more and less, then the dangerous zone of the penalty area will be narrowed. If the opponent is balanced by the number of people or less If you play more, Millwall can divide the troops to defend. At this time, the defensive ability of the double midfielder is reflected. A player assists the side, and a player continues to guard the middle to become a single midfielder, without direct formation. Interception, but to delay the opponent's offense and fight for teammates' defensive time. This was a measure he did not dare to take when Pirlo and Gattuso partnered in the past. Because Pirlo went to the defensive side, his speed and defensive ability were very good. It is difficult to form a considerable effect. If Gattuso assists the defense, it is likely to expose the defender to the frontal impact of the opponent.

In most cases, Millwall must be more defense-less, because few opponents dare to defend Millwall with a balanced number of people. Millwall's offensive pressure is to defend instead of attack!

If the opponent does not make a long pass to a short pass, Millwall's high-pressure forced defensive strategy can continue to be used.

Michels's full attack and defense can't be pursued by Aldrich, but the opponent's requirements must be firmly implemented: all members participate in the defense and contribute to the defense. This is attitude and discipline!

Trident is no exception!

Compared to Milwall’s two full-backs, who played offense and defense at both ends, they seemed to be everywhere. Chelsea’s two full-backs, Johnson and Bridge, were overshadowed. It was frequently exploded on the defensive end.

Eriksson just asked the wing players to strengthen their defense, and then sat on the coach seat. He was thinking about countermeasures. For a while, he felt all the pressures that had not happened.

The fast pace of the Premier League and the habit of snatching up close to each other make it impossible for Belon to play out. This is not related to whether the players change teams, but the style of the entire league, because each opponent is a similar set.

In addition, Millwall itself strengthened the midfield. Nedved, Alonso, De Rossi, and three people wrapped Belon for dumplings. Belon also did not have the ability to dribble through the dragon, which made him in The presence of the midfield is getting lower and lower, falling into a similar dilemma in facing Manchester United, even worse than before, because at Manchester United, Millwall’s Nedved is more offensive, the first time There must be a clear distance back to the midfield, and Pirlo's defensive ability will not give Belon the pressure of Alonso's personal entanglement.

Duff and Goodjohnson returned to the defense, Crespo was single in the frontcourt, caught in the wall between the Millwall guard and the midfielder, and occasionally an overhead ball flew over, Crespo cleverly counter offside to form Single-handed, but saw Bout rushing out to control the ball, making him feel desperate.

Chelsea was a little whimsical about trying to penetrate Millwall's defense in a simple and rough way.

Eriksson stood up for the second time in the 22nd minute, undoing his previous orders: not to make long passes, to change short passes, the attack was launched from the midfield and backcourt, and he made special use of Duff's ability to attack on the sidelines.

This idea is not beyond Millwall's expectations, even their players feel nothing new, because many opponents play like this.

But the player's dribbling speed is still not as good as the speed of the ballless sprint. Millwall will have someone to delay Duff in the front field for the first time, and other defensive players will run to the back field, like a competition, the scene is quite good Exciting, but even if Duff crossed the obstacle and came to the frontcourt, they would find that their counterattack turned into a positional battle, and because Belon was restricted, Chelsea became powerless when playing a positional battle.

Eriksson's face sank like water, and he could naturally see the reason for Chelsea's weak offense.

It seems that Chelsea has never shown a particularly strong team spirit. Some of the points may seem to be a threat when controlling the ball, but there is no familiar teamwork. The whole is not active. Millwall pressured to **** the ball-controller for a short distance. The passing line is one of them, and Chelsea's lack of tacit understanding is the second.

Originally in the middle, he also expected Makelele to become Chelsea's backbone, just like Makelele's ability when he was at Millwall: Reshape the game!

To Erikson's surprise, Millwall changed the offensive routine. They no longer tended to attack in the middle, but took the sidewalk.

This is actually not unpredictable. Could Aldridge ignore Makelele?

It is not courage to call the opponent's strongest defensive point, it is stupid, because it is a bosom!

Bridge and Johnson, two full-backs, such a good target, do not abuse them, looking for Makelele? Is Millwall crazy?

This made Makelele unable to play the advantage of reshaping the team's offensive posture at the moment of the end of the attack. As for the transfer to the positional battle and then handing the ball to him, he can make a formal pass, but it is impossible to achieve A positional warfare is highly capable of attacking the organizers.

When Chelsea's winger retreated to half-court defense, Millwall's two full-backs wouldn't risk taking the rush. They would pay attention to keeping a reasonable distance from the opposing winger and continue to support the offense. If the opponent launched a counterattack, they could also Make defense the first time.

In the 29th minute of the game, Larson tried a shot in the penalty area and was blocked by Terry's blinding eye. Makelele, who had the ball, turned and passed the ball to Duff.

Duff took the ball to start along the wing, and before being so fast, he was directly cut off by Schneider. Chelsea's counterattack on the forward attack died before it broke out. After Schneider broke the ball, he looked up and observed the situation in the frontcourt. Pass the ball straight to Larson.

Larson was back to defend and defended. At this time, he stopped and no one was marking. He pulled away from Bridge. After two steps with the ball in the horizontal direction, Sedselli was behind him. Henry had not yet returned to Terry. Before running to the empty place, Larson's pass came as expected. Before Terry flew to block again, Henry kicked the ball and sent the ball into the corner of the goal. The ball was not fast, Kudic Nipan tried his best and still failed.

"Henry helped Millwall reverse the score! Larson's second assist! From the first round of the new season, Henry will once again challenge the Premier League Golden Boots, European Golden Boots, and won the Golden Boots with 25 goals last season. Van Nistelrooy, he must work hard. I believe that Henry, who has returned to the center position this season, will not let competitors take away the best shooter award with 25 goals. As long as he is not affected by the injury, Henry Premier League played one season. It’s absolutely no problem scoring 30 goals! He is Millwall’s scoring machine!"

Henry's goal completely silenced the fans of Stamford Bridge's home team.

On the sidelines, Aldridge closed his eyes slightly to show a smile of enjoyment. At the same time, his right hand didn't know what he was gesturing in front of him, and his index finger kept turning, as if he was drawing a circle, as if enjoying a wonderful artistic feast.

In the stands, Abu's complexion began to look a little ugly.

Millwall generals made a collective classic celebration action in front of the visiting team stand. They stood in a row with one hand on their ears and turned sideways. The guest lion fans burst out in unison in the stands: "Mad lion!"

The Millwall public will never be satisfied, three times in a row.

"Crazy Lion"

"Crazy Lion"

"Crazy Lion!"

The echo of the mad lion echoed in the air at Stamford Bridge.

"He is back! They are back! He is back! They are back!..."

Martin Taylor shouted this sentence in his passionate explanation.

Aldridge, who returned to Millwall at the end of last season, actually made the Premier League unfamiliar, and the people who followed him felt unfamiliar, as if Millwall was not motivated, and he was chewing on his old book and trying to use his past experience. Continue to be successful.

However, after seeing the team of Aldridge and Millwall debut with a passion and enjoying the game in the new season, the kind of crazy lions and young handsomes familiar to Martin Taylor and Andy Gray, Are back!

They create beauty in enjoyment! They work hard to make history in their passion!

Standing out from all living beings, yearning for the immortal will in the immortal myth, the third-generation mad lion, such as wearing a cloud and arrow, rises into the sky without covering the edge...

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