The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1220: Gu Qing's heart--"Are you angry?" Gu Jue asked in a low voice (10)

Just there, sobbing in grievances, listening to the sobbing made Gu Jue feel confused.

A cruel heart hugged Xiao Jiu and left, he thought about coaxing Chu Baiqing a little later, this matter also passed.

However, Xiao Jiu is like this, he can't ignore him.

Seeing him cry like this, his heart was torn apart.

It hurts...

Chu Baiqing couldn't see it, but could hear that Xiao Jiu's cry was no longer in the restaurant.

He feels bad for being severe to the child, but no matter what hurts him.

"Let my dad take it away, the grievance who cried!" Ji Chenzhou wiped Xiao Qi.

He saw that Xiao Qi's bowl was empty and it was quite edible. He ate all six dumplings...

Chu Baiqing didn't eat a few dumplings and had no appetite anymore. He had expected Gu Jue to protect Xiao Jiu like this.

Therefore, he specifically told him that if he was in charge of Xiao Jiu, he would not care.

He promised well at the time, but he just started to take care of it and he couldn't stand it anymore.

"I advise you, if you really want to let my father completely ignore and don't intervene, you must be really angry and make him scared, otherwise he will still feel distressed if you take care of it next time!"

Looking at Chu Baiqing sitting there, Ji Shenzhou looked a little lonely, and said with a sigh.

When Chu Baiqing watched the video before, she said that Gu Jue was too doting on Xiao Jiu, and it was wrong to be so used to him.

What should be...

At that time, Ji Chenzhou was thinking that if Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing lived together, they would probably fight because of their children.

If this doesn't just start, the problem will come. This is life...

Not all love is poetic and picturesque, there must be firewood, rice, oil and salt, and there will be bad things...

Quarrels between lovers are normal, and the most valuable are those who have not quarreled for a lifetime, and are the most enviable.

Chu Baiqing knew what Ji Chenzhou meant, and he thought the same way.

It's just that he hasn't been angry with Gu Jue for a long time, and he doesn't know if he can stretch himself.

However, fortunately, I was also a little angry. Regarding Gu Jue's doting on Xiao Jiu, he said yes to them. He didn't care if he didn't interfere, but he directly took Xiao Jiu away.

These things make him a little angry...

"Go, Xiao Qi, third brother will wash your hands!"

Ji Chenzhou hugged Xiao Qi, "Dumplings are delicious, your Gu Jue... is really good, so if you are in a bad mood, eat more. He packs them one by one. If you don't eat it, how uncomfortable he is! "

Just after two steps, Ji Chenzhou stopped and said to Chu Baiqing.

Seeing Chu Baiqing sitting there quietly, he looked like he liked, so gentle...

Did you put it down? Ji Chenzhou thought it should not be, or he wouldn't be here.

Don't love it anymore? Impossible, that is love deep in the bones, how can you say that you don’t love and you don’t love...

However, he is willing to fulfill, fulfill his happiness, the happiness of their family...

This is what he can do and what he is willing to do.

After hearing what Ji Chenzhou said, Chu Baiqing smiled and picked up the chopsticks, and ate a few more...

After Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu were asleep, Gu Jue said to Ji Chenzhou who was laying on the floor, let him cover the quilt, don't catch cold, and hurried back to the room.

Chu Baiqing was already lying on the bed, and when Gu Jue bathed Xiao Qi and Xiao Jiu, he also washed herself.

So I went to bed straight away, trying to hold Chu Baiqing in his arms, but he waved and beat the arm and avoided...

"Are you angry?" Gu Jue asked quietly, buried in his neck.

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