The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1221: A Gu Qingxin——You look at you and you are angry when you say you are angry (1)

Gu Jue's temperament is really not suitable for talking in a low voice, especially this kind of carefully flattering tone.

Before, he didn't want to make Chu Baiqing angry, and it would be difficult to make it happen. Every time he tried his best to make him feel angry.

He may not be able to coax him well, he is very annoyed every time, and he is not angry.

When Chu Baiqing didn't come back, he missed the days when he was angry with himself and played temper. Now that he is really angry, he doesn't know what to do...

Chu Baiqing closed his eyes and didn't speak. Isn't he angry? It's a little bit, but it's not enough. He has to brew his emotions.

Gu Jue must be suppressed once, so that he can no longer spoil Xiao Jiu like this.

As the same season Shen Zhou said, if the matter is not resolved this time, then next time he educates Xiao Jiu, he will still take Xiao Jiu away in distress.

If this continues, not only will Xiao Jiu fail to eat more and more serious, the relationship between him and Gu Jue will also be affected.

This is life. His mother used to say that when people reach a certain age, they are children. How many people are separated because of differences in children's education.

Although, he and Gu Jue have not only been children, but also love.

However, no matter what it is, it is afraid of contradictions, and it is still irreconcilable.

Gu Jue encircled Chu Baiqing's waist, with a little force and quick movements, so that Chu Baiqing had no time to avoid it.

"Look at you, when you say you are angry, you will be angry. Xiao Jiu is still young, can't we take it slowly!"

Gu Jue is not good at speaking nice things to coax Chu Baiqing. He used to say, I was wrong, so don't be angry.

Either, acting like a baby, holding him and not letting go, when Chu Baiqing smiles, he will let go...

Chu Baiqing still didn't speak, but just grabbed Gu Jue's hand that was confining her waist.

Gu Jue squeezed Chu Baiqing's hand back, "Don't be angry, I just love Xiao Jiu. When he cries, I feel uncomfortable. Those eyes are especially like you..."

He hugged Chu Baiqing tighter, and the two bodies pressed together tightly, and they could feel each other's heat and the sound of heartbeat.

Chu Baiqing pursed his lips, and he knew that Gu Jue's overspoiling Xiao Jiu was because of himself.

It is because Xiao Jiu is his son, that's why.

I thought it was the same thing, but when Gu Jue said it, he came back again.

Hearing that Xiao Jiu’s eyes are like her own, Chu Baiqing’s heart hurts and feels especially uncomfortable...

"Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu are the same size, why is there so much difference?"

Chu Baiqing still spoke, her voice very low and deep, not gentle at all.

"Xiao Qi is really good at anything. Xiao Jiu can't. If you say him, you will cry!"

Xiao Qi's temperament, if you call him, he is not painful or itchy.

It's commonplace for you to beat him. Anyway, after you say that you have beaten him, there is nothing left, and you can still eat, drink and have fun.

However, Xiao Jiu is different. He will hold grudges. He really will. If he says he will cry, let alone fight.

I've never played...

"Xiao Qi Pishi, if you say you fight, you will fight, and you will punish you? Xiao Jiu is squeamish, you are reluctant to fight and you are willing to say, no, have you never played Xiao Jiu?"

Chu Baiqing thought, since they were born, Xiao Qi can often be seen being punished to stand, but Xiao Jiu has never been...

One is that he has many hearts and minds, and the other is that he will act like a baby.

In his impression, Gu Jue had never played Xiao Jiu...

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