The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1290: Expecting years-this man is as dangerous as ever (2,000 words)

Next day

When Yin Shinian went downstairs, Feng Yan's car was already waiting there.

She still remembers the words that Feng Yan threw to her yesterday when Feng Yan sent her back, "Nana is very cute!"

With just one sentence, Yin Shinian knew that Feng Yan was using Naana to force her...

If she doesn't accompany him to the party, he is likely to behave to Nana.

Yin Shinian is wearing a white slim dress today, with lace on her shoulders, and a little **** in her purity. This is a dress she designed herself.

Usually there is no occasion to wear it, although she was forced to accompany him by Feng Yan, but he said, "dress up more beautifully, don't shame me..."

Yin Shinian didn't want to cause trouble, so he put on a light makeup.

She knew Feng Yan could not be offended more than anyone, she knew it many years ago.

He will never remember that he once wronged a little girl, and insisted that she stole something from their house.

And because of his accusations, her father lost his job of making custom clothes for the Yin family.

If it is said that more than ten years ago, it would be a profitable job to make customized clothes for wealthy people.

And because he was wrongly stolen, his father lost this considerable income, and his father had always resented her.

I didn’t want to look at her until I died...

Yin Shinian closed his eyes and stopped thinking about it. He looked at the scenery outside the car window without saying a word.

When the car stopped at the headquarters, Yin Shinian had some accident.

At the beginning, Qing Ge "saving" herself from Feng Xi was the commander Huo Da.

Is Feng Yan bringing her to see Huo Zhongrao? Will Feng Xi be there?

At this moment, Yin Shinian suddenly wanted to understand why Feng Yan would find himself because of Feng Xi...

Because he is at odds with Feng Xi, he wants to deal with Feng Xi by himself...

How boring is this man to do such a thing.

At that time, let Feng Xi know that he was a woman who pretended to be a man and was dumb to deceive him. He would definitely not spare himself.

Feng Xi's willful temper would definitely think of the law to avenge himself.

When Yin Shinian got out of the car, he closed the car door severely. Feng Yan just gave her a soft look and said, "Come on."

I walked straight in...

Looking at his back, Yin Shinian trembled slightly and felt very painful.

She was also very scared. She was afraid that she would lose Nana. She was really afraid...

The most surprising thing about Yin Shinian's appearance was not Huo Qingge, but Feng Xi.

Because he is looking for a male Shinian, and Yin Shinian is very similar to his time.

When Feng Yan introduced, he said, "Her name is Yin Yin!"

Others were very surprised that Feng Yan had brought a woman, but they didn't ask much.

Li Beichen is the person who most hopes that Feng Yan will be happy, and find him what he likes.

Fortunately, everyone was very easy-going, and Yin Shinian didn't feel too embarrassed, except for Feng Xi's entanglement.

"Do you have a brother?"

Feng Xi asked Yin Shinian several times about this sentence.

Yin Shinian did not speak and continued to eat his own meal.

She was actually quite afraid of Feng Xi. Although he was not as sullen and evil as Feng Yan, his grueling skill really made her very distressed.

Feng Xi was a little annoyed with the food in his bowl, did not eat it, just stared at Yin Shinian.

"Miss Yin is single now?"

Huo Zhongrao glanced at Yin Shinian, although he felt a bit abrupt.

However, this is the first time Ayan has brought a woman by his side besides his sister, so he wants to know more.

"My husband is in jail, but my daughter and I will wait for him!"

Yin Shinian didn't want to have anything to do with Feng Yan, and she didn't want to be threatened by him anymore.

So she thought that such a reason would make Feng Yan somewhat restrained.

After all, she is an orphan and a widow. He is embarrassed to deal with his brother by himself. If it is a man, he should stop.

She also believes in Huo Zhongrao's weight among them.

He would never allow his brother to be entangled with a woman who has not yet divorced.

Sure enough, Huo Zhongrao's face became a little ugly, and his eyes turned sharp when he looked at Feng Yan.

Feng Yan seemed to have not heard Yin Shinian's words, and put a piece of spicy fried beef into her bowl.

Yin Shinian frowned instinctively because she didn't eat spicy food at all.

"Eat!" Feng Yan watched Yin Shinian eat only light dishes, and she didn't eat any chili, so he deliberately put a piece of spicy fried beef for her.

Yin Shinian picked up the piece of beef with chopsticks, looked at Feng Yan, and saw himself frowning from his enchanting eyes.

Feng Yan held his head with one hand, watching her playfully, waiting for her to eat.

"You don't use public chopsticks!" When the voice fell, Yin Shinian had already tossed the slice of spicy fried beef on the porcelain plate.

The look of high-coldness, the tone of words is also natural.

Because Li Beichen wanted to make a wedding dress for Huo Qingge, he had been in contact with Yin Shinian. He felt that this woman was very cold, her words were brief, and she was not easy to get along with.

I haven't seen her smile, maybe because of her personality, Nana just followed her, some queens.

Feng Xi, who was sitting next to Yin Shinian, couldn't help but glance at her more.

This woman not only looks like years, sometimes, her cold eyes are especially like.

In his heart, he felt that there would be no such alike person in the world, it was very likely that he was a baby of a dragon and a phoenix.

That's why he asked her again and again if she has a brother...

Huo Qingge sweated for Yin Shinian, because Feng Yan's temper was really bad.

Just about to open his mouth to break the deadlock, Feng Yan opened his mouth faintly, his tone was quite amazing.

"Well, then don't eat it!"

How did Yin Shinian know that Feng Yan had thoroughly checked her details before contacting her.

Naturally, he needs to understand the chess pieces he wants to use.

She was unmarried and gave birth, and there has never been any man around her. Now she has only one younger brother, and she is not a worry-free master.

Returning her husband to jail... When a woman tells a lie, she is really talking about it.

For this meal, Yin Shinian didn't know what he had eaten. It was really like sitting on pins and needles.

And Feng Xi kept watching her again, and she was worried that he would really recognize herself.

So when she got in Feng Yan's car, she was still dizzy...

Neither person spoke, as if they were strangers.

Yin Shinian was supposed to sit in the back seat, but he was forced to sit in the co-pilot.

Feng Xi's car kept following behind, with a soft smile at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth, as expected.

When the car was parked in the bridal shop, Yin Shinian didn't want to stay in a sealed space with Feng Yan for a moment.

Feeling suffocated, this man is as dangerous as ever.

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