The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1291: Looking forward to a few years-you don't like men, so why do you like my women?

But as soon as she put her hand on the doorknob, she was pulled over.

Feng Yan's strength was so great that Yin Shinian's shoulder hit his breastbone, causing pain.

"Do you think my chopsticks are dirty?" The feminine smile at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth slowly opened.

The rough thumb rubbed Yin Shinian's red lips, his movements were frivolous, and the whole car was instantly filled with ambiguous air currents.

Yin Shinian hid back, and she could clearly feel that when Feng Yan was speaking, the burning breath hit her face, itchy, like feathers itching.

However, where Feng Yan could allow her to avoid herself, his vigorous palms clasped the back of her head and forced her to touch his nose.

"let me go!"

The familiar and unfamiliar breath made Yin Shinian ashamed and annoyed. She pushed Fengyan with her hand, but he pinched her wrist.

Feng Yanxie scratched her palms with his fingers, making Yin Shinian's face burnt.

"I'm asking if you think my chopsticks are dirty?"

Feng Yan didn't plan to let Yin Shinian go so easily.

Strangely speaking, the woman in front of him was the only thing he didn't dislike touching except Qingge.

"No!" Yin Shinian whispered in a dumb voice.

Her voice was trembling, except that night, she had never been so close to a man.

When Feng Xi was under house arrest before, he just teased and teased her. He didn't get so close as Feng Yan, and touched her lips...

"Then you will not dislike this?"

As soon as the voice fell, Feng Yan kissed Yin Shinian's lips, arrogantly prying open her teeth, and attacking forcefully.

Yin Shinian forgot to struggle in shock, and let Feng Yan's tongue swept through every part of her mouth.

When she reacted and was about to struggle, she felt her breath had been taken away.

However, the man didn't kiss enough, how could he let her go.

Strongly bullying her upper body, circled her between the seat and herself, in the narrow car, the kiss intensified and became out of control...

When the car window was knocked, Yin Shinian's clothes were already in a mess.

There were tears in the corners of his eyes, but they could not fall.

Feng Xi smashed the car window fiercely, and Yin Shinian felt extremely ashamed.

However, she couldn't resist completely, and her power was too strong.

The memory of that night a few years ago came overwhelmingly in her mind, and she couldn't resist, and eventually was bullied by a man and lost her innocence.


Feng Yan never knew his desires could come so fiercely and hard to control.

If Feng Xi hadn't interrupted, he might have asked her in the car.

For a woman who has only seen it twice, it's really hell.

Sitting back in the driving position, Feng Yan took off his coat and threw it on Yin Shinian.

At this time, Yin Shinian wanted to slap Feng Yan in the face, but she couldn't help her, shaking her whole body.

Wrapped in Fengyan clothes, covering herself, she shrank into the seat.

The sound of a violent knock on the glass came from her left ear.

She didn't want to mess with either of these two men. Why did she avoid her so carefully and still not let her go.

In fact, even if Qing Ge didn't tell him, she and Feng Yan were destined to be entangled together, and some destinies could not be avoided.

Feng Yan opened the door and got out of the car. Feng Xi rushed to him and came over.

"Playing in the car~shock! It seems that the mother of other children is not willing!"

Feng Xi mocked and sarcastically, he didn't do anything with Feng Yan, because he knew he was not his opponent.

In the end, he was still injured, and he lost face in front of the woman.

"You don't like men, why do you like my women?"

Feng Yan leaned against the car door, smiling softly, his eyes as cold as ice.

"She is not your woman, she has a husband, damn, besides, I just like it and it has nothing to do with you."

In front of Feng Yan, Feng Xi was like a child, with a serious lack of confidence in speaking.

"Why do you like your mother, like thinking about things that don't belong to you."

There was a feminine hatred in Feng Yan's eyes.

These hatreds were like vines in his heart, entwined for many years, and when he thought of it, he would be tightened and tightened, and one day he would be entangled to suffocation.

Feng Xi's chest undulated violently, and his fist was finally swung out uncontrollably, but it was easily intercepted by Feng Yan.

When Feng Yan was about to shake his fist, he was stopped by the ice flashing out of the dark.

"Young Master, the commander said, no!"

Han Bing's previous task was to prevent the young master of his own family from conflicting with Young Master Li and the second master.

Now his task is much easier, he only needs to be responsible for the personal safety of the second master.

"I can't justify defense?"

Feng Yan didn't let go of his hand holding Feng Xi's collar.

"The commander said, the second master will always be protected because he is not your opponent!"

Han Bing felt a chill on his back. After this sentence was conveyed, it was estimated that he was the one who was beaten.

Feng Xi was annoyed and wanted to reach out to fight Feng Yan. What does it mean that he will always be protected?

Will he also fight?

Feng Yan threw Feng Xi away with a bored look.

Feng Xi was unstable, staggering backwards, supported by the ice.

"Second Young Master, convey what Li said, he said that if you make a fuss about the years again, you will be thrown into the boot camp!"

What Hanbing hates most is to convey words. Often this character is unpleasant and easily beaten.

"He's not making trouble? Why didn't the third brother throw him into the boot camp?"

Pointing at Feng Yan, Feng Xi almost stomped his feet.

In the eyes of the eldest brother and third brother, he will always be a small child, so why? It’s not too old.

"The young master's age is too high, it's inappropriate!"

Of course this is what Li Beichen said, but Hanbing forgot to add a few words, and Shao Li said...

I feel disgusted and tired again...

Han Bing forced Feng Xi to get into the car and asked the driver to drive away quickly. He hid in the dark again.

In fact, since the second master didn't knock on the car window just now, he had to find a way to interrupt the master.

Because the eldest confessed when he was leaving, don't let the young master bully Miss Yin.

The reason why he didn't come out immediately to stop it was because he was analyzing the meaning of this bullying.

What exactly is bullying? According to his understanding, it is to bully if you hit someone...

Later, watching the car sway so badly, he thought, such a fierce turmoil, should it be regarded as being bullied?

Because the door was locked, Yin Shinian could not get down until Feng Yan opened the door.

She rushed out of the car regardless, her shirt was torn by Feng Yan, and she had to wrap his coat.

His breath was lingering around his nose, his delicate lips were red and swollen, and his smell still remained on them.

All this is telling Yin Shinian what he has experienced just now, and the numbness he has touched...

Yin Shinian wants to go home now, take a good bath, and then sleep, so that he can forget all this.

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