The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1300: Expecting a few years-it is very likely that he will be killed on the bed (four more

Feng Yan pulled Yin Shinian's body in one go, trapped her in his arms, and swore ownership.

Just when Feng Xi was about to reply, Feng Yan had already hugged Yin Shinian.

Taking a steady and eager step towards the stairs, Yin Shinian blushed instantly...

Because in Feng Yan's eyes, she saw the eager desire...

The look in Feng Yan's eyes was so familiar to Yin Shinian, and this time his desire was stronger than ever.

Yin Shinian could clearly feel Feng Yan, holding his hands very hard, wishing to crush himself.

She knew that Feng Xi would be angry when he saw him holding herself.

Yin Shinian has this kind of recognition for himself, which feels sad.

She is just a character who accompanies her to sleep, who is holding her, and what's up with him?

Why is he angry at himself? He had other women in his heart, did she say anything?

Even if that person is Qingge, she cares, this is something she doesn't want to admit.

She doesn't like this kind of herself, but what Yin Shinian doesn't know is that this is the nature of all women.

Yin Shinian also felt that Feng Yan was crazy. No matter how he lost his temper before, he would not do anything unusual to Nana in front of her.

But now, he took her away in front of the child, Mu Mu and Tangtang were there, Feng Xi, Han Bing and his men were also there, what did he take her for?

Feng Yan hugged Yin Shinian back to the master bedroom and threw her on the bed.

The body was not restrained, Yin Shinian turned over and was about to get out of bed, but was torn back by Feng Yan.

The man's strength was so great that Yin Shinian's arm hurt, and she opened her mouth to curse, "Feng Yan, you are crazy..."

However, before the words he wanted to scold, Yin Hong's mouth was sealed.

This kiss was domineering that swept everything, as if exhausting all the strength of the whole body to express it was not enough.

Feng Yan was really crazy like Yin Shinian wanted to scold him...

Kissing her crazy, giving her no room for resistance at all, struggling to tie her hands, pressing her legs when she wants to move, and pressing her directly when she wants to move...

Yin Shinian felt that his breath had been looted, and his whole body seemed to be cramping.

The unmovable state made her angry, annoyed and uncomfortable, and Feng Yan's kiss was completely ignored.

Feng Yan had the posture to eat Yin Shinian into his stomach, and there was no bones left.

Yin Shinian took advantage of Feng Yan's entanglement with her tongue, and took a bite...

"Hiss..." The kiss-forgetful Feng Yan pained, and left Yin Shinian's red and swollen lips.

As soon as he wiped his fingers, red blood beads appeared on the fingertips.

The red is like the scarlet in Feng Yan's eyes at this time, shocking.

Yin Shinian was breathing with big mouths, because her breathing movements were so great that her upper body was undulating.

Shortness of breath, red and swollen lips, and ecstasy in the watery eyes...

Feng Yan lowered his head and kissed again, his powerful hands became restless, and there was a prairie fire wherever he went...

The evil fire is burning more fiercely...

Such a strong, domineering and tyrannical kiss made Yin Shinian completely unbearable.

She even wondered if she was in the state of Feng Yan at this moment.

Forcing her, then she is likely to be killed on the bed by him...

"Feng...Yan, please..." This is the first time Yin Shinian said the word beg to Feng Yan from the heart.

Feng Yan forced her to say the previous begging, but in order to protect herself from sin, she said the begging word.

Feng Yan's physical strength in this area was amazing, and he wouldn't have fun in a few hours.

If this were true, Nana's birthday would have passed. He was crazy and irrational. She was so sober and had to stop him.

Yin Shinian's voice was broken and hoarse, extremely sexy.

Feng Yan liked her voice, it was very nice, it was cold and cool, but when it was pulled to a certain level, it would become **** and hoarse, very seductive.

"Please, what?" Feng Yan slightly opened the gap between the two, but the gap was limited to the tip of the nose touching the tip of the nose.

Feng Yan's voice sounded lazy and careless, but it was tight, because the evil fire still had nowhere to vent.

"Don't do it now... Nana's birthday!" Yin Shinian's breath was severely out of stock, and his lips trembled slightly.

Although Yin Shinian was stubborn, she was not confused about the time.

The current Fengyan is like a firecracker, exploding at one point.

Yin Shinian knew that she could only obey, at least not to give him a reason to be crazy to her...

Obviously, when it comes to her daughter's birthday, Feng Yan is quite sober.

Just now because of Yin Shinian's sentence, "I miss you, can you come back?"

This sentence was like a fuse, instantly igniting all the evil fire in his body, and he wanted to toss her crazy and hurt her...forcing to ask how much she missed herself...

Because in the past few days, she has always been cold and cold, making him angry and upset.

I forgot my daughter's birthday...

Feng Yan turned over and lay on the bed, breathing heavily. It was impossible to vent the fire freely.

"Get it out for me!" Feng Yan grabbed Yin Shinian's hand and pulled it to the buckle of his belt...

Yin Shinian blushed in an instant. It wasn't that she hadn't done it, she knew she couldn't hide...

Feng Yan still knows very well, you'd better follow what he said, or it will only make things worse.

When the two went downstairs together, the living room had already been arranged, and I had to say that Hanbing was very efficient.

Naina Mumu Tangtang is wearing a cone-shaped birthday hat, and I can see that Naina is very happy...

As long as his daughter is happy, Yin Shinian feels that it doesn't matter what she does.

Just as at this time, Feng Yan held her hand tightly, and she could only obey.

And the palm of her hand was hot because it it's hot...

Feng Xi was sitting on the sofa, watching them step by step down the stairs, wishing to rush up and bite Feng Yan.

Kicked the Coke with his foot, the dog was too lazy, without lifting his eyelids, pointed at it to bite Fengyan, no way.

Nana was not only happy that her father came back to celebrate her birthday, but also brought Mu Mu and Tangtang.

The main thing is that she saw her father holding her mother's hand, which made her the happiest.

She hopes that her father and mother are the same as those of other children.

"Uncle, blow this balloon too!" Nana put a pink balloon in front of Feng Xi and said crisply.

"Not just blowing one!"

Although Feng Xi said that, he still accepted the balloon in Nana's hand.

"Just now the one was pink, this one was blue!"

Nana sat down next to Feng Xi and said tightly next to him.

Feng Xi glanced at her, and the strange appearance was much pleasing to his father's eyes.

Feng Xi bulged his cheeks and began to blow up the balloon, and after repeated two times, a rabbit-like balloon blew up.

"Here, this last one. I won't blow it up, my cheek hurts!" He twisted the balloon in his hand and tied it, handed it to Nana, and moved his mouth.

What surprised Feng Yan was that Nana called Feng Xi not an uncle, but an uncle...

Feng Yan glanced at Han Bing, and he shook his head, meaning that he did not let Nana call.

It wouldn't be Feng Xi who asked her to call her brother-in-law, so it was what her daughter wanted.

Perhaps this is the blood relationship, so Nana and Feng Xi are so close.

This girl has never been so close to herself since she knew she was her father.

He has been expecting Nana to call himself father, but she has always refused.

Yin Shinian also saw that Nana and Feng Xi were very close, and she was also relieved.

In any case, it was her brother-in-law, and Nana was eager for family affection.

Apart from getting close to her aunt, relatives in the family didn't wait to see their mother and daughter.

Because everyone said she was not clean at all times, the 18-year-old girl gave birth to a child without getting married.

Maybe it was a shameful career that he did outside, and eventually gave birth to a kind of evil.

When Nana first heard this, she went crazy at them like a lunatic.

If she says she can do anything in Yin Shinian, she just can't say her daughter.

Later, in the face of these saliva, she gradually became numb, and her mouth grew on others, so she could say what she wanted.

Therefore, Nana's life is particularly sensitive and very careful. She longs to have relatives like other children, longs to be held in the palm of her hand...

Yin Shinian felt sweat in his palms, and he was gripped tightly by Feng Yan, very uncomfortable.

"I'm going to the kitchen!" Yin Shinian opened his mouth in a very low voice, but Feng Yan should be audible.

Yin Shinian wanted to pull his hand out, but Feng Yan held it tighter.

"Kiss!" Although he didn't get a hearty release, Yin Shinian made him feel comfortable just now, so Feng Yan was in a good mood.

Yin Shinian stared at Feng Yan with some irritation. She felt that he was going crazy today a little bit more.

What are the children kissing? Does he have a sense of being a father?

Seeing Yin Shinian's expression just letting go without kissing you, Feng Yan lowered his body, but did not make the strong kiss that Yin Shinian thought.

"Either you kiss me, or I kiss you enough, choose yourself!"

Feng Yan's words were feminine, which he didn't even notice.

Feng Yan would give Yin Shinian a choice every time, and it seemed that he would not force her, but both choices made Yin Shinian annoyed.

In Feng Yan's view, pro-and-kiss are two concepts, and kiss is to kiss on the face.

The kiss must be mouth-to-mouth passionate and intense...

This was only realized after Yin Shinian was with him.

So between active kiss and passive kiss, Yin Shinian chose active kiss...

He stood on his tiptoe and kissed Feng Yan on the face. After all, there were so many people there.

Yin Shinian is a lonely temperament again, and it is really not easy to do this.

With a "bang", Feng Xi's balloon burst, and he rose to his feet.

Running towards Feng Yan, he was about to pass, but Nana and Mu Mu held one hand.

"I said Second Brother Feng, what are you doing?"

As soon as Feng Xi lowered his head, he saw Nana smiling at him...

That's right! What are you doing? It is the feudal ancestor who took the initiative to kiss in the past...

Rejecting him in those years, but taking the initiative to Feng Yan, the meaning is already obvious.

Sitting on the sofa, Feng Xi took another yellow balloon from the table and blew it dullly.

Although Feng Xi's mood was depressed, he still firmly liked the time in his heart. This will not change, but it is not suitable to say anything on this occasion today.

Looking at Feng Xi like this, Yin Shinian felt a little sad. He had been under house arrest, but he did not hurt himself.

He thought he was really dumb, and he studied sign language so seriously.

Feng Xi prefers spicy food, but he doesn't eat it himself, so the dishes on the table are not spicy...

Now that I think about many things in the past, they are already calm, and she can still classify Feng Xi as a friend.

Feng Yan let go of Yin Shinian's hand, but didn't do anything extraordinary.

In fact, he told Yin Shinian to kiss himself, and it was indeed for Feng Xi.

Feng Xi didn't know what they did when they went back to the room just now, so they would kiss him in front of him, so that he could realize who this woman belongs to.

If it hadn’t been for the presence of a child and Yin Shinian’s thin face, he would have asked her to kiss himself...

As soon as Feng Yan released his hand, Yin Shinian lowered his head and went to the kitchen.

Yin Shinian made a Barbie cake. After all, he is a designer and the cakes made are also very beautiful.

As soon as Yin Shinian made the cake, the phone rang and saw that the number was a strange number...

Yin Shinian's heart beat faster, and she thought of Bai Hexun who had not been in contact for several days.

She has been in a state of anxiety these days.

Bai Hexun took the risk of returning to China because of himself. If something unexpected happens or is in danger, Yin Shinian won't know what to do...

The hand holding the phone was shaking. She prayed that it would be Baek Hyuk Hoon's call...

Taking a look at the half-open kitchen door, Yin Shinian opened the door of the small balcony and walked out...

The moment Yin Shinian's heart jumped to his throat when he pressed the call button.

Because of tension, she did not hear the kitchen door being closed, and the man walked in lazily and steadily...

"Hello?" Yin Shinian's voice was trembling, and that state was that only by hearing Bai Hexun's voice could she relax and breathe normally...

However, there was no response on the phone, the more so...

Yin Shinian became more nervous, she wanted to speak, but she felt as if she had lost her voice, and she couldn't make a sound...

When Feng Yan saw Yin Shinian on the small balcony, he walked over.

As soon as she put her hand on the doorknob, she heard her trembling voice, so cautious, like a thief.

Isn't he just a thief? He just got out of his bed and actually made a phone call here secretly.

He didn't let her go out, but forgot that she still had a cell phone to contact that wild man...

When she heard what she said, Feng Yan's feminine eyes were instantly filled with anger.

This reckless woman...

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