The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1301: Expected for ten years-I am definitely an infatuated species (four more merged)

Yin Shinian just asked, "Is Brother Xun you?"

Although the voice was not loud, it was still heard by Feng Yan.

However, Yin Shinian was disappointed that it was not Bai Hexun who called, but Jiang Fei...

After the classmate meeting that day, she had already forgotten Jiang Fei, but she did not expect she would call.

Jiang Fei still talks so much, she has always been talking about it, going around, the last thing is to meet Yin Shinian.

Said that I missed her very much, but didn't say much that day...

"Sorry, Jiang Fei, I can't go out recently, let's meet again in the future!"

Yin Shinian's voice is still habitually indifferent, and she can't get in touch with most people.

Because for so many years, she has always been alone...

This has become a habit...

And her memory of Jiang Fei is also vague. In her impression, their relationship is better than ordinary classmates.

I just don't understand how so many years have passed, how can my cold temperament make Jiang Fei so passionate.

Feng Yan heard what Yin Shinian said, even with her disappointed tone, it was obvious...

Obviously, this call she thought was from that man, but it was another person...

Jiang Fei?

The name should be a woman...

Feng Yan generally didn't pay attention to women, even if they had met each other.

Finally, Yin Shinian promised Jiang Fei that she would meet with her, and only then hung up the phone...

But when Yin Shinian turned around, he saw Feng Yan and her standing across the balcony door...

The heartbeat speeds up suddenly, when did he stand there?

Feng Yan clearly saw the panic in Yin Shinian's eyes...

However, he rarely lost his temper, or he said, forcing her to ask her, who is that brother Hun?

There was a smile in her feminine eyes. Such a smile made Yin Shinian even more uneasy...

"Nana is arguing for cake!" Feng Yan opened the balcony door and said to Yin Shinian.

Yin Shinian squeezed the phone in his hand, the expression on his face was a little stiff, and he didn't know what expression to face him...

"It's alright...Jiang Fei called and said that he wanted to meet me..."

Yin Shinian didn't know why she had to explain, but after she said it, she regretted it.

Who is she calling and who is calling, is it necessary to explain to him?

However, Yin Shinian’s explanation, in Feng Yan’s ears, was a guilty conscience...

The woman who has always been cold to him and doesn't take the initiative to speak, this will take the initiative to explain, what else is it for?

"Want to go out?" Feng Yan asked Yin Shinian's hand with a smile.

Yin Shinian's hands are very soft, and those who may be designing have soft hands and dexterity...

Thinking of dexterity, Feng Yan thought of these little boneless hands, playing with his ecstasy...

Yin Shinian understood what Feng Yan meant by wanting to go out. She had been under house arrest by him for several days...

She wants to go out to find Baek Hyuk Hoon, but now she can't care about going and not going with him, she wants to make sure he is safe...

Therefore, Yin Shinian wants to go out...

"Jiang Fei said that he wanted to see me..." This was the first time Yin Shinian and Feng Yan said such soft words.

Because of her guilty conscience, she didn't want to see Jiang Fei, but to make sure that Bai Hexun had something wrong.

"Kiss me and I'll let you out!" There was a fierce flash in her feminine eyes.

Yin Shinian clenched her hands, nails embedded in the flesh, she hesitated again and again, still leaning forward, wanting to kiss Feng Yan on the face...

But Feng Yan turned away and didn't let her kiss...

Yin Shinian's face turned red in an instant...

Feng Yan smiled and clicked his lips with his index finger, meaning that Yin Shinian should kiss here...

Yin Shinian had never actively kissed Feng Yan, and had always been forced by him.

Knowing that he had no choice, Yin Shinian finally fell in his heart and closed his eyes and kissed Feng Yan's thin lips...

I just wanted to touch it lightly, but it was turned against the guest by Feng Yan.

It was directly pressed against the wall, and the lips were sealed tightly, and the dexterous tongue was overbearing against Yin Shinian's closed teeth...

Yin Shinian was forced to endure the fierceness of Feng Yan, and the entanglement between his lips and tongue, as if to eat her.

"Um... ashamed..." Nana didn't know when she ran in.

She couldn't wait to eat the cake made by her mother, but after waiting and waiting, she didn't see the cake, so she went into the kitchen to have a look...

But I don’t want to see such a shy picture...

Nana was very happy to see her parents doing shameful things.

Because other children’s parents do these.

"Mom and dad are ashamed..." Nana said with a smile while covering her face and stomping her feet.

Nana's voice was very small, and she was a little vague because of her laugh...

Although it's not clear, Feng Yan still heard the word "Dad", and the whole person was stunned.

Nana was still covering her face with a shy look, but she still used her fingers to look secretly.

Yin Shinian was also stunned. She also heard Nana call her father...

Feng Yan let go of Yin Shinian, walked a few steps to Nana's side, squatted there holding her small face, hands trembling.

"Nana, what did you just say? No...what was your name just now?" Feng Yan asked Nana dumbly.

He had waited for this father for a long time, for fear that he had an auditory hallucination, and Nana did not call him father at all.

Nana raised her head to look at her father, pouting her mouth and asking, "Dad, do you have bad ears?"

Nana's big eyes flickered towards Feng Yan, her white tender face glowing red at this time.

Nana called his father, really called...

"Kiss Dad!" Feng Yan raised his head slightly, pointed to his face, and said to Nana, his voice choked...

Nana obediently kissed Feng Yan on the cheek.

Feng Yan's face still looked up, Nana kissed again, and then again...

It wasn't until Feng Yan felt that her neck was sore, that she didn't kiss her anymore.

This life's father was what Nana wanted to call a long time ago, but he never spoke.

After she knew he was her father, she had accepted him in her heart.

"Call me Dad again..." Feng Yan was afraid of hearing hallucinations again. Even after being kissed by Nana several times, he felt so unreal.

"Mom, is my dad really broken ears?"

Nana looked at Yin Shinian who was behind Feng Yan and asked, with happiness in her eyes, so bright.

"Daddy just wants you to call him a few more times, he wants to hear it!"

Yin Shinian couldn't tell what it felt like. Before, her daughter was alone, and she only called her mother.

Now she has a father, and one more person loves her, but her love must be shared with her father.

Maybe every mother will feel this way! I feel left out, or, to be more precise, it is a treasure that belonged to her and was given to another person.


Nana made his hands in the shape of a trumpet and shouted at Feng Yan to his father.

Until the shouting Feng Yan hugged Nana tightly and kissed her, the tears in his eyes finally fell uncontrollably...

Yin Shinian’s eyes were also red. She thought that Nana’s birthday must be the happiest one she had ever had, because there was a father...

Tangtang and Mu Mu stayed here, Nana and Tangtang slept in the same room.

Mu Mu couldn't sleep over and over again, because Feng Xi was sleeping next to him, and he was still drinking too much...

Feng Xi's drink volume has always been poor, but Feng Yan has poured too much drink tonight...

Mu Mu got out of bed and wanted to drink some water.

When I went downstairs, I saw Feng Yan sitting on the sofa smoking...

He was not the only one who had insomnia...

"Brother Feng, why don't you sleep?" After Mu Mu asked this, she obviously felt something wrong...

Nana is Feng Ge’s daughter, and she likes Nana so much, in the future, she must marry Nana, then Feng Ge is his father-in-law...

Is there something wrong with calling Feng Ge?

However, I have been calling for so many years and I am used to it. If I change it all at once, will Brother Feng feel that he is too deliberate and his impression is not good, what should I do?

This is related to the happiness of his life, he can look for Nana...

"Come on, sit here!" Feng Yan beckoned to Mu Mu, squinting.

Mu Mu was the one who brought him up, to be precise, Li Beichen gave it to himself with reluctance.

He wants to live like a person, not to be blinded by hatred...

That's why I put Mu Mu by my side.

And it is precisely because of Mu Mu that made him live to this day...

Mu Mu immediately walked over and sat next to Feng Yan.

A rare nervous expression appeared in Gao Leng Mumu...

Feng Yan touched Mu Mu's head and opened his mouth slightly drunk, "Like Nana?"

In fact, you don't need to ask about this, before you know that Nana is his daughter.

Feng Yan knew that Mu Mu had a favorite, little fat girl...

But I never thought that the little fat girl Mu Mu often talked about would be her own daughter...

Fate is really amazing...

"Brother Feng...we are still young..."

If she changed her role, Mu Mu would definitely say, "I need to ask? I definitely like it! When I grow up, I want to marry home as a wife!"

"Speak well!" Feng Yan flicked on Mu Mu's head and said sharply.

"Like, Brother Feng, book us a baby kiss!" Mu Mu said solemnly, holding Feng Yan's hand.

That expression and tone, completely serious, and very nervous.

Feng Yan was amused by Mu Mu's appearance, "Uncertain!"

"Why? Where am I not good?"

Mu Mu was anxious, before he Feng brother said, he is good and good, little fat girl is not worthy of him.

Why did the little fat girl become his daughter and turn her face?

"You are good everywhere, your father is not good, I don't want to be in-laws with him, it is annoying to see him."

Feng Yan said seriously...

Li Beichen, who was about to sleep over there, sneezed, and then another...

Still talking there, who is scolding him...

Mu Mu looked at Feng Yan without blinking, his father is not good?

Is it possible to have another father?

It’s not a day or two for Brother Feng and his father...

"Brother Feng, look at what he is doing, you have to look at me! I must be good to Nana!"

Holding Feng Yan's hand, Mu Mu didn't want to rely on Laozi, but had to rely on herself.

Feng Yan was actually teasing Mumu. He was very satisfied with Mumu. If Nana could marry a man in the future, except for Mumu, he wouldn't be at ease...

Besides, although the two children are young, their relationship is very good.

It's just that I'm in a good mood today, I want to tease Mu Mu.

If it changes to normal, Mu Mu will definitely see that he is kidding him by sealing his brother.

It’s just that today, I’m a bit too nervous...

"Who knows what you will be like in the future!" Feng Yan's narrow eyes narrowed slightly, looking lazy and evil.

"People say that I can't be wrong when I see the old when I am three years old. I am definitely an infatuated species. Look at Nana and I dare not say anything!"

Mu Mu was indeed like this in front of Nana, willingly and out of control.

Feng Yan's expression was in a trance, he sounded familiar with these words, because he had also said to Huo Zhongrao.

"Brother Rao, I will definitely be good to Meow Meow. You see, I am an infatuated species. Meow Meow will say going east and I will never go west..."

Feng Yan remembered many things in the past, and he had recalled many times in his heart.

Because in the lonely and difficult days, these memories are his comfort.

"I have said this before. To your uncle, at that time, your mother was only two years old..."

"She is very cute, with big eyes, I like it... I like it..."

Feng Yan must have drunk too much, or how could he say these things to Mu Mu.

Yin Shinian was standing at the corner of the stairs. She was lying in bed and couldn't sleep, thinking that Feng Yan would drink a lot at night.

Don’t worry, I went downstairs to take a look, but I didn’t want to hear such words...

It turns out that Feng Yan has such a deep feeling for Qing Ge, since he was a child...

Yin Shinian covered his chest. I don't know why, it hurts very much...

I seem to be unable to breathe...

She shouldn't have such emotions, she shouldn't care!

After being under house arrest for several days, Yin Shinian was finally able to get out of the lock.

She went to the bridal shop to deal with some things first, and then kept calling the number that Baek Hyuk Hoon had called her before.

However, it is always turned off...

Except for this number, Yin Shinian didn't know how to find Bai Hexun.

Although they have known each other for many years, apart from knowing that he was expelled, she has never known his identity.

The first time I met was also closing the door. It was closing the door for a banquet. My father went to send a dress to Mrs. Feng's family, and she followed, but, when I got lost, I saw Baek Hyuk Hoon...

I think he should be a guest to seal the door...

Yin Shinian heard someone coming in and thought it was a guest who had just called to pick up the wedding dress, but when he came downstairs, he was taken aback when he saw the person coming.

Then there was a messy sound...

The wedding dress model was pushed to the ground, and the red paint was all over...

This situation is not the first time Yin Shinian has encountered...

She trembled, unable to say a word angrily.

Why does fate treat her like this again and again?

"Tie her to me and let her pick up the guests!" a wretched man looked at Yin Shinian and ordered.

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