The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1302: Expect ten years-he said, I’m thirty-three, don’t let me wait too long (four more mer

Yin Shinian stared at Locke, who was pushed to the ground, and the younger brother brought by her stepmother had no blood relationship with her.

However, every time it caused her trouble, she would not listen to her no matter how disciplined.

Yin Shinian feels really tired sometimes. She is already very tired to take care of Nana by herself.

However, Locke never knew her difficulties.

She had promised her father to take care of him, so she couldn't leave it alone. Sometimes she was really powerless.

Once usury is involved, it is a bottomless pit...

"In those years, you quickly give them money..." Locke urged as he watched the men going up to tie Yin Shinian.

Although he and Yin Shinian were at odds, they couldn't watch her being ruined.

Yin Shinian still stood there, she had some money in her hands, but the money was reserved for Nana.

She is going to take Nana away. She will go out in the future. There must be more places to spend money.

Besides, the loan shark that Locke owed is definitely not less, and her money is simply not enough.

Yin Shinian stood there without moving. The neighbors were old neighbors. In such a situation, they would help the police.

The film police also know Yin Shinian, and they also know these bad things in their family, so they will come over soon.

Just when Yin Shinian was driven downstairs by two men, Jiang Fei ran in.

"I'm telling you that I have already called the police, so quickly let go of the year..." Jiang Fei shouted at those people.

Yin Shinian did not expect Jiang Fei to appear...

"Nosy, bitch..." The leading man raised his hand and slapped Jiang Fei.

The thin Jiang Fei was knocked to the ground.

Just when the leading man was about to lift his foot to kick Jiang Fei, Yin Shinian used his strength to struggle away, and the restraints of the two men rushed to protect Jiang Fei.

The kick hit Yin Shinian's back firmly.

"Dare to **** do good things, kick you!" The leading man scolded and tried to kick again, but he didn't expect his body to be kicked first.

The pain he expected did not fall on him. When Yin Shinian looked up, he saw Bai Hexun...

She laughed suddenly, it's nice that he's okay...

With a gesture of Bai Hexun, the four people behind him stepped forward and dragged the leader and his men out.

"Clean up!" Bai Hexun said only a few words.

Yin Shinian was helped by Bai Hexun. She bit her lip and her back hurt.

The kick of the leader hurts.

"Go to the hospital!" Bai Hexun directly hugged Yin Shinian, his gentle face was dark.

Although there is no anger, it makes people feel cold when watching.

"Wait...I'm fine!" Yin Shinian saw Jiang Fei still lying on the ground.

Locke, who was beaten badly over there, fell to the ground, and she couldn't just leave.

"Obey!" Bai Hexun ignored Yin Shinian at all, and hugged her and walked out.


Jiang Fei shouted Yin Shinian, but he couldn't reach Bai Hexun's eager pace.

Locke climbed upstairs, flipping around, digging out a few hundred dollars from the drawer, and left the bridal shop.

Jiang Fei sat on the ground for a long time, touching her cheek all the time.

It wasn't until her body was numb that she slowly got up, just as she stood up, the door was opened again.

Feng Yan walked in anxiously...

When Jiang Fei saw Feng Yan, her eyes became bright, and the corners of her lips were smiling like flowers.

Then gradually take away...

Feng Yan looked at the mess in the bridal shop, but did not see Yin Shinian's shadow.

"Where is Yin Shinian?" Feng Yan asked with an angry expression without even looking at Jiang Fei.

"I was rescued by a man, she's okay...Don't worry." Jiang Fei covered her face and whispered.

"Is that man a friend of yours? Very powerful. Those bad guys were all taught by his men, and then he left after holding him..."

Jiang Fei said with a look of admiration, as if he hadn't seen Feng Yan's face at all, and it was getting more and more ugly.

"Check it out!" These two words came out of Feng Yan's mouth, gritted his teeth.

You don't need to think about that man, it should be the brother Xun that Yin Shinian was talking about before letting him out.

Is Yin Shinian you brave, or do you think I have a good temper?

Han Bing glanced at Jiang Fei, who was innocent and ignorant, and replied solemnly, "Yes, Young Master."

It's easy to check, but the words of Mr. Bai are just in your ears, you can't check about this man...

Who on earth is this person who can protect Mr. Bai like this while still being involved with Yin Shinian?

Han Bing is a smart person, but at this time, he also doesn't understand these things.

When Hanbing withdrew, Jiang Fei spoke again.

"We met, do you remember me? Are you your boyfriend in those days?"

Jiang Fei smiled and asked Feng Yan, "I was at the same table when I was in school. She has been beautiful since she was a child, but many boys like her. Therefore, you have to take good care of her and don't let others run away. , I think your friend seems to like her very much. He was very nervous when..."

Although Feng Yan didn't care about Jiang Fei at all, she still kept talking there.

When Feng Yan listened to Jiang Fei's words, he had no impression of this woman. To be precise, he had no impression of any woman because he would not look at them more.

However, he still stayed here to listen to her talk because she was talking about Yin Shinian.

Like her very much? Nervous about her?

"The temperament of the years was cold, and I was not close to others. I was very happy to see her and that friend get along so close just now. The years were too hard, and her brother was just a bastard..."

Jiang Fei's mouth kept talking, like a brainless, one sentence on the left...

Feng Yan turned indifferently and walked out of the bridal shop.

Jiang Fei looked at Feng Yan's back, her eyes filled with obsessive expressions...


Yin Shinian had no problem, except that his back hurts. This will ease the pain and feel less painful.

Because she was a bit thinner, Bai Hexun took her to the Chinese medicine doctor to get her pulse.

The doctor said that she was worried and sick, and she must adjust her mentality. Nothing is important to her body.

It was already more than eight o'clock in the evening after the tossing, and it was not until I got in the car that Yin Shinian was able to talk to Bai Hexun.

"I can't contact you these days..." Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun, still with a worried look in his eyes.

From seeing him being held at the airport, the unwilling and reluctant look was deeply engraved in Yin Shinian's heart.

From that moment on, she felt sorry for this man.

In the letter, the loneliness and loneliness between the lines made Yin Shinian uncomfortable.

Sometimes, she felt that she was his family, his only...

He also said that, Yin Shinian thought it was probably love!

Don’t you always say that love hurts and misses you!

However, afterwards, Yin Shinian realized that it is not only love that makes heartache, worry and miss.

Family affection can also be used, so can friendship...

"My dad detained me. If I hadn't married a wife in my thirties, I'm afraid he would break my leg!"

Bai Hexun touched Yin Shinian's head. That was the movement he got used to when he first saw her.

Yin Shinian's temperament is afraid that Bai Hexun can touch her head like this, and she will not be disgusted.

The old man Bai is just a son like Bai Hexun, or he would have spent so much effort to save his life after he killed Feng Yan's father.

Everyone knows that he was shot, even Feng Yan thinks so.

Therefore, when he ventured back to Yuncheng, the old man Bai was furious and immediately detained him at home.

The entire old house of the Bai family was heavily guarded inside and out, in order to prevent him from showing up.

Although Mr. Bai has been withdrawing from the arena for many years, he still has enemies and is not well protected. Whoever sees Bai Hexun will explode the fact that he is still alive.

Then the consequences can be imagined. Let's not talk about the personnel involved in this incident at the time, and say that Bai Hexun will have to die again.

Then the Bai family will end...

"Brother Xun, go back! This is too dangerous."

Yin Shinian would not ask what happened to Bai Hexun and was expelled.

In her heart, she has a standard for judging a person, and the Baek Hyuk Hoon she knows is a good person.

that's enough……

"Well, I have to go back and take you with Nana!" Gently holding Yin Shinian's hand, touching her thumb, there was a thin cocoon, which he knew was a long time with needles and scissors. Down.

In fact, he has always had people protect her over the years, but he is only limited to protecting her from danger.

He doesn't interfere too much, he wants her to grow.

The woman who wants to stay by his side must be strong enough.

His little girl didn't let him down either, no matter how difficult the environment, she could clenched her teeth to persevere, it was really not easy.

After hearing what Bai Hexun said, what Yin Shinian had in his mind was the scene when Nana was called Feng Yan's father.

The crying Fengyan, the happy Nana, Yin Shinian hesitated...

Nana has always wanted a father, and now she finally has a father...

When she slept last night, there was a sweet smile on the corners of her mouth.

After that father called out, Nana felt that she really had a father.

So happy, if I take her away, then she will have no father again...

I want to leave Feng Yan, there is nothing else between them except the relationship between them.

She has someone she likes in her heart, and he is also...

What about Nana?

I continue to feel wronged and stay at Fengmen, sleep with Feng Yan, and let Nana have a father...

Either take Nana and leave by herself, leaving her without a father...

"What's the matter?" Bai Hexun looked at Yin Shinian in a daze, and squeezed the strength of her hand with a slight effort.

"You go back first! Brother Hoon, Nana can't do without her father..."

The most direct thought in my mind is that Nana cannot lose her father.

Therefore, Yin Shinian's answer is obvious, she will not leave with Baek Hyuk Hoon.

For Nana, all she can do is continue to be a Fengyan woman.

On the day when he gets bored, at that time, he may be able to make a choice.

"Don't worry, you think about it, then make a decision, little girl, you have your dream, your designer's dream, you can't realize it in Yuncheng! You should always think about yourself while you are alive."

Bai Hexun can be said to be the person who knows Yin Shinian best in the world.

Otherwise, he would not rather suffer without her company when she didn't want him.

Also fulfill her pride and self-esteem.

Yin Shinian thought of Bai Hexun hating her for leaving, and she would feel less guilty in her heart.

However, what she didn't know was that Baek Hyuk Hoon knew her everything.

Bai Hexun’s words hurt Yin Shinian’s heart. She wants to go abroad and has always wanted to go to Ivey College for further studies. This is the dream place of a wedding dress designer...

Even though she had a small achievement, she still felt that the place was out of reach.

The more so, the more yearning.

"Will you not be in danger if you don't go back?" Bai Hexun would not leave for the time being.

"No, little girl, I'm thirty-three years old, don't let me wait too long!"

A kiss was gently printed on Yin Shinian's forehead, although it was only a light kiss, it was extremely heavy.

The kiss of Bai Hexun's words hit Yin Shinian's heart heavily.

For some reason, she felt that she was sorry Feng Yan at this time.

As if she was the wife of Hong Xing coming out of the wall...

This feeling really surprised Yin Shinian. When did she completely define herself as a feudal woman...

Even his possessions.

When Yin Shinian returned to the closed door, it was already 11 o'clock in the evening...

She was taken away directly by Baek Hyuk Hoon. The phone and bag were not taken at the bridal shop.

Yin Shinian just walked into the hallway.

The ice, who had been in the dark, came out unexpectedly.

"Miss Yin, no matter how bad the young master is, you have to follow him, even if you are lying, don't talk back. This is for your good!"

Han Bing's complexion was solemn. It stands to reason that he shouldn't have been talking too much, but the state of the young master today is obviously furious.

I was beaten just now, because the person's trace was "not found" because of bad work...

Yin Shinian's hands were sweaty after hearing Hanbing's words.

"Where's Nana?" Yin Shinian didn't want Nana to see a scene that she shouldn't see.

"Go to Mr. Li's house!" Mu Mu clamored to take Nana to their house, so the young master agreed.

Yin Shinian was relieved by Nana's absence.

What Han Bing said just now, obviously, Feng Yan knew that he and Bai Hexun had gone out.

What should come will always come...

When he walked into the living room, Feng Yan was sitting on the sofa. Even though the living room was very large, he could still smell the strong smoke.

There was some unfinished wine on the glass table. Yin Shinian didn't understand wine, it seemed to be quite strong.

Yin Shinian was standing there, and she didn't know why she had to stand as if she had made a mistake.

She could go straight upstairs and ignore him.

Feng Yan raised his eyes and looked at Yin Shinian. She was wearing a man's suit, purely handmade, and such clothes were all made to order...

The feminine smile on the corners of his mouth gradually picked up, and Feng Yan was already a little drunk. He staggered to his feet and tore off Yin Shinian's suit with one hand.

Immediately he pushed her down on the sofa and pressed her body heavily.

Yin Shinian's jaw was severely pinched, "Yin Shinian, whose clothes do you wear?"

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