The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1303: Looking forward to a few years-do something wrong, you still have the face to cry? (F

Because Feng Yan's strength was so great, Yin Shinian's back was already hurting. At this moment, she felt that her waist was about to break.

My eyes were red in an instant, and I couldn't say a word.

Yin Shinian's waist was not good, because the waist was bent every day to make designs, and the lumbar muscles were strained seriously.

It can be said to be very fragile...

However, Feng Yan in his anger did not find Yin Shinian's pain at all.

Feng Yan's temperament is feminine and stable, and this stability is the result of fighting with Li Beichen over the years.

However, in Yin Shinian he was not stable, only irritable...

This kind of emotion has never appeared in him, and it can't be suppressed completely.

This kind of flame burned so fast that it seemed impossible to put it out.

"Yin Shinian, do you know whose woman you are?"

When Yin Shinian didn't speak, Feng Yan became even more angry. Her indifference formed a violent collision with his anger.

Yin Shinian closed her eyes suddenly, because the answer in her heart was, "Yes..."

This recognition made her feel cold all over.

Today, when Bai Hyukxun kissed her forehead, she felt sorry for Feng Yan, because she was his woman...

When did this self-definition begin, she doesn't know.

When did she care, there are other women in his heart, she doesn't know...

She thought she would only have the name of a man named Bai Hexun in her mind in this life.

However, I don't know when it will start, and the name Feng Yan has become pervasive.

The jaw hurts, the back hurts, and the chest hurts. Under such a pain, Yin Shinian is weak...

"Feng Yan, I hurt..."

This was the first time Yin Shinian showed weakness to Feng Yan.

Last time in the bathroom, she was tortured to death by him. She didn't take the initiative to show weakness.

He forced her to say the begging for mercy, but at this moment, she really hurts, and she doesn't know why it hurts so much.

No matter how much it hurts, she can bear it, but this will hurt to death...

Hot tears slipped from the corners of Yin Shinian's eyes and blurred her eyes.

Feng Yan was even more shocked, and Yin Shinian crying in bed begging for mercy made him excited.

But at this moment, Yin Shinian, who was crying so badly at him, made him feel distressed and didn't know what to do.

Feng Yan also had such helpless moments...

I completely forgot why I was angry.

"Don't cry!" Fingers wiped Yin Shinian's tears awkwardly.

However, the tears were wiped more and more, and Yin Shinian cried more fiercely.

The emotion that had been suppressed for a long time broke out at this moment.

Everything is in chaos and chaos, Yin Shinian thinks that what he can best control is his own heart.

However, at this time, because Feng Yan said, "Don't cry!" She couldn't help crying completely.

I felt aggrieved, and that kind of grievance seemed to be only for Feng Yan.

It shouldn't be like this. The person she likes is Baek Hyuk Hoon, who has always liked it for so many years.

How else would she want to go with him and be by his side, they are all lonely people.

They are also the most suitable people. They can warm each other and stay together for a lifetime.

What about Feng Yan? How could he occupy his own heart, so overbearing, she can't drive him away?

At this time, Yin Shinian did not know that his true feelings for Bai Hexun were not love, but wanting to be with him. That was the hope that always existed in his heart...

I hope he will be accompanied and will not be alone anymore...

Feng Yan was annoyed again, the tears were wiped more and more, Feng Yan got up and took out the tissue, wiping it randomly on Yin Shinian's face.

"Yin Shinian, I tell you not to cry!"

The fingers still wet with tears lifted Yin Shinian's chin, Fengyan said sharply.

Yin Shinian's nose was very red, and she would do it when she cried.

Just now, Feng Yan gave him a random rubbing, this will become even more popular.

It looks distressing, but also cute.

In fact, the word cute is inappropriate for Yin Shinian.

She is not the kind of cute and cute temperament, because she has to bear more than others since she was a child.

So she is very mature, and her temperament is a bit cold, which is also related to the growth environment.

However, at this time, Feng Yan just thought Yin Shinian was cute, especially cute, like Rudolph with a red nose.

Yin Shinian sucked his nose, and with her movements, the beautiful collarbone also drew attractive lines.

Feng Yan's apple couldn't help but slid.

The heart couldn't help but soften. He had never seen Yin Shinian like this before, and her tears could extinguish all his anger.

"Doing something wrong, do you still have the face to cry?" With rough fingers, she gently opened her biting lips.

The feminine voice was not as cold as before.

There were still undried tears in Yin Shinian's eyes, and the pitiful appearance made Feng Yan unable to feel stiff.

Yin Shinian also looked at Feng Yan, looked at this overbearing and bad-tempered man, hurting her again and again, why?

Thinking of this, Yin Shinian's grievance seemed to be fermented.

She didn't know what was wrong, she opened her mouth and bit Feng Yan's thumb.

Feng Yan snorted, but it was only an unexpected one.

Then the feminine smile on the corners of the lips widened, squinting to see Yin Shinian biting himself.

Yin Shinian had two small tiger fangs that were not too obvious, and it was quite painful to bite.

Yin Shinian's teeth were sour before he opened his mouth. The crimson bite marks seemed to be bleeding.

Feng Yan squinted at his bitten finger, his feminine eyes filled with a dangerous dark light.

He hugged Yin Shinian directly on his lap and kissed Yin Shinian's lips fiercely.

The dexterous tongue broke into her mouth, lingering on her two little tiger teeth.

Yin Shinian screamed, and his tongue was wrapped around Feng Yan's tongue unconsciously.

This is the first time Yin Shinian actively responded to Feng Yan's kiss.

When people's emotions come, they are really subtle, that kind of slight uncontrollable.

Entanglement, confusion, and follow, are all emotions.

It was because of this small response from Yin Shinian that Feng Yan's heartbeat was abnormally fast, as fast as it had never been before, it was throbbing.

Feng Yan ended the kiss when their breath was unstable.

Disoriented and confused, Feng Yan lowered Yin Shinian's forehead, "Yin Shinian, who is that man?"

Feng Yan wanted to put Yin Shinian under him now, and wanted her to toss her.

However, that man was like a condom between the two, and he wouldn't feel comfortable doing anything.

Yin Shinian's lips were still trembling, red and swollen from the kiss.

If Feng Yan yelled at him and lost her temper, she wouldn't be afraid, the big deal would be a toss.

However, just talking to her in such a good voice, she would feel guilty.

That's the feeling that shouldn't be between them, no matter which way it should be, it shouldn't be.

However, it just exists so strongly.

"If I talk to you well, you can give me a good answer, think clearly before answering!"

The breath that Feng Yan exhaled was scorching hot, causing Yin Shinian to tremble.

The words of Han Bing echoed in his ears, "Miss Yin, no matter how bad the young master is, you must follow him, even if you are lying or not talking back, this is for your good!"

Lie? Don't want to...

The chaos between her and Feng Yan became more and more out of her control, and she didn't want this situation to get worse.

"The person I like, I've liked it for many years..." When I said this, there was a sense of relief in my heart.

She has never told anyone that she has someone she likes in Yin Shinian.

One is that there is no one to say, and the other is that a person like her will not believe others when she says that she will like others.

Feng Yan pursed her lips, sneered at the corners of her lips, her jaw clenched tightly. It turns out that she also has someone she likes.

She also likes people...

He thought her heart was made of stone, without temperature, without emotion...

"I don't care how long you like it. In my bed, I don't allow you to think about other men. If you still want to stay with Nana, you can go now!"

Feng Yan's words were very cold, and he didn't care much.

There was a warming atmosphere just now, and it suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Yin Shinian didn't know why the piercing pain appeared to her.

Yin Shinian, do you care about his attitude towards you? Do you like him?

The answer from the bottom of my heart is not even negative.

"I will sleep with you. After all, I can't live without Nana, and she can't live without me..."

What you say is insincere. Yin Shinian has such a temperament. You are cold and I am colder than you, and you are hard and I will never be softer.

One is that I want you to stay here just because I want to sleep with you, and the other is that I stay here to sleep with you, but because of my daughter.

Han Bing had been listening to the movement inside with his ears erected outside, thinking that if the young master got angry, he could rush in and try to protect Miss Yin.

In fact, Han Bing felt that Yin Shinian was not easy to get along.

The young master's mind, he still understands a little bit, no one can replace the position of the young lady in his heart.

Sometimes he even thought that he was really afraid that Young Master would never fall in love with others in his life.

However, recently, he could vaguely feel the difference between the young master and Miss Yin.

Perhaps the young master himself hadn't noticed that as long as he was okay now, he would just stay at home.

Her eyes were chasing Miss Yin, and smiles appeared from time to time around her mouth.

Han Bing thought, Young Master is now in anger, if he really does something impulsive, he can stop him, lest the Young Master regret later.

However, until the young master walked out, he did not hear the quarrel between the two.

"Young Master..." Han Bing looked at Feng Yan as he walked out with a cold face and called out, but was directly ignored.


Gu Jue looked at Feng Yan, who had been pouring wine, and called him a few times.

"Fuck, don't you want to drink yourself to death again!"

Gu Jue was not in a good mood, since he put Chu Baiqing under house arrest, his heart was blocked.

He hadn't noticed how Chu Baiqing was so stubborn before, and he could kill his popularity in minutes.

At this time, Feng Yan raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Jue, his mouth sneered.

"Is Bai Qing with you?"

At the hot pot restaurant that day, Gu Jue treated Chu Baiqing that way, and then Chu Baiqing disappeared.

Jason asked himself and said that he could not find Chu Baiqing, he didn't need to ask someone to check, he knew that the person must be Gu Jue.

No one can predict how the matter between them will end in the future.

end? How will he and Yin Shinian end up?

Gu Jue took a sip of wine and didn't say anything. If he didn't refute, he would admit.

"Feng Xi told me that if you love him, you should let him know. I said I like him..."

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing said that he liked him, but his answer was indifferent...

Feng Yan drank a lot of wine, but he was unusually sober. He felt that Chu Baiqing should like Gu Jue.

After learning about the two of them, he wanted to understand why Chu Baiqing could tolerate Gu Jue so much, not a day or two, but so many years...

This kind of tolerance is precisely because I like it, or I will do it like this.

"But, do you know what his attitude is? Indifferent, actually indifferent... I feel like I just put a hot face on his cold ass, cheap!"

Chu Baiqing was not like this before. He would always have inexhaustible patience and gentleness towards himself, all the time.

However, now I am indifferent and ignored...

Gu Jue's words made Feng Yan's hand holding the wine glass tight.

Isn't he treating Yin Shinian with a hot expression on his cold ass, isn't she also indifferent?

What kind of thing is she Yin Shinian.

Had it not been for Nana's mother, he was the first woman...

How could he treat her differently and let her sleep in his own bed.

She still looks forced to be forbearing, who will she show it to?

"Bai Qing is not such a person. You have to control your affairs. You don't want to do anything. Bai Qing's temperament is complete!"

Feng Yan still understands his own brother, and Bai Qing's gentle temper will not treat others with indifference.

"It's not your temper to drink stuffy alcohol. Tell me what's upsetting, so I am so happy!"

Gu Jue didn't mention Chu Baiqing again. If Feng Yan knew that Chu Baiqing had been handcuffed to the bed, he would have beaten herself half to death.

If they fight with Chu Baiqing, they will definitely stand on Chu Baiqing's side and help him.

"Fuck..." Feng Yan would naturally not say to Gu Jue, because he was embarrassed because a woman was drinking alcohol.

Yin Shinian and Feng Yan entered the Cold War. It has been a week, and Feng Yan has not returned to the master bedroom to sleep.

However, in front of Nana, he was still talking and laughing with himself, and after turning around, he looked like a stranger.

In fact, this situation was what she wanted back then, but she didn't know why she felt so uncomfortable, and she felt as uncomfortable as a block of stone in her heart.

When he packed his things and left the bridal shop, Yin Shinian received a call from Jiang Fei.

"Years, save me... the person who smashed your bridal shop last time found me... They said they wanted to kill me... Save me..."

As soon as Yin Shinian answered the phone, Jiang Fei trembling and crying sounded over there.

Yin Shinian was surprised and asked Jiang Fei's address, and the store was locked.

She was very worried that Jiang Fei was to help herself that day, and she must not let her have an accident.

Yin Shinian thought that those people were gangsters, she definitely couldn't do it herself.

The first thing she thought of was to call Feng Yan, but when she thought of the current situation between the two.

Finally, she called Bai Hexun. Yin Shinian didn't know that everything changed this night...

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