The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1305: Looking forward to years-she can no longer be pregnant with Feng Yan's child (fo

Han Bing is a very calm person, he has been trained in these years without being surprised.

However, at this moment, his hands on the steering wheel were shaking.

Because Feng Yan opened the car door and rushed down, the panic that Han Bing had never seen before.

Perhaps it is something that no one has ever seen.

The rain was heavy, Yin Shinian just lay on the ground, motionless...

At that moment, Feng Yan felt that his heart would stop beating.

Han Bing calmed down and checked Yin Shinian's injuries. Nowhere was he injured.

He didn't feel hitting anything just now...

Han Bing exhaled, watching the young master standing there stiffly.

"Young Master, Miss Yin has a high fever and should have passed out!"

Feng Yan didn't respond, still standing there.

"Young Master..." Han Bing called Feng Yan again.

Feng Yan stood there as if he had been tapped on an acupuncture point.

Then, it suddenly slowed down, and then, he bent down and hugged Yin Shinian.

"Go to the hospital." Feng Yan might not even notice that his voice was trembling.

Feng Yan's car disappeared in the heavy rain, not far away, inside an RV.

"Sir, do you want to follow?" the entourage asked Bai Hexun respectfully.

Bai Hexun played with the cufflinks on his shirt.

As long as Yin Shinian stood in this heavy rain, he stayed with him.

Little girl, do you know how distressed I am looking at you like this.

But, it’s still a little bit, he hurts you not enough, when enough, you will beg me to take you away...

Yin Shinian had a whole body checkup, and apart from fever and weakness, there were no other problems.

Feng Yan looked at Yin Shinian who was lying on the bed with a gloomy expression.

In one week, Yin Shinian lost a lot.

I was thin, but now I don’t see it...

Feng Yan's jaw was clenched tightly, and all his mind was at the hotel that day.

There was no trace of that man to check. The more so, the fierce factor in Feng Yan's body became more divided.

He doesn't want a dirty woman, but he will find that man.

He wanted to see what the man she could fall in love with in Yin Shinian was like...

"Nana...Nana..." Yin Shinian opened his mouth slightly, calling Nana's name.

The voice was very light, as if it had no strength, but it smashed into Feng Yan's heart like a daughter.

Nana has also been quarreling with herself these days because Yin Shinian is not here.

I didn't talk to myself in the cold war, but I was very strong and didn't cry.

Because of this, Feng Yan didn't feel good in his heart.

Nana is inseparable from Yin Shinian...

And myself...

"Feng Yan, hot..." Yin Shinian muttered, Feng Yan's name was very natural.

It seemed like a couple who had lived together for a long time, with a natural tone.

So precipitation, so dependent.

In a word, it adds up to three words, but it was Yin Shinian, who Feng Yan listened to, and said the best things.

The soft voice seemed to be acting like a baby.

As if a feather ran across his heart, Feng Yan's cold expression gradually eased.

The corners of the tightly pressed lips also rose slightly.

Looking at Yin Shinian, Feng Yan made a decision, a thought he had never had before.

I have never thought of Huo Qingge, he wants to marry Yin Shinian...

Nana can't live without her mother, that little girl's stubborn energy is really inherited from her.

Feng Yan told himself that Nana just needs a mother...

Feng Yan took a basin of water and applied a towel to Yin Shinian's forehead.

In fact, the fever has been injected and the fever has subsided.

However, Feng Yan kept changing towels for Yin Shinian.

Because Yin Shinian didn't frown when putting on the towel, Feng Yan thought she was more comfortable.

Yin Shinian woke up the next day, and opened his eyes to see a strange environment.

She sat up abruptly, and then realized that her hand was held by Feng Yan, and he was lying on the side of the bed.

The moment he saw Feng Yan, Yin Shinian's eyes were red, and he was extremely wronged.

For a whole week, if it were not for seeing Nana, she forced herself to eat and sleep, fearing that she would have died long ago.

She was closing the door and waiting for him every day, but he just didn't see himself.

She thinks the child is going crazy...

From the time she was pregnant to when Nana was so old, the grievance she had endured was not as much as she thought of this week.

This kind of grievance, as if being fermented, continued to expand, and at the moment of seeing the Feng Yan, it broke out completely...

Yin Shinian pulled Feng Yan's hand, and bit the tiger's mouth, fiercely...

Feng Yan took care of Yin Shinian one night and fell asleep after four o'clock in the morning.

Yin Shinian bitten hard, and Feng Yan was awakened by the sudden pain.

"Fuck..." Feng Yan looked at Yin Shinian's eyes with confusion.

This "fuck" was purely instinctive.

Yin Shinian didn't let go, crying and biting, not letting go when his teeth were sore.

Later, on many sleepless nights, Feng Yan would laugh bitterly when he looked at the scar on his tiger's mouth.

Feng Yan was actually bitten by Yin Shinian, the blood slid down the corner of his mouth, with tears in it.

Yin Shinian didn't let go until he had enough bites, and the corners of his mouth were full of Feng Yan's blood.

The skin of the tiger's mouth is almost bitten through...

Feng Yan didn't even look at his bitten hand. Instead, he covered Yin Shinian's lips with his fingers, wiped it off, and then wiped it on Yin Shinian's pale face.

"Want to see Nana?" Feng Yan's voice was a little hoarse, which was caused by smoking too much in the past few days.

Yin Shinian bit his lip and looked at Feng Yan stubbornly, tears falling.

Silent but even more distressing, especially Feng Yan...

"If you don't answer, you just don't want to!"

Feng Yan's rough thumbs gently rubbed Yin Shinian's cheeks.

This kind of slightly rough and delicate smoothness highlights rigidity and softness.

"I want to..." With a grievance choked, Yin Shinian said it almost when Feng Yan's voice fell.

She thought, she was going crazy...

That's her daughter, how could she not think of the meat that fell from her body.

"Yin Shinian, I never take back what Feng Yan said. I will not let you see Nana unless..."

Feng Yan let go of the hand rubbing Yin Shinian's cheek and stood up.

Halfway through the conversation, he stopped, and Yin Shinian's heart was raised in his throat.

Yin Shinian grabbed the quilt, looked at Feng Yan, waiting for him to say unless...

I don’t know why, Feng Yan didn’t say anything unless, she couldn’t do it...

Feng Yan didn't speak, looking at Yin Shinian, who was getting more and more restless. Now that she wanted to see Nana, she should beg him to say it was.

"Unless what?" Yin Shinian wanted to see Nana now, so she asked.

"Unless you marry me!" Feng Yan sat on the sofa casually, slowly speaking.

The voice was very low and feminine, but Yin Shinian's whole body froze.

Marry him...

Feng Yan asked himself to marry him?

The voice in my heart was no, but Yin Shinian couldn't tell.

Because she wants Nana, she wants Nana...

"Feng Yan, I can continue to sleep with you..."

Yin Shinian doesn't want to marry, or...

She always thought that after so many years of suffering, there will always be good times.

She just wanted to have her own love, her own marriage, and her own family.

Happy, must be happy...

People live such a whole life, and they must live for themselves...

Someone loves her, spoils her, loves her...

She is a woman. Life forces her to be strong. She also wants to be soft and soft, and she also thinks...

She also wanted someone to let her rely on for a lifetime, but this person would definitely not be a Fengyan.

She doesn't ask for a good life, she wants someone who can love her with all his heart.

However, Feng Yan couldn't do it, he didn't love himself at all, what he loved was Qingge...

Feng Yan must not know. On two occasions, when he drank too much, he called Qingge's name in his dream...

When Yin Shinian thought of this, her heart hurts, especially.

She hated this kind of herself, very annoying.

"Am I missing a woman to accompany me to sleep? Yin Shinian, do you think I will still sleep with you? Dirty things, I never want Feng Yan."

Slowly stood up, full of chills, Feng Yan turned and walked towards the door.

Feng Yan discovered that Yin Shinian had the ability to easily provoke his anger.

He was in a good mood last night because she said, "Feng Yan, hot...".

She can still call her own name when she is confused, which shows that she has herself in her heart. This makes him feel better.

But, this time, he gave her a face, she didn't want it.

Don't you want to marry him?

He won't marry anymore...

Feng Yan, you are crazy, and you think about marrying this woman.

Yin Shinian's hands were tightly clenched, and his nails were embedded in the flesh.

She is not dirty, she and Bai Hexun did not sleep, and only Feng Yan slept with her from the beginning to the end.

However, he doesn't believe her...

"I marry, I marry, I marry you..."

At the moment Feng Yan put his hand on the doorknob, Yin Shinian shouted at him.

In Yin Shinian, happy love will never belong to you, nor will you own it.

It's already your blessing to have Nana, so what can you do if you marry him.

Don't you live for Nana? There is nothing you can't do.

No no……

"It's late!" Feng Yan didn't have to look back, he could tell from Yin Shinian's voice that she was unwilling.

There are too many women who want to marry him. Does he still lack her unwillingness?

Who does she think she is special at Yin Shinian?

When the door opened, Yin Shinian stumbled out of bed.

He ran directly to Feng Yan and hugged him from his back.

"Feng Yan, I will marry you, marry you, I will agree to whatever you say, whatever you want me to do, just let me see Nana, please..."

Missing her daughter's heart, nothing can compare, Yin Shinian is fragile like a glass doll, which will break at any time.

It is Nana who has supported her hard life these years. She can't live without her, can't...

Yin Shinian exhausted all his strength and was holding Feng Yan, she didn't want anything...

No more...

"Say you love me!" Feng Yan turned around, pinched Yin Shinian's chin, and opened his mouth softly.

A hole in the heart was torn open, and Yin Shinian's eyes filled with consternation.

As if someone had discovered a secret...

So panicked, she has been avoiding this problem, avoiding the problem of falling in love with Feng Yan.

She didn't know how she would fall in love with this man who repeatedly hurt her.

I don’t know or understand, but I just fell in love so much...

It was when he hugged himself and said, "Do you miss me?"

When Nana called his father and he was crying...

Or when he is sick and he is by his side...

Yin Shinian didn't know when it was, but she knew that she fell in love with it.

Feng Yan was waiting for her to say that he wanted her to be obedient, and he wanted to remove all the thorns from her...

"I love you!"

Yin Shinian closed her eyes and said it out, Feng Yan thought she was obedient and only lied about compromise.

However, only Yin Shinian knew that what she said was true and true...

"Heh, who are you in love with?" Feng Yan's tone was cold and heavy, with mocking disdain.

"Feng Yan, I love you..."

Yin Shinian's temperament is very cold, but she is also very shy. After saying this, her entire face is red.

There are still tears and blood on his face. It should be embarrassing, but it is so beautiful.

The position of Feng Yan's hand and tiger's mouth was still bleeding, and Yin Shinian could smell the fishy and sweet smell.

"Yin Shinian, your love for that man is nothing more than that!"

Feng Yan shook off Yin Shinian, and walked out without even looking at her.

Yin Shinian's body was a little weak, although Feng Yan didn't say a certain word.

However, she just knew, and he agreed.

She is going to marry him...

Marry Feng Yan...

Yin Shinian stayed in the hospital for three days before being picked up by Han Bing and returned to the closed door.

When I finally saw Nana, Yin Shinian held her and didn't let go.

I forcibly resisted crying, but in the end, when Nana said softly, "Little girl Yin, I miss you so much!", she cried badly.

Feng Yan has never returned since Yin Shinian returned to Fengmen.

After all, I haven't seen my father for a month. Although Nana didn't say that she missed her father, Yin Shinian knew that she wanted to become a family member.

Nana didn't eat much in the past two days, and Yin Shinian wanted to cook her braised fish.

However, as soon as he took the fish out of the refrigerator and smelled the fishy smell, Yin Shinian retched.

After dropping the fish, Yin Shinian ran to the bathroom, but he couldn't vomit anything out.

Very uncomfortable...

I thought it might be that I didn't sleep well these days, and Yin Shinian didn't care.

Endure the uncomfortable and prepare the fish.

However, Yin Shinian became sick again just after taking a bite.

Nothing came out, Yin Shinian lay on the side of the toilet.

Suddenly thinking of something, Yin Shinian's face turned pale and colorless in an instant.

It was the same when she was Huai Nai Nai, she felt sick when she smelled the fishy smell.

Counting days, her menstruation was delayed...

No, no...

She will not be pregnant, she can no longer be pregnant with Feng Yan's child, can't...

Just as he was about to get up, Yin Shinian heard the voice of Feng Yan speaking from the living room. He came back...

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