The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1306: Looking forward to a few years-are you going to sleep here or go to your room to slee

Yin Shinian stood up holding the toilet, looking at himself in the mirror, a little embarrassed.

Taking a deep breath, Yin Shinian tidied his clothes and went out.

The nausea made her feel dizzy and weak.

Yin Shinian was a little surprised when he saw Feng Yan, he lost a lot of weight.

She didn't know what he had been doing for more than a month.

Nana's mouth was pouting, but she cleverly hugged Feng Yan's neck.

Yin Shinian knew she missed her dad...

This kind of meeting is a bit awkward, Yin Shinian has been standing there with his head down.

Feng Yan didn't look at her either.

Nana hadn't eaten yet, and the dishes would be cold in a while, Yin Shinian wondered if Feng Yan had eaten it.

"Have you eaten?" It was Yin Shinian who broke the deadlock in the end, she rarely spoke first.

"No!" Feng Yan glanced at Yin Shinian at this time and frowned when she saw that her face was a little pale.

"Then wash your hands and eat! Cooked braised fish and..."

Yin Shinian felt that he was talking too much as he said it, and stopped suddenly.

He reached out to hug Nana from Feng Yan, but Nana held Feng Yan tighter.

When Feng Yan turned around, he directly held Yin Shinian's hand. The natural movement made Yin Shinian's body stiff.

Before Nana, Feng Yan would do the same, and Yin Shinian would also cooperate.

However, she felt a little awkward today, not sure why.

Yin Shinian looked at the plate of braised fish and didn't dare to eat it anymore.

Her menstruation was fairly accurate, but it was delayed for more than ten days this time.

She is afraid, really afraid...

A Nana can't compete with Feng Yan. What if there is another child?

Nana sat in Feng Yan's arms, still holding his neck without letting go.

"Nana, after eating, will my father hug you again?"

Feng Yan said to Nana patiently. He felt uncomfortable. He had been busy with Qingge being kidnapped during this period.

He also misses Nana...

"Are you still leaving?" Nana didn't call her father. When she was upset, she didn't call.

"Don't go, Dad will stay with you at home every day!"

In fact, Feng Yan wanted to kiss Nana, but she hugged him and didn't let go.

"You must not lie to me anymore. I don't want my father to be at home, my mother is not at home, my mother is at home, and my father is not at home, I don't want..."

Nana has always been a very obedient child, but in front of Feng Yan, she always likes to be a little willful.

Because she wants her father's favor, she just wants these.

"From now on, Mom and Dad will stay by your side and don't lie to you!"

When Feng Yan said this, he squinted and looked at Yin Shinian. There was a playful dark light in his deep eyes.

Yin Shinian lowered her head and said nothing. She knew Feng Yan's words meant something.

Because Feng Yan knew that he was reluctant to marry him.

Therefore, what he meant was to tell her, don't think about leaving.

"Then you feed me to eat!"

In normal times, Yin Shinian would definitely not allow Nana to do this.

She has to eat all meals by herself, not to be fed.

However, Yin Shinian did not speak today. She knew that Nana was acting like a baby with her father.

She wants her father to accompany her to do anything to make up for his absence these days.

"Okay, Dad, feed you!" Feng Yan's momentum is very tired, but when he sees his daughter, he doesn't feel tired at all.

After dinner, Feng Yan watched the cartoon with Nana for a while.

Then, she coaxed her to sleep. When Yin Shinian washed the clothes for Nana and came out, there was no longer their father and daughter in the living room.

When he walked to Nana's room, Feng Yan had fallen asleep with her arms around Nana.

No clothes changed...

Yin Shinian walked over and covered the two of them with quilts. When he turned to leave, his wrists were caught.

Yin Shinian looked at Feng Yan, who was still closing his eyes, and broke free, without pulling out his hand.

She knew that Feng Yan was not asleep, but she let go of her hand without opening her eyes.

"Are you going to sleep here or go to your room?"

Not wanting to wake Nana, Yin Shinian could only squat down and asked in a low voice in Feng Yan's ear.

Yin Shinian's voice was very small, and all the itchy heat poured into Feng Yan's ears.

Feng Yan still didn't respond, Yin Shinian tried to pull out his hand, and he wanted to hold on tightly.

"Feng Yan..." Yin Shinian called his name in a low voice with some annoyance.

Feng Yan likes to hear Yin Shinian call his name very much. The cold voice is very nice.

Sometimes when he was doing that, he asked her to call his name, crying and begging for mercy...

"Listen to the screaming husband!" The voice was a little husky, low and enchanting.

Yin Shinian bit her lip, and she was a little surprised at Feng Yan's request.

Although she said that she would marry him, but they were all for the children and had no affection. How could they use such an intimate address...

Yin Shinian knew that she couldn't make a call, and the fact was that, she couldn't make a call.

She always called him Feng Yan, and sometimes called him Feng Shao.

"If you let me go, Nana will wake up!"

Yin Shinian's legs were a little numb while squatting, but Feng Yan didn't let go.

"If you don't call, I won't let it go!"

Feng Yan opened his eyes slightly, squinting at Yin Shinian.

The lazy eyes seemed to be tempting, making Yin Shinian a little unable to move his eyes.

This person Feng Yan has that kind of feminine beauty, which makes people feel that this person is very evil, revealing a kind of danger, and you will be nervous and afraid when you see him.

Yin Shinian knew that if she didn't call, Feng Yan would really not let go. She didn't want to stay in such a stalemate with him.

But, she really can't call her husband...

"A Yan..." After thinking about it, Yin Shinian called A Yan, which was already the most intimate name she felt.

The corner of Feng Yan's mouth hooked, and then his eyes closed.

The meaning is obvious, if you don't call your husband, you won't let go.

Yin Shinian was really anxious, and couldn't get her hands out, but just when she wanted to bite Fengyan again.

I saw the scar on his tiger's mouth, it was...

She left scars from the last bite, and it was quite serious.

Feng Yan's hands were slender and beautiful, and the scar was obvious on his hands.

Unable to tell how he felt in his heart, Yin Shinian controlled his thoughts of trying to touch it.

Knowing that she did not call this husband, she would not let go of herself.

She contended with him, and when she won, in the end, she did not compromise.

Yin Shinian was actually a little uncomfortable, squatting a little uncomfortable, and a little sick.

"Husband..." Husband slid out of Yin Shinian's mouth with a very soft sound.

With a bit of helplessness...

Feng Yan still closed his eyes. Yin Shinian knew that he was not asleep, and his thumb was always rubbing the back of his hand.

Yin Shinian endured the sudden retching, biting his lip...

"Husband..." This time, Yin Shinian's voice was much louder, enough for Feng Yan to hear clearly.

After this husband, Yin Shinian's entire face was red.

This time Feng Yan opened his eyes, the evil expressions in his eyes filled with burning desire.

That is something that Yin Shinian is familiar with...

"Good!" Feng Yan actually let go of Yin Shinian's hand.

"I promised Nana will sleep with her!"

Feng Yan promised that Nana would do it.

So, even if he wanted Yin Shinian very much now, he still restrained it.

He knew that once he wanted her, it would be endless.

If Nana wakes up, can't see him, and becomes angry again, and he can't break his faith with the child, that's not a good father.

Another point is that Feng Yan cared about the night, the night Yin Shinian and the man were in the hotel.

Yin Shinian breathed a sigh of relief, got up and glanced at Feng Yan, then turned to leave.

But Feng Yan held her hand again, Yin Shinian's nerves tightened again, she didn't want to do that with Feng Yan.

She can’t be sure if she’s pregnant or not. If she really has a child, she can’t do it...

Feng Yan tried hard every time, and had to toss several times in one night...

"Kiss me!" Feng Yan was actually very sleepy, he hadn't had a good rest these days.

Yin Shinian bit his lip, and the experienced did not make senseless resistance.

Bend down directly and kissed him on the lips.

When she wanted to get up, Feng Yan held her head back.

Pulling down directly, the delicate lips are sealed again, with a lingering lingering feeling, this kiss is very soft...

Unlike the overbearing and strong in the past, this kind of kiss made Yin Shinian a little addicted.

I don't know if it was because of the hypoxia being kissed that Yin Shinian felt a little drunk.

The taste is wonderful and comfortable, and she doesn't want to stop...

Yin Shinian didn't know that she actually kissed Feng Yan back actively.

Such a young, serious kiss made Feng Yan stand up suddenly...

He directly pressed Yin Shinian under him, panting at the red-faced woman under him.

The red and swollen lips he kissed were like tempting desserts.

"Nana is here, don't..." Just as Feng Yan's hand penetrated into Yin Shinian's clothes, she grabbed Feng Yan's hand.

Yin Shinian's voice was panting, and the eyes that looked towards Feng Yan were full of water.

Feng Yan squeezed her chest severely...

"Where you sleep!" Indeed, Nana was by her side, and she couldn't do anything.

Besides, he is indeed sleepy and exhausted...

Yin Shinian got out from under Feng Yan and watched Feng Yan lie down again without changing his clothes...

"Take a bath, change your pajamas and go to bed!"

After Yin Shinian said this, she was stunned. She was not a person who would take the initiative to care about others.

What's more, this person is still Fengyan, but he couldn't help but say it.

"Tired!" Feng Yan squinted at Yin Shinian who was a little annoyed.

After not seeing her for a month, he felt that she had changed a bit, but he couldn't tell how she changed.

Yin Shinian hurriedly lay down next to Nana, his heart beating faster, as if he was about to jump out.

After a while, I heard Feng Yan breathing evenly.

However, Yin Shinian couldn't sleep at all. This was the first time that "a family of three" slept together.

Yin Shinian took a cell phone and couldn't help taking a selfie.

After that, Yin Shinian almost had to hold this photo to fall asleep.

Miss her daughter, miss...Feng Yan!

Next day

Feng Yan has been playing with Nana.

Yin Shinian made an appointment with Jiang Fei to help her make a dress.

They wear it for the company's annual meeting.

Since the hotel incident, Jiang Fei always finds Yin Shinian or calls her.

After coming and going, the relationship between the two became much closer.

On the way to the bridal shop, Yin Shinian bought test strips at the drugstore.

For insurance, she bought two...

When she arrived in the store, she ran into the bathroom and did a test...


Although the traces are very shallow, but the two are the same, the two...

Yin Shinian was sitting on the toilet, his face pale...

She likes children, but this child...

Reason tells Yin Shinian that this child cannot be taken, but she is reluctant, reluctant...

"How long?" Jiang Fei's voice came downstairs.

Yin Shinian threw the test paper directly into the trash can and went downstairs.

When measuring Jiang Fei's size, Yin Shinian was a little absent-minded, and Jiang Fei kept saying there.

"In those years, simply make one, don't be too expensive!"

Jiang Fei said with a smile, looking at the wedding dresses, really like it.

"I gave it to you!" Yin Shinian's voice was very low, and his mind was all about pregnancy.

"How about that, you have to give you money when you open the door to do business!"

Jiang Fei waved her hand, with a firm attitude.

Yin Shinian didn't say anything, she wouldn't ask for Jiang Fei's money.

That's her temperament, she doesn't want to bother about a matter for which she has already made a decision.

When Yin Shinian was choosing fabrics, Jiang Fei went to the bathroom.

Yin Shinian didn't care, and continued to work in his own hands.

After a while Jiang Fei walked out of the bathroom.

"In time, are you pregnant?"

Jiang Fei looked at Shi Nian excitedly and asked.

The scissors in Yin Shinian's hand fell to the ground.

I was a little upset about my carelessness, why didn't I take out the garbage bag and let Jiang Fei see...

She didn't want anyone to know about it.

"What are you doing so nervously? You don't scare your baby when you get pregnant."

Jiang Fei squatted down and picked up the scissors.

"In those years, you were so nervous, wouldn't it be... the child was not Feng Shao? Ah... was that the man who carried you? That night..."

Jiang Fei looked at Yin Shinian without blinking.

Yin Shinian's head bounced, and Feng Yan misunderstood that he and Bai Hexun did that night.

Counting the days, if he knows that he is pregnant, he might think that the baby is Baek Hyuk Hoon...

However, she and Baek Hyuk Hoon did not do that, no.

Yin Shinian sat in a chair, her mind was very confused, and she didn't even know when Jiang Fei left...

Jiang Fei looked back at the bridal shop, sneered at the corner of her mouth.

I took out my phone and broadcasted a number...

"Feng Shao, you... hello, I'm Jiang Fei... Do you remember me? I'm... a friend of the years." Jiang Fei's voice was nervous, as if shy.

"Something?" Feng Yan's voice was cold, slightly impatient.

"Feng Shao, I know you are very busy, but you are pregnant all the time, I hope you time to accompany her, don't let her...hard work..."

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