The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1307: Expecting a few years-I will never fall in love with any other man again (five change

Jiang Fei's tone was a little worried and mixed with complaints, but her tone seemed like her mother's family was fighting injustice.

"I was my best friend in those years. Although her family is gone... But, I am her family. Don't bully her... What happened that night, she didn't want to. If you have something to say, please don't Hurt the child..."

Jiang Fei cried as she spoke, crying fiercely...

"Years, it's really hard, so...Feng Shao, do your best...Don't bully her..."

A beep came from the phone, Jiang Fei pursed her lips, and smiled and put away the phone.

It's true that even God is helping her...

The same thing happened in the hotel last time. She wanted to let people sleep in Yin Shinian, but she didn't want her to find a man by herself, so she didn't need to do anything.

Isn't this that even God can't understand her Yin Shinian's luck.

Why do men like her?

Why would she meet such a good man Feng Shao?

And the man who took her away was also a dragon and a phoenix among the people. Why did he surround her Yin Shinian with a look of affection.

With her cold temperament in Yin Shinian, I really don't know why men like her.

Why is Jiang Fei beside her, she is the ugly duckling, and she is the white swan in Yin Shinian.

She used to be a little fatter, so she lost weight and had plastic surgery these years, and she is no worse than her in recent years.

She is also very beautiful, but, why, with her, the man's eyes still only stay on her Yin Shinian's body, and they won't look at her more.

She is not reconciled, she hates Yin Shinian, as long as she is destroyed, she Jiang Fei is the most beautiful, and all men will fall in love with her.

Jiang Fei went to the supermarket to buy a lot of nutritional products and dairy products.

All the way back to Yin Shinian's bridal shop.

Yin Shinian heard someone coming in, and when she looked up, it was Jiang Fei who was gone...

His face flushed, his forehead was sweaty, and he was carrying two big bags...

"In those years, I went to buy you...some nutritious things. If you don't talk about children, I won't ask, but you must take care of yourself. No matter what happens, I will always be by your side... Looking at you..."

Jiang Fei was taking things out while speaking to Yin Shinian breathlessly.

Yin Shinian's eyes were a little red, except for Huo Qingge, Jiang Fei was the person who cared about her most.

After so many years, Yin Shinian feels very lucky to be able to want to see him again and be a good friend.

It's really good to have someone caring about themselves in such a difficult time.

Humans are emotional animals and are easily moved, especially women, especially when they are in a difficult environment, they are more likely to be influenced by this emotion...

Especially, if Yin Shinian's cold temperament is warmed by someone, she will melt and turn into a pool of tender water, so soft and soft...

Seeing Yin Shinian crying, Jiang Fei put down the things in his hands and immediately ran over to hug her tightly.

"Years, don't cry... When you cry, I don't know what to do. Everything will pass, and the days will get better..."

Jiang Fei showed that she knew what was wrong, and worried.

The appearance of the innocent and harmless little white rabbit will never make people think that she is really a poisonous snake spitting out a letter.

Will kill you anytime...

"Did Feng Shao bully you? If you feel wronged, leave him... He is rich, but what do we women want money for, is it not to find someone who loves us and loves us? Life is not easy, but I can’t just..."

Jiang Fei happened to see a soul chicken soup article yesterday, talking about what kind of man a woman is looking for.

The content of the article is to find someone who loves you, marriage will not be possible, and a woman will never be easy.

This meeting happened to be told to Yin Shinian.

Listening to Jiang Fei's words, Yin Shinian felt extremely bitter. If she could choose, she would definitely choose someone who loved her.

Because life in the first half of my life is too bitter, I want to be sweeter in my next life, otherwise, my life is really in vain.

"My boyfriend is a doctor, he doesn't have much money, but he loves me very much... I love him too, I think I have a very happy and happy life every day, really, in time, I feel very happy, don’t No matter how good your man is, I don’t look down on it..."

When Jiang Fei talked, she looked like a little bird, making people look really happy.

Yin Shinian felt that Jiang Fei's simple temperament was quite good.

It hasn't changed over the years, and it's not easy to live such a happy life.

After that, Yin Shinian learned that it was her who had not changed.

The simplest person is also her, but she never regrets, her own has not changed.

This is her Yin Shinian, a living independent self, without envy, jealousy, or comparison.

"So, in time, you also want to be happy, you know? I know your suffering, so I especially hope that you are happy. I would rather trade my happiness for your happiness..."

"In those years, when I said something improper, I think Feng Shao doesn't love you... just the feeling, if I say wrong, don't be angry with me, I just worry about you..."

Jiang Fei bit her lip and asked tentatively, she watched Yin Shinian's reaction without blinking.

When she saw a flash of loneliness in her eyes, Jiang Fei knew that she was right.

What Yin Shinian didn't know was that Jiang Fei majored in psychology, so Jiang Fei was the best at observing and guiding.

Why is Yin Shinian, who is cold-tempered, her opponent, Jiang Fei can ask the information she wants in just a few words.

"Jiang Fei, don't worry about me, I'm fine!"

Yin Shinian's temperament, even if she is a close person, she is unwilling to say what's in her heart.

Even with Qingge, she didn't want to say that she didn't want to increase the burden on others.

It is not a habit formed over the years, because she has no one to rely on, and she has to bear everything herself, so she got used to it.

"In those years, no matter what you decide to do, tell me that I am by your side. My boyfriend is a doctor, and his sister is in obstetrics and gynecology. If you really need it... just tell me."

Jiang Fei is testing Yin Shinian's attitude towards this child, and she can make the water more muddled.

"I will tell you if I need to, Jiang Fei..."

For this child, Yin Shinian really didn't think about it.

The wind chime rang before Yin Shinian finished speaking, and someone came...

Seeing that it was Feng Xi, Yin Shinian was stunned for a while, and she hadn't seen Feng Xi for a long time.

Knowing that they have been busy singing things recently.

She also talked to Qingge on the phone this morning and made an appointment to see each other for these two days.

She was also very worried about Qingge and wanted to see her right away, but she also knew that Young Master Li would definitely have to go around Qingge for 24 hours, and she would wait a few days.

Feng Xi has also become thinner, but he has become more handsome. It seems that after experiencing something, his whole person has become more mature, showing a sense of stability.

Feng Xi and Feng Yan had the same temperament, that is, they couldn't see other women in their eyes.

When Jiang Fei saw that another extraordinary man came to Yin Shinian, her jealousy was fermented.

She wanted to let all men see what Yin Shinian was.

Pretending to be lofty but dealing with men of all colors, bitch.

"Let me hug, I want to kill you!" Feng Xi hugged Yin Shinian directly, hugging tightly.

Yin Shinian's mouth was filled with a smile, and she had gradually become accustomed to the temperament of a child like Feng Xi.

She now considers him a good friend, and she also knows that Feng Xi has let go, but he doesn't admit it.

He and Feng Yan are brothers, so the principle of doing things is the same.

At the beginning, Feng Yan was made by Tangtang and Li Shaohe Qingge.

Feng Xi now let go of her because of Nana.

Therefore, Yin Shinian cherishes such a person who thinks for himself.

She also believed that Feng Xi would definitely find the woman suitable for him.

He will be very happy with such a temperament.

Because he has no desires, no desires, no greed.

"Do you know that when Feng Yan left, he specifically asked his eldest brother to give me an order not to look for you. These days, I was choked to death!"

If you follow Feng Xi's temperament, if you think about the time, you must kill it immediately.

Wherever he would endure it forever, blame it, Feng Yan has the foresight.

Knowing that if he were not there, Feng Xi would probably stay at their house for one day, twenty-four hours, and give him a long-term love, how could he allow it.

Therefore, I told my eldest brother directly that Feng Xi was not allowed to see Yin Shinian and not even allowed to make phone calls.

The eldest brother naturally wouldn't allow things that would affect Feng Yan's relationship with his time, so he gave Feng Xi a death order.

Yin Shinian was a little surprised after hearing Feng Xi's words.

Before, Nana also said that my uncle didn't come, she just thought Feng Xi was busy, but didn't want it to be Feng Yan.

"Let go, I can't breathe anymore!" Yin Shinian saw Jiang Fei look surprised.

Every time I can show Jiang Fei that there is a man next to her, it is still different, which makes Yin Shinian a little embarrassed.

Feng Xi hugged her too tightly, and Yin Shinian's face turned red.

In that way, in Jiang Fei's eyes, it is shy, and even if he wants to refuse...

He scolded Yin Shinian in his heart, "A **** is a slut. With such high means, a man will be hooked by her. No wonder everyone calls her a fox, a real show."

Jiang Fei has a shy smile on her face, but she can't wait to open her mouth and scold Yin Shinian for shame...

Tell the man in front of her, the child in her belly at Yin Shinian, she didn't even know which wild man it was.

Let this man know what she is Yin Shinian, but Jiang Fei told herself to hold back.

She couldn't let her anger for a while, pregnant with her good deeds, and now even God is helping her. If she doesn't kill Yin Shinian, her Jiang Fei will live in vain.

The more men appeared next to her, the faster and more ugly she would die in Yin Shinian.

"That, Feng Xi, this is Jiang Fei, my friend!"

Yin Shinian really regarded Jiang Fei as his friend before introducing him to Feng Xi.

"Hello, I'm Jiang Fei..." Jiang Fei was a shy and harmless little white rabbit, and greeted Feng Xi shyly.

Feng Xi just nodded indifferently, without even looking at Jiang Fei.

"I'm going to cook for you, I suddenly want to cook a dish for you!"

Feng Xi shook the bag in his hand and said indifference.

Yin Shinian knew that it was useless to say rejection. Feng Xi's temper was even more stubborn. He wanted to do whatever he wanted.

After telling Feng Xi the location of the kitchen, Yin Shinian felt very warm when looking at Feng Xi's back.

"In those years, if you have friends, I will leave. I will see you again tomorrow. You have to eat these foods. Don't worry about me. You have to do it for your children, not for you!" Jiang Fei said quietly to Yin. When he spoke, he seemed afraid that Feng Xi would hear it.

That way, she told Shi Nian that she had a strict mouth and would not let anyone know about her pregnancy.

Even in the presence of Yin Shinian's friends, she would be very careful.

"Jiang Fei, you stay and eat together!" Yin Shinian was indeed touched.

"No, I'm not familiar with it. I still have to see my boyfriend. The hospital is busy. I'm afraid he won't be able to eat!"

Jiang Fei said shyly, that happy look on his face makes people look at it and they will be infected.

After Jiang Fei left, he looked at the food on the table all the time. They were all very nutritious...

Her eyes were reddening, she thought, she should cherish these people who are related to her.

When Yin Shinian went to the kitchen, Feng Xi was busy.

Although she doesn't live here during this time, she cleans up everything in the kitchen every few days, so they can be used directly.

"You are thin!" Feng Xi said directly to Yin Shinian.

"I've always been thin, and I can't eat fat!" Yin Shinian is indeed the kind of system that does not eat fat.

In fact, Feng Xi naturally knew why she was thin because Feng Yan was not there.

Miss it...

This was Feng Xi's intuition, he could see a lonely look in Yin Shinian's eyes.

Feng Xi looked at Yin Shinian's side face, exquisite and beautiful.

"You and Feng Yan will not be happy together. He loves my third wife!"

Feng Xi's words didn't mean to instigate discord. He was telling the truth, not wanting Yin Shinian to fall into it.

As for a man like Feng Yan, there are as many women rushing forward with his fingers.

A typical man is not bad and women do not love him, he is the worst man, so women fall in love with him easily.

However, Yin Shinian is a good woman and should not be involved with men like Feng Yan.

Yin Shinian knew this fact, she knew it, but if someone told her again, she felt depressed.

It is because of knowing this fact that she repeatedly warned herself, take care of your heart, Yin Shinian.

However, I don't know when it will start, and this heart cannot be controlled by her, bitter...

"He and my third sister-in-law grew up as a baby boy. After my third sister-in-law was kidnapped, he almost died. He has been looking for my third sister-in-law all these years. That kind of love has rotten into his bones and has been integrated into him. It's in the blood!"

"If my third sister-in-law and my third brother had Tangtang and Mu Mu, Feng Yan would never let go. He would rather break a blood path and get my third sister-in-law, everyone knows this!"

Feng Xi was telling the truth. If there were no Mu Mu and Tangtang, Feng Yan would definitely grab Huo Qingge with Li Beichen. No matter what method or means, he would definitely get it.

Yin Shinian felt like she had been stabbed by something in her heart. It was only a little bit, but the pain almost killed her.

This feeling made her a little flustered. Feng Xi said that she had no heart, and she also felt that she was heartless, but would her heart hurt?

Is it because I fell in love? I still care more...

It turns out that Feng Yan not only likes singing, there is also a marriage contract between them, since childhood...

This is something Yin Shinian didn't know, she didn't know...

That night a few years ago, when he entered herself, she clearly remembered the sound of "meow...meow..."

Meow is a song... someone who rots into his bones and melts into his blood...

"Even if there is a Nana between you, he will not love you, because all his love is given to my third wife, and there is no more!"

Feng Xi knew that he was cruel to Yin Shinian when he said that.

However, even if it wasn't for her, he felt that she should know these.

What he said was also the truth. He didn't feel that there was anything wrong. Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain.

Feng Xi was making the egg whites and was skilled.

Yin Shinian has not spoken, just bit his lip.

"I'm doing it for you, so you have to listen to what I say, you know?"

Feng Xi is a somewhat headstrong person, but he is not a person who doesn't care at all.

He cares about the time, very much, he likes to look at her cold and beautiful eyes.

He liked the way she looked quietly into the distance.

He prefers to see her angry and helpless...

He prefers...

He likes everything about her...

"Got it! Didn't you say that I have no heart, so you don't have to worry, but I still want to thank you for saying these things to me!"

At this time, Yin Shinian felt that Feng Xi seemed to have matured a lot.

However, she hoped that Feng Xi would always be the living self, the arrogant and arrogant Feng Xi.

Because it's really not easy for a person to want to live unscrupulously, she envied Feng Xi's ability to do it.

Therefore, she hopes that he can continue to live this way.

"In those years, you know whether you have a heart now, you know the best. There are some things that I don't want to say. If you say that, you will be flustered. You should keep your heart to Feng Yan!"

It is said that women have a sixth sense, but Feng Xi felt that he would have a sixth sense at this time.

He really doesn't want to be hurt all the time, or...

"Feng Xi, do you remember what I told you? I fell in love with a man when I was sixteen, sixteen... I think I would love him even when I was sixty, so I won't fall in love again Any other man’s."

For the first time, Yin Shinian felt that she had said the word love with such a guilty conscience, as if she had told a big lie, and her heartbeat speeded up and she couldn't bear it anymore.

Yin Shinian, you are finished. It turns out that your love for Fengyan love has exceeded your imagination. How deep do you know?

"Yin Shinian, why didn't you still say you love me last night?" Feng Yan's voice came from behind Yin Shinian, so gloomy.

That kind of gray dullness was like an upcoming storm.

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