The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1308: Expected years-how? Anxious to be Mrs. Feng? (Five changes merged)

Hearing Feng Yan's voice, Yin Shinian's body seemed to be suddenly thrown into the icy lake.

In an instant, his whole body stiffened coldly.

What is inch? Why can she be heard by him just by saying a word.

And it happened that last night, she was forced to say, "Feng Yan, I love you..."

Another thing that makes Yin Shinian feel very uncomfortable is that she and Feng Yan are now unmarried.

I have promised him to marry him...

The reason she just said that was because she didn't want Feng Xi to worry about her.

But I don't want to be heard by Feng Yan, this is how the misunderstanding arises.

And Yin Shinian is not the kind of temperament that will try to explain.

It was embarrassing right now, and Feng Xi felt that he was in trouble. If he didn't say this with Shi Nian, he would not let Feng Yan hear this.

Even when Feng Yan didn't love him, he would not allow his own woman to say such things.

This was not the first time Yin Shinian said he loved that man, and Feng Yan believed that this would not be the last.

Sixteen years old...

If he remembers correctly, she was eighteen years old the night he slept with her.

It now seems that that night, she is going to dedicate her life to the man she loves deeply.

But he got on the bed of his Feng Yan.

"It was just a joke back then, don't take it seriously!"

Feng Xi is not even a temperament who can explain to Feng Yan. Every time they meet, they don't have a good face.

However, this meeting, he still took the initiative to explain to Feng Yan for Yin Shinian.

The tone is also rare, even with a smile on the corners of his mouth.

Feng Yan didn't bother to talk to Feng Xi, so he directly gave him a look of "what's the matter with you".

Feng Xiqi could not wait to smash the egg in his hand at Feng Yan, and then took Shi Nian and left.

However, he knew that if he did this, the most difficult thing was time, after all, she now lives with Feng Yan.

Nana is there, she will always go back, and he will still have to face Feng Yan.

He knew Feng Yan's bad temper, and he certainly wouldn't spare Yin Shinian.

And Yin Shinian's temperament is very stubborn and indifferent, so naturally he won't be so coquettish to please women.

The one who suffers in the end is herself...

Yin Shinian's non-speaking appearance particularly irritated Feng Yan.

No matter when she is in front of him, she will always be like this, as if everything doesn't matter, she doesn't explain.

The light was fixed on Yin Shinian’s belly, her friend said she was pregnant?

This matter is interesting. He and her have not been together for almost forty days.

He hasn't asked for her since he was in the hotel that day.

If she is pregnant, there are two possibilities for the baby in her belly.

Either he feudalized it, or it belonged to the man...

Is Yin Shinian thinking about this question, who is the child in her belly?

What an irony!

Feng Yan, your temper is really good, at this time, you can stand here so casually and say love or not.

It's so **** interesting. Not only are you crazy, you want to marry a dirty woman, and you want to be a father?

Knowing that the moment Yin Shinian became pregnant, Feng Yan was actually excited, what he was thinking of.

When she was pregnant with Nana, she was not by her side. She was alone. This time he had to stay with her, take care of her, and they would welcome the birth of the child together.

Li Beichen said before that his regret was not being able to watch the birth of the child.

His guilt is to let Qingge suffer the pain from pregnancy to childbirth alone.

Therefore, if Qingge becomes pregnant again, he must take good care of him, without regrets and guilt.

Feng Yan could also understand Li Beichen's mood at the time, because he also felt that way.

However, what is absurd is that this time...

Who is the child?

Extremely ironic, Feng Yan was wearing a green hat, but he couldn't find that man.

Useless? Incompetent?

No one would believe it, but such a thing happened to Feng Yan.

Last time at the hotel, he wanted to choke Yin Shinian to death.

That is not to think about it, but to really want to do that.

If it weren’t for Nana’s mother, it’s not easy to give birth to Nana. In recent years, it’s not easy to bring a child by herself.

Or just rely on her to have **** with other men, how could he keep her alive?

Yin Shinian opened a bag casually, but didn't know it was sea fish. When it was opened, the fishy smell immediately made her retching.

Yin Shinian ran out of the kitchen covering his mouth.

Her reaction made the sneer at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth even bigger.

"What's wrong with you?" Feng Xi didn't know what was wrong with Yin Shinian, and asked from her back.

"Guess?" Feng Yan squinted, gritted his teeth.

"Are you going to eat? I'll make more if you eat."

Feng Xi ignored Feng Yan's yin and yang strange aura, raising his head and asking.

"Eat, braised fish in brown sauce!" Looking at the sea fish, there was a dangerous dark light in Feng Yan's eyes.

But there are also worries he hasn't noticed.

Feng Yan would not understand that his current irritability and irritability was because he cared.

Feng Xi shrugged, he really wanted to make braised fish.

When Yin Shinian came out of the bathroom, Feng Yan was looking at her manuscript.

Yin Shinian didn't know his reaction just now, would Feng Yan think of anything.

She prayed that he would not have any associations.

After she finished the test, she thought about going to the hospital to make sure and then make a decision.

However, I didn't expect Feng Xi to come, let alone Feng Yan coming...

Under Feng Yan's gaze, she walked into the kitchen.

But Feng Xi was kicked out. His original words were, "You go to accompany Feng Yan, he will definitely be angry, lest I leave for a while and he will get angry with you again."

Yin Shinian laughed suddenly, Feng Xi was still so innocent and so cute...

When Yin Shinian came out again, Feng Yan was on the phone.

She didn't want to listen, and she never eavesdropped on his calls.

However, this call was related to her, to be precise, it was related to Baek Hyuk Hoon.

"Check the hotel I stayed abroad five years ago, and the room I stayed in. Who has booked it before!"

Feng Yan wanted to find out who that man was. Since he had the ability to escape from the sky, he couldn't find out.

Yin Shinian didn't say anything, so he started investigating five years ago, and he didn't believe it was impossible.

Yin Shinian knew that Feng Yan had been investigating Bai Hexun...

Just because of his own words just now, it reminded him of the night abroad.

Yin Shinian panicked, Bai Hexun tried so hard to hide his whereabouts, just to avoid being discovered...

Yin Shinian walked towards Feng Yan, biting his lips, "When will we... get married?"

A lot of words flashed in Yin Shinian's mind, but in the end it was this sentence that she didn't want to say last.

Feng Yan lifted Yin Shinian's chin with his mobile phone, smiling playfully at the corners of his lips.

"Why? Anxious to be Mrs. Feng?"

Feminine words slipped from his thin lips, with an ironic taste.

Yin Shinian bit his lip, bite a bit hard, and his lips were shaking.

However, this kind of aggrieved action, in Feng Yan's eyes, was extremely tempting.

Directly buckling Yin Shinian's head, a fierce kiss fell on her lips.

"Pain..." Feng Yan bit Yin Shinian's lips. Even if he was angry, he was reluctant to bite her.

Feng Yan directly pressed Yin Shinian on the console. There were many messy wedding dresses on it...

Feng Xi is in the kitchen and will come out anytime...

Yin Shinian pushed Feng Yan, but couldn't do anything.

She was angry and annoyed, and this posture made her very uncomfortable.

His lips and tongue were entangled with the smell of blood.

Feng Yan's reaction was very strong, not only him, but Yin Shinian also screamed.

"Ayan... it hurts!" Yin Shinian shouted when he really hurts.

"Yin Shinian, I will give you another chance, do you love me or not?"

Feng Yan asked Yin Shinian's jaw.

He is giving Yin Shinian a chance to tell the truth.

Feng Yan, you must be crazy, how could this woman love you?

How do you think she loves you? She loves other men, do you want to ask?

She also said that she loves you last night, and you know that it was a lie to you, it was only when you were forced to say it.

Yin Shinian looked at Feng Yan, looked at the ferocity in his eyes...

At this moment, Yin Shinian wanted to admit that she fell in love with him, really fell in love...

From now on, she will stay by his side, asking him not to check on Bai Hexun again.

She will only love him, she will not love others anymore, she will not...

She wants to tell Feng Yan that she may be pregnant with his child, and she will give birth to the child...

Yin Shinian thought, so be it! Admit that you are in love with him...

Yin Shinian put his arms around Feng Yan's neck, "Feng Yan, you, I don't know when I started...I fell in love..."

Yin Shinian felt that when she said this, her heart seemed to be able to breathe, and she finally said it.

I don't know why, she can easily say that she loves Bai Hexun, but she can't naturally say that she loves Fengyan...

Yin Shinian didn't know that the more he loved, the harder it was to say it, because there were too many concerns.

When your heart is deeply in love with someone, you will panic, you will be confused, and you will not know what is wrong.

These will make you afraid to speak of love.

Yin Shinian said it, but she did not say it at the right time.

Sometimes fate is like this, not to tease you, but to test you.

Even now Yin Shinian swears to the sky and says to Feng Yan, "Feng Yan, I love you..."

Feng Yan would not believe it either, because there were too many problems between them, and the most lacking was trust and communication.

After that, Yin Shinian remembered today's scene again, and she realized why Feng Yan would smile and say to her, "Yin Shinian, love is with you, it's too cheap!"

This sentence made Yin Shinian stiff there. Does Feng Yan believe she loves him?

Even for Bai Hexun, Yin Shinian thought that she loved him, but she never said in front of him again, I love you...

For the first time, he went out and said these three words to Feng Yan desperately, but in exchange it was him.

The full of ridicule made Yin Shinian's cheeks hot.

Yin Shinian felt that his distress was not good, like being slapped left and right with a three-sided knife, not to kill you, but to make you speechless.

However, Yin Shinian still laughed at himself, "If you want to bring such a cheap thing, Feng Shao can't look down on it!"

After being poured with cold water, Yin Shinian, you should be sober.

What he loves is Qingge, and your love is cheap to him.

You actually said love to him, Yin Shinian you are really ridiculous.

Yin Shinian is that you are hard and I am harder than you, even if she is wounded all over her body, she will not accept it.

Fortunately, I didn't directly say that she might be pregnant. If that were the case, Feng Yan would definitely say, "Are you sure that the child in your stomach belongs to me?"

The Feng Yan she knew was someone who would say such things...

When Feng Xi came out, he clearly felt that the atmosphere between them became even lower.

Especially Yin Shinian, in those eyes that pretended to be innocent, it was obvious that they were desperate.

What exactly happened here?

"It's dinner!" In fact, he wanted to eat this meal with Yin Shinian, because today is her birthday.

Maybe she didn't know it for many years, she hadn't celebrated her birthday in many years.

Survival is difficult, so how can I think about birthdays?

Now that Feng Yan is here, let's be together!

However, this atmosphere is really enough...

Feng Xi thought that Yin Shinian's birthday should not be celebrated.

Tell Feng Yan alone for a while, let him give Yin Shinian a surprise.

The relationship between the two can also be eased...

Feng Xi realized that he was really getting better and better towards Feng Yan now.

As for why, he thought it was Nana's face.

Or I feel sorry for Yin Shinian and don't want her life to be difficult.

Feng Xi also prepared a gift for Yin Shinian, a pair of customized scissors...

The scissors with her name, every designer wants a pair of their own, unique.

Yin Shinian was no exception. When she saw the scissors Feng Xi gave her, she really liked it.

"Why do you think of sending me scissors?" Yin Shinian's mood was temporarily happy.

That was, really happy, such a coquettish smile, which Feng Yan had never seen before.

Such a self-confidence, unlike the usual cold Yin Shinian...

So inaccessible, it makes you feel very boring.

"When I made a custom kitchen knife, I made one for you by the way!"

Looking at Feng Yan with a dark face, Feng Xi thought to himself that he could not say that it was specially made for Yin Shinian, and his knife was made by the way.

Feng Yan didn't know why he had to sit here to eat.

Should he be in the mood to eat at this time?

The woman he is going to marry, the child in his belly is not sure whether it is his own, he can still eat.

And I eat quite a lot...

Where did Feng Yan know that the most true feeling in his heart was that he actually believed that the child in Yin Shinian's stomach belonged to him.

Otherwise, how could he tolerate the existence of such a thing so much? If he had a temper, this would take Yin Shinian to the hospital and knock the child out.

It's just that he was blinded by self-consciousness, and he didn't think deeply.

Feng Xi who ate this meal was very uncomfortable, looking at Feng Yan's gloomy face, he had no appetite.

When Yin Shinian got into the car, Feng Xi stopped Feng Yan.

"Um... I gave you Nana somehow, your temper should be tempered, don't always bully her..."

Feng Xi actually didn't want to talk to Feng Yan alone. He always felt that there was nothing to say, and he was awkward.

After all, there is such a deep hatred between the two of them.

Feng Yan also didn't want to talk to Feng Xi, he even didn't like him caring about Yin Shinian.

"Year... I seem to fall in love with you, hey... Anyway, I'm not sure. I feel that way. Actually, I don't want to tell you... But, for Nana, I'm still talking about it. So, do yourself Cherish!"

Feng Xi is kind, he will find a way to get anything he wants.

However, Yin Shinian could not, because of Nana, he could not.

The sneer at the corner of Feng Yan's mouth was a bit stiff, falling in love with him? It's ridiculous...

"And today is the birthday of that year, you can figure it out by yourself!"

Looking at Feng Yan's indifferent answer, Feng Xi angrily dropped these words, turned around and left.

The emperor really didn't rush to death the eunuch.

Yin Shinian is such a good woman, if Feng Yan missed her, she would definitely regret it for a lifetime.


Only then did Feng Yan realize that his understanding of Yin Shinian seemed to be a little less.

I didn't even know it was her birthday...

But this birthday is not the time, but Feng Yan learned that Yin Shinian was pregnant.

Han Bing hung up the phone at this time, walked to Feng Yan, and glanced at Yin Shinian in the car.

"The woman named Jiang Fei has checked. It is Miss Yin's classmate. She is now a psychiatrist and she has no background. The people around her have very good comments on her!"

After Feng Yan received Jiang Fei's call, he asked Hanbing to call someone to investigate.

People like Jiang Fei would only call Yin Shinian if he really cared about her as a friend.

Either he is scheming and wants to slander Yin Shinian.

"Watch out for this woman."

When Feng Yan got in the car, Yin Shinian was looking at the scenery outside the car window.

His eyes were a little dazed, but they were particularly charming.

Along the way, the two of them didn't speak, Yin Shinian could clearly feel the faint anger on Feng Yan, but he just didn't break out.

Feng Yan tapped his fingers on his knees and opened his mouth suddenly, "Nana told me last night that she wants a brother..."

Feng Yan's words were very soft and gentle, but Yin Shinian heard clearly.

She looked at Feng Yan, what did he mean by this?

Does Nana want her younger brother, or does she mean something?

Feng Yan also looked at Yin Shinian with a playful look in his eyes.

Just when Yin Shinian was a little nervous when he saw him, the car suddenly stopped.

"Young Master, there is a car in front of you!" Han Bing's voice was very calm.

However, when he saw the person walking down from the opposite car, he was shocked.

How could it be...

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