The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1316: Looking forward to the year-the child is gone... (3,000 words)

Bai Hexun looked at Feng Yan's scarlet eyes and twisted his fingers involuntarily.

With a little struggle in his eyes, he finally opened his mouth.

"She called me, let me take her away!"

Bai Hexun's tone was very weak, but if he listened carefully, he was unnatural.

Feng Yan sneered at the corner of her mouth, she wanted to go with him...

"Before, we agreed to go together. I came back this time to pick her up, but she couldn't bear it..."

The weather today is not good, the sky is full of dark clouds, but the rain just won't come.

The low dark clouds suppressed people's mood.

"Then she is willing to accept Nana now?"

Feng Yan knew that Yin Shinian had no intentions, she was just a cold stone, but her feelings for Nana were fiery.

"She doesn't have me now... Xiaoyan, it's my uncle that I am sorry for you, but the emotional matter is barely coming. I have been in a relationship with her for many years, and we can't stop it in this life..."

Bai Hexun's eyes faintly looked into the distance, some things, once they started, they couldn't stop.

"The first time she said she liked me was when she was sixteen years old. At that time, I vowed that I would never lose her in this life!"

Feng Yan's jaw clenched tightly, this woman was really cruel...

Reluctant feelings...

Is it rare for him to have such emotions?

In order to leave him and be with other men, can she even stop Nana?

"Tell her, if you leave, never come back, and she won't want to see Nana again."

No matter, he has never been a stalker, and now, anyone who leaves can live.

"Xiaoyan, thank you for your accomplishment..."

Bai Hexun directly let go of Feng Yan, which was really a bit surprised.

It seems that some things are exactly as he thought. Feng Yan's feelings for Yin Shinian are just like this, not deep enough...

"Heh..." Before Feng Yan turned around, he just chuckled coldly, nothing else.

After two steps, Feng Yan suddenly turned around, still hitting Bai Hexun's face with a fierce punch.

"When she was drugged, the child in her belly might be deformed..."

Finally, after Feng Yan left such a sentence, he turned and left.

Children’s problems should not be joking, if Yin Shinian really gave birth to children, if there is a problem, everyone will have a hard time.

If the child was fawned by him, there would not be such a problem, but if he had a child with Baek Hyuk Hoon that night under such circumstances, then it would not rule out the possibility of deformity.

No one will place such a bet, it is too big.

In the morning he was drunk and slept. The doctor would not give Yin Shinian an operation without his signature.

She was so anxious to call Baek Hyuk Hoon, and left in a hurry, even Nana didn't want it, just to keep the child in her stomach...

Bai Hexun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Xiaoyan, it's my uncle, I'm sorry..."

Once something starts, there is no chance to look back.

Huanshan Expressway

From the moment he got into the car, Feng Yan closed his eyes and rested lazily on the back seat.

As if there are no bones...

Han Bing tried to speak several times, but didn't know what to say.

When getting in the car, the young master said, not looking for it...

Not looking for it? Why don't you find it?

He was a little inattentive when he drove. Mo Chen had lost sight of him. The commander-in-chief still didn't know how to punish him...

Country house

Yin Shinian slept very restlessly on the carved bed, "Ayan..."

A Yan called out from her mouth, making the man standing by the window stiff.

"Little girl, you still fall in love with him... But, what to do, you are mine, since you said you like me, you are mine..."

Bai Hexun murmured softly, rubbing his hands on Yin Shinian's face.

At this time, Baek Hyuk Hoon's entourage opened the door and walked in.

"Sir, the doctor is ready and can perform surgery on Miss Yin at any time!"

The entourage said respectfully to Baek Hyuk Hoon.

"Ayan...Shall we leave the children..."

Yin Shinian frowned and murmured in his sleep.

Bai Hexun's hand on Yin Shinian's face stiffened, "Little girl, how can I keep your baby in your belly..."

When Yin Shinian woke up again, she saw a strange room.

This is not a hospital, nor is it closed?

Where is this then?

She fell asleep after the nutrition injection in the morning...

this is……

"Wake up?" Baek Hyuk Hoon walked in, holding a tray in his hand.

"Why am I... here?" Yin Shinian was taken aback when he saw Bai Hexun.

"Drink the porridge first! You just had a miscarriage, and your body is very weak..."

Bai Hexun put the tray in his hand on the table, took a bowl of porridge, sat on the side of the bed, and carefully scooped out a spoonful.

"What are you talking about?" Yin Shinian's hand touched his belly suddenly, the child was gone...

Feng Yan really knocked out the child in her stomach...

"When I went to the hospital, the child was gone..."

Bai Hexun stared at the porridge bowl, and his words were depressed.

"The child is gone..."

Yin Shinian smiled, the smile was so bitter, no more...

"We will have them in the future, little girl, don't you..."

Seeing Yin Shinian's uncomfortable look, Bai Hexun felt distressed.

"You clearly said that nothing happened to us that said."

Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun, and when he said it hadn't happened, she believed him.

What she believed most in this world was what he said, but how did it become a relationship later.

"Little girl, I said that because I was afraid that you would have a burden, but, you are pregnant, I can't lie to you anymore, but unfortunately I was still late, and the child was still beaten by Feng Shao..."

Baek Hexun's hand holding the spoon tightened tightly.

"It shouldn't be like this... it shouldn't be like this..."

Yin Shinian beat her chest, and it felt sore and painful. Is this her life?

Why do you do this to her?

The child is innocent, innocent...

"When you get better, we will go abroad, and then I will find a way to fight for Nana's custody right!"

Bai Hexun comforted Yin Shinian. He told himself in his heart that everything would pass.

"I won't... go with you... I can't leave Nana either!"

Now all she has is Nana, she has nothing.

"Little girl, depending on how you competed with Feng Shao for custody of Nana, he told me that he never wanted to see you again. You just feel wronged to stay by his side, and he won't want you."

Yin Shinian's heart was severely pricked, Feng Yan never wanted to see himself again?

He also said last night that if the child is aborted, they will get married and then have their child...

Now he knocked out his child, but said he never wanted to see her again...

This man is really heartless, he is really cruel.

"When we arrive abroad, we get married first and have a stable family, which is also conducive to the growth of our children. We will also have an advantage in fighting for custody!"

Holding Yin Shinian's hand, Bai Hexun's eyes were full of affection.

Yin Shinian instinctively wanted to withdraw his hand, but Bai Hexun held it tighter.

"It's better for the child to follow his mother, what do you think?"

I have to say that Baek Hyuk Hoon understands the importance of Nana to Yin Shinian too much.

Yin Shinian looked at Bai Hexun, she knew what he said was right, but...

"I don't like you anymore..." Yin Shinian has never been procrastinated with feelings. If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it...

"Fool, I can feel it. After getting married, I won't touch you. When Nana's custody is in hand, we will get divorced if you want to divorce..."

"From my return this time, I feel that you don't love me anymore, but what should I do, I can't ignore you!"

Touching Yin Shinian's head, Bai Hexun sighed slightly, his tone was pampering.

"thank you!"

Yin Shinian's eyes were red. At this time, with such a person by her side, she still felt better.

She complained that she cared about Fengyan so much. Yin Shinian didn't want you anymore. Forget about him!

What you have to do now is to fight for Nana's custody.

Some emotions must be precipitated before you know how it once fell in your heart little by little.

Two years later

Feng Xi angrily shouted at Feng Yan, who was looking at the phone there, but Feng Yan just didn't respond to him.

An angry Feng Xi hugged Xiao Qi smoothly, pinching his face.

"Xiao Qi, you said, how could there be such a person in the world? I am really mad at me. I deserve to be alone. Girls don't want him!"

Xiao Qi's fleshy little face was pinched by Feng Xi, and he stared at Feng Xi dissatisfied, counting silently in his heart.

Master Qi, I count to ten, if you don’t let go, I’ll bite you...

At this time, Xiao Jiu crawled over and took a bite on Feng Xi's arm.

Then, he glanced at Xiaoqi, his eyes were like, when you count to ten, your face will be deformed, stupid.

And Xiao Qi was moved and hugged Xiao Jiu, he was indeed my good brother, and he knew that he was facing his brother.

"Xiao Jiu, you are from a dog!" The little bite didn't hurt at all, Feng Xi squeezed Xiao Jiu's face, not as good as Xiao Qi's hand.

Gu Jue had just washed his clothes and came out, rubbing his sore shoulders as he walked.

Xiao Qi didn't sleep last night, he kept holding him, and his shoulder was aching when he got up this morning.

"When will you two stay with me?" Gu Jue asked when looking at Feng Yan and Feng Xi.

"Damn, what is Lai? You didn't eat the food I made?"

Upon hearing this, Feng Xi was reluctant. He still cooks here somehow?

You know how to play with a mobile phone...

The certain person he said naturally meant Feng Yan...

"I said, do you know that Yin Shinian is going to get married, she is going to get married, she is going to marry that man, can you give me some reaction if you are so special?"

Feng Xi was completely annoyed. In the past two years, he really broke his heart with Feng Yan, really mad at him.

Feng Yan poked his finger on the screen, she was getting married...

"She gets married, why are you in a hurry?"

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