The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1317: Looking forward to the year-I said Qi Ye, you eat less! Shen to death! (Three thousan

Feng Xiqi's blood stuck in his heart, it was shameless enough.

He's really fine to find trouble, and this worry day by day is simply a chronic suicide.

"Yes, you just stay alone like this for a lifetime!"

Feng Xi stood up angrily, not feeling right, and put Xiao Qi on the sofa again.

"I said Master Qi, eat less! It's dead!"

Feng Xi would be mad at this, and seeing nothing pleasing to his eyes.

However, you can see that everything is not pleasing to the eye, but you cannot see whether it is not pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Qi stared with her eyes open, her face looked incredible, I said Er Shao had taken gunpowder?

"Fuck, did you eat yours?"

If we say that Sir Alex's son can do it, I'll go back to you immediately.

Xiao Qi couldn't speak, but he could understand and nodded immediately.

Then he looked at Feng Xi with straight eyes, as if he was saying, "Yes, have you eaten your family's food? Why don't you care about Qiye, you're upset, find your brother to get mad."

Feng Xi pointed at Gu Jue with his finger. After pointing for a long time, Gu Jue stared back unceremoniously.

In the end, Feng Xiqi turned around and left, but his direction was the kitchen, because he was going to have dinner.


Gu Jue smiled, but they were all lonely people. They came to accompany him to prevent him from being too sad because he missed Chu Baiqing.

And he said to drive them away, but that is to say.

Let's just talk about Feng Yan. It's boring to be alone at home, and even his personal loyal dog guarding Hanbing is busy pestering people.

Feng Yan was left alone, alone at home, Nana often lived with the third brother.

He simply doesn't want to see him as his father.

Yin Shinian has been away for two years, about the same time as Chu Baiqing...

These days, fast and fast, slow and slow, almost all Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu is over a year old.

Slow is someone who can't wait to miss...

"Fuck, you take her back if you care about her, I don't understand, who is that man, who made you so patient!"

Gu Jue has never known who the man who took Yin Shinian away from you is. It should be said that everyone does not know.

However, according to Feng Yan's temper, people just took his woman away directly, and he didn't let go of farts, no matter what his personality was.

Even if you don't kill it, you will also be disabled.

However, it has been two years and nothing has been done. They are going to get married over there...

"Who said I care about her?" Feng Yan didn't know what he was doing on the phone.

The tone is usually feminine, casual.

"You said it yourself, don't you care about others when you look at you? Fuck, when did you Feng Shao be so bearish?"

He snatched the bag of Rongdou in Xiaoqi's hand.

"Dare to steal it!"

Xiao Qi is forbidden to eat Rongdou today...

Seven masters grievedly clicked his mouth, not enough.

"Come on, Xiao Jiu, eat Rongdou!"

Gu Jue coaxed Xiao Jiu to eat, but he closed his mouth tightly, don't overdo it.

I don’t like to eat Rongdou...

Xiao Qi looked at the packet of Rongdou, licking her mouth with her tongue, and almost said, "I will eat Xiao Jiu if I don't eat it, don't waste it!"

That looks very cute...

What Gu Jue said echoed in Feng Yan's mind, do you care?

Feng Yan smiled, whether it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter anymore, I can't force it.

Door closures control the order of many entertainment venues. To put it bluntly, these are the places where a sum of money is given to the closure every year to buy safety.

Entertainment venues must have a backing to be stable, or they will be shut down within a few days.

On this day, Feng Yan had nothing to do, so he went around a few places to see the situation.

But I didn't expect to see Jiang Fei...

To be precise, he didn't recognize Jiang Fei at all, but she rushed in front of him and called, "Feng Shao"

Feng Yan's bodyguard stopped her directly, and wanted to drive away, all as the women who rushed Feng Shao to deal with.

What's more, Jiang Fei is a seller at first glance, isn't it tarnishing the reputation of their young master?

Such goods are also worthy of the name of the young master.

"Feng Shao, I'm Jiang Fei, Yin Shinian... Shinian..."

Jiang Fei shouted eagerly. When she talked about Yin Shinian, Feng Yan stopped.

Jiang Fei, he seems to have an impression, the woman who hurt Yin Shinian.

He asked Hanbing to throw her to a place suitable for her, low temper...

It seems that Hanbing brought her here to sell...

It really suits her shameless and vicious woman.

"Feng Shao, about the Yin Shinian Hotel... That night, I have important things... tell you..."

Jiang Fei watched Feng Yan stop, as if seeing the dawn, and quickly cried and shouted.

Hearing that night two years ago, Feng Yan put his eyes on Jiang Fei.

Feng Yan just looked at her and didn't speak. In fact, he didn't know why he stopped and listened to her.

Talk about someone he doesn't care about, talk about her.

But what to do? Hearing Yin Shinian's name, he couldn't walk anymore...

People are really cheap...

"Feng Shao, I will tell you about that night... Please let me go... I don't want to be here anymore. This is simply not a place for people to stay... Those men don't treat me as human..."

The clothes Jiang Fei wears are of the kind that leaks both front and back, basically no fabric. She is just like her clothes, which are very cheap here. Let the men vent and play with them, and see the sun.

Sometimes she has to pick up a dozen guests a day, and this is all her fault.

If a person's heart is not righteous, sooner or later it will be retribution.

Especially if Jiang Fei is so scheming, because she is jealous of women who are completely dehumanized.

Feng Yan still didn't speak, because Feng Shao, who had a habit of cleanliness, talking to such a woman was an insult to himself.

However, he really wanted to know about the hotel that night.

What else?

To be precise, it was about Yin Shinian, he wanted to know.

Even in the past two years, he has never stopped.

Feng Xi said that he didn't know what he was doing day by day, how did he know, he was thinking about Yin Shinian every day.

Thinking of that unfeeling woman has never stopped.

Jiang Fei was forced to be anxious, and she couldn't take care of Feng Yan and promised to spare her.

"That night, someone I asked to follow them... Nothing happened to them that night... Then you went to a doctor, and then you went... They must have not done that thing..."

Jiang Fei did not pant, and finished in one breath.

She really can't stand the life here, she is not as alive as a dog.

Dogs wagging their tails can be thrown a bone by the owner, but here she is not told by old men, and they are all in bed, with some abnormal hobbies.

Almost everyone is like this, she is almost killed every time...

When she first came, she hated Yin Shinian, she couldn't hate it.

She thought that when she could go out, she would definitely kill Yin Shinian.

However, two years later, she would not be able to go out, she would pick up guests here all her life.

She doesn't even have the strength to hate Yin Shinian now, she just wants to go out quickly, she really has enough.

Feng Yan listened to Jiang Fei's words, his eyes tightened suddenly, nothing happened to them that night...

Then Yin Shinian was pregnant with his feudalized child.

However, Baek Hyuk Hoon lied, he lied...

His brother-in-law would lie and lie to him. It was his close relative who would play such a trick with him.

So what are those past family affections to him?

What is really ironic, Feng Yan, two years ago, you only felt that the family relationship was weakened.

However, you did not realize at that time that the family relationship you cared about had deteriorated.

Baek Hyuk Hoon, you really shouldn't lie to me...

Yin Shinian, if you knew that the child in your stomach was my Fengyan, would you still want to stay so hard?

Do you know?

Feng Yan especially wanted to know at this time, what kind of news would Yin Shinian know?

"Feng Shao, for the sake of me telling you about this, will you let me go?"

Jiang Fei can only pin this hope on Feng Yan now.

Otherwise, she would never tell this fact when she died, how could she have been cleansed by Yin Shinian.

However, now she has absolutely no way, she has only one way.

"If you said earlier, maybe you could go out alive, but now you can only stay here for a lifetime!"

Feng Yan finally spoke, and what he said made Jiang Fei thunder and thunder.

She will still be here for a lifetime, or a lifetime...

What Jiang Fei didn't know was that this lifetime was far more perverted than her previous lifetime.

Whoever told her to know about this, but said nothing, she could be regarded as an accomplice of Baek Hyuk Hoon.

Jiang Fei sat down on the ground and completely killed.

"Yin Shinian, you bitch, I will never let you go as a ghost, and I curse you for not being happy forever!"

What Jiang Fei said was Feng Yan's kick, which directly kicked her off.

Even if Yin Shinian left him, he still did not allow others to say that she was not good.

Not to mention such a curse...

Close the door

"What are you talking about? Do you agree to take Nana to the wedding of the year?"

Feng Xi's eyes were staring, his face was full of astonishment, **** it, did he hear it wrong?

Feng Yan actually agreed to his request and took his daughter to attend her mother's wedding...

Damn, isn't he stupid alone? He just mad at him deliberately, and after such a word, he actually nodded.

"I have everything ready for Nana, you can take her away anytime!"

The corner of Feng Yan's mouth was always smiling softly, so light and so light.

It was just like what he said, like a joke, but his eyes were so serious.

"Damn, I took her there. You let it be. At that time, Nana saw her mother and didn't want to come back. Don't blame me!"

In fact, this matter is obvious, Nana has always missed her mother.

Now I finally have a chance to be with my mother, how can she come back again.

But she doesn't want to see her father...

"Yeah!" Feng Yan just said faintly.

No one can see clearly what kind of calculations are in his enchanting eyes.

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