The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1318: Looking forward to the year—should I call my little aunt too? (Three thousand words)

Feng Xi really took Nana to go abroad to see Yin Shinian's wedding.

And indeed as he said, Nana did not come back with him, she stayed there...

Feng Yan had become accustomed to Nana being not by his side, because she had a temper with him and basically lived with Li Beichen.

He is really a lonely man...

However, he knew that it would not happen soon, soon.

Feng Xi glanced at Feng Yan. He missed Nana. After so many days, Feng Yan didn't even ask Nana and Yin Shinian a word. He really didn't know what he thought.

Thinking of Nana’s cute appearance, Feng Xi took out his phone.

When I went to the video call to Shi Nian, they kept in touch all the time, because he missed Nana and couldn't worry about Nana.

When the video was turned on, Feng Xi saw the time on the screen, and she seemed...thin again.

He smiled and greeted Feng Xi every year, and a pleasant voice reached Feng Yan's ears through the phone.

His body suddenly stiffened...

Yin Shinian...

He remembered her voice, but didn't know that there was still such a brisk time.

Feng Xi saw the change in Feng Yan's eyes. He obviously wanted Yin Shinian, but he was so stiff, he really had enough.

After saying a few words with Shi Nian, he stuffed the phone into Feng Yan's hand.

The movements were big and unpleasant. In fact, they were more distressed about Feng Yan, how could they hold back so much.

Then walked out angrily...

He didn't know if the two of them could speak, but he thought that if they had each other in their hearts, they would say a few words.

There are many things he can't understand.

For example, how could Feng Yan's domineering and powerful temperament allow his own woman to marry another man, and how could he allow his daughter to be called someone else's father.

He couldn't understand this issue alone.

I don’t understand what I think...

Feng Yan looked at the phone in his hand, Yin Shinian's delicate and glamorous face was on the screen.

It's really... more and more beautiful, this woman is not Huo Qingge, that amazing beauty.

The more you look at it, the more it makes you feel itchy.

Yin Shinian over there obviously did not expect that the opposite would be changed from Feng Xi to Feng Yan...

The shock and panic on her face was too late to hide, and it was so frozen on the screen.

The experience of that night, when she saw Feng Yan's cold and evil face, instantly appeared in her mind.

That night, she would never forget how Feng Yan refused her decisively...

He knocked out the child in her stomach, just like that.

When I think of that child, Yin Shinian's heart starts to hurt again.

In fact, she knows more because Feng Yan...

The shock in Yin Shinian's eyes gradually turned into coldness.

Feng Yan saw this change in his eyes, his lips twitched, showing a wicked smile.

When this woman faces him, she will only be cold, and she will smile brightly to other men.

"Forgot to say congratulations to you."

Feng Yan leaned back lazily on the sofa, looking at the woman on the screen, her eyes were wicked as if she was about to eat her.

Yin Shinian's lips were trembling slightly, she should hang up the video call.

However, her fingers seemed to be ignoring her, unable to move...

"Thank you." In the end, all the actions were replaced with such an alienated thank you.

This man who slept with her, they used to be so close.

Although she was forcibly threatened by him from beginning to end, after all, he was her first man and Nana's biological father...

This kind of existence makes her feel hurt every time she thinks of him.

She did not want to admit that she fell in love with him...

Not willing, she guarded her heart so cruelly, how could she fall in love with him, how could she...

A man put his arms around Yin Shinian's waist from behind, with his chin resting on her shoulders.

The beautiful face with three-dimensional sculptures of the facial features appeared on the screen so impressively.

I caught Feng Yan off guard...

Bai Hexun kissed Yin Shinian on the cheek...

"Xiao Yan, Nana is very cute!"

Bai Hexun smiled and said to Feng Yan on the other side of the screen.

When Yin Shinian heard what Bai Hexun said, his whole body was stiff...

Xiaoyan? Didn't Baek Hyuk-hoon call him Feng Shao? How could you call him Xiaoyan so affectionately?

Yin Shinian still remembered that his grandfather called him Xiaoyan...

So what is the relationship between Bai Hexun and Feng Yan? It should be a very close relationship, or would you call him Xiao Yan?

And then, what Feng Yan said made Yin Shinian feel like five thunders...

"Uncle can stand her temper!"

Feng Yan's voice was still habitually feminine, but Yin Shinian seemed to be in the cold lake.

Bai Hexun is Feng Yan's little uncle...

How could there be such a thing?

They turned out to be the relationship between the nephew and the uncle?

And none of them told her if she knew they were in such a relationship.

She would definitely not agree to fake marriage with Baek Hyuk Hoon.

When it comes to getting married, she is actually very helpless. She thought that she could fake marriage when she went abroad. Then, she took back Nana's custody rights, and then she and Baek Hyuk Hoon divorced the marriage.

In this way, she can live alone with Nana.

However, Baek Hyuk-hoon's health has been in poor health, so he said to wait.

Although it was a fake marriage, he also wanted to give her an unforgettable wedding.

Yin Shinian didn't want it, but Bai Hexun insisted.

This persistence lasts for two years...

In the end, it was Yin Shinian's strong request to get married...

However, she did not expect Feng Xi to bring Nana on the wedding day.

If she knew Feng Yan would give Nana to her, she would definitely not marry Baek Hyuk Hoon.

She will live directly with Nana's belly...

But this is not the point now. The point is, the relationship between Feng Yan and Bai Hexun...

"I haven't heard you call me uncle in years!"

Bai Hexun held Yin Shinian's shoulders with an intimate appearance, making Feng Yan's eyes narrower involuntarily.

"Then do I want to call my aunt?"

Feng Yan was speaking to Bai Hexun, but his eyes were staring straight at Yin Shinian.

Seeing the astonishment and shock in her eyes.

"Feng Yan, shut up!" Yin Shinian was trembling all over, his body was very cold, as if he was about to die.

Because of what Feng Yan said, "Do I want to call my little aunt?"

This was the first time Yin Shinian spoke such cold and powerful words to Feng Yan.

"Xiaoyan, no need!" The smile on Bai Hexun's face was a little stiff.

He did not expect that Feng Yan would contact Yin Shinian again.

The nephew he knew was someone who would stop pestering after letting go.

But two years later, he will appear again...

Although it was only a video, Baek Hyuk Hoon had already felt uneasy.

After they got married, why would Feng Xi bring Nana with him without his authorization?

How could he leave Nana behind? Feng Yan agreed to all this.

So what is he going to do?

After holding back for two years, does he want to take back Yin Shinian now?

"Uncle, I will pick up Nana in a few days!"

Two years ago, Feng Yan didn't call his uncle Bai Hexun, but now the shouting uncle is very smooth.

The more Feng Yan was like this, the more gloomy Bai Hexun's eyes became.

Sure enough, it's coming. It's been two years, and now I want to grab someone. Don't you think it's too late?

He spent two years getting Yin Shinian accustomed to living with himself.

Why didn't he get married after leaving the country? That is because he knew that Yin Shinian had obtained custody and would definitely divorce him.

Then he didn't have time to let her fall in love with him again.

Therefore, he used various reasons to postpone the wedding.

However, what he didn't expect was that his little girl had sealed her heart.

Except for design, she seems to be disinterested in anything.

Not to mention falling in love with myself again...

He knew that there was only Feng Yan in her heart, and only Feng Yan she loved...

However, she wanted to resent Feng Yan and took her child away.

"Feng Shao, you will receive a new custody sentence first!"

Yin Shinian's words were very cold and cold, as if there was no temperature.

However, only she knew how painful the flesh in her nails was.

"I will make you wish!"

After saying this, Feng Yan hung up the phone.

Of course he would let her do her wish, because Nana is their child and the custody will be theirs.

Does Baek Hyuk Hoon think he will let them really get married?

He thought that with the wedding, with the fake marriage certificate, are they husband and wife?

As for why the marriage certificate Bai Hexun showed to Yin Shinian was false, Feng Yan looked forward to the scene when the three met.

Feng Yan has always been incapable of doing things. To be precise, no one would ever understand him.

When Feng Xi came in again, he took a look at his mobile phone, which was intact.

He was still thinking, if Feng Yan loses his temper, his newly bought mobile phone will be broken.

Then he will feel distressed. Now that the economy is sluggish, it is hard to make money!

"Is it particularly uncomfortable to watch the family of three having fun?"

Feng Xi sat down beside Feng Yan, very close to him.

In exchange for Feng Yan's look of disgust.

"Don't look at me with such a look, I really hate you! You said that if you went to **** Yin Shinian back before they got married, would it still be uncomfortable now?"

When Feng Xi thought that everything was irretrievable, he felt very sorry that a woman as good as Yin Shinian should be with Feng Yan.

"However, when it comes to that man, why do I always think he is familiar!"

Feng Xi felt that the man Yin Shinian married was familiar, but he couldn't remember who he looked like.

"Can you be the same as my mother? I'm going abroad to bring their wives back in the past two days and close the door and let you take care of it!"

Feng Yan got up and left after speaking.

"Why are you a dad with your mother? I fuck..."

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