The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1319: Looking forward to the years-are men so good? I also want to find one (2,000 words)

Feng Xi stood up abruptly, pointed at Feng Yan's nose, unable to say a word.

Feng Yan's little uncle, isn't it the same Bai Hexun who killed their father?

Isn't that person dead? Was it shot?

Why is it coming out now?

Feng Xi actually hated his father too. It was his selfishness that hurt the two women that caused such tragic things to happen.

Let him and Feng Yan have no mother, and he himself felt that there was nothing wrong with him. It was really a vain father, and death would be regarded as apologizing.

However, this is not the point now. The important thing is why Baek Hyuk Hoon is still alive.

He said that at the wedding, when he saw Baek Hyuk Hoon, how could he find him familiar.

Because of the feeling between his brows and eyes, however, he can't remember who he looks like.

It turned out to be like Feng Yan's mother...

"He's not dead, he's been abroad!"

Feng Yan felt funny when he said this.

There should be another sentence later, "He robbed Yin Shinian."

"Damn, what kind of uncle are you, robbing you of women? And doing something like that, that night..."

Feng Xi also knew what happened to Yin Shinian that night with that man.

The child in Yin Shinian's stomach was also that of the man, but Feng Xi just thought it was impossible, because Shi Nian was not such a person.

She will not be messy, even if she is drugged and has no consciousness, she will resist, right?

However, this is not true, because Yin Shinian also said before that she loves a man for many years.

I think this man is Baek Hyuk Hoon...

"Nothing happened to them that night..."

When Feng Yan said this again, he felt that he was really not calm enough.

If you are not influenced by your own emotions, calmly think about things before and after.

He won't be so angry and tempestuous to make a conclusion, maybe he and Yin Shinian will not miss these two years.

A lot of things are now clear, his brother-in-law did not choose to lie for the first time in order to get Yin Shinian.

Lie about that night, what about the others?

How many lies did he tell? He is really looking forward to it.

"Damn, nothing happened. If you don't get people back sooner, you are so sullen!"

Feng Xi was in a hurry, he knew it was a misunderstanding, why didn't he hurry up and grab Yin Shinian and Nana back.

I don’t want to go until they get married, right?

"Also, your uncle, are you stupid, everyone is married..."

Feng Xi really wanted to split Feng Yan's head with a stab to see what was inside. He was really furious.

"Brother, I will give you a big turnaround!"

Feng Yan's feminine eyes squinted slightly, watching carelessly, but it will make you feel dangerous...

"Are you holding back something bad? No, I want to go with you too. I will definitely go if there is fun."

Feng Xi liked to join in the fun, and Feng Yan's words completely aroused his interest.

"What's wrong with me was forced out. Besides, if you leave, who will seal the door?"

Feng Yan wanted to go out for a while this time, because Nana and Mu Mu had promised to take them to ski.

"Let Hanbing! Wasn't he in charge before." Feng Yan didn't care much about closing the door before, but Hanbing was in charge.

"You said it was before, you let him control now? The door is changed to Mo Chen..."

When Feng Yan mentioned Cold Bing, he gritted his teeth angrily. These few days have been even more excessive.

If you want to find him, you can't find someone. If you really want to find him, you can call Mo Chen so that you can find someone.

Seeing his abundance, Feng Yan was furious.

"Damn, one by one, what's going on, men are so good, I want to find one..."

Feng Xi is a curious baby. He felt that the people around him were straight enough to bend.

They are all people you can't imagine. When you say a bend, you will bend, and he will think that this man is also very interesting...

"Feng Xi, let me tell you, you can put away your curiosity for me, don't think about it!"

Feng Yan immediately kicked Feng Xi and warned.

Feng Yan didn't object to this matter, it was everyone's choice, whether Gu Jue and Bai Qing, Mo Chen and Han Bing, it was their own choice to embark on this path.

However, if Feng Xi wanted to find excitement to try out of curiosity, he would definitely not allow it.

"I just said so smoothly, what are you doing so nervously..."

It was painful for Feng Xi to be kicked, but he felt very happy again, because Feng Yan was worried about him and took care of him.

What kind of grievances and hatred, with time and getting along, slowly faded away, he thinks they are very good now.

He is content...

When Feng Yan went to Li Beichen's house to take Mumu away, Li Beichen didn't say anything, and immediately packed Mu Mu's luggage.

He was fed up with this little bastard, since Nana left, his soul was gone.

You let him brush his teeth, he goes to drink water, if you let him wear clothes, he goes to wash his face...

He was completely in a wandering state, and he looked upset.

It's almost worthless to get home, and Nana has to be eaten to death in this life.

Wife control...

Looking at Mu Mu's pug, Feng Yan felt so happy!

Look at Li Beichen's anger, that beauty in my heart!

As long as it can make Li Beichen upset, he will be particularly comfortable.

Mo Chen knew that Feng Yan was going to go abroad, so he kicked Hanbing out of their house immediately.

Let him accompany him to protect Feng Yan, Mo Chen's words are imperial decree for Han Bing, how dare he not follow.

I thought that I would come back in a few days, and it would be better to be patient, but how did he know that their young master left most of Europe this time.

Certain country

After Feng Yanhan and Bingmu got off the plane, the people who closed the door and branch had already been waiting there.

When I took them there, Feng Yan asked them to prepare the villa in advance.

And this villa and Baek Hyuk Hoon’s villa are diagonally opposite...

Feng Yan did not rush to see Yin Shinian and Nana.

Instead, I took a bath and slept comfortably.

When he woke up, it was already night.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Mu Mu neatly dressed and the little gentleman standing on the edge of the bed looking at him.

And that look was very impatient.

"Are you busy?" Feng Yan breathed out and asked lazily.

"They have a dinner tonight, let's just kill it!"

Mu Mu pointed in the direction of the window, and Bai Hexun's villa was opposite.

Feng Yan leaned on the head of the bed, hugged the pillow, squinted his eyes, and said that bringing this kid is useful.

Nana's little girl, let Mu Mu handle it, absolutely worry-free.

And he can appreciate it, Yin Shinian's panic and shock, he can't wait.

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