The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1320: Looking forward to years-who knows if you have anything to do with this woman (2,000

The dinner at Bai Hexun's Villa is specially prepared for Yin Shinian.

Because she won the New Designer Award, she is the only Asian in this award, which can be said to be a high affirmation of her design works.

Therefore, even if Yin Shinian didn't like to show her face, she still accepted Bai Hyukxun's arrangement.

Because this is the rule of this circle, if she wants to gain a foothold in this circle, she must follow the trend.

Only by dealing with these people can you develop yourself better.

Such a fashion dinner is actually a small battlefield, because they are all mixed in the fashion circle.

Everyone's interpretation of the concept of fashion is reflected in their clothes.

Therefore, if you wear the wrong clothes, you will be directly out and will become a joke for people after dinner.

Yin Shinian designed her own clothes, and her style has always been simple and elegant without losing its nobility.

Maybe it was because of her cold temperament, she chose a pearl white slim skirt.

The design of the tube top highlights her beautiful collarbone.

Compared with those cumbersomely designed and slender dresses, her clothes are undoubtedly a highlight of the audience.

She didn't intend to highlight herself, but, happened to choose a short skirt herself.

This starts with Nana helping her choose.

She originally designed a fishtail mopping, but Nana said it was not good-looking. If someone stepped on her foot, she would be embarrassed.

She had to cut her skirt short and then tried it on. The effect was really good.

Although it is not as elegant as the tail, but it is a bit more queen.

Bai Hexun wears a black suit. He usually wears white. However, today he changed into a black slim suit to match Yin Shinian.

He was very elegant and handsome, but Yin Shinian's hand holding his arm was a bit unnatural.

Because they have been in a bad state for a few days.

After knowing that he was Feng Yan's little uncle, Yin Shinian couldn't tell.

No, it should be said that since she discovered that she did not love him, or that she should have never loved him.

The feeling of worry is not love, but friendship, or family love of mutual comfort.

Yin Shinian felt very confused about Bai Hexun's concealment of himself.

"Little girl is very beautiful!"

Bai Hexun smiled and looked at the woman in front of him, the little girl a few years later, now that she has come out so people can take a look, she will be ready to move.

Her beauty is not the kind of flamboyant and gorgeous, but cold and breathtaking.

"Thank you, what I told you before..." Yin Shinian said to Baek Hyuk Hoon before that she wanted to take Nana to move out.

Although, here, she and Baek Hyuk Hoon said that they were sleeping in separate rooms.

However, she felt awkward when she thought of his relationship with Feng Yan.

And she has been flustered these days, Feng Yan said that she was coming...

She didn't know how to face his arrival, he must come to take Nana away.

She didn't want to. In the past two years, she has been thinking about her children all the time.

However, she also knew that Nana also wanted her father, and she wanted to Feng Yan missing Nana's previous five years of life, so let him take good care of her.

When the time comes, when she fights for custody, she won't be intolerable anymore.

She must have Nana.

Therefore, in the past two years, she has been working hard to improve herself.

Only then will she have the opportunity to emerge in the design world now, after which she will work harder.

Nana had suffered a lot with her before, and she wanted to give her more good living conditions in the days to come.

"Little girl, what you should be thinking about now is how to get custody of Nana. You said you are moving out now, why did we fake marriage in the first place?"

Bai Hexun comforted Yin Shinian, because he knew what she cared about most.

And their relationship for so many years, even if he realized that it was not love, she would not leave him so heartlessly.

Because she was worried about herself, she knew how lonely and lonely she was all these years.

She looked thin and cold, but her heart was softer than anyone else.

Yin Shinian stopped talking, because what Bai Hexun said was the truth.

At this time, it was opposite the Baek Hyuk Hoon Villa.

"Young Master, are you sure you want to do this?"

Looking at the woman standing beside the young master, Han Bing's mouth twitched.

This is the model that the young master asked him to find, with a long beautiful body and a **** body.

It's completely sexual, the two masses on the chest are almost squeezed.

This and Miss Yin are simply two extremes.

The fiery red lips are so hot, watching her stick to the upper body of the young master.

Han Bing was really worried. In the next second, the young master kicked her into the air.

Is this coming to pick up people, or is it annoying?

"Why do you have an opinion? Do you want me to call Mo Chen? After all, you found this woman. Who knows if you have anything to do with her!"

Feng Yan made a forbidden gesture to the female model in disgust.

Han Bing almost didn't breathe at the time. Is there such a person?

Heaven and Earth Conscience, when did he have a relationship with this woman?

I was really fed up, and when he returned, he immediately gave a report and stopped serving.

He really had enough of threatening him every day.

Mu Mu shook his head, as expected, love will make a person's IQ lower.

Although this woman is pretty long, but that kind of beauty is too tacky.

How can the mother-in-law believe in the future? This is Feng Ge's new love.

This way of trying to make people jealous is simply naive.

No standard is not smart.

"Young Master, please!"

Han Bing's expression was unhappy, and he made a please gesture to Feng Yan.

Who wants to care about him, when the time comes, Miss Yin will not go back with him, and it is not his cold crying.

It's best to be driven back early, so he can see Mo Chen...

In other words, what can I do if I see it? He doesn't care about himself...

When Feng Yan showed up with an unknown woman, it caused quite a stir.

It's not that they know Young Master Fengmen, but Feng Yan's appearance is too outstanding.

The feminine handsome with a wicked sneer, the slightly squinted eyes are a bit lazy, and the body is full of evil.

Such feudalism is undoubtedly attractive.

Two years later, when Yin Shinian saw Feng Yan again, not through the screen, not in a dream, but in reality.

She felt a stone in her throat instantly blocked her from breathing.

He came, really came, even though he was suffering in panic every day.

However, even she herself could not tell whether the suffering was because she was afraid that he would take Nana away, or because she missed...

However, when Yin Shinian saw the woman holding Feng Yan's arm, the stone in her throat slipped instantly, and then an inverted three-sided knife was attached...

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