The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1357: Sinking——Naren, I belong to Ji Chenzhou, so don’t give him any idea in the future

"I can't read, come, read it to me!"

Ji Shenzhou sent his mobile phone to Ji Shenzhou to let him read the message sent by Qin Nan.

Naren turned his face away, he did not expect Qin Nan would give him such a message back.

"Naren, I seem to like you..."

Naren doesn't know what Qin Nan thinks, doesn't he like Ji Chenzhou?

Why do you like yourself again? Does he like this and change too fast?

Naren, in the past month or so, Qin Nan mentioned Ji Shenzhou less and less often...

Is it possible that this is a long-term love?

Naren's heart is a little confused, he never thought that Qin Nan would like himself...

"Why, shy?"

Picking up Naren's chin, looking at the entanglement in his eyes and even a trace of panic, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were dull like the sea in the middle of the night.

Ji Chenzhou's voice has always been faint, with a feminine taste.

"Ji Chenzhou, the agreement between us is invalidated. Qin Nan doesn't like you anymore. Why should I sleep with you?"

Naren said these words lightly, as if instantly at ease.

It was Qin Nan who liked Ji Chenzhou before, and Naren would stop him if he wanted to be with him.

However, now that Qin Nan says he likes himself, it has nothing to do with Ji Shenzhou.

Such a one-year agreement is no longer needed.

"Are you sure?" Ji Chenzhou asked with a smile without anger.

Just when Naren was about to speak, Ji Chenzhou said before him.

"You said if I let Qin Nan sleep with me, will he accompany me?"

Naren too understands what Ji Chenzhou's words mean...

Even if Qin Nan doesn't like him anymore, he can still provoke him.

People like Ji Chenzhou are hooking their fingers, and Qin Nan, who is not determined, will definitely get off...

Even if it takes ten thousand steps, Qin Nan doesn't take the initiative, wouldn't Ji Chenzhou want to be strong.

"Ji Chenzhou, you are a bastard!"

Naren, who just felt breathing smoothly, would feel uncomfortable again.

"My father praises me so much too!"

When Ji Chenzhou thought of his father's irritable look, he still missed him a little bit.

Naren was forced to change clothes by Ji Chenzhou but eat.

After dinner, Naren said that he was going to class, and Ji Chenzhou followed.

So when Ji Shenzhou appeared in the classroom, it caused quite a stir.

Everyone knows that he is a man with earrings who walks very close to the school grass master, but they don't know that he is also a student of this school.

Where did Ji Chenzhou come to class, he came to sleep.

And I have to take Naren's hand to sleep. Naren's class all afternoon is like sitting on pins and needles.

For fear of being seen by his classmates, Ji Chenzhou held his hand to sleep.

Just after class, Naren wanted to wake up Ji Chenzhou, and there was a commotion at the door.

Then, he saw Song Ke running in.

Song Ke should have cried, his eyes red.

Naren looked at her calmly, wondering what she was going to do.

"Naren, I really didn't see that you are actually such a person. Didn't I just say that you are not a man? Are you doing this?"

Song Ke pointed at Naren and shouted.

Naren looked at her blankly, wondering what she meant by being aggressive.

What did he do?

Naren wanted to stand up, only to realize that his hand was still being held by Ji Chenzhou.

Now the classmates are all watching, if they are found out how can they be clear.

"I do not know what you're talking about……"

Naren really didn't understand what Song Ke was talking about.

"Wow, Song Ke actually opened a room with so many men?"

"I really can't tell. Isn't she pretty high-profile..."

"Since she said that Ren is not a man and can't stand up, I know she is not a good thing, and any serious girl will say it publicly."

"Even... the teaching assistant followed her?"

At this time, everyone saw photos of Song Ke and different boys entering and leaving the hotel from the mobile forum.

There are many large-scale photos...

Song Ke was said by everyone, his face flushed.

"I didn't do it!" Naren opened his mouth lightly, and he used his nails to pick Ji Chenzhou's hand.

He can still sleep in such a noisy environment.

"It's not who you did, Naren, you are not a man, if you are, you can admit it."

Song Ke had no regard for her face now, she just wanted Naren to admit that he did this.

Then, she could say that Naren spread these false information on the Internet for revenge.

"What I did, why do you have an opinion?"

The lazy voice was not loud, but it instantly quieted the classroom.

Ji Chenzhou's voice has such a magical power, which makes people fascinated by it.

Ji Chenzhou sat up, his eyes still bleak, slightly narrowed, like a lion just waking up, revealing danger.

Naren wanted to withdraw his hand, but Ji Chenzhou held it tighter.

Naren's face was blushing, and he looked at Ji Chenzhou with some irritation. Is this to let everyone know their relationship?

"You... why would you do this? You are not also..."

Song Ke stuttered a little when he saw Ji Chenzhou, and his words were uncomfortable.

Where is the momentum of yelling at Naren just now.

Song Keben wanted to say that you were not interested in me too. Ji Chenzhou still touched her waist that day.

The meaning of that teasing is already obvious...

"Because he is my person!"

Ji Chenzhou suddenly raised the hands between the two of them, and suddenly screamed the entire classroom...

That Ren Junyi's face was pale and bloodless, Ji Chenzhou, a lunatic...

"So handsome, they are actually a couple?"

"Isn't the ear drill man and the school grass-sama pair?"

"It's really a match..."

"I can't take it anymore, handsome men and good men are all together, how can we women live?"

"Naren sees it below..."

"The man with ear drill is so handsome, aggressive!"

"This Naren looks quite shy, and he is so capable that he can **** a man from the school grass..."

Listening to these words, the benevolent and embarrassed can't wait for a crack in the ground to get in.

Na Rengang wanted to get up, but was pressed down by Ji Chenzhou's hand.

Immediately his shoulders were held by Ji Chenzhou.

"Naren, I belong to Ji Chenzhou, so don't give him any idea in the future."

"And you, what kind of thing, just like you, a man wouldn't be hard."

In the end, he said this to Song Ke, without even looking at her.

"From now on, don't do anything like a cat or a dog and bite people!"

Ji Chenzhou touched Naren's face with his thumb, his tone of voice was full of pampering.

However, in Naren's ears, it was extremely ironic.

"Qin Nan, let's eat together tonight!"

Hearing what Ji Chenzhou said, Naren suddenly raised his head.

He saw Qin Nan standing opposite him, so quietly looking at him, his eyes were a little strange.

Qin Nan looked at Ji Chenzhou and responded with a smile, "Okay!"

As for what happened later, Naren didn't know how he was held high-profile by Ji Chenzhou all the way, and he didn't know when he left school.

When sitting on a chair in the dining room, he suddenly woke up.

Found that his hand was still being held by Ji Chenzhou.

And Qin Nan sat opposite them.

Naren wanted to get rid of Ji Chenzhou and held his hand tightly, but he was firmly grasped by him.

"Let go!" Naren said in a hoarse voice, with a low voice.

"You better behave so I can control my mouth!"

Ji Chenzhou turned his head to the side of Naren's ear and whispered.

Ji Chenzhou knew well that such a warning worked for Naren.

Sure enough, Naren didn't struggle anymore...

Qin Nan poured a glass of water and pushed it in front of Naren, "Warm!"

Naren liked to drink cold water before, but after that fever, Qin Nan kept watching him drink warm water.

It’s what the **** said, drinking cold water is bad for your body and your resistance will be reduced.

Naren looked at the cup of warm water, and felt that he and Qin Nan seemed to have been unable to get back together. They were in such a natural state.

Ji Chenzhou approached Naren's ear again and said something lowly.

"If you take the initiative to kiss me, I will let you talk to him alone, or just talk to him!"

Naren's breathing became rapid, his chest heaving.

Naren was fighting ideologically, and Ji Chenzhou could say anything.

He didn't want to be embarrassed, nor did he want Qin Nan to be hurt.

But, kissed Qin Nan in front of him...

"Three, two..." Ji Chenzhou counted softly, not impatient or impatient, in sharp contrast with Naren's anxiety.

When Naren's lips were about to press against Ji Chenzhou's handsome face, he closed his eyes resigningly.

"Mouth!" Ji Chenzhou turned away, and the kiss fell on his ear.

The benevolent and angry wanted to scold Ji Chenzhou, but he abruptly endured it.

In the end, he held out Ji Chenzhou's face and kissed his lips.

Ji Chenzhou could feel his hand trembling, with his lips.

Originally wanted to deepen the kiss, but in the end Ji Chenzhou let him go.

"Hey, ten minutes!"

Ji Chenzhou got up and touched Naren's face, his smile full of petting.

Naren clenched his fist on his leg tightly.

Qin Nan has been watching quietly. If he changes to normal, he must have stood up and shouted.

When Ji Chenzhou left, he looked at Qin Nan and smiled, that smile was full of deep meaning.

Without Ji Chenzhou, Naren took a sip of water in his cup.

"When were you together?"

Qin Nan opened his mouth first and fixed his eyes on Naren.

"Not together... I don't have that kind of relationship with him..."

Naren didn't know how to tell Qin Nan that he was just sleeping with Ji Shenzhou.

"It's just that he... slept a few times!" Naren thought he couldn't tell, but when he looked at Qin Nan's unbelieving eyes, he still said it.

Na Ren's tone was astringent, and the lowered head was humiliating.

Qin Nan got up and sat next to Naren, he couldn't see that Ren was like this.

Although it was Ji Chenzhou that Naren took the initiative to kiss just now, he knew that it was not what he wanted.

"Naren, do you like him?" Qin Nan asked, holding Naren's hand.

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