The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1358: Sinking-when I have a bad temper, I will really kill you

Qin Nan's tone was a little awkward.

Naren shook his head without hesitation, how could he like Ji Chenzhou...

"Then don't be with him, stay with me! I don't know how to like you anymore, and now I don't like Ji Chenzhou at all..."

"I'm not a non-specific person. I think I like you. Maybe I am obsessed with Ji Chenzhou? Because his voice is really nice, and his person is quite evil..."

Qin Nan didn't know if Naren could understand what he said.

"It's his kind of person, very attractive..."

"I think I was hooked by him..."

Naren looked at Qin Nan's hand, clutching himself tightly, and he withdrew his hand little by little.

"Qin Nan, if Ji Chenzhou wants sleep with him, would you?"

Naren looked at Qin Nan and asked seriously.

Qin Nan didn't immediately say, "No..."

He hesitated, it seems that there is no conflict between liking and not going to bed.

"Naren, I... I don't know, I should do it! His person makes it impossible to refuse, but if you are with me, I will definitely not!"

What Qin Nan was telling was the truth. People like Ji Chenzhou wanted to sleep because of his fatal attraction.

"Qin Nan, I am like a brother to you, and I want to be good friends with you forever."

Naren didn't have that feeling for Qin Nan, even if he did, he would not be with him.

Because Ji Chenzhou still hasn't lost interest in him, and his desire to control him has reached the point of abnormality.

Moreover, he just told everyone today that his benevolence is his person...

In the future, he will live in the strange eyes of everyone.

Ji Chenzhou doesn't go to school, he naturally doesn't need to care about this.

Moreover, he is so shameless, how can he care how others think of him.

"Naren, is it not good for us to live together like... before? You are also very happy?"

Qin Nan knew that he fell in love with Naren during this month.

He likes to spend time with him, feel at ease...

"But the happiness is that we are brothers and friends...not lovers."

Naren took another sip of water, and he glanced at the watch on his wrist for seven minutes.

It was just a subconscious action, but after doing it, Naren suddenly realized that he was now commanding Ji Chenzhou.

It has already arrived, he said once, he will go to the point of execution.

"Qin Nan, I prevented you from staying with Ji Chenzhou at the beginning. I didn't mean anything else, just for your own good. Because he is not a good person, I don't want you to be harmed. Don't provoke him again!

Naren felt it necessary to talk to Qin Nan about this issue again.

If Ji Chenzhou goes crazy one day, he will go to sleep with Qin Nan, and Qin Nan can't resist him, so in the end it is conceivable that only Qin Nan will be hurt.

"You know he is not a good person, are you still with him?"

Qin Nan's voice couldn't help raising a little bit higher, he was anxious.

He believed that Naren blocked him in the first place, because he was good for him.

But because he treats himself well and likes him, why can't he be together?

"Qin Nan, there are some things I...can't say..."

Naren couldn't tell Qin Nan that he was sleeping with Ji Shenzhou because of him.

He would never tell Qin Nan this.

"Naren, you should know that I... really like you, and I treat you very well..."

Qin Nan was a little anxious. He didn't think he had so much trouble confessing to girls before.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ji Chenzhou.

"Ten minutes!" Ji Shenzhou's time card was very accurate, and ten minutes came in directly to lead people.

"Ji Chenzhou, Naren doesn't like you, you..."

Qin Nanteng stood up immediately, he liked him a lot before.

However, now watching Ji Chenzhou grab Naren's hand and force him to stand up, he wants to punch him.

"I don't like him either, but it doesn't prevent me from going to him! He still said he likes you, but you ask him, do you dare to go with you?

Ji Chenzhou suddenly pulled Naren's arm and hugged him hard.

Ji Chenzhou either did not speak, or when he spoke, he definitely stabbed you in the heart.

Qin Nan heard Ji Chenzhou's words and was annoyed to give Ji Chenzhou a punch.

To say that a man is too humiliating.

Naren's body was stiff, and a handsome face was pale and bloodless.

Ji Shenzhou had said something humiliating more than this before, but that was when they were both.

However, this time was different. Qin Nan was here, and he felt as if he was not wearing any clothes.

"Naren, come with me!" Qin Nan said, pulling Naren's hand.

But Ji Chenzhou stopped him with a cold eye.

"Are you going with him?" Ji Chenzhou slowly raised Naren's chin with a single finger.

She opened her mouth softly, without any temperature.

"I want to go home!"

Naren said this to Ji Chenzhou, and then he looked at Qin Nan apologetically, "I hope we will be brothers in the future!"

Qin Nan is a sincere friend Naren made in this school. He really likes being with Qin Nan.

Ji Chenzhou was very satisfied with what Naren said, "Really good!"

The eyes that were dull, instantly brightened, and leaned over and kissed Naren's lips.

Qin Nan slowly retracted his hand, what he wanted to say choked in his throat, and finally turned into a helpless wry smile.

Naren let Ji Chenzhou take him away, holding his hand tightly...

"Naren, I will always be your brother and will never leave you!"

Qin Nan shouted at Naren's back.

Because of Qin Nan's words, Naren's eyes were red.

In fact, he knew in his heart that he and Qin Nan could no longer be brothers, because Ji Chenzhou would not allow it.

When he got into the car, Ji Chenzhou had fastened Naren's seat belt.

When Naren realized that this road was not going back to his house, he opened his mouth.

"This is not the way back to my house?"

"Go to my father's house!"

Just now, Gu Jue called Ji Shenzhou and said that Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu missed him and asked him to come back.

Knowing that he was with Naren, he said to bring him back together.

"Stop, I won't go!" Naren doesn't want to see anyone now, his condition is not good, and he doesn't want them to know about him and Ji Chenzhou.

Especially not let his sister know that she will worry about him.

Ji Shenzhou ignored Naren's parking request.

"Ji Chenzhou, I said I won't go, I want to go home!"

Naren yelled at Ji Chenzhou, and all his emotions exploded.

On this day, Ji Chenzhou turned his life upside down.

Now he has to listen to what he does. Does he still have a little personal freedom?

With a sudden brake, Naren's body leaned forward and was bounced back.

"Say what? Huh?" Ji Chenzhou unfastened his seat belt and leaned forward to say that Naren was pressing on the co-pilot.

What he dislikes the most is that someone yells at him because he hates noise the most.

"Madman, Ji Chenzhou, you are a madman..."

Ji Chenzhou parked the car on the road without even hitting a double flash.

If a car comes from behind and the speed is too fast, it must be hit.

"You only know that I am a madman, you know I am a madman, you still mess with me!"

Ji Chenzhou was extremely depressed, because Qin Nan said that Naren didn't like him...

Like his father, like Qin Nan, but don't like him...

Because of this, Ji Chenzhou's heart has been holding back his anger.

Naren wanted to get off the car, but couldn't open the door, "Drive the car to the side of the road..."

Naren didn't want to die yet, it was too dangerous for the car to stop like this.

"What are you afraid of? If you want to die, we will die together!"

Ji Chenzhou kissed Naren's trembling lips with gentle movements.

"I don't want to die..."

Naren gritted his teeth and wanted to say, even if I die, should I die with you.

"If you don't want to die, don't say what I don't want to listen to, and don't resist my orders, Naren, when I have a bad temper, I will really kill you!"

He promised his father to be there on time. Ji Chenzhou didn't want to be late. If he hadn't taken care of it, he would probably punish Naren in the car.

Naren looked out of the car window blankly and sadly, her hands on her legs clasped tightly.

"When you get there in a while, you know what to do, stay away from my father."

After restarting the car, Ji Chenzhou warned a little irritably.

He is not such a person who cannot control his temper, but Naren can always provoke his anger easily.

Naren did not speak, and Ji Chenzhou did not need to say, he would not let others see.

When they arrived at the home of Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing, it was Chu Baiqing who opened the door.

This was the first time Naren saw him since Chu Baiqing got better.

Looking at those soft eyes, Naren was really happy for him.

"Come in, your father is cooking in the kitchen, saying you are here, go and help!"

Chu Baiqing smiled and touched Naren's head. He liked this somewhat naive and shy boy very much.

Because Naren's eyes are very pure, it is rare that people can see the purity at a glance.

"I'm not going, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu, have you thought about the third brother?"

Ji Chenzhou rushed to the living room, rushed directly into the guardrail, caught Xiao Jiu, and kissed him severely.

Xiao Qi threw him down directly, and then sat on him, beating him.

"Little bastard, I have a lot of strength!" Ji Chenzhou rubbed Xiao Qi's hair, like it very much.

"Naren, go to the sofa and sit down, with fruit, eat some!" Chu Baiqing greeted Naren to go in and sit.

Knowing that he is shy, afraid that he is restrained.

"Young Master Chu, let me go to the kitchen to help!" Naren didn't want to stay in the same space with Ji Chenzhou.

"Go!" Chu Baiqing responded with a smile.

Naren went directly to the kitchen.

When Chu Baiqing came over, Ji Chenzhou didn't see Naren.

"Where's that Ren?" Xiaoqi Xiaojiu was sitting and jumping on him, playing happily.

"Go to the kitchen to help your father! Xiaoqi Xiaojiu come down..."

Chu Baiqing watched Xiaoqi Xiaojiu bully Ji Shenzhou, and said sharply.

"Heh... really disobedient!"

Ji Chenzhou sneered at the corner of his mouth. He had been warned in the car just now, stay away from his father...

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