The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1372: Sinking-he said you were really passionate last night (2,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou's lips curled up, looking at Naren's fist, waiting for him to hit him.

Naren will be obedient? How can it be……

His stubbornness is in his bones, how could it suddenly become like this.

Especially after what happened in the car yesterday, who Ji Chenzhou is, what he hates most is not being able to control it.

Now the more Naren obeyed, the more irritable he was, and the feeling of being unable to control made him want to get angry.

He just waited for Ren to pretend to be unable to carry on, and confronted him, and then he could smash his disguise fiercely.

Seeing the blue veins on the back of Na Ren's hand gradually bulging, Ji Chenzhou waited for him to get up and shake his fist.

He was also prepared to take precautions, but Naren slowly stood up.

"Don't forget to give the camera money to Uncle, I'll go see the soup..."

Naren's voice was very calm, as if the person near the edge of the outbreak had never appeared before.

Ji Chenzhou's jaw clenched tightly, watching Naren turn and walk towards the kitchen.

Ji Jiu looked at the camera that was stepped on by Ji Chenzhou, and couldn't help but smile. That's good, Naren would hate Ji Chenzhou, and he would definitely.

He could see that Naren liked this camera, and that kind of liking was no less than falling in love with someone.

"I'm waiting for you to force him to my side."

When Ji Jiu passed by Ji Chenzhou, he smiled very positively.

"What you do is dreaming."

Ji Chenzhou has always spoken like this, even if Ji Jiu is his brother-in-law, he is very special.

"Then let's try it!" Ji Jiu patted Ji Chenzhou on the shoulder. He had enough confidence and patience to get Naren in hand.

The more naive Ji Chenzhou is, the greater his chances of winning.

Ji Chenzhou kicked the camera again and turned to the kitchen.

When I passed the dining table, I saw a few dishes on it.

Tomato scrambled eggs, braised pork ribs, braised fish, and a plate. Ji Chenzhou watched it for a while. It was potato shreds...

When Naren came out with a big bowl of soup.

Naren served Ji Chenzhou with rice and soup, and then served him with vegetables.

"This is the first time I have made it. You will just eat it."

Naren lowered his head to eat the rice in the bowl, and said in a light tone.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the ribs in his bowl, the color looked good.

He looked at Naren who lowered his head to eat, and tasted what he said.

She really looks like a virtuous little wife, so gentle and obedient.

However, the more Na Ren was so obedient and abnormal, the more intense the fire in Ji Chenzhou's heart.

Ji Chenzhou casually ate a bite of ribs, which was not tasty or unpalatable, at least it was cooked, and the taste was reasonable.

"Is it delicious?" Naren asked, looking at Ji Chenzhou's chopsticks.

"It's not unpalatable." Ji Chenzhou stared straight at Naren's cold eyes, feminine.

"Then next time I will make it hard and try to let you say it is delicious."

The benevolence's kindness doesn't have a taste of kindness, but the words are really kind.

"It's better to please me in bed rather than to please me in cooking, don't you think?"

Ji Chenzhou ate the dishes made by Naren one bite at a time. Although it was not delicious, he never stopped his chopsticks.

Naren held the chopsticks tightly and tightly, "I won't..."

Naren's face was red, and his ears were red.

Ji Chenzhou finished a bowl of rice and pushed the bowl in front of Naren without speaking.

Naren looked at the empty bowl, got up to serve Ji Chenzhou with rice, first half the bowl, "Is it enough?"

Ji Chenzhou smiled and took the bowl. For Naren's so obedient and obedient, he was more and more looking forward to the moment he couldn't hold on.

"Do not take the initiative?" Ji Chenzhou continued on the topic that Ren said just now.

"I... got it!" Naren said blushing after eating a few mouthfuls of rice.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's eyes increasingly cold.

Taking a bath at night as usual, this time there was no Ji Chenzhou to get him, Naren took the initiative to put the medicine packet on his own, and then soaked in.

When Naren came out in a bathrobe, Ji Chenzhou had just put a cigarette to his mouth, with 80,000 lighters in his hand, and did not light the cigarette.

Just staring at Naren with squinting eyes...

He likes the wet Naren, like a deer waiting to be abused.

Naren sat by the bed and took the lighter from Ji Chenzhou's hand and lit a cigarette for him.

Ji Chenzhou took a fierce sip and extinguished the cigarette in the ashtray.

He grabbed the back of Naren's head and kissed him, and transferred the smoke from his mouth to Naren's mouth.

Still sucking his lips tightly, not letting him cough up, Na Ren's face was flushed with suffocation.

He circled Ji Chenzhou's waist to give himself a support point, and the choking tears came out.

Ji Chenzhou pryed open his mouth domineeringly, entangled with his lips and tongue, sometimes with a light bite, then hooked Naren little by little.

The body of the person in his arms gradually softened, and he actively responded to his kisses, even leaning his hand into his bathrobe and touching the perfectly lined muscles of Ji Chenzhou's waist.

Just when he felt that Xiao Naren was standing upright, Ji Chenzhou ended the kiss, pinched Naren's chin, and looked at his teary eyes, which were the tears choked by the smoke just now.

Naren was confused with a pair of eager and shy eyes, the breath that came out of each other, all with a faint smell of tobacco.

Ji Chenzhou unbuttoned the bathrobe, pressed Naren's shoulders, and forced him on his legs...

Naren knew what Ji Chenzhou wanted him to do, even though he had done it several times for him, but this kind of humiliation still made him very uncomfortable.

Doing this kind of thing makes Narenlai more uncomfortable than being Ji Chenzhou.

However, so many things have been endured, this is nothing.

Naren tells himself, no more patience, it will be fine, Naren, you can.

When Xiao Ji Shenzhou was wrapped in moisture, Ji Shenzhou let out a pleasant hum.

After being tossed by Ji Chenzhou several times, Naren finally fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, Naren opened his eyes and saw Ji Chenzhou looking at him with his arm supported.

Na Renxing had a pair of eyes, but didn't react for a while, just looked at him blankly.

"You were so enthusiastic last night."

Ji Chenzhou's fingers rubbed Naren's lips, his movements frivolously and ambiguously.

"Do you like it?" Naren's face turned red with the words.

Ji Chenzhou squinted. Before changing, Naren would just turn his head and ignore him. How could he look forward to him, like a girl in love, waiting for his answer.

"Then do you like being **** by me?" Ji Chenzhou insisted on squeezing his fingers into Naren's mouth, his tone was cold and emotionless.

Naren's hand in the quilt clenched the bed sheet tightly, clenching his teeth tightly, as if he could not accept such humiliating actions.

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