The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1373: Sinking-Naren, you are so endless, right? (Two thousand words)

This time Naren couldn't say that he liked it. How could he like being **** by him? It was a kind of humiliation.

It was Ji Chenzhou that abruptly raised on him.

Naren's gums were sore by Ji Chenzhou's fingers, but he still didn't loosen his teeth and let his fingers come in.

Naren's smile at the corner of Ji Chenzhou's mouth became bigger and bigger, the excitement of waiting for the bait of the prey was obvious.

Naren's hand holding the bed sheet slowly loosened, and then suddenly loosened his body.

He opened his mouth obediently and let Ji Chenzhou's fingers come in.

Although he didn't say the word like, Naren took the initiative to go upstairs to Ji Chenzhou's neck.

This is also an indirect response.

At this moment, Ji Chenzhou was a little unsure, whether Naren really obeyed himself in resignation, or pretended.

Because if he pretended, he would be too tolerant.

The Naren he knew would not be so obedient.

After breakfast, Naren didn't mention going to school, and Ji Chenzhou didn't plan to let him go to school.

Naren began to clean up the house, and Ji Chenzhou lay on the sofa watching Naren mopping the floor.

Naren did things very neatly and earnestly. After more than two hours, he cleaned the living room.

Then, Naren went to the kitchen to wash the fruit, then cut it, put it on a plate, and sent it to Ji Chenzhou.

There is a fruit fork on it, "You eat, I'll clean up the bedroom."

Naren turned around to leave, but Ji Chenzhou grabbed his wrist and said, "Feed me."

Naren was doing something unexpected for Ji Chenzhou, and the playful smile on the corner of his mouth became deeper and deeper.

Naren sat beside Ji Chenzhou, bowed his head and skewed an apple to Ji Chenzhou's mouth.

Ji Chenzhou was lying half-lying on the sofa in such an uncle's posture, eating slowly with small mouthfuls.

Naren was not in a hurry, Ji Chenzhou's mouth stopped moving, so he sent a piece.

He didn't speak or look at him, just like this, one by one, he fed a small plate of fruit into Ji Chenzhou's mouth.

The last piece of mango was put into Ji Chenzhou's mouth, and Naren took the plate to leave.

But Ji Chenzhou was pulled half-lying on the sofa, and then his lips were kissed.

Ji Chenzhou just sent the piece of mango in his mouth into Naren's mouth.

Naren swallowed obediently, blushed and got up, "I'm going to wash the dishes."

Naren's voice trembled, and his hand holding the plate was also shaking.

Ji Chenzhou pressed his finger on Naren's lips, and patted his **** with a smile.


Ji Chenzhou put his lazy hands behind his head and watched Naren walk stiffly towards the kitchen.

Ji Chenzhou received a call from Pan Bin, saying that he had something to do with him. On his birthday, Ji Chenzhou left like that and owed his brother.

I made an appointment to have dinner together at night.

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou was going out to eat, so he asked, "Should I go with you?"

Ji Chenzhou squeezed his face indulgingly, "No, Binzi has something to do with me."

Ji Chenzhou kept squinting his eyes, and he was expecting that Naren threw a thunder at him from time to time.

"Well, then I will wait for you to come back."

Naren kept bringing Ji Chenzhou to the door.

Ji Chenzhou thought, if he knew that Naren would be like this, he should install a monitor in his home to see how he would be after he left.

After Ji Chenzhou left, Naren slumped along the wall and sat on the ground.

His body kept shaking, and he buried his head on his knees, Naren cried...

I don't know how long I have been sitting. When I got up, my legs were numb.

Naren glanced at the time, and it was almost three hours since Ji Chenzhou left home.

He held the mobile phone in his hand and finally dialed Ji Chenzhou's phone.

This was the first time Naren took the initiative to call himself, and Ji Chenzhou watched for a while before picking up.

After the call was connected, there was silence for four or five seconds before Naren spoke.

"When are you coming back?" Naren's voice was expectant.

"At the bar, it's going to be late, what's the matter?" Ji Chenzhou smoked, and what he saw through the smoke was a pair of eyes that were as sharp as a falcon.

"It's okay, just ask what time you will come back, I hang up."

Naren hung up after speaking.

Ji Chenzhou smiled, Naren, how many thunders can you throw at me.

Naren sat on the sofa and watched the phone's time changing, half an hour...

Naren called Ji Chenzhou again.

This time Ji Chenzhou did not answer, and the phone was automatically hung up. After two minutes, Naren called again.

This time, after five calls, Ji Chenzhou picked it up.

"Did you go back?"

Naren's voice is still shy and shy.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak there. After a few seconds, his voice was a little cold and said, "You go to bed first, and I will be late."

Naren bit her lip, "Am I disturbing you..."

Naren didn't hang up the phone, but asked cowardly.

"Hey, go to bed first!"

After talking about Ji Shenzhou, he hung up.

"I thought people were unwilling. You forced him to watch these calls one by one. I don't worry about you coming out when I co-author. I care about you!"

Pan Bin smiled and touched Ji Chenzhou, then smiled.

"However, I said Shenzhou, it's okay to play, don't take it seriously, your identity, you can't stand such a thing, you know?"

But then Pan Bin's tone became worried again, he knew that Ji Chenzhou had always been stable.

However, even in terms of feelings, he was extremely stubborn. For the sake of Chu Baiqing, he used all the relationships, but in the end he succeeded others.

Now I have another Naren, looking at the posture of the call just now, he is a clingy lord, and he may not be able to get rid of it when he wants to, especially with an identity like Ji Chenzhou, who doesn't want to climb.

Ji Shenzhou snorted in his heart, care?

There is a man who can bear it, and there is another man watching when he is **** by another man.

Maybe there is a natural base for likes, but that person will definitely not be Naren.

So why is he pretending to be obedient and pretending to care now?

Ji Chenzhou felt the blood in his body clamoring and boiling, he wanted to know what Naren wanted to achieve.

It was really getting more and more interesting, he was a little excited looking forward to it.

Naren still stared at the phone, this time after 20 minutes, Naren called Ji Chenzhou again.

This time it was three times before Ji Chenzhou picked it up.

"Naren, you are so endless, are you?" This time it was Ji Chenzhou's first speech, his tone was very impatient and angry.

Naren listened to his tone, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"I... can't sleep, when will you... come back?"

Naren's voice is tense and expectant, and the cautious posture allows you to hear it right away.

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