The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1394: Sinking-he is angry, I will take him home now (two thousand words)

Naren was brought home by Sir Alex Ferguson.

He is the temperament who doesn't like to cause trouble, so when he was carried in by Sir Alex Ferguson and put on the sofa, his ears were red.

It's not that he can't walk, he's not that weak, but Ferguson doesn't listen to him at all.

Chu Baiqing walked out of the guardrail, where Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu played by herself.

"The complexion is not so good."

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren's state and felt distressed, but smiled and said calmly.

Perhaps no one understands Naren's state of mind better than him.

Because he has experienced it before, so he knows everything.

Only those who have experienced it will know something, not only Naren needs to experience, but Shenzhou also needs to experience.

Only then will I know whether it is right or wrong, and whether it is suitable for being together.

"Young Master Chu... it's okay, but she has a fever... It's not... it's related to that..."

Naren remembered again that he had asked Chu Shao before that he would have a fever afterwards.

In order to avoid Chu Baiqing's misunderstanding, it was because after doing that with Ji Chenzhou, he was hospitalized with a fever, he explained quickly.

Chu Baiqing just smiled, "Naren, treat this as a home, you don't need to be so nervous."

Chu Baiqing sat next to him and looked at the hospital gown on him. He hadn't seen him for a few days and had lost a lot of weight.

"Young Master Chu, I'm really fine, I can't live here..."

He is not a child as small as Xiaoqi Xiaojiu and needs someone to take care of him. He is an adult and he can take care of himself.

Although he took care of himself in a mess, he didn't want to bother others.

"Are you afraid of sinking the boat?" Chu Baiqing touched Naren's head, still a little hot.

Naren bit his lip, he didn't want to cause trouble to others.

However, the main reason is that Ji Chenzhou will not allow it.

"No, I am used to... living alone..." Naren cannot be said to be Ji Chenzhou forbidden.

"Naren, you are not a liar, you just live here. He doesn't dare to be presumptuous at home. You have me at ease."

When Chu Baiqing saw Gu Jue changed his clothes, he walked downstairs and smiled at him.

"What are you laughing at? You don't understand that **** thing. I'm afraid I can't help kicking him to death with that bastard."

Gu Jue was depressed by what Chu Baiqing saw.

"I didn't say anything."

Chu Baiqing's eyes were lightly moist, it was the precipitation of years.

"By the way, Naren's mouth is hot, let's see how to make it more comfortable."

Gu Jue remembered that Naren's mouth was still burned, and he just forgot about it as long as he brought people back.

"It's okay... it doesn't hurt, it's okay, Lord Jue Chu Shao..."

Naren shook his head quickly, and after shaking it twice, he felt dizzy and his body was still weak.

It hurts when I drink it, and it doesn’t feel much anymore, just a little numb.

It should be a small bubble...

"Drink some milk will ease it!"

Chu Baiqing glanced at Gu Jue, his eyes were asking why he burned his mouth?

After hearing this, Gu Jue turned to go to the kitchen to get milk.

"No, Young Master Chu, it's okay... I'm allergic to milk... Sir Alex no need."

Naren hurriedly said that he was allergic, and if he allergic reaction again, he would cause Ferguson and Chu Shao to cause trouble.

"Then with some sugar in it, it works, the earthen method!"

As soon as Chu Baiqing's words came down, Gu Jue immediately executed them.

"Naren, you lie down for a while, he can't find where the sugar is."

Chu Baiqing got up and went to the kitchen.

Naren was indeed a little uncomfortable, he should be hungry, so he drank three spoons of soup, it was still hot...

Once a person has a fever, he will feel weak.

As soon as Gu Jue took the sugar to come out of the kitchen, Chu Baiqing came in.

"What's the matter with Naren's mouth?"

Chu Baiqing looked at the sugar bowl in Gu Jue's hand. If he asked him to find it, he really didn't know where to find it.

"Fuck, I doubt if my third son grew up eating chemical fertilizers. That brain... he feeds Xiao Hei and drinks soup, and he doesn't let it cool down before feeding it, just feed it, can it be hot?"

"Also, so did Xiao Hei. He didn't say it when he was hot, and continued to drink... It was really angry and distressed. That kid was too honest to be bullied by that **** stuff.

After listening to Chu Baiqing, she sighed helplessly, caring like this but hurting.

"You bullied me before!"

Chu Baiqing also wanted to say that the bully was quite cruel and vigorous.

"Why, I love you and love you, how dare I bully you."

Gu Jue hugged Chu Baiqing and smiled at what he had done to Chu Baiqing.

He must spend a lifetime to treat him well, or he won't forgive himself.

"When Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue came out of the kitchen, Ji Chenzhou just walked in from the hallway."

He knows the password...

"Fuck, I said I forgot something and forgot to change my password."

In fact, just like Gu Jue said, he really wouldn't let his third son go home.

"Little mom, my father hugs my family's Naren."

Ji Shenzhou joked with a smile, and walked directly inside.

"I let it, it's not yours."

Chu Baiqing finished speaking and walked in ahead of Ji Chenzhou.

Gu Jue saw Ji Chenzhou's expression change obviously.

He probably didn't expect that Chu Baiqing, who has always been gentle, would speak to him with such a cold tone and expression.

Chu Baiqing is gentle to everyone, and basically hasn't been cold.

Therefore, Ji Chenzhou felt very obvious.

It seemed that some balance was disturbed, and he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Naren was going to fall asleep in a daze. Hearing Ji Chenzhou's voice, he suddenly became sober and sat upright.

He didn't want to provoke Ji Chenzhou, nor could he provoke him. If he really went crazy, he couldn't imagine what would happen to Master Xiu and the others, because he was a lunatic.

"Open your mouth." Chu Baiqing took a spoonful of sugar and brought it to Naren's mouth.

Naren opened his mouth obediently, and Chu Baiqing glanced at the small bubbles on his tongue.

"It would be better with sugar in it!" Chu Baiqing felt sorry for Naren. This child has suffered so much in the past few days.

Naren likes sweet things, so white sugar is quite comfortable in his mouth.

He smiled, like a contented child.

Looking at Naren's smile, Ji Chenzhou was stunned for a moment.

Naren had never had this kind of heartfelt smile at him, never had it.

Even if he pretended to be obedient during those two days, the smile was not so simple, happy and content.

Ji Chenzhou especially didn't like this feeling, and tried to grasp the feeling that he couldn't get.

"You can cook more Naren likes for dinner, and make up for him, too thin and too weak!" Chu Baiqing said to Gu Jue.

"No, I will take him home now, I will cook for him what he wants to eat!"

Before Gu Jue spoke, Ji Chenzhou spoke first, his tone was a bit irritable, he only knew that Naren belonged to him.

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