The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1395: Sinking-he is angry, very angry (2,000 words)

Naren thought that it would be better to go back with Ji Chenzhou than to cause trouble to Sir Alex and Chu.

Moreover, if Ji Chenzhou gets into trouble, it will only embarrass Ferguson and Chu Shao.

The more he doesn't want to cause trouble to everyone, it seems that the more people he knows and the more trouble he really feels tired.

Just as Naren was about to stand up, Chu Baiqing grabbed her arm, "Naren, sit down!"

As soon as Ji Chenzhou spoke, Naren's response was an instinctive order.

"Young Master Chu, let me and him... go back, I'm really fine, now it's all well... Don't bother you and Sir Alex..."

Naren didn't sit down either, just standing in front of the sofa, because there was sugar in his mouth, Naren was very cute when talking.

I am afraid that the sugar in the mouth will turn into sugar water and run out...

He felt that Ji Chenzhou's face was not good.

I don't know what they said at the entrance just now. When Ji Chenzhou came in, his face was not good.

"You either go to the kitchen to cook with your dad, or go home by yourself!"

Chu Baiqing still had a cold face towards Ji Chenzhou, and his tone was also very cold.

At this time, Naren knew why Ji Chenzhou had a bad face. It was because of Chu Shao...

Ji Chenzhou couldn't say a word that was choked, because it was Chu Baiqing who choked him, not someone else.

He dared to yell at his father, or say something bad, but he couldn't yell at Chu Baiqing, nor could he say it.

Gu Jue looked at their arrogant Chu Baiqing, and couldn't help but want to laugh, thinking how their Chu Baiqing was so attractive.

Just look so good when pretending to be cold, and then look at the indifferent little eyes, the third son, let you seduce, someone will clean up you.

"Isn't this my house..." Ji Chenzhou said in a dull voice, and he did not dare to look into Chu Baiqing's eyes.

Naren was pulled by Chu Baiqing to sit on the sofa.

After swallowing the sugar water in his mouth, Chu Baiqing fed another spoonful of sugar into his mouth.

"This burn is the most uncomfortable, especially when you burn it in your mouth!"

Chu Baiqing's voice was slow, and his tone was not good, so it was naturally addressed to Ji Chenzhou.

It can also be described as yin and yang weirdness.

Ji Chenzhou opened his mouth, and swallowed what he wanted to say. He naturally knew that the burn was uncomfortable.

However, he didn't mean it, nor did he serve anyone. How did he know that he had to blow cold before drinking...

Usually Ji Chenzhou eats, the kitchen will dry almost the soup, and serve him warmly, so he does not have this consciousness.

At this time, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu also came out of the fence, and now the fence could not stop them.

You can get out by opening the door yourself.

They held Ji Chenzhou's arm each, and the third and third brothers yelled...

Then he called uncle at Naren, very polite...

Ji Chenzhou flicked Xiao Qi Xiaojiu's head, "Call him Sansao."

Xiaoqi Xiaojiu's eyes widened in surprise, Sansao?

Although the child is small, he can subconsciously distinguish between men and women.

Naren coughed fiercely, and then he ate the sugar that had just been put in his mouth.

Even if you like to eat sweet ones, you can't stand this, the sweet ones are a little bit awkward.

I have been coughing all the time, but I have to say that eating sugar in my mouth really doesn't hurt.

As if not seeing Naren coughing, Chu Baiqing took another spoonful of sugar and wanted to deliver it to Naren's mouth.

"Mother, you didn't see him coughing, you still give him food?" Naren was upset, obviously distressed.

The tone was also a bit aggressive, he had never dared to talk to Chu Baiqing like this before.

"My white sugar is not hot. It's okay to eat a few more spoons. It's not hot soup."

Chu Baiqing sneered, knowing that it was better to feel distressed.

Naren opened his mouth and ate the white sugar into his mouth. He also wanted his tongue to get better. Another one was fed to him by Chu Shao, and he had to eat it.

He wouldn't be embarrassed if Chu Shaona was feeding him with his arm.

Ji Chenzhou couldn't say a word that was choked again.

His little mother seems to be gentle like water, but sometimes this mouth is stronger than a knife.

It was indeed his fault for the soup today, but when he thought of Naren, he still drank it without saying it, he became angry, very angry.

"And you, Naren, cough uncomfortable, I feed you, you just eat, won't you say that you are uncomfortable?"

"He feeds you hot soup and you drink it. If you burn your throat and you can't speak anymore, what should you do?"

When Chu Baiqing spoke to Naren, she felt a lot more gentle, because she really felt sorry for him.

With sugar in his mouth, Naren looked at Chu Baiqing with wet eyes, like a kid who did something wrong.

Ji Chenzhou was upset again when he heard Chu Baiqing say this about Naren. His family Naren was as good as he could say. Although he was also angry, he felt uncomfortable when the mother said that.

Looking at Naren's aggrieved look and blank eyes, he felt distressed again...

"Also, I don't know what is the relationship between the two of you, why are you taking him home?"

Chu Baiqing seemed to have thought of this suddenly and asked seriously.

That benevolence, didn't Chu Shao know about him and Ji Chenzhou?

Ji Chenzhou sighed. He didn't know what his mother was thinking.

"Mother, I'm boring, don't you know what happened to me and him."

Now Ji Chenzhou found bad water in his little mother's stomach.

Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu Ba pulled Ji Chenzhou to knock him down.

Ji Chenzhou knew that the two of them wanted him to lie on the ground, and then the two of them played on him.

Therefore, he fell to the ground and coaxed the two of them to play.

Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was happy, and all jumped onto Ji Chenzhou's body. Although the child was young, it hurts to hit him.

Ji Chenzhou said, "You two, give me light!"

Ji Chenzhou is very fond of Xiaoqi Xiaojiu, and he allows them to do whatever they want with him.

Naren also likes Xiaoqi Xiaojiu, he wondered if he had children, would he be as cute as them.

He also wants to have his own home, a very happy home, with laughter everywhere, just like here...

Chu Baiqing saw the expectations and disappointments in Naren's eyes. He knew that Naren was a person who values ​​feelings. Once such a person is hurt, it is difficult to believe in feelings...

"I really don't know what's going on with you two? Come on, tell me..."

Chu Baiqing leaned on the sofa, looking at Ji Chenzhou, who was tortured by his two sons, thinking in his heart, good son.

"Don't you know everything, it's just being together, what's the point to ask."

Ji Chenzhou is actually unwilling to talk to his little mother about this issue.

He will feel irritable and uncomfortable.

"Why are you together? Is it like me and your dad, being together seriously, after a lifetime, or just playing around and kicking?"

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