The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1397: Sinking-Chu Shao, please help me... (2,000 words)

Huo Qingge served Naren a bowl of soup, and let it cool down.

Naren couldn't help but tighten his chopsticks tightly. His sister had asked him how he had been in college for two years and he hadn't talked about his girlfriend...

Master Xiu...

Master Xiu called his elder sister, he was changing a way to let him leave Ji Chenzhou, and didn't want him to be with Ji Chenzhou again.

Master Xiu must be very worried about him now, right?

Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue glanced at each other and didn't speak. At this time, they would seem very strange if they wanted to speak.

"Sister, I don't want to, I think I'm still young..."

Every time Huo Qingge and Naren said this, he would answer her like this, thinking he was not good at lying.

And his sister will never lie...

"You are still young? You are in your twenties. You can listen to me about this. Where can I not fall in love in college? This is a life experience and a memory in the future. Youth is beautiful and cannot be abandoned."

Huo Qingge never went to school, remember to see those youthful faces when he sent Naren to school.

She will be very envious, really envious, there are really shortcomings in life, because there is no experience in this journey.

"Your love affairs will become your sister's heart disease. You are not young anymore. It's time to talk. When you see, you feel like you can talk about it, and you can't talk about it."

Li Beichen knew how anxious Huo Qingge was about this.

Every day I want to call Naren and ask how he is.

However, once I think of such a big person, I can't take care of him, for fear that he will be annoying.

As soon as I saw Naren, I saw that he was thin and sick again, so I didn't tell her yet.

Huo Qingge was still uncomfortable for a while.

Both sister and brother-in-law have said so, Naren is not good to say no more. When meeting each other, he will say that he can't talk no matter whether he can talk or not.

He thought he couldn't be with the girl anymore.

"Then I see, people may not like my temperament."

Naren also knew that his temper was too shy, he had been on the island for too long.

I don't know how to deal with others.

He knows the brothers on the island very well, and he usually makes jokes and things casual, and he doesn't blush.

It was only after he arrived in Yuncheng that he realized that he was originally shy, and he was slowly adapting.

After all, the formation of personality cannot be changed overnight.

However, the appearance of Ji Chenzhou brought him back to the far point.

His persecution and dominance made him abruptly weak.

That feeling of powerlessness really made him worse than death...

Huo Qingge put the warm soup in front of Naren, "Who said you don't like it? What's wrong with your temperament? My sister likes you with such a clean and unassuming temperament. It is rare for a person to live innocent and unsophisticated."

"The mind is too heavy to be alive and tired!"

When Huo Qingge thought of his deep thoughts, he thought of Ji Chenzhou, that person was too deep in the city.

"By the way, just that Ji Chenzhou, he is just thinking, such a person is too gloomy, and tired when alive, we don't play with such a person, so as not to be affected, but he is very good to Chu Baiqing, Sir Alex Don't be jealous, I'll just talk about it."

Huo Qingge was thinking of the name Ji Chenzhou when he was thinking about it.

His name is a bit sad, and I don't know how his parents gave it to him.

Perhaps the character is also related to the name!

"Ahem... How about that Naren taste the soup, our family, Baiqing, specially asked me to cook it for you."

Sir Alex saw that Naren's face turned pale, he should be scared, afraid that his sister would know about him and Ji Chenzhou.

"Well, thank you Sir Alex!" Naren lowered his head and took a sip of the soup, which was delicious, but he couldn't taste it.

Because he was flustered and confused, when Ji Chenzhou's name came out of his sister's mouth, his perspiration pores were standing up.

After dinner, Huo Qingge wanted to take Naren back to their home.

However, Naren said that he just lived here, he just got a little fever, and nothing serious happened.

He wanted to chat with Chu Shao. In fact, he didn't want to go back with his sister to let her see that he was in a bad mood.

What more...

In fact, Na Ren ate very little for dinner, Chu Baiqing saw that he was nervous on the one hand, afraid that his sister would find out.

On the other hand, he was a little absent-minded, Chu Baiqing guessed that he was thinking about Ji Shenzhou...

Naren is very simple, all his emotions are written on his face, he will not hide his thoughts.

Gu Jue went to coax Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu to sleep.

Chu Baiqing asked Naren to sit in the guardrail together.

"This is the world of Xiaoqixiaojiu. They like it very much because it is all colors. Children like things with colors."

"They like colorful colors, and as we grow older, we gradually only like those one or two colors, for example, black or white..."

"In our lives, happiness is less and less, troubles are more and more, and our minds are getting more and more heavy."

Chu Baiqing held a marine ball in her hand, the green...

"Naren, your innocence is really hard to come by. You will not try to figure out the minds of others, and you will not cater to other people's likes. You are you, the unique Naren, the Naren who is very attractive."

Naren smiled embarrassedly. He felt that he was introverted and would not communicate with others.

However, Mr. Chu said that, as if he was still fine.

"Shen Zhou, his family environment is very complicated, so he has a strong sense of self-protection and a strong personality. He does not allow things to be out of his control. This is the natural consciousness of a person in power."

Ji Chenzhou would tell Chu Baiqing about everything, and he didn't conceal the mess in his family.

"Young Master Chu, let's talk about something else!"

Naren didn't want to mention Ji Chenzhou, because he was trying his best not to think about him.

Don’t think about what he’s doing now, whether the incision is open, whether it’s stitched...

This is the third stitching, will it hurt...

These questions are all thinking beyond his control.

Naren felt that he was crazy, and being treated like that, why would he still miss him and worry about him, is it really that cheap?

Chu Baiqing touched Naren's head, this child really suffered too much.

Naren looked at Chu Baiqing with clear eyes, but it was painful.

"Okay, let's not talk about him." Chu Baiqing knew that Naren needed time, and Shenzhou was the same.

Naren must like sinking boats...

"Young Master Chu, I have something to ask for your help!"

This matter has been thought about in Naren's heart for a long time. When people are confused, they will make decisions for themselves.

"What do you tell me to help, as long as I can do it!"

Chu Baiqing was a little surprised, Naren would actually ask him for help.

After Naren whispered, Chu Baiqing was stunned and shocked.

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