The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1398: Sinking-I will not let him find out, I will hide it well (2,000 words)

Chu Baiqing thought he had heard it wrong, and he felt that Naren would not be able to say such words.

So he asked again uncertainly, "Naren, what did you say?"

Naren's face blushed, he lay next to Chu Baiqing's ear, and said again.

The childish appearance seemed to be whispering, for fear of being heard the secret.

Chu Baiqing looked at Naren, and in his clear eyes, he saw that he was not joking.

"Did you think about it?" Chu Baiqing's voice trembled a little, this is not a joke.

"Well, Chu Shao, will you help me?" Naren nodded seriously.

He had been hesitant before, that he did not dare, but after today, he thinks he can be responsible for his decision.

"Okay, let me help you. You still have time to think about it. If you regret it, tell me that you also know that this matter is risky. I can't guarantee it will happen."

Chu Baiqing has always been rigorous in doing things, and he will definitely not say anything if he is uncertain.

"Well, I won't regret it, Young Master Chu, I've been thinking about it for a long time..."

Once Naren makes a decision, he will go on, no matter how difficult the road is.

"You have to know that if this matter is discovered by Shen Zhou in the future, he might kill you. I still know him to some extent. He really did it. At that time, even if it was me, he could not stop him. he."

In fact, Ji Chenzhou's attitude towards him today is different from usual.

What he said, he would not refute it, and it was no longer unconditional obedience.

This is both good and bad.

Ji Chenzhou is like a wolf, no one can control him, he will cause trouble.

Now that he refutes himself, it shows that he cares about Naren, he cares very much, but he himself hasn't found it yet.

"I...I won't let him find out, I will hide well..."

In fact, Naren knew that if Ji Chenzhou knew about this, he would definitely kill him.

He was convinced of this.

Chu Baiqing liked Naren's simplicity very much, but this simplicity also worried him even more.

He still doesn't know Ji Shenzhou...


After Fan Bin watched the doctors "run" out in relief, he wanted to fight Ji Chenzhou a few punches.

"Aren't you tossing yourself so much?" Fan Bin said aggressively.

"It's right for you to die outside. You said you had stitched up three times in two days, why would you still drink alcohol?"

Fan Bin pointed to Ji Chenzhou's blush and thick neck.

"Aren't you indifferent to Naren? Then why do you have to toss yourself like this? Are you the least willing to hurt yourself? Look at your injuries?"

"I said Master Ji, is it possible that you did this not to abuse yourself, but to make Naren feel sorry for you? Then you have to have loved others. You only hurt him, and he only gives you back. It will be indifferent..."

Fan Bin was really angry. He saw the knife edge on Ji Chenzhou's body and was tossed by him. It was messed up.

This person is still dead, just don't take anesthetics, and don't know what he wants to do.

In fact, not only Fan Bin didn't know what he wanted to do, but even Ji Chenzhou didn't know what he wanted to do.

He cares about Naren, this point need not be said by others, does not care, and will not persecute him so much.

However, this caring is so terrible.

"Come on!"

Ji Chenzhou leaned on the bed, his face was a little pale, his eyes were drunk.

He didn't drink less just now, but he didn't feel drunk even if he drank like that.

His consciousness is very clear, that is, his behavior is not under his control.

For example, he wanted to go back to his father's house because Naren was there, but he came to the hospital...

"You still smoke..."

Fan Bin's arm pointing towards Ji Chenzhou was shaking. If he had a gun in his hand, he might have fired at this time.

Because I was really so angry, Ji Chenzhou always said, "I have to live well, so that those who want me to die sooner have to die before me."

But now? He is looking for death.

"Binzi, you said that I love Naren?"

Fan Bin said this, Xiaoma said this, did he really fall in love with Naren.

Then why doesn't he know?

When he saw Chu Baiqing at that time, at the school, he sent the little demon to school.

When I saw Chu Baiqing's smile, I was deeply attracted.

Then, running to take a look at Chu Baiqing from time to time became his greatest pleasure.

Later, I bought a house just to get closer to him.

Later, I saw him at the Grand Commander's house and smiled so calmly, but in his eyes there was another man.

How could he allow such a thing to happen, the person Ji Chenzhou was fond of must be his.

After more than two years of company, he thought that was his happiest thing, and he was willing to do anything for Chu Baiqing.

He was afraid that he would die, so that he would become a human again, no longer expected.

He didn't want to experience the kind of desperate pain just like when his mother left.

If he experiences it, maybe he will die...

All his emotions are pinned on Chu Baiqing, how can there be extra to love Naren.

He really thought it was ridiculous...

How can it be possible to say love to love, say not to love and not love...

"I don't say love or not, but you feel it yourself."

Fan Bin looked at Ji Chenzhou's drunken eyes, and a rare confusion appeared.

This man who has always known what he wants and what he should do is so confused...

Ji Chenzhou's cell phone rang, he glanced at it, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The phone was connected, and he didn't speak.

Not knowing what was said over there, Ji Chenzhou said, "Okay!"

Then I hung up...

"Your dad?" Fan Bin saw Ji Chenzhou's eyes and knew that it should be the president.

"Well, let me go on a blind date tomorrow, do you know whose daughter?"

When Ji Chenzhou spoke, the wound would hurt, but he didn't seem to feel the same.

"Shen Zhou, I don't care about whose daughter it is. Sooner or later, you want to get a political marriage. Just let Naren! He is really pitiful..."

Ji Chenzhou's identity is destined for his marriage, and it must be a strong alliance.

He will definitely find a woman to marry and have children. What will Naren do?

"Every one of you feels sorry for him. See how much he recruits. Do you think I should lock him at home."

Ji Chenzhou's words were cool with irony.

All the people around him were speaking for Naren, as if he was the only one who was wronged, and he was a robot without feeling.

What Ji Chenzhou didn’t expect was that he would be able to see how his family’s benevolence is so attractive, not only a man, but also a woman...

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